Saturday, July 21, 2012


A topsy-turvey day.  Had a big hassle with Atlanticare, then Horizon about a bill I got for $45--why?  Called both and found it Horizon thought I should pay a $30 co-pay for the last two visits to my primary because it was "out of network."  Turned out when Dr. K. left and Dr. W. took over at Atlanticare, I was supposed to notify Horizon.  What?  They work for Atlanticare, which is the same provider I've had for years.  Didn't seem to penetrate, but I finally got it straightened out, but only just in time to quickly change and start down to Ventnor.
Weather was dark and rainy and had been very windy earlier. I had been at the point of called Betty to tell her I may not go to my Players & Playwrights meeting, but it cleared to an extent and I didn't call.
The P & P meeting was very enjoyable, as ever.  I was asked to read the part of Heka, a Greek goddess (that's me, all right) in an absolutely incomprehensible play that involved lots of pretty words, no action, and no sense, either. The woman who wrote it was new, and here's an historic note:  She had designed new seats in Yankee stadium in the eighties, she said.  Okay....
We stayed a bit late, due to Ernie doing what he called "improv," which duplicated his phone call to his parents from France when he was 19 in 1967.  Oh, don't ask.
Got to Betty's about 4:30, knocked on the door, and waited for it to open.  It didn't.  Called her home phone.  No answer.  Called her cell and found she was on her way to dinner with Muckie in Tuckahoe, having thought I was coming today.  Drove home and had a solitary dinner of leftovers. 

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...