Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Summer Day

Went to the SOCH thrift store early and found a terrific outfit to wear as actress Gay Wellington.  It's what used to be called--I think--"lounging pajamas," three piece, and very thirtyish (or sixtyish) looking, with big, splashy flowers in green and yellow on a black background.  Very appropriate for the era and the character.
Called Betty to see if she could have Aline and me for dinner tomorrow, as I plan to ask A. to come to the Plays & Playwrights meeting with me.  I said we could buy sandwiches at the corner store, but she said no, no, I'll make southern boil.  Well, okay, yum, so we have a date.  Hope Aline can come.
Stopped at Acme and got tuna with oil to make my elbow macaroni, tuna, and peas concoction,  Did so when I got home and divided it into three bowls.  Ate my usual salad for lunch, then--ta dah!--changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool.
There were only six people there besides me, but a few more came later.  I got directly into the water and stayed there for two hours.  Dennis R. was there, along with others I didn't know, but we all chatted easily, of course.  Cold water was actually being pumped into the pool, as it had gotten too warm (never thought I'd say--write--that) and it was wonderful. 
Shriveled, but refreshed, I finally got out.  Showered and dressed, had one of the macaroni bowls for dinner, then took a drive to New Gretna and beyond.
Note:  I'll be interested to know what my upcoming electric bill will be, considering I've had the air on continuously for more than a week, usually set to 73.  Last month, the bill had climbed to an outrageous $2.91, all the fault of the solar panels, I'm sure.
WIDER:  My friend, Hoosier Jim, looks a bit more closely at "defense"
"cuts" and the great danger if we incline that way:
Food for thought?  Yes, but don't let anybody in government know you're thinking--it's dangerous.

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...