Monday, July 30, 2012


Determined to avoid sliding away from formal exercise altogether, called Amy C. and asked that she accompany me to the clubhouse for a tutorial on how to run the damn DVD.  She did, I wrote it down, and I fervently hope my problem in this area are over.
Went across to check on Susan--her foot is swollen, but improving--and stayed long enough to chat for a bit.  Betty called and I invited over to the pool, but it started raining and we had to postpone.
Did a bunch of household chores.  Skyped Ellen and we had a good virtual visit.  Can't wait to see her in just a few days.  Showered and dressed, then walked down (up?) the street to the R.'s to attend Dine-Around at Calloway's with Leslie and Dennis.
As it turned out, the evening was very enjoyable.  Judy conducted her usual tiresome "game" ("Name two vegetables that start with "J"), but I did win another pretty bracelet that I actually like.  Sat with Mary Ann Van O. and we reconnected.
Got home a bit after 8:00.  Skipped my popcorn and wine in favor of playing a bit more of my new game and went to bed.
WIDER:  I'm far, far from being a libertarian, but Bill Gregg enlarges on a theme similar to Silber's of yesterday and is thought-provoking:

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...