Friday, July 27, 2012

Sisterly Visit

After my walk with Susan, Betty and I had our coffee and read the A.C. Press at a leisurely pace.  For breakfast, we zipped over to Dockside and enjoyed the boats skimming by on the canal next to the restaurant.  Had the same thought after:  Let's go to the pool!  Quickly changed and did just that.
Got there just as the water aerobics class was finishing up. (I tried this once when we first moved here, but it's so mild and old-ladyish compared to my usual vigorous exercise session, I didn't repeat.)
Weather was warm, but overcast, although we didn't let that stop us. We plunged right in and stayed there for an hour or so.  Remarkably, there were very few others at the pool--at one point, only the two of us and a man I don't know.  Maybe people  thought it was too hot to go out (weird, if you ask me)--but it was anything but crowded.  After a bit, we lay on the lounges to chat, then went back in. 
At home, I found a message from Susan to the effect that she had just baked blueberry muffins and could she bring them over?  Damn right.  After Betty got out of the shower (I skipped), Susan came over and brought us six delectable muffins, then stayed to chat awhile.
After she left, we each had a muffin--very yummy--then Betty packed up to leave after a thoroughly enjoyable day and a half.
Had the bit of leftover salmon, potato, and Brussels sprouts for dinner and yummy, yum, yum. 
NOTE:  The northern dweller belongs to a contra group in Princeton and here's an article on it, including pics of her (red top, red and white skirt):

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...