Tuesday, July 03, 2012


A good day that crashed later.  Should have added yesterday that during the  Skype call from London, the big news was that V the elder is carrying on a family tradition: progressive myopia.  She looks so cute in her pink and yellow glasses.
Got up north, had lunch, then the gentleman of the house, the boys, and I went to the lake.  Very enjoyable splashing with the kids and chatting with the gentleman.  He had things to do, so left after a time, and the lady of the house came to pick us up after a few hours. 
We all dressed, then went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. Had angel hair pasta with broccoli, oil, and garlic, which I haven't in an age, and it was good.
Said goodbye, thinking I'd see the boys soon again, and got home about 8:30.  Phone rang as I was having my p. and w.; it was the far north couple, saying they weren't coming down, after all. 
I was prepared to be flexible about how long they would stay--was told it could be anywhere from a week to overnight--but it didn't occur to me they wouldn't come at all.  I'm so disappointed.  Also, I feel like a jerk for making such preparations: cleaning, planning things to do, getting toys, books, puzzles, videos, and so on for the boys.
I feel like crying, but guess I'll just have to get over it.  Do I always set myself up for things like this?  Don't know, but feel as if I should never count on anything; I'll just be let down.       

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...