Monday, July 02, 2012

Cape May County Zoo

I often think that those who reject spontinuity--so prevelent in my own generation--lack imagination and creativity.  My mantra, "Never turn down an invitation" leads me to the opposite:  Yesterday, I was in the middle of cleaning the master bath for my guests when I got a phone call: Did I want to accompany the trio from up north to the Cape May County Zoo?  Why yes, sure thing, don't have to ask me twice.  I figure I can fit in the cleaning another time. 
We agreed to meet at the "commuter space" next to the parkway.  I had time to plant two dalaias (this damn SpellCheck still doesn't work!) and three vinca vines, plus water the tomatoes before I packed a lunch and started off.
Had another lovely time with the two boys.  In truth, the big attraction was to be with those two little mammals, not the ones we saw at the zoo.
We stayed just long enough, then drove back to pick up my car and I was home by 5:00 or so.
(Was just interrupted by a Skype call from London--greatly enjoyed seeing Mike, Paula, and precious Vivian and Violet.)
After a shower, drove to Manahawkin (just interrupted by Skype again--to see Vivian's new glasses.  She's carrying on the family tradition with progressive myopia, I assume, and she looks adorable in the specs) and picked up a few things.  I finally found a small cooler with carrying handle and so on and will replace my big, awkward foam one with that.
Today, I go back up north to be with the boyos while their granny keeps an appointment.

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...