Friday, July 13, 2012

Plays, Lighthouses, And Ice Cream

Early on, went into Facebook and saw that Tonya had listed the cast for You Can't Take It With You.  I got the part of drunken actress Gay Wellington, a very small one in the second act: I have nine lines, then fall asleep on the couch.  I confess I was disappointed, as I wanted the part of the grand duchess, which Kathy D. got.  Then I reflected that I would have been crushed not to have been picked at all (neither Ellen V. nor Jeanne Sutton, also mature women got a part), so was okay with it.  I'm just thrilled to contemplate being on stage again.
At 10, went a few streets over to Reef Lane to interview Ollie C. about his lighthouses (and other woodworking items).  He's a remarkably young-looking (and trim and handsome) 74 and very soft-spoken and pleasant.  Chatted with his wife, Amy, whom I've known for some time.
After, I drove to the cemetery to water, then to Produce Junction.  Couldn't resist a big pot of white mums and a lovely earthen bowl of various succulents, not to mention a hanging bunch of inpatients, which I actually have cascading down the front door.  Got veggies, too, of course.
Wrote up the piece on Ollie and did some household chores.  Picked up Aline after dinner and went down to Jeffreeze (get it: "Jeff-Freeze--Jeffries?) and treated her to ice cream; had a big cone myself.  After, we took a drive and talked and talked.  She asked if I wanted to attend a Buddy Holly concert at the library, but I begged off.  Not crazy about that kind of music and it was almost 8:00 so I was ready to wind down.
Nothing scheduled for today, but I'll

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Congratulations on getting a part in the play, Mom!


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...