Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Slow And Hubris

I almost--but not quite--"forgot" (that crafty inner self of mine!) exercise, so got to the clubhouse later than usual, about 8:20.  Was happy to be able to easily insert and run the disc and did my duty. 
Another slow day, darn it.  Did household chores and went to Shop-Rite, where I bought something I've been graving, rotisserie chicken.  Oh, that stuff is good.  Considering that I seldom eat flesh, it always tastes extra yummy. 
Was pleased to be e-mailed to the effect that John P., the leader of our Players & Playwrights group, has started a blog.  It's not personal like this one; he writes on writing for the theatre and related topics.  It's interesting and I've been enjoying it.
WIDER:  The previous entry is a "beyond belief" item which, what with various and sundry innovations to this benighted country (e.g. preemptive war,  drones, and American hubris in general), seems no longer incredible,  but just a natural progression to the world's demise. 

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...