Monday, July 09, 2012


The rain held off, thank heavens, and Betty, Carolyn, Dana, Finn, and Claire got here before 1:00.  Because I had no car, I had to improvise a lunch: put together Harvestland chicken pieces from the freezer with still-crisp celery and mayo for chicken salad; added sliced tomatoes on a bed of Romaine, plus crystal pickles that I keep for just such occasions (must make another batch).  Along with cranberry bread, whole wheat, and multi-grain that I borrowed from Susan, that was the meal,  With the addition of dessert in the form of Italian ice I had just happened to pick up a few days ago, everybody seemed to enjoy it.
We walked to the pool and had a fine time there.  Hot, hot, hot, and overcast, but no rain.  Stayed in until the kids had to get out at 3:00, then Betty, Carolyn, Claire and I sat for a bit and talked while Dana and Finn went back to the house.  (They didn't realize that children are not supposed to be in the pool area after 3:00 and since the lifeguard didn't say anything, neither did I.)
Got home to find Dana had fixed my long-ailing garbage disposal--yay!--and we continued visiting while the kids played.  They left about 5:00 after an enjoyable day.  Ellen called and we had a good chat--can't wait to see her!
Audition tonight for You Can't Take It With You.

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...