Friday, December 23, 2005

"Visions of sugar plums..." We had good neighbor Barbara's versions of sugar plums last night at a delightful gathering next door. Yes, I went a little overboard with peanut butter/chocolate squares, various flavors of biscotti, snickerdoodles, and a huge variety of other cookies, not to mention wine and liqueur, but hey, let's be realistic: I knew I'd just go hogwild in such a setting and am prepared to follow the program for the rest of the day and--to the extent possible--the rest of the season. Will attend weigh-in on Tuesday and take any set-back philosophically.
Daughter Ellen comes in tonight from California--happy day!--and tomorrow we'll be making the stuffing and pumpkin pie.
We put the tree up yesterday and with the new little round lights I bought (red and white), it looks beautiful, even without ornaments.
Must run. I actually have a few things to pick up, such as tinsel, and want to get to the stores before the rush.


Anonymous said...

When your wayward daughter shows finally shows up, let her take a look at her niece's website - especially the Xmas Cookie Photos.

Vivian's daddy will give a call early in the morning to speak with Aunty Ellen - usually around 6am or so.

Mimi said...

Too early, Anonymous! Please make it about 9 our time. Pictures of Preshy on web site are adorable.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...