Saturday, October 06, 2018


Well, I've had better days. I had received several document-type communications on Thursday, including one for my daughter-in-law regarding her father's estate. (Let's hope the SOB left her plenty.) There was one from Motor Vehicle--hmm, what's this?  I opened it and AAGH--!  It was a notice that my license has been suspended!
I was frantic and couldn't understand it. I thought it was because I hadn't reported the accident--but AAA did and so did the cops--I have both their cards. Of course, I couldn't get to Kimball, (but I did walk the neighborhood while I decided what to do next). It was T.O.P.S. day, too, and ordinarily, I just would have walked or even skipped it--I know I've been maintaining well--but the complication was that I had signed on to do the program and had spent hours and energy on the game. I didn't want to hold it over, so I called Becky, who doesn't live too far away, and she agreed to pick me up.
Well, Becky is considerably older than I am and got all confused about what gate to come in. That was finally resolved, but we were late for the meeting. (One ray of sunshine in a dreary day was that I lost a bit--to 127.9, so I'm fine with that.)
Anyway, everybody loved the game.  My Soaring Spirits, Happy Hour friend, Carolyn B. came and I think she'll join. Cheryl took  me home instead of Becky and that was okay. Once there, I gobbled a piece of toast with cottage cheese and a few swallows of coffee, then left for the bus.
Got off at the library and walked to the post office, as I had to send via international express. Added  Paula's document to a shirt Mike ordered from Hawaii.  It's a nice-looking shirt--salmon, with South Seas type figures, but I couldn't believe the price on it. I certainly haven't spent that much on my wardrobe the whole year. I assume he bought it for their upcoming island-hopping vacation. Postage was eighty-three bucks and change, but Mike will reimburse me.
Sent it off, then walked to the Sandbox Coffeehouse and met my new friend, Diane. I fell stepping up on the outdoor deck, and scraped my elbow, but nothing else. We had a sandwich and drinks and good talk. Diane gave me a book: Groucho Marx'es letters (we're both fans) which she said was "extra." So nice of her. We then both took the bus away from town, she got off at the college, as she's registering for a course, and I rode to Telephone Road, then waited for the bus to Market street, where the DMV is.
Long wait, but not as bad as usual, and I was told I had to set up a hearing in Oxnard. Called the DMV there and got it for October 22. Was told I have to get my doctor to certify I'm physically able to drive and the woman said they'd send a form, but I could get a jump on it by getting it first.
Oh, really? Called Primary Medical and after interminable delays, dropped calls, and misunderstandings, was told no, Dr. Jennings doesn't do that, I'll be referred to DMV doctors.  What? That isn't what DMV told me. In the middle of all this, Stella called to ask about Soaring Spirits and I was in no mood to chat, so I more or less said I couldn't talk then. Rode the bus home in a somber mood.
I didn't set the alarm for this morning and didn't get up until 7:15. However, I'm not going to let all this car stuff get me down. I'll take this opportunity to stay in for a change, and get some hanging chores done.


iloveac said...

Sorry for all this mess. Thank goodness you started taking the bus so you won't feel so confined. Why would your license get suspended? Did you get a ticket explaining anything or was this based on age?
Do things that make you feel good until this is all history.

Mimi said...

Pat, no, I didn't get a ticket, which puzzles me. What the suspension notice says is that I demonstrated an ignorance of the law (?). The DMV person said this is generated by law enforcement. I assume that, because I took too wide a turn, they want to be sure I'm competent to drive. What seems weird to me is that I've been legally driving since the accident, since this notice didn't come until the day before yesterday. Thanks for your comment and, yes, I'll be doing things that make me feel good--you may have noticed that's my usual aim in life, anyway!


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...