Monday, October 01, 2018

Interesting Day

An interesting and fun day.  After Kimball and my usual Sunday morning activities, I worked on the game I'm making for T.O.P.S. Suzanne got back from church at 11:00 and we took off for St. John's Medical Center in Oxnard.
This place is so beautiful, it almost makes me want to get sick so I can be admitted. We went specifically to see the labyrinth--which is formed by low hedges--but there's so much else that's so lovely, I didn't even pay much attention to it. The "Healing Garden," in particular, is just stunning. It winds around almost the whole outside of the hospital.  Below are some pics, one with Suzanne.*  Not only are there beautiful vistas everywhere you look, but soft classical music is piped in, too.
Suzanne treated me to lunch--hospital food, but not bad--after we toured inside and out for about two hours, stopping at her office and being greeted by several of her colleagues. We drove home, said goodbye, then I immediately took the bus for town. Strolled The Promenade, then back up to Main Street and the library.
While I was dipping into Christopher Lawford's oddly boring memoir, my brother, Jim, called. I was delighted to hear from him and, at 92, he's in pretty good shape. It was his wife, Therese'es, 88th birthday. He asked if I wanted what he called our Dad's "diary" from 1945 and wow, yes, of course, I do! He said he'd send it and we had a good talk.
Crossed Main to the bus stop about 5:00 and a youngish blonde woman and I struck up a conversation. We sat together on the bus and I had an enjoyable conversation. I was especially interested in the fact she was wearing a peace sign necklace. Asked her about it and found she's a pacifist, also--very exciting to hear. In our long conversation, I found that her name is Diane, she's 49, unattached, and is thinking about going back to college. I encouraged her to do so and told her I had gotten my B.S. when I was 54.  She had to take another bus to get home and when she left, on impulse, I gave her my card.
After dinner, Diane sent me a text saying how much she like meeting me. I wrote back ditto and we went back and forth; the upshot was, we decided to meet at The Sandbox Coffeehouse on Friday for lunch. I like having a variety of friends of different ages and--maybe--outlooks, so I'm looking forward to knowing her better.

*She sure as hell doesn't look like the Mercy nuns I remember!


iloveac said...

No, she doesn't. Somehow my mind's eye visualized her as a rolly polly nun in a penguin habit. Was I ever wrong.

Mimi said...

Ha-ha, Pat, she's anything but!


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...