Saturday, June 17, 2017


Walked Kimball at 7:00 and was surprised to find it was already very warm. Went to T.O.P.S.; lost only a bit, but I know I'll do better next time. It was a fun meeting. I told them about me informing Betty that last week when I had to get my car serviced--I "just ran in and got weighed." She heard it as "just ran in and got laid" and everybody roared. I'm a little surprised I enjoy it so much because it's pretty pokey sometimes. Guess I just like the people there.
After a late breakfast, I stopped at the office to find out where Kimble Plumbing is. I think Jim didn't understand what I was looking for (I want to see if they'll lower the charge) and he directed me to "next to Penney's at the mall." Never found the place isn't there, so I wasted time trying to find it, but oh, well. I'm leaning toward just paying the damn thing, rather than asking them to adjust.
I went on into town and did my usual of park at museum, walk to library.
When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell and we agreed to leave for Camarillo at 11:30, have lunch there, then go to the lecture on art and healing. She invited me in and we had a nice chat. Betty called; she's now tentatively thinking she'll rent her house out before selling it. I called Ellen to ask on progress on unpacking and it's coming right along.

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...