Sunday, April 30, 2017

Heritage Square

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. Picked up a few items at various stores in the morning, showered, had lunch, then set off with Suzanne at 1:25.
We got to Oxnard, a place I had turned my nose up at (my mother's phrase; of course, it should be "at which I turned up my nose"--sorry, I can't help myself!) and, I found out yesterday, I had maligned unjustly. Suzanne drove me through lovely parts of town, then we ended up at Heritage Square for a charming presentation.
Heritage square is an area where, with a federal grant, the city moved a number of large old houses from throughout the city, added beautiful landscaping, a brick walkway, and it became a tourist attraction. There are about ten houses, each big and beautiful, and each built in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century in a different ethnic style.
The presentation on "Hollywood in Oxnard: the 1920s" was so entertaining. It included some power point pics and was delivered by a docent dressed in flapper style. I love that kind of thing and this was terrific. It ended with a little nod to Roaring Twenties fashions for women. After, we took a kind of mini-tour, just of the outside of the area, conducted by a woman dressed in much earlier fashion--hoop skirt, bonnet, and so on, maybe from about 1870. That was fun and I want to go back when the tour includes the insides of the buildings.
We then sat on a porch at the La Doce Vita restaurant, Suzanne with iced tea, me with Chardonnay, and talked and talked. Suzanne filled me in on some of the history of the Mercy order, which I found fascinating. Driving home, she pointed out what are called "Mercy homes"--houses for low-income people bought and maintained by the order. I was really impressed; hadn't known the order did such a thing.
It was a fab day and we didn't get home until almost 5:00, at which point Ellen called for a certain reason. I went over there and as always, it was so good to be with her. Didn't leave until after my dinner time, but I wasn't hungry, so just had half of a spaghetti squash and later, my usual applesauce and berries.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

T.O.P.S. And Tomatoes

As I was walking to my car to go to T.O.P.S., I met Nunny (not nutty) neighbor, Suzanne, who asked if I wanted to go the Heritage Square in Oxnard today. I had forgotten about it, but sure, that sounds nice, and I'm looking forward to it. She suggested we start out at 1:25, which is a good time for me, as I'll have lunch first.
AT T.O.P.S., I found I had lost another 2.2 pounds. That was exciting because it brings me down--just barely--to what I call "the next decade," i.e., the one sixties. After the meeting, Michelle and I talked for some time in the parking lot. I like her and her--well, I don't think they're married, but her partner, I guess--Bob, although he didn't come. When I asked why, Michelle said because he's gained weight. Boy, do I know that feeling.
We talked so long it was almost 11:00 before I had breakfast. After that, I continued to prepare for my acting course: Filled out name tags for my students, prepared an introductory talk for myself, pulled up a lot of my own plays, skits, revised and assembled the improve topics, and so on.
Later, I drove into town. Stopped at the library and picked up two books of short plays. Later, I skimmed over them at home, but none of them are appropriate for my group, and I like to stick to my own stuff most of the time, anyway. Went to the square, thinking I'd walk a bit from there, however, it was very windy and I just didn't feel like it. Drove home on the road next to the beach and stopped at the harbor, but just for a few minutes.
When I got back, I ran into Don, a neighbor to whom Suzanne had introduced me. I mentioned I had heard he was an expert gardener. He asked if I wanted to see his tomato plants, and I walked over to his patio with him.
Wow, these look terrific! He bought four very large blue plastic tubs from Lowe's (they're usually used for household or beach stuff), added gravel for drainage, a certain mix of soil, Miracle-Gro, and ground up banana peels (for potassium), put in the plants, and added metal frames for them to grow on. I think he'll have such a bumper crop in a short time, he could supply the whole apartment complex. Of course, I expressed great admiration--sincerely--for his hard word and ingenuity.
Don is a kind of simple type, I'd say--if any human beings are simple--quiet, earnest, and somewhat humorless. He's in his sixties, very slim, and seems much younger, I guess because he's so mild and may be a bit limited. Anyway, he's a very nice man and when I asked what in the world he would do when all those tomatoes come to fruition, he said he planned to give some to Suzanne and me.
El called coming back from school and we chatted happily.

Friday, April 28, 2017

More Goings On

Still busy with a ton of stuff. Suze called me about 8:00 (am) in response, I assumed, to my problem with the Senior Services thing. However, we really didn't talk about that; instead, she said she wanted me to ask the Ventura Star editor a certain question. This would be at the "Meet The Press" event that we of the Ventura Council for Seniors was sponsoring. I wasn't thrilled about that, but said I had to know what it was and we'd talk when I got there.
That was about 9:15 and the question was concerning the small article about the event in "Community Briefs." The headline was "Lunch to Feature Media Panel." Suze--and her husband, John, who writes the VCS publicity--were annoyed that lunch was given such a plug, instead of the topic of the meeting.
Personally, I thought that was silly; I told Suze I'd express something about it, but I wasn't going to be combative or belligerent. When I finally had the microphone (the affair was televised), I voiced fairly mild disappointment to editor Whats-Her-Name that the headline trivialized the meeting. She assured me it wasn't intended and apologized and who in the hell cares, anyway?
The meeting dragged on much too long, it seemed to me, thanks to Tim Gallagher's moderating style, which was a bit pokey (Tim is the former editor of The Star.) The other two panelists were from weeklies: The VC Reporter, The Breeze, and Condor Call , the Sierra Club rag, edited and mostly written by--guess who?--Suze's husband, John.
My friends, Carole, Doris, and Sherry came (I'm pleased Carole will be in my course and Sherry won't be). They had the lunch, but I didn't, as I don't want to eat things out just yet. Besides, it was hot dogs, hamburgers, and cole slaw, none of which I eat on my regimen. I did pick up a bottle of water and sat and talked for a bit.
Went directly to SCAN to find Marsha and new director Tony there by themselves (it was about noon, so others were at lunch). I told them I wanted to cap the course with those I had--twelve--and they readily agreed. Tony seems a good guy, who has a masters in some kind of administration, but is also a physical trainer or something.
Zipped home to change and have a late lunch, then out to Ralph's for tilipia, salmon, and raw shrimp, which was on sale. I'm still eating a lot of fish--can hardly believe I like it so much. Put it in the fridge, then drove into town and sat in the fountain park for a bit. As I was pulling into my parking space, El called and we had a good talk; things are looking up all around.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Lots Going On

Gathered up the clothes, including bed clothes, and took them to the laundry place--back and forth, forth and back, but they were finished by 10:00. I was working on aspects of "Acting for Amateurs" when I was disconcerted to get a phone call from Debra Mansfield, asking when I would call the next meeting for revision of the Senior Services Strategic Plan.
Damn! I had actually forgotten all about that thing and wish I had never accepted the "leadership role" (as Suze called it). I told Debra I'd talk to Suze, whom I called and left a message. I've really lost any interest I ever had in it, as it seems an exercise in futility and is real work, but a volunteer thing. Selfish pig that I am, I want to get paid if I'm doing actual work. This morning, I'm due at our big "Meet the Press" shindig for the Ventura Council for Seniors, which includes lunch, and I'm going to corner Suze after that.
Grumpily, I went to SCAN to check out how many sign-ups I have. There were eleven, including two men. I prefer an even number, and I got that (see later). When I walked into SCAN, I was pleased to see Margaret, who had been the nutritionist there, and was very pleased to discover she signed up for my course. Marsha Meyer, the "big boss," I guess (director of health and wellness, from Long Beach) was there, too, along with some other SCAN people. I think they were having a intro party for the new director, Tony Somebody. I got a copy of my sign-up sheet from Marsha, then went to WinCo for paper towels and stuff.
The rest of the time until lunch I spent organizing some of the material I'll include in the course. I also wrote a few new skits and revised some playlets, incorporating male roles into them. After that, I had had enough and took off for the mall. Tried on a few unmentionables--uh, undergarments--uh, brassieres--okay, bras, but nothing seemed to fit right and I decided to wait until I can get into the next size. Stopped at Wal-Mart for lens cleaners and took my blood pressure there. It's 102/71 and my pulse is 78. I was told that was good, but I hope it isn't too low.
I then bravely pulled onto 101 and drove to Oxnard--ta-dah! At Whole Foods, Greg and I greeted each other with a hug and had a nice chat. He's such a neat guy, even if he--like all men, it seems to me--has some little peccadillos that may be exasperating.
Didn't get home until a bit after 4:00, which is how I like it. Called Sue just to see how she was doing and found she had signed up for my course right after I had been at SCAN. Great--that makes twelve and I fervently hope no more sign up. In fact, I think I'll stop there today and see about closing the course and making up a waiting list.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Caregivers And Et Cetera

As promised, I went to Caregivers at 10:00 to help put "wafers" on brochures for mailing. These are just round stickers to keep the stuff together, but the P.O. specifies they must be in certain places, two per item. I was pleased to see Jonathan there and met two new people: Roseann, who has volunteered for years and Adrianna, a high school girl who is liaison with other kids her age. Director Tammy and Volunteer Coordinator Courtney were both there, also, everybody busily sticking on wafers. A woman from a hospice agency came in for a meeting, as did a man from Ventura Memorial. They were there to discuss a "partnership" with Caregivers and I was surprised that Tammy invited them to sit down and put wafers on while they held their meeting. They did and it was interesting, especially as it was held right there.
I stayed until almost 1:00, then left and went to WinCo for shrimp and salad fixings. Went home and had a big salad with chicken for lunch. Drove into town, parked, and made the rounds of my usual thrift stores. I always walk past a garden place and I saw they're having a "container plantings" seminar on May 6. I put it on my calendar because I want to learn more about it and start at least a rudimentary garden on the patio.
To that end, I found a beautiful blue, large ceramic container in one of the thrift stores. Bought it for five bucks, along with a lovely large plate I just couldn't resist. Saw in the window a "Regency" plate priced at twenty-five bucks. I have no intention of buying it, but asked to examine it--I have six plates very much like it. Hmm, wonder if they're also worth something.
I had the trout for dinner, embellishing it with fresh rosemary and smoked paprika. This time, I pan-fried it with olive oil, rather than coconut oil; I might switch to that, at least for a time, as I thought it tasted even more flavorful. Walked over to VONS for paper towels, but had forgotten my VONS card, plus Bounty was almost six bucks, which I just refuse to pay for paper towels. Will get some tomorrow at one of the other markets.
Darn, I again had trouble sleeping. I always fall asleep easily, then have to get up (last night at 2:30), then find it difficult to go back. Hope it doesn't last.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Mix

A semi-pokey day. I took out some of my acting papers, as I now want to work on a lesson plan for each week. Teacher Ellen taught me the importance of these some time ago--you sure don't want long periods of free time for third-graders and I don't want my class to lapse into discussion mode, either. Made applesauce and put it in the slow cooker. Went to Sprouts and got salmon and rock fish; I'll be sprouting myself soon--with fins.
Talked to Betty, who had just gotten back from her weekend reunion in Ocean City--sixty years since she graduated from Misericordia. Said she had a wonderful time.
I was determined to get to Oxnard, as it's just silly to avoid it. I looked on Yahoo Directions for a non-freeway route, found one, and printed it out. However, when I was on the road, I took the (emotional) leap and turned onto the 101. I was proud of myself, but got off too early and got slightly lost trying to find The Collection. Finally did, parked, and went in to Whole Foods to say hello to Greg. Darn, he wasn't there and must have been off, as he often is on Mondays. Okay, I've resolved to do it again today or tomorrow.
Not satisfied with my lack of exercise, I went after lunch to Kimball, and did the walk. When I got home and into my parking place, I met up with Suzanne, who invited to come see her patio flowers. Wow, they're beautiful and I was happy to see most are in planters. Great--I didn't want to have to dig into the hard soil and I won't. Suzanne gave me snippets of rosemary and basil and said I could take cuttings of her gorgeous vine geraniums anytime. What a great neighbor she is.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ojai and Environs

It turned out to be a good day. Ellen called about 9:00 to say she was free until about 4:00, so did I want to go to Ojai in the afternoon? Sure thing, and she said she'd pick me up at 1:00. I had time to finish my Sunday crossword and to zip over to WinCo, where I picked up a nice piece of halibut and some acorn squash. Went to Sprouts for blackberries, then home to finish up my theatre display stuff. Thinking of a possible future move--very tentatively--I looked up some rental information in Ojai and Oakview, which is a town near Ojai. I got interested in a small house that looked charming, in my price range and with two bedrooms and a bath, and we actually looked at the outside. That's a long shot, though, and I'm not really serious.
We strolled around here and there, with lots of people out on such a beautiful day. Stopped into a little cafe to sit outside on the patio, El with iced tea, I with Chardonnay, and that was nice.
Home at 4:30, I put my acorn squash in the microwave, seeded it, and seasoned the halibut. At that point, though, I realized I hadn't gotten in much exercise, so I jumped in the car and drove to Kimball. I wasn't going to go the whole mile and a half, but by the time I decided that, I was at the point of no return, so I did and I was glad I went the distance.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Various And Not Particularly Interesting

I continued my project of framing and otherwise putting my theatre stuff in order. After a few hours, I went to Goodwill and bought another frame for fifty cents. I just have the program and a picture from Our Town to finish, plus I want to do something with some random flyers and so on for some obscure things I've been in, such as Stockton's "Play in a Day Hurricane Relief" show.
Jim from the office called me to say I had parked in another tenant's spot! I don't know how in the world I did that, but just oblivious, I guess. Jim said the person lives in 607 and I rang his bell and apologized.
Boy, did it warm up. It was a gorgeous day--in the seventies, but with no humidity. I called El to see if I could go over and get the floor fan she had given me. She said sure and was home, so we sat down and had a little visit.
Went to the library and took back the Jackie Kennedy/Schlesinger interviews. They're riveting, but I've already listened to them twice (plus, I've read Schlesinger's journals) and I don't want to slip back into nostalgia for the past. Stopped at Wal-Mart for B12 and apples.
I had a nice piece of rock fish and this time, skipped the salt-based seasoning in favor of Mrs. Dash and smoked paprika. Pan-fried in coconut oil, it was excellent. Went and got a frame--the final frame--at The Dollar Tree to finish up.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

T.O.P.S. And Turkey

Went to T.O.P.S. and was mildly surprised to find I had lost only four tenths of a pound. However, I'm okay with it and chalked it up to my over indulgence on Easter Saturday. Asked Marty at SCAN and I now have eleven sign-ups for my acting course; I wouldn't be surprised it there will be more. In truth, I prefer ten or, at least, an even number, but I can live with whatever and will revise accordingly.
Chatted with Becky, a retired R.N. after, and didn't get breakfast until late, finishing at 11:00. I then spent the hours, right up to lunchtime, assembling my acting career (ahem!) memorabilia. I framed some of the pictures and will display them around the room at SCAN, along with playbills, scripts, and so on. That was absorbing, but I don't like to stay inside that long and after a late lunch (by that time, it was almost 3:00), I drove to town. Parked at the museum and walked to the library. I found that that's a half mile, so adding the walk back makes it--I got it! A mile. That's okay, I guess, but I should be walking more than that and will add more to my day.
Stir-fried ground turkey with onions, peppers, and garlic for dinner, which I didn't eat until after 7:00. Finished up my evening snack of choice--applesauce with berries added--will another batch shortly.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wash, Phone, And Trout

It was wash day in triplicate: I ran the loaded dishwasher, did a washer full of clothes, and washed my own self. Did that early, as the Caregivers' monthly coffee was at 11:00--.
Only it wasn't. I got there and found I had again (I've done this before) written it on my calendar a week early. Darn it, but I enjoyed chatting for a bit with director Tammy G.
Went from there to WinCo looking for trout, but they won't have any until Monday. Got some strawberries and other goodies. Home, I picked up the phone and--AAGH! Again, no dial tone! Called AT & T, hopping mad, was told somebody would come before 6:00 pm, didn't believe them, and did my usual gnashing of teeth and screaming like a banshee.
Well, it makes me feel better.
Took the clothes to the laundry place and left them while I washed and sliced strawberries, diced onions and green peppers (I have both a mandolin and Chop Wizard), and sliced zucchini. Put the last and chopped onions in the slow cooker, at which point, the phone man came. He picked up the handsets and, wouldn't you know, got a dial tone on all. I explained how this had happened before: didn't work, then did, then didn't, and so on. The real truth is, AT & T is determined to drive me crazy. However, this young man was a really nice guy. He told me to call him directly, if it happens again (oh, it will, fear not). His name is Tommy Trunnell, and he actually gave me his own cell number, which I'm recording here, just in case I can't find it later: (805) 701-9844.
Drove into town and bought some picture frames at the thrift store. These are for my "publicity photos" of the various plays I've been in; I want to put them around the room at SCAN. Stopped at Sprouts on the way back for trout. I thought it was a white fish, but this was red and looked a lot like salmon. I bought it anyway and will see how it is.
El texted me, asking if she could again bring her dinner to my place and eat here, as the agent was bringing somebody in at 5:30. But of course, that would be lovely and it was. I pan-fried the trout with a few seasonings and it was very tasty.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

VCS And So On

I'm coming up from my slough of despond, I'm happy to say.
Went to the VCS meeting at 9:30 at Silvercrest. It went on longer than usual, thanks to Suze'es histrionics, but that was okay. I had asked my Caregiver's "phone friend," Mary A., if she'd like to come to the meeting, as she lives there. She asked that I come up to her apartment after, instead, which I did.
Mary told me she has lost her vision, but when she opened the door and greeted me, it was hard to realize that. I automatically shake hands when I meet someone and I did now; Mary reached out as if she saw it, but maybe that was just an impression. We sat in her small apartment for about twenty minutes and had a nice chat, although she's pretty provincial, I'm afraid. When I mentioned I had a son in Tokyo, she said she would be afraid to go there "because they want to bomb us." I guess she watches TV "news." Mary converted to Mormonism a few years ago and clearly, the church means a lot to her. She has a gorgeous black cat named "Shadow," who watched me suspiciously the whole time I was there.
Stopped at Smart 'n' Final on the way home and picked up chicken thighs. The instant I got in, I turned on the oven and preheated, then sprayed a pan and stuck them in. They were finished in the fifty minutes or so it took me to change and start assembling some of the acting class material. Had a thigh for lunch along with half a spaghetti squash.
I'm sick of my clothes, some of which are now too roomy and was determined to buy new. I won't wear sleeveless or cap sleeves out, but look for long or three-quarter length, which are often hard to find. Penney's and other stores at the mall had nothing I wanted, so I went to Kohl's. Tried on piles and heaps and scads of tops and finally settled on two: a plain shirt-type and a pullover in electric blue. I also tried on five bras and bought three.
Went from there down the beach, took out my chair, and sat happily on the sand for a half hour or so. Just a few other people were there and the wide expanse was beautiful, especially backed by the mountains and with the Pacific roaring nearby. I debated with myself whether to go to the BCNN happy hour at Barrel House 33, but finally decided against it. None of my friends were going and I really don't need another glass of wine. (I already had my weekly limit--two--at the widder dinner.)
On my way home, El called. Realtors are coming through today and she was advised to cover a spot on a corner of her upstairs carpet which Sebastian had damaged. She asked if she could borrow the Samurai warrior figure my Japanese daughter-in-law had given me to hide it. Sure thing and I took it over. She then found that somebody was coming to see the house at 5:30, so she brought over her dinner over here and we dined together--so enjoyable. She's having an open house on Sunday--already, her house is on the market!--and let's hope it sells fast.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Nothing Much

Darn, I slept poorly last night, unusual for me and, wouldn't you know, I have a Council for Seniors meeting this morning.
Yesterday, I stopped at the office after lunch and talked to Patti about the leak and my concern it could happen again. She promised to come over at 3:00 and that was fine by me. Went from there to the mall--about my least favorite place--but I wanted to look for a white top. I thought I might be able to wear a large in regular (not women's) sizes, but tried on a few and they were tight. It's okay, I'll find something eventually.
I looked out in the court yard and was surprised to see it was raining. This, however, was California rain, a kind of slow, wishy-washy, mundane drip, not the roaring downpour you get in Jersey.
Got home and opened a packet I got from my brother, Jim. It had in it copies of a letter my father wrote to my older sister, Gene, in 1943, when she was 19; an account by Gene of her bout with melanoma almost fifty years later; the letter (original) my Uncle Tom sent my father in 1938 when the family farm in Roxborough was being sold; and a curious two-page document by a Dr. Thomas Reddy (1858-1938), director of the Institute of Social Behavior Studios in London, England. This is a two-page paper outlining "Committee Reaction Theory," "Third Party Credibility Theory," and "Bad News 'Believeability Theory." I won't describe it, except to say it's interesting.
I called Jim and we talked about what he had sent. After we hung up, I cried a bit. He seems so much slower and unsure of himself than he ever was. I love him so much and I want to see him again.
Spent a fair amount of time revising my play, Acquisitions, which I've been neglecting lately. So far, so good, but I have a way to go.
I decided I wasn't going to worry about another leak, as it had stopped by the time Javier was there the other day. Went to the office to tell Patti that and she offered to come then, with Javier, to look at it. I agreed, they did, all seems fine, and I'm not going to obsess over it. I think it'll be okay.
Went to Wal-Mart, then to a few supermarkets for this and that. At loose ends and still brooding about my dear brother, I drove to the beach, but they had just re-black topped both places I usually park, so I just drove home.
I hope this is a cheerier day.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Here And There

Prepared my apples for applesauce in the morning, put it in the slow cooker and left for WinCo. I was out of what are basics for me, that is, salad fixings, cottage cheese, and oranges. I stopped first at the office to see if Patti had uncovered the source of my leak last week, but she was off. I'll get back to her this morning.
When I got back from the store, I found I had forgotten to turn on the slow cooker--damn! However, I did, had lunch, then drove to town.
As I do often, I parked in free parking and made the rounds of the thrift stores. In one, I saw two wooden chairs that would go nicely in my eating area (I have only four now). They were $24 apiece, but I negotiated them down to $30 for both. Not sure if I should get them or not, but might go back.
I also saw an attractive outdoor table with pseudo-stained glass top. Considered it, but it's partly plastic and I decided against it. I don't really need anything else on my small patio, anyway.
Walked up (literally; Main Street in on a slant) to the library and looked over a few things. Sat for awhile reading 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories, a thick, heavy book. I realized I forgot to bring my library card, so walked the half mile or so back to the car (downhill this time) and drove back to get it. Had a very light early dinner--spinach and salad--then showered and changed for the widder dinner, taking my Honey Belle tangerines with me.
"Soaring Spirits" was lightly attended, with only seven of us this time. I ordered my Chardonnay and--because I was a little earlier than I like to be--had another while I ate my tangerines. I was surprised to hear that Chuck and Pam have sold their home and are moving to Arizona. They bought five acres there, but what they'll do with it, I can't imagine. Donna and I talked quietly together--her Dad, Joe, whom I know from The Townehouse, just turned 92. Looking at Donna, it's hard to believe, but she's 59; she's public information officer for Ventura County.
El had left a message, I called her back, and we chatted for a time. She said the house never looked so clean for the photographer, who came yesterday. Maybe, maybe, maybe, Ojai, here she comes!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Sunday

Mindful of my over indulgence on Saturday (food, drink, and cookies), I was determined to get back on my regimen yesterday, and I did. Slept so late I didn't have breakfast until 10:30; after a few chores, I drove into town. Parked in my usual place and walked Main Street.
I walked to what to me is "fountain park," and called Betty to say Happy Easter. We chatted a bit, then I went on my way.
People strolled here and there, but not too many, just enough to make it festive. I went across to the mission where mass was going on, although it was after twelve. I stood in the back a few minutes, then went into the garden next to it. Gee, the plants and flowers are beautiful there. Continued down the street to the library (closed, of course), then crossed the street and walked back. I'd say I covered a mile or so.
Went home for lunch (freshly boiled spinach, leftover stir-fry, and broccoli) and got a text and a phone call and enjoyed them. After I ate, I drove out again, this time to Kimball Park. Until I actually started, I wasn't sure I'd walk the walk, but I did and was glad of it. It was about 4:00 when I completed the mile and a half, so I drove to the beach. Got out and gazed at the gorgeous Pacific for a few minutes, but it was so windy, I didn't stay.
Went home to do a fair amount on the 'puter and have dinner. It occurred to me this is the first time I can remember--in my life, in fact--that I wasn't with family, friends, and/or relatives for Easter. But I was okay with it, content, in fact, and it was a good, winding-down day.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Trump And Extended Family

What a neat day!
Early on, I went to WinCo for spinach and to Sprouts for two pretty plants, one for Ellen, one for Carolyn. Showered, dressed, lunched, and got to El's a little before 2:00. She had a few things to do, then we left for the protest gathering.
My solicitous--or suspicious--daughter thought we had better leave my car at my apartment, rather than have me drive home from her place after the party. Can't imagine why, but I concurred and we dropped it off before continuing to the protest.
It was well-attended, with about 150 to 200 people, I'd say, and it was right at the busiest intersection in town, Victoria and Telephone. El had made a sign with "Impeach Trump Now" on one side and "Trump is a Crook and Liar" on the other. As this protest had a "show us your taxes" theme, that was slightly off the mark, but there were lots of similar just plain against Trump signs. I had lettered "Hands Off Syria" on one side and "War And More War for 'humanitarian reasons' is a crock of..." on the other. There were only a few other signs with a peace emphasis, but I was glad to see them.
El and I talked to a woman who said she was speaking at a "Science Rally" in Ojai on Saturday, which is also Earth Day. I assume this is to combat bible-based anti-evolution ideas, and so on. I'd like to go, and may. We stayed until it was over at 4:00, then drove to Carolyn's.
Got there and we had a ball! Things are always fun with my nieces and nephews, and I greatly enjoyed being with Carolyn, hubby Dana, Finn,16, and Claire, 10, as well her brother, Steve, his Robyn, and their Dexter, 9. Also present were brother Frank's younger daughter, Francine, her husband, Charlie, and their three boys, ranging in age from 15 to 9. Calvin was there, too, of course, but didn't bark or show teeth.
I immediately accepted a glass of Chardonnay and we chatted while waiting for dinner. Dana, who's a good cook, had made two versions of what looked like delicious stir-fry, one with meat, one vegetarian, both full of good vegetables and, presumably, tasty seasonings. They were in two separate large pans, plenty enough for all of us.
I write "looked like" because we never got to eat it. A glass bowl somehow fell off the counter, shattered on the floor, and those in the kitchen (I was in the other room) saw some fly up and land in the pans! After much wringing of hands and some consultation, it was decided we couldn't eat it, and we watched mournfully as Dana scraped all into the garbage.
It was then decided that we'd get In And Out burgers and Francine went around taking orders, a formidable task, especially because all six of the kids and most of the adults had different wants and don't-wants. However, it was finally done and she, El, and a few others went off to pick them up. They got back, we ate, adults at the dining room table, and the kids, I dunno where.
All through the day and the evening, we talked and talked and discussed and joked. I love to be with this crowd and, frankly, especially without my siblings. Yesterday, we freely talked politics, my sibs' and my relationships with our parents (especially regarding my mother), how we regard the state of the country and the world today, and whatever else came into our heads, including passing nods to sex and death. I would find it impossible to discuss freely almost any of these topics with my friends, let alone my siblings. One of the great divides is religion, of course, and those present have liberated themselves from it, as have I. We agreed that we have a remarkable extended family--that is, descendants of James and Helen Byrne, of which there are now more than a hundred.
Of course, all this was fueled by copious amounts of wine, so El was right about leaving my car at my place. We left a bit after 9:00, home close to 10:00, and I even stayed up for a time. Slept until 8:00 and I feel great.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Busy And Enjoyable

Went to T.O.P.S. and saw a sign to the effect that, indeed, director Lety had resigned. Darn--I liked her. Not sure what happened, but my years in human resources tell me there's a back story here.
I asked Brenda in the office how many sign-ups I have for my course and it's up to ten. Gee, ten is really what I prefer for a whole class and there are two weeks to go for sign-ups. If it gets to twenty, I'd be willing to have two classes, but naturally, would expect to be paid for the second one. Otherwise, I'll just have to devise an appropriate agenda for a large class.
It turned out I lost a pound and a half, so I'm close to the next "decade." I started in the hundred and eighties, am now 172, and hope I'll make it to the sixties next time. The meeting dragged on with a complicated explanation of the "food exchange" thing, which I wouldn't dream of following. Didn't get home until 10:30, so didn't have breakfast until late.
Went to Kohl's and got myself a nice blouse, then to Sprouts and got myself some nice rock fish. Home just in time for lunch, then rushed over to the Townehouse for Dr. Woodling's lecture. Doris and Sherry had saved me a seat and it was good to see my friends. Woodling's talk was on nutrition for the elderly and was pretty boring. I had to leave at quarter of three while he was still yammering on, in order to make my hair appointment.
Mary did it (my regular stylist, Amanda, was out) and did a very nice cut--to just under the ears and it curves toward my face. I like it a lot. El called just as I was leaving to see if I wanted to got to Ojai to look at a house. Sure thing, and we did.
Boy, this is a gorgeous area, quintessential California, with flowering plants, cacti, and towering mountains all around. El looked at a place that needs some work and the agent will take her to see another this morning before we go to the protest gathering.
Had the rock fish for dinner after a busy, but very enjoyable day.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Post-Drip And Protest

Maintenance guy Javier came over shortly after 8:00. To his surprise--and mine, you can be sure--there was no evidence of a leak at all. He ran the water in both sides of the double sink, ran the dishwasher, ran the garbage disposal, and--dry as a bone. Geez, what could have caused the water leakage? I went to the office and talked this over with assistant manager Jim. The only thing we could come up with is, it came from the apartment above. It hasn't reoccurred, but I'm uneasy it might.
Took a regular load to the laundry place, then set another washer up with the bathroom mats, lid cover, and tub mat. Had breakfast in the 30 minutes that took, then put the regular in a dryer, and took the bathroom stuff home to dry on the patio.
The dryer takes 45 minutes, so I went to WinCo for a few items; by the time I got back and put the goods away, clothes were finished. Retrieved, folded, and put away, had lunch, then drove into town and went to the library. I took out Arthur Schlesinger's journals for 1956 to 2000, as I'm still in the grip of his conversations with Jackie Kennedy and the political aura of that time. Went to City Hall to pick up some flyers about the "Meet The Press" event coming up. It's sponsored by the Ventura Council for Seniors, of which I'm vice chair, and one of our other members is director of the Parks and Recreation Commission for the city.
I stopped at Cat's Cradle Thrift Store, just to browse and saw a nice, large basket I picked up to buy. However, I walked into the dry goods room (bedspreads, place mats, etc.) and saw another really terrific looking big basket, very rustic, and I loved the look. It held lengths of fabric and technically, wasn't for sale, but I asked the sales person in the front if I could buy it and simply transfer the fabric. Yep, they'd do it and I have a wonderful addition to the living room I got for a song. Hmm...of course, I already have magazines in a large basket in the living room, but I transferred them to the new one and will figure something out for the old.
Went to the fountain park, then to the beach. I thought I'd sit for a half hour or so, but it was so unbelievably windy, I didn't take out my chair.
El called to say she had gotten poster board for the "Trump Taxes" protest tomorrow and did I want half for a sign? Yes, but I'll be emphasizing the Syria slaughter, not the domestic thing, which I think could well be a diversion by the Deep State. We decided we'd attend the Ventura gathering instead of Santa Barbara's, and go to Carolyn's after.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Laundry And A Leak

Well, I tied on my Suzy Homemaker apron again and here's what I accomplished: stripped the bed, remade it, and took the sheets to the laundry place. Vacuumed the carpets, emptied the trash, then used the new Bona system to first, dry (dust) the hard floors, then spray on cleaner and polish. They look good--they aren't shiny, but have a slight sheen, and it cleaned up spots and so on very well.
I texted Ellen to the effect I've had second thoughts about the protest Saturday (Trump's taxes) and thought it would be interesting to go. Since I'm more or less a socialist cum anarchist, (notice how I equivocate), I'm not enthusiastic about the value of such things. However, I think it will be interesting to observe, or even to participate. So we'll go and I'll see what's what, plus enjoy dinner at niece Carolyn's.
Went out after lunch. Parked in town and walked to several stores. I came across a newly-opened plant place called "A Smart Garden," walked in and talked to the owner. She has some wonderful succulents, my new faves, as well as flowering plants. Nice place.
Home about 4:00 and I met Suzanne just going out to the dentist. She asked if I'd be home in about an hour, as she wanted to stop in and give me something. I was, she did (info on Heritage Square in Oxnard), and we had a nice chat.
Sat down for my hour of television after dinner and all was serene--until I got up to put my bowl in the dishwasher. There was a considerable amount of water on the floor and more under the sink. I called Ventura Del Sol's emergency number, got manager Patti, and she and her husband, Larry, came over immediately. They looked under and it seems the garbage disposal is the culprit. Patti brought towels to sop up the water, and two basins to catch any continuing drip; by the time they left, it had stopped. She said she'd have Javier, the maintenance guy, to come over and fix it first thing.
That seemed to be that, except as I was about to go to bed, I noticed the water had made its way to the other side of the cabinet--damn! It was under the covered bench my Uncle Frank had made, which is very precious to me. I managed to slide it over to get some of the water underneath, but will have to take everything out (I have LOTS of pictures, albums, and other ephemeral in it) and make sure it isn't going to ruin the bottom.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Car Again And Trump

Active day. I went to Five Points Car Wash at 10:00--thought I'd be early, but as usual, the place was jammed. However, as we sat waiting outside, I fell into conversation with a nice young man--well, he said he was 45--who said he was a "marketing and branding person" for 805 beer. Hey, I love 805 beer! He used to go to Indonesia to surf and stopped over several times for several days in Singapore. He and his English wife are expecting their first in August; it's a girl and will be named Sienna (AAGH!) or Aida, which I like.
Anyhoo, it passed time enjoyably and when we said goodbye, my little blue beauty was sparkling inside and out. Went from there to Penney's to change the Saturday appointment I had made for a Friday one, as we're going to niece, Carolyn's, that day. Appointment is for a cut--can't wait to get rid of some of this mane.
From there, I drove to the library, thinking I'd see Timothy of the great-grandmother was Grandma Moses story. His wife (as I found out) was there and said he was under the weather. I'll see him again another time. Wife's name is "Way-Way"--at least, that's how it's pronounced. I think it may be spelled "Wye Wye."
Home for lunch, then to Sprouts for rock fish. Took it home to put in the fridge, then went to the beach. Sat happily for a time, then went to one down a bit and looked it over. Nice and I'll be going back.
On the way home, I stopped at WinCo for salad stuff and also got a pound of shrimp. I want to get some of their rainbow trout shortly and I'll try Swai, which I had never heard of before. Fishmonger said it was like catfish, but not as gamy, and you can pan-fry. I'm going to start growing fins soon, as I'm really getting to like fish. I want to get some rainbow trout, too.
El called and we discussed Easter. We may or may not go to Carolyn's early on Saturday, in order to join a "show us your taxes" protest. I'm very ambiguous about this. I'm certainly not a Trump fan, whom I despise; however, I count the Clinton/Obama duo equally repulsive. As for the neo-libs who worship at their shrines--it would take a book to explain my mixed reaction to them. Well, I don't object to going, I think it would be an interesting experience.
Note: This blog is good for something, I guess. I realized I hadn't received acknowledgments for my three submissions to serve on Ventura advisory committees. Couldn't remember when I had turned them in, looked it up (March 20), and e-mailed the city to ask about them.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Car And Ojai

Most of the day was good fun. I got to Rob's Remedies (auto place) early for my 9:00 appointment and Rob drove the car (with me in it) to check for how it handled and sounded. He didn't find any problem with the brakes, as it turned out. He put the car on the lift and explained various things, which went in one ear and out the other, then I left it in his capable hands.
Ellen got there at 9:00, then we picked up Greg, and drove to Ojai. Met the R.E. agent--a very nice woman, born in Ireland--and saw two houses. The first was built the year I was born, 1936--good grief! It had been renovated, but was in dire need of more. A very bad feature is that the living room was an unusually high step up from the kitchen and there were other steps. I'm not sure why it couldn't have all been on one level, but--. The views were gorgeous, of course, but there were a lot of other drawbacks. Incredibly, this place is priced at well over 400k; if it was in Jersey, it would go for maybe a hundred, if it could be unloaded at all.
The second house was nice--great kitchen--but was already under contingency, or whatever it's called. That one, modest though it was, was close to $500,000. Incredibly, those were the only two on the market in Ojai for under that half a mil.
We went to The Hip Vegan for an early lunch. I like their food, but stuck to my practice of simply a glass of Chardonnay and the Honey Belle tangerines I brought with me. Rob called on our way home to say my car was ready. He had done this, that, and the other, and the charge was $99.75, which I thought was reasonable.
El dropped me at Rob's, I got the car, then went home to have my real lunch. After that, I did a few chores, then went to the library to see if I could find Timothy. However, he and the Asian woman weren't there.
Stopped at the AL Assistance thrift store--the classier one--and couldn't resist four beautiful succulent plants. They're in different containers, all very attractive. After I got them home, it was about 4:00 and I intended to go to the beach to sit and relax. However, when I pulled in, I had an annoying incident and exchanged words with a man with a very large dog--naturally, he had no intention of leasing it--and I left.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Perking Up And Grandma Moses

Saturday was a little pokey, but on Sunday, things perked up. Did the usual morning activities, then showered and dressed to go to the Friends of the Library Open House. I thought Carole and Doris would be there, they weren't. The "open house" consisted just of one woman at a table with various giveaways. They did have a cute novelty: They had sheets of paper printed with "I love the Ventura Library because..." and then you filled your reasons in. They asked that we take a picture and post it on social media. I agreed, and the "friend" at the desk took my picture and said she'd e-mail it to me. (She did, and I put it on Facebook.) We were chatting after and, as conversations do, we wandered into our ancestries.
At this point, a man sitting at a table nearby piped up and started telling us about his ethnic background. It seems his grandfather was Jewish--in thirties Germany--and changed his name to "Richdt" or maybe "Ridcht"; the man said his own first name was Timothy. Why is this of any interest at all? Because something happened to the grandfather, I guess in this country, and Timothy said his father was raised by his maternal grandmother--who was the painter of American primitives, Grandma Moses! I don't know if I believe this or not, but I looked her up--so far, I haven't been able to find this out.
Incidentally, when we were about to leave, an Asian woman came up, Timothy's partner. I greet this woman when I go to the library, as she and Timothy are there every day and seem to stay all day. I assumed they were homeless, although I don't know that for sure; they really don't look that scruffy and, pretty clearly, are intelligent. Hmm..interesting...
I went from there and parked on Thompson Street, as I often do, then got my walking in by browsing three thrift stores. I didn't buy anything (usually, I don't), although I'm thinking about a pair of kitchen chairs that would go great with my four Swedish moderns. Not sure if I want to spend the money or not.
Stopped at WinCo, but didn't like their fish, so then to Sprouts for rock fish. However, they had no more--the fish man said it came in on Tuesdays, so I'll stop back tomorrow. Got some swordfish instead and it was very good.
Home about 4:00 and, realizing I had had only a very small salad for lunch, I finished up the left over squash, then waited for 6:00 to have dinner. Ellen called to ask if I wanted to look at a house in Ojai aftrr we leave my car off. Sure, and maybe Gregg will come, too.

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Nothing Much

I woke up earlier than I like, about 5:45,* but got up. No matter what time I get up, I don't eat breakfast until at least 8:30. Waited and by that time, I was hungry
Spent a lot of the morning coring, paring, and cutting eight big apples. I had so many they didn't all fit in the larger slow cooker, so I had to use the smaller one, too. I had received my meds in the mail and I set them up in my seven pill holders. It's gratifying to realize that, although I paid $18.40 a month ($220.80 per year) to Humana, the same meds with CVS/caremark are only $17.45 every three months, or $69.80 a year. I ran out of my sleep aid, so went over to Wal-Mart for more. Re-checked my weight-loss record and was chagrined to realize I'm only ten pounds down, not twelve as I had thought. Oh, well, I think I'll be twelve off next time.
Called Betty and we chatted. Called El, then went over to drop off a few things for her and Greg. I stayed for an hour or so to chat. Went to Wal-Mart for paper products, then to the library just to drop off a book, so skipped the main one and went to the branch in West Ventura.
Aside from that, nothing much.
* But today, I just got up at 8:00, later than I want to. Guess I'll have to set the alarm, as 7:00 is my preferred get-up time.

Saturday, April 08, 2017


Went to T.O.P.S. and was the biggest loser with five pounds off. However, since I was up 3.2 last week, I figure that's really only 1.8, but still, it's down and that's the way I want to go.
Checked to see how many sign-ups I have for the acting course and it's up to six. That's fine; ten or twelve is ideal, but it's only the middle of April, so I may get that many. If I have more then fifteen or so (unlikely), I'd want to divide it into two.
Breakfasted not until 10:00, the usual on Fridays, then went to the library to put up a flyer. Next, I did the same at the Adult Center. Saw my pal, Steve, and we had a long chat. Went from there to my usual parking place and walked to a few thrift stores. For some strange reason, I bought an artificial bouquet of flowers in a pot. I'm not positive where I'll put it, but maybe in the bedroom.
Washed and sliced up the zucchini I had bought at Sprouts, added olive oil, lemon pepper, and roasted paprika, and put it in the slow cooker. I then drove to the beach, took out my chair, and sat on the sand, communing with the glorious Pacific for an hour or so.
Home, cooked dinner, then Ellen called to ask me to change my date to have my car looked over, which I did. While we were talking, my niece, Joan, called from Suffern on the cell. Said goodbye to El and talked to Joan for a considerable time.

Friday, April 07, 2017

Chores and Errands

A mixed chores and errands day. Did the wash in the morning, with the various steps that entails. After all was folded and put away, I went to Sprouts, the new fresh food store in the Barnes & Noble shopping center. They had blackberries for a dollar a pint! Must have been a loss leader and I bought two. Looked for halibut and found it, but it was $12.99 a pound and while I was considering, one of the nice young fishmongers (or minimum wage clerks) pointed out rock fish, caught in the wild Atlantic, and said it was very good. As I've noted before, I'm often an easy sell and I was sold. The store even put a mango lime seasoning on it at no charge. (When I got home, I had to look up how to cook it--pan fry, happily.)
By the time I got home, it was almost 2:00. Had lunch, picked up the mail, and found my meds (excellent--CVS Caremark), plus a wonderful picture of my sibs and me, circa 1940. This was from my dear cousin, Marifran, in Cinncinati. I called her and we had a long, long talk. What a fine, good person she is. Unfortunately, she has cancer on or in her kidney and, after three years of abeyance, it's growing again. My cuz has suffered from asthma all her life and surgery could kill her. No surgery could kill her, too, I'm afraid. She's only 73, has a good husband and one unmarried daughter with no children. Anyway, I love her a lot and I hope she can survive.
After that, I went to the library, my usual haunt, and put up a flyer about my class. After, I drove to a parking place I know and (just because I wanted to get some exercise in), walked to the little park across from the mission. From there, I called my friend, Nancy, who had her gall bladder out on Wednesday, incredibly, as an outpatient. She's doing okay aside from pain resulting from the air in her stomach. Had half the rock fish for dinner, just simply pan frying in coconut oil in my cast-iron skillet. It was delicious, so I have a new item to add to my menus.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

BCNN And Paprika

Got to the BCNN meeting early, as usual. The spread was somewhat sparse and there were a lot of cookies and other sweet stuff, which I dislike in the morning. Just had a large strawberry and some grapes.
The program consisted of the five women in the poetry club reading their "poems." These were--and always are, I've heard this group before--actually run-on memoirs, but just gussied up a bit and called poetry. None of theirs ever rhyme and they're all in the stream-of-consciousness mode which, to be effective, must be done by experts, I think, and these ain't them. I more or less agree with David Frost's remark that "writing poetry without rhyme is like playing tennis without a net." Oh, there are exceptions, such as Whitman and some Sandburg, but they're few and far between and these women, earnest--in fact, somber--as they are, hardly qualify. So it was a huge bore, I'm afraid. I guess I've been spoiled by Yeats and Emily D.
There was a hat contest, too, plus a clothing exchange. Boy, there was some nice stuff, but most were in small sizes. I just picked up a necklace and a scarf. I sat with Doris, Sue, and Sherry--gave her the big Legos, the last of the toys I had gotten for Mr. K., for her grandson. It wasn't over until close to 11:30, so I had a (very) late breakfast. Skipped lunch, then went for my eye appointment, set for 1:45. I didn't get out of there until 3:30, but there seems no problem with my vision and I don't have to see him again for a year.
I had read about how tasty a seasoning smoked paprika is, so I went over to Trader Joe's and got some (I'm an easy sell). I was only 4:30 when I left and I wanted to stay out longer, so I drove over to the park. I surprised myself by Walking Kimbell, the full mile and a half, which I haven't done for months. Felt good and when I got home, it was time to start dinner. I put some of the roasted paprika on my chicken and spaghetti squash, but it didn't seem that great. Next time I have fish, I'll see if it's more effective in cooking.

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Here and There

Got a return call at 7:00 am from Rob at Bug Splat (where do they come up with these names?) and I agreed to the $267 yearly charge. Texted my tenant, Eileen, to tell her and I hope that's the end of the ant problem.
I had told Sheena (she's from Ireland), the woman from whom I borrowed the car seat, that I'd return it at 9:00 yesterday. Considering that neither Ellen nor I could get it out of my car, I was hoping she could. However, my tire icon had lit up again, so I knew I needed air and went to Meineke. On impulse, I asked the guy at the desk if he could possibly look at the car seat and darned if he didn't fairly easily undo it. I was so grateful.
Got to Sheena's street, parked, and again had a slight problem finding her house. I knew the address was 5516, but here for some unfathomable reason, house numbers don't follow a logical sequence. Therefore, next to 5516 is 5573 and across the street is 5502. I've seen this several times before in Ventnura and am just at a loss to understand it.
I found her place, though, and she took the car seat. I asked if she'd like to have the toys I got for my grandson while he was here and, with thanks, she took all but the large Legos. Went home and had breakfast, then to SCAN to get a few more flyers. I want to take some to the BCNN meeting this morning.
Continued plowing though the things I've let linger for a while, including going through various papers I've been meaning to look at, most of which are trash, anyway. Wrote a note to N.'s mother for the pretty necklace she gave me and took it to the P.O. Went to WinCo to stock up on salad fixings and picked up spaghetti squash. I wanted blueberries, which are now my snack of choice when I watch T.V. (they substitute for the chips and ice cream I used to eat every night), but they had none and neither did two other stores. Finally found them at Smart 'n' Final.
Went to the beach after lunch and sat for a bit on my chair, but it was very, very windy, and I lasted only about fifteen minutes. From there, I went to the Goodwill near El's and donated the other car seat, plus a CD player I'd had in my trunk for months. I think it works, but it needs a new cable or something and I just never bothered to get it. I picked up a nice lidded box for three bucks; it's woven of straw or reeds or whatever the stuff is called--very rustic, a look I like and I put it on the lower shelf of the occasional table. Do I need it? Sure, like a hole in the head.

Monday, April 03, 2017


It was somewhat of a stressful day, as I had a slew of things piled up to take care of. Contacted CVS Caremark for my prescriptions (web site work and phone calls there and to the doctor's office); signed a bunch of forms from Michelle for my taxes, added a check with her fee and sent same; put some mail for Mike in a big envelope and took the last two to the P.O.; received and sent several text messages back and forth with my tenant re the exterminator hire; got in touch with the person who lent me the car seat; plus other stuff I don't even remember. Stopped at SCAN to get more flyers and chatted with Lety, the director and Diana (pronounced "Dee-Anna"), office assistant.
However, I jettisoned all the work--mentally, that is--to join the widder group for lunch. There were only six of us, but as ever, it was a congenial bunch. I stuck to ordering only a glass of Chardonnay and eating the tangerines I brought with me; had lunch at home later.
Went to the library after and asked if they'd put up a flyer on my acting course. Stayed to relax and read a little; however, I didn't take anything out as I'm concentrating on Kaplan's Sinatra book (volume 1), which is gigantically huge. Drove to the museum and parked, then walked to the little square I like to sit for just fifteen or so. By that time, it was after 4:00 and I left.


Back to normal--or semi-normal, anyway; I'm missing Mr. K. and his parents.
I had forgotten to turn the alarm off, so it rang at 5:00 am; decided to get up, as I was thoroughly rested. I had coffee, of course, but went out to Lowe's at about 7:00 to get the Bona floor system cleaner, which manager Patti said was recommended for a modest shine. Did the usual Sunday after breakfast things. Went to Smart 'n' Final for coconut oil and tangerines.
Betty called and we had a long, long, sisterly talk. I then cored, pared, and cut up the apples, and put them to slow-cook with a quartered orange and cinnamon. Put carrot chips, onions, and lemon pepper in the smaller slow cooker and did the same. I wasn't sure how the latter would turn out, but it's actually pretty good
Went out after lunch to get a vegetable dish. Ellen gave me one I use a lot for my various veggie concoctions, but my others are either too large, too fancy for every day,or too small. Picked one up at The Dollar Tree, along with an apple corer and salad tongs. (I can't imagine where my other ones are.)
I then went into town. It was pleasantly crowded, but not too much so and I sat for a time in the little park (swatches of green, a huge tree, a beautiful tiled fountain and it's across from the lovely mission church). Walked along Thompson Avenue and into the Watch Tower Inn. Years and years ago--was Mike still in college?--at least twenty, we went to the restaurant here for dinner. I'd love to go again.
Went to a few thrift stores and picked up another glass dish, but really just enjoyed strolling down the street. Got home about 4:00 and as I was pulling in, got a text from niece Carolyn, just back from Colorado. I called her and we had a long--well, aunt-y chat.

Sunday, April 02, 2017


Well, they're gone. I got to Ellen's at the appointed time of 5:55, and we left shortly thereafter. I asked to sit in back next to Mr. K., just so I could see him a little longer. He was sleepy, then dozed off. We got to L.A. in only about an hour, although once we reached the airport, it was about twenty minutes before we got to Delta's terminal 5. K. had to be lifted out of the car seat, but revived and was put down; final pictures were taken, goodbyes said, and off they went. I was rather proud of myself that I didn't cry; in fact, I was okay with it. The title of Thomas Wolfe's You Can't Go Home Again occurred to me. I'm living in one called "You Can't Make Your Children Children Again" and so it must be.
As we had eighteen months ago when I reached California, we stopped for breakfast at the Main Street Cafe in El Segundo. Ellen used to live there and it's a nice small-towny area. I had two scrambled eggs and coffee only; no toast or meat, as I was determined to be back on my dietary regime as of yesterday.
Got to El's in good time and she took the car seat out of her car. This took a lot of time and great effort, as the things, once installed, are very difficult to remove. She then tried to get mine out and had no luck. I'll get somebody at Meineke or somewhere to do it. I took the little boy toys and put them in my trunk, then left while Ellen took a well-deserved nap.
I had intended to do that, also, but kind of got a second wind after I went to WinCo for veggies and stuff. Came home and gathered up the toys here; I put the large number of giant Legos in a plastic bag, consolidated the plastic boxes, and put the books and balls in. I was able to get it all in my trunk after putting my lawn chair in the back seat. I'd like to give the things away to somebody with kids, but if I can't find any, I'll donate them back to the thrift store.
Speaking of--I went to Goodwill for a tall, thin vase to hold the beautiful bunch of daffodils my first born had given me (he gave some to Ellen, too). Found a nice one, bought it, and took it home. Got a text from my tenant with estimates for an exterminator (tiny ants), which I thought was steep. She suggested she get others and I thanked her for that.
Stir-fried onions, celery, and diced carrots, boiled up and dressed my favorite fresh spinach, and had some of that, plus salmon, for dinner. Went for a drive after, just to get out.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

The SCAN flyer:


After T.O.P.S., I went to El's to pick up the visitors and take them to the 99-cent store. Among other things, Mr. K. got some "super dough," a knockoff of Play Dough, I guess. After lunch at my place, he enjoyed using it and smooshed two together for other colors. Took him to the play area here and, among other momentous events, K. saw some boys who had captured a lizard. (Ugh!)
Went back to Ellen's, hung out, and did this and that. Mr. K. decided the patio should be swept again and proceeded to do the job with the assistance of Daddy. Aunty Ellen got home and we decided to go for pizza for us and Thai food for her. We all went over to the shopping center where the two restaurants are located and ordered, then went back to eat dinner.
Mike, Paula, and Violet Skyped us when we were just about finished and we had a nice virtual visit with them. By that time, it was after 8:00 and I left. Now it's 5:25 am and I'll go to Ellen's shortly for the trip back to LAX. How we'll miss that little guy.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...