Walked Kimball. The nurse was there, since it was Tuesday; my BP was 128/72, I guess okay.
After breakfast, I spent several hours alternating between wrapping and packing, and finishing up paperwork--that took all morning. Finally completed initialing and duplicating the lease. I'll send Eileen two copies today and ask her to initial one and send back. Revised the flyer for my class and think I'll go to the center today to post it on a bulletin board. Guess I'll stay for the ritzy three-dollar lunch, too.
Got a message from Carole F., saying she lost her Silver Tsunami, the newsletter for the Adult Center, and would I send her info on my class. Sure thing, and I did. I also listed it in "Nextdoor Regatta," which is a kind of neighborhood Internet communication. It includes info from the police department, as well as newsy notes from neighbors.
It got warm again--about 85, but delightfully un-humid--so after lunch, I decided to reward my virtuous self by a splash in the pool. It felt great and so did the hot tub. Went to Wal-Mart for a few items, then took a drive and remarkably, that filled up the whole day.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
As I often peevishly remark, "Why aren't I skinny as a rail?" After all, I've been very busy; after my walk and breakfast, I dived into paper/computer work and didn't let up until 1:00 I should take care of stuff as it comes in, but rarely do. Instead, I wait for an open day, then try to do all at once.
Well, I succeeded to an extent. Called two moving companies, Humana, SoCal electric, Time Warner, Ventura Del Sol, and others. Got a lot of stuff straightened out, changed, and so on, but this one was a problem: the new lease my tenant wants. According to R.E. rep, Walter, we really don't need one, since there are no changes. However, Eileen would like to have one and I can understand that, as theoretically, I guess I could give her 30 days to vacate. Problem was, the original lease I have is so faint as to be almost unreadable. When I tried copying the first page, it actually was unreadable. It came from Pacesetter Realty in Toms River, so I called them to see if I could get a better copy. 'Fraid not, as year-old leases are stored in Upper Gipip or somewhere and it would take up to three months to retrieve it. Woman suggested I try a copier, at the library, say, which could make it darker. Drove there and was told their two-bit copy machine didn't darken. Went to Office Depot and happily, they were able to make it dark enough for a buck forty. While there, I happened to see--on sale!--a collapsible cart thing, which I bought. I know it'll come in handy when I move.
Stopped at Triple A to ask them to explain why my premium went up and found it's because I drove more. Since one reports one's own milage every year, what's to prevent me from shaving some off? Nothing, I guess, but that's just too tackily weird even for me.
The September issue of The Silver Tsunami came out and I was pleased to see the blurb for my acting class on the front page. I wasn't so pleased that the fact participants don't have to memorize or have unassisted mobility wasn't mentioned. The course should also be listed more fully in the My Ventura magazine; not sure if it's out yet.
My niece, Joan, called and we had a nice chat. Joan and her husband are in their sixties, but are anticipating their first grandchild in October. They just moved from Suffern to a Manhattan apartment three blocks away from Central Park. Nice.
Well, I succeeded to an extent. Called two moving companies, Humana, SoCal electric, Time Warner, Ventura Del Sol, and others. Got a lot of stuff straightened out, changed, and so on, but this one was a problem: the new lease my tenant wants. According to R.E. rep, Walter, we really don't need one, since there are no changes. However, Eileen would like to have one and I can understand that, as theoretically, I guess I could give her 30 days to vacate. Problem was, the original lease I have is so faint as to be almost unreadable. When I tried copying the first page, it actually was unreadable. It came from Pacesetter Realty in Toms River, so I called them to see if I could get a better copy. 'Fraid not, as year-old leases are stored in Upper Gipip or somewhere and it would take up to three months to retrieve it. Woman suggested I try a copier, at the library, say, which could make it darker. Drove there and was told their two-bit copy machine didn't darken. Went to Office Depot and happily, they were able to make it dark enough for a buck forty. While there, I happened to see--on sale!--a collapsible cart thing, which I bought. I know it'll come in handy when I move.
Stopped at Triple A to ask them to explain why my premium went up and found it's because I drove more. Since one reports one's own milage every year, what's to prevent me from shaving some off? Nothing, I guess, but that's just too tackily weird even for me.
The September issue of The Silver Tsunami came out and I was pleased to see the blurb for my acting class on the front page. I wasn't so pleased that the fact participants don't have to memorize or have unassisted mobility wasn't mentioned. The course should also be listed more fully in the My Ventura magazine; not sure if it's out yet.
My niece, Joan, called and we had a nice chat. Joan and her husband are in their sixties, but are anticipating their first grandchild in October. They just moved from Suffern to a Manhattan apartment three blocks away from Central Park. Nice.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Girls' Day Out
What a fun day!
Walked, then showered and washed my hair. El called to suggest we lunch to the Hill Street Cafe, which is, of course, free mimosa land, so she didn't have to ask me twice. However, we met there at 12:30 to find there were hordes of people waiting for tables. Considering we had pedicure appointments at 2:00, we decided to go elsewhere. We didn't want to go too far afield, so made it Marie Callender's where my widder group meets now that Yolanda's is unavailable.
Marie's ain't the Ritz, that's a cinch, but it really isn't bad. I had a hamburger, done very rare just as I ordered it, and a "schooner" (16 ounces) of Blue Moon, which Zeus be praised, they have on draft. We had a fine time talking over our various pursuits, including El's current crop of third grade students and the fact that I bought an inexpensive microwave. Hearing that news, El did her best to try to persuade me to take it back and get a bigger, better, and pricier one. Nosirebob, I responded, and we hashed pros and cons about that. I was adamant, but in fact, see later.
After our leisurely lunch, we walked over to Jessica Nails--it's in the same shopping center--and sat side by side getting our tootsies done. I really don't enjoy this as a rule--I find it as boring as getting my hair done--but with her to talk to (among other topics, we discussed politics), it was actually enjoyable.
We parted after, El to go home and make soup, me to drive to the mall to scope out other microwaves. However, it was so crowded I didn't feel like staying, so just went to a few stores near here and looked at some. Maybe, just maybe I'll get a different one, but am still undecided.
Remembering I'm going to a Golden Girls lunch next Sunday, I continued on into town to scope out the Aloha Steakhouse on California Street. I found it--it's right on the beach--and drove home, refreshed and happy.
Walked, then showered and washed my hair. El called to suggest we lunch to the Hill Street Cafe, which is, of course, free mimosa land, so she didn't have to ask me twice. However, we met there at 12:30 to find there were hordes of people waiting for tables. Considering we had pedicure appointments at 2:00, we decided to go elsewhere. We didn't want to go too far afield, so made it Marie Callender's where my widder group meets now that Yolanda's is unavailable.
Marie's ain't the Ritz, that's a cinch, but it really isn't bad. I had a hamburger, done very rare just as I ordered it, and a "schooner" (16 ounces) of Blue Moon, which Zeus be praised, they have on draft. We had a fine time talking over our various pursuits, including El's current crop of third grade students and the fact that I bought an inexpensive microwave. Hearing that news, El did her best to try to persuade me to take it back and get a bigger, better, and pricier one. Nosirebob, I responded, and we hashed pros and cons about that. I was adamant, but in fact, see later.
After our leisurely lunch, we walked over to Jessica Nails--it's in the same shopping center--and sat side by side getting our tootsies done. I really don't enjoy this as a rule--I find it as boring as getting my hair done--but with her to talk to (among other topics, we discussed politics), it was actually enjoyable.
We parted after, El to go home and make soup, me to drive to the mall to scope out other microwaves. However, it was so crowded I didn't feel like staying, so just went to a few stores near here and looked at some. Maybe, just maybe I'll get a different one, but am still undecided.
Remembering I'm going to a Golden Girls lunch next Sunday, I continued on into town to scope out the Aloha Steakhouse on California Street. I found it--it's right on the beach--and drove home, refreshed and happy.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I did some pre-packing chores. My method is to crumble up newspaper and toss in a box, so it's ready when I start to actually pack. Wrapped in bubble wrap and packed a few pictures. Ellen called and we made a date for lunch today.
Went to the library, then to Smart & Final for provisions. It occurred to me that this area is now actually my place because I ran into two people I know at the supermarket. One was Donna, who's in the widder group and is the daughter of Joe La Rocca, the 91-year-old graduate of Rider and resident of The Townehouse. Joe wants to have a little get-together for his pals (he has a nice cottage on the grounds), but Donna said the last time he did, he invited 30 people. She put her foot down and he promised he'd ask no more than twelve.
A few minutes after I left Donna in the produce section, I saw Sheila Lowe, the hand-writing expert and author, in bread and rolls. She remembered me, as I had kept vigil with her for domestic violence victims not long ago. She had a book-signing for her latest, Outside the Lines. (All her books have punny titles: Last Writes, Poison Pen, Written in Blood, and so on.) She said about eighty people were at the signing. Wish I could have been, but I had another commitment. One of these days, I'll buy one of her books and read it.
I called two moving companies and got quotes by the hour. I figure on roughly $600 for that and other moving expenses, and possibly more, but I'm okay with it. Called Humana for more drugs--I'm not sure if they'll send automatically or not--but their computers were down; will call later.
Went to Ventura Pictures to get the name of the guy who hung my large A.C. photos; couldn't remember. Got his card--it's Ryan Haslam--and will call him Monday. Called J.C. Penney's to have a new card sent--I lost my old one--and it was a great hassle due to their cockamamie phone system, but I finally did it.
Went to Target just to look at various and saw a small microwave on sale. Looks good and I bought it. It's small, which I want and don't want it for anything but to heat things up. Plus, it's white and it was so inexpensive, even if it conks out after a year or two, it's worth. Put it in my trunk, where it will rest until I get into VDS.
Back home, I saw Megan, the nurse practitioner who leaves tomorrow for her new job in Arizona. She was with a friend, Nate, who said he had just moved into Ventura Del Sol. Seemed like a nice guy. Found a message on the cell from my Suffern, NY niece, Joan; she called just to say hello and I'll get back to her. I don't always have my cell with me (or don't hear it), so I'll tell it's better to use the landline. However, Time Warner doesn't operate in VDS for some reason, so I guess I'll have to use Communications, Inc. and won't have my same number. Come to think of it, maybe I should just get a smart phone and use that exclusively. Hmm...
Went to the library, then to Smart & Final for provisions. It occurred to me that this area is now actually my place because I ran into two people I know at the supermarket. One was Donna, who's in the widder group and is the daughter of Joe La Rocca, the 91-year-old graduate of Rider and resident of The Townehouse. Joe wants to have a little get-together for his pals (he has a nice cottage on the grounds), but Donna said the last time he did, he invited 30 people. She put her foot down and he promised he'd ask no more than twelve.
A few minutes after I left Donna in the produce section, I saw Sheila Lowe, the hand-writing expert and author, in bread and rolls. She remembered me, as I had kept vigil with her for domestic violence victims not long ago. She had a book-signing for her latest, Outside the Lines. (All her books have punny titles: Last Writes, Poison Pen, Written in Blood, and so on.) She said about eighty people were at the signing. Wish I could have been, but I had another commitment. One of these days, I'll buy one of her books and read it.
I called two moving companies and got quotes by the hour. I figure on roughly $600 for that and other moving expenses, and possibly more, but I'm okay with it. Called Humana for more drugs--I'm not sure if they'll send automatically or not--but their computers were down; will call later.
Went to Ventura Pictures to get the name of the guy who hung my large A.C. photos; couldn't remember. Got his card--it's Ryan Haslam--and will call him Monday. Called J.C. Penney's to have a new card sent--I lost my old one--and it was a great hassle due to their cockamamie phone system, but I finally did it.
Went to Target just to look at various and saw a small microwave on sale. Looks good and I bought it. It's small, which I want and don't want it for anything but to heat things up. Plus, it's white and it was so inexpensive, even if it conks out after a year or two, it's worth. Put it in my trunk, where it will rest until I get into VDS.
Back home, I saw Megan, the nurse practitioner who leaves tomorrow for her new job in Arizona. She was with a friend, Nate, who said he had just moved into Ventura Del Sol. Seemed like a nice guy. Found a message on the cell from my Suffern, NY niece, Joan; she called just to say hello and I'll get back to her. I don't always have my cell with me (or don't hear it), so I'll tell it's better to use the landline. However, Time Warner doesn't operate in VDS for some reason, so I guess I'll have to use Communications, Inc. and won't have my same number. Come to think of it, maybe I should just get a smart phone and use that exclusively. Hmm...
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Dizzying day!
Skipped Kimball to go to T.O.P.S. and found I had lost a pound and a half. Sounds good, but considering I had gained more than two last week--well, we won't go there.
Went directly to Ventura Del Sol to drop off my tax return. I then realized I had only one check left. Went over to the bank to see if I could just pick up blank checks or something, but no, I'd have to get a cashiers check and screw that. I decided to use a Vanguard check for the VDS deposit and I'll use the last BOA one for Bill. Ordered more checks and had put my new address on, as I'll be there shortly. I was running around around so much, I didn't have time for breakfast.
No prob, as I met my friend, Joyce, early for lunch. (To me, noon is early to have lunch.) We went to Romano's Macaroni Grille, one of my favorites and we had a good one. Joyce brought me a bag of avocados from her backyard tree--what a treat--and told me all about her other life as a travel agent and her experience in Toastmasters/mistresses. We stayed talking for almost two hours, after which I high-tailed it back to VDS.
I asked Jim if I could look again at my new digs; did so, and like the place a lot--especially the storage, which will be heavenly after the dearth of it here. Gave Jim the deposit and we discussed when I'd move in. I wanted to get Ellen's take on this, did so, and will go in the fifteenth, so I only have to overlap five days.
Betty called and we chatted. She told me John Garrity has died; she went to his funeral this morning. He was a nice guy and I'm sorry; another HSHS '54 gone. Betty mentioned that Joanne Eisle died about a year ago and I was shocked. I hadn't known that.
Got a call from Elaine Hughes, the one with the (large) apartment at Ashwood Gardens. She said she's leaving on September 30 and wanted to let me know, as I had expressed interest in her apartment. However, I told her I had decided on VDS, but thanked her for calling--it was nice of her.
Now I have another annoying problem: I had told my tenant, Eileen, I'd send her a renewed lease. Found the lease and it's so faint I don't know how it'll come out when I duplicate it. Come to think of it, I don't know who has the original: the real estate office; Walter; or Eileen herself. Must call Walter back.
After dinner, I decided to clear my head and drive to the library. Got there before it dawned on me they're not open late on Fridays. Oh, well, it's a nice drive, it relaxed me, and the hills are still there.
Skipped Kimball to go to T.O.P.S. and found I had lost a pound and a half. Sounds good, but considering I had gained more than two last week--well, we won't go there.
Went directly to Ventura Del Sol to drop off my tax return. I then realized I had only one check left. Went over to the bank to see if I could just pick up blank checks or something, but no, I'd have to get a cashiers check and screw that. I decided to use a Vanguard check for the VDS deposit and I'll use the last BOA one for Bill. Ordered more checks and had put my new address on, as I'll be there shortly. I was running around around so much, I didn't have time for breakfast.
No prob, as I met my friend, Joyce, early for lunch. (To me, noon is early to have lunch.) We went to Romano's Macaroni Grille, one of my favorites and we had a good one. Joyce brought me a bag of avocados from her backyard tree--what a treat--and told me all about her other life as a travel agent and her experience in Toastmasters/mistresses. We stayed talking for almost two hours, after which I high-tailed it back to VDS.
I asked Jim if I could look again at my new digs; did so, and like the place a lot--especially the storage, which will be heavenly after the dearth of it here. Gave Jim the deposit and we discussed when I'd move in. I wanted to get Ellen's take on this, did so, and will go in the fifteenth, so I only have to overlap five days.
Betty called and we chatted. She told me John Garrity has died; she went to his funeral this morning. He was a nice guy and I'm sorry; another HSHS '54 gone. Betty mentioned that Joanne Eisle died about a year ago and I was shocked. I hadn't known that.
Got a call from Elaine Hughes, the one with the (large) apartment at Ashwood Gardens. She said she's leaving on September 30 and wanted to let me know, as I had expressed interest in her apartment. However, I told her I had decided on VDS, but thanked her for calling--it was nice of her.
Now I have another annoying problem: I had told my tenant, Eileen, I'd send her a renewed lease. Found the lease and it's so faint I don't know how it'll come out when I duplicate it. Come to think of it, I don't know who has the original: the real estate office; Walter; or Eileen herself. Must call Walter back.
After dinner, I decided to clear my head and drive to the library. Got there before it dawned on me they're not open late on Fridays. Oh, well, it's a nice drive, it relaxed me, and the hills are still there.
Friday, August 26, 2016
The Palms
Walked as usual. It was Thursday, so the nurse from Community Memorial was there to take BP before and after. I chatted with her and she that an arm of the hospital has a heart assessment program, as well as yoga and other offerings. She asked for my contact info, so I gave her my card. When she saw the "Acting for Everyone" blurb, she asked if I'd get in touch so she could hear more about it. The might possibly be interested in having me do a course for her program.
Met Doris at The Palms where the "Salute to our Firefighters" took place. It was outside and they had a very nice lunch; besides the usual hot dogs and hamburgers, they had bratwurst, potato and pasta salad, green salads, and an array of yummy desserts. We ate, then listened to the (white-haired) Elvis impersonator I had seen last week at Bonaventure.
Went here and there to pick up a few items, then to the library to turn in some audio books I didn't like. Got a different one and even spent a half hour looking over a bio of Nikola Tesla. Stopped at a thrift store after and found a nice metal wine rack, which I bought. I already have a wooden one that holds nine bottles, but this holds only four and will take up a lot less space. Besides, it has a more modern look and I'm leaning toward that for my new digs.
When I got home, I had a call from manager Patti at Ventura Del Sol, asking for a copy of my tax return. I frantically looked for it, couldn't find it, so called, e-mailed, and texted Michelle, my accountant, asking her to send me a copy as an attachment. Luckily, I finally found my copy and called, e-mailed, and texted Michelle back to ignore the previous.
Met Doris at The Palms where the "Salute to our Firefighters" took place. It was outside and they had a very nice lunch; besides the usual hot dogs and hamburgers, they had bratwurst, potato and pasta salad, green salads, and an array of yummy desserts. We ate, then listened to the (white-haired) Elvis impersonator I had seen last week at Bonaventure.
Went here and there to pick up a few items, then to the library to turn in some audio books I didn't like. Got a different one and even spent a half hour looking over a bio of Nikola Tesla. Stopped at a thrift store after and found a nice metal wine rack, which I bought. I already have a wooden one that holds nine bottles, but this holds only four and will take up a lot less space. Besides, it has a more modern look and I'm leaning toward that for my new digs.
When I got home, I had a call from manager Patti at Ventura Del Sol, asking for a copy of my tax return. I frantically looked for it, couldn't find it, so called, e-mailed, and texted Michelle, my accountant, asking her to send me a copy as an attachment. Luckily, I finally found my copy and called, e-mailed, and texted Michelle back to ignore the previous.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Got to Kimball to walk at 7:30; stopped after at Wal-Mart for bubble wrap. Called Walter and left a message asking if he could recommend a mold removal outfit. Coincidentally, Eileen, my tenant, sent me an e-mail asking if I was going to send her a new lease; the old one was up in July. Oops--I thought I had told her Walter had said if a new lease isn't written, the old one stays in effect. Since I wasn't raising her rent, I thought we could just go that way, but I guess I forgot to tell her. Well, it's okay by me to have a new one.
Went to Lowes and got more bubble wrap, boxes, and tape. I want to start packing soon.
Drove to the library and got two books with plays. I might use parts in my class, which I guess is illegal without permission, but la-de-dah. In the meantime, I chose one of them and acted--out loud--all three parts, a practice I always recommend to students. Enjoyed it and greatly admire the spare, but perfectly apt dialogue. The play? Agnes of God.
Called some mold removal companies on my own. It was recommended that I call the health department, too, for a list. It was too late yesterday--3:00 here, but six there--so I thought I would today. However, first Susan called me back and we had a nice chat, then Walter got on the line. He said Bill Galway, my old neighbor, a contractor, does the mold thing, so I'll call him.
Meeting Doris and Carole today at The Palms for a "thanks to our fire fighters" thing and lunch.
Went to Lowes and got more bubble wrap, boxes, and tape. I want to start packing soon.
Drove to the library and got two books with plays. I might use parts in my class, which I guess is illegal without permission, but la-de-dah. In the meantime, I chose one of them and acted--out loud--all three parts, a practice I always recommend to students. Enjoyed it and greatly admire the spare, but perfectly apt dialogue. The play? Agnes of God.
Called some mold removal companies on my own. It was recommended that I call the health department, too, for a list. It was too late yesterday--3:00 here, but six there--so I thought I would today. However, first Susan called me back and we had a nice chat, then Walter got on the line. He said Bill Galway, my old neighbor, a contractor, does the mold thing, so I'll call him.
Meeting Doris and Carole today at The Palms for a "thanks to our fire fighters" thing and lunch.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
I got up about 6:15 entertaining the weird idea that somebody was going to rush in and get the apartment I wanted before I had a chance to get the application in. I walked at Kimbell, then instead of having breakfast, filled out the form, added some financial info--then looked for my 2015 tax return.
Couldn't find it. I found all my other returns, from 2000 right up to 2014, but the one I needed? Why, no, it was nowhere. Went on the IRS site and took a good twenty minutes filling in everything; finally got to where you can order a transcript and--it wouldn't come up. Said I should disable the ad blocker, I did, and it still wouldn't. Damn!
I went over to Ventura Del Sol with what I had, anyway, and Jim asked me to just list my income with sources. I did--frankly, I was surprised it added up to that much--and took it back. He accepted the $25 fee for the credit check (I know mine is excellent) and I seem to be okay. Patti, the manager came in and said I could have it on the tenth, which means I'll be paying rent on both apartments for ten days. That's not too bad, actually, and I'm okay with it.
By the time I finished at VDS, it was after 11:00, so I zipped over to the Adult Center for lunch. I sat with Neil and four women with whom I have little in common, but it was okay. Receptionist Beverly told me a woman had called asking if she could sign up for the acting class, but skip the first session, as she had a commitment. I told Bev to have her call me.
This little dynamo ("I've been married five times and have seven children") from Iowa, I think, said she wants to start a singles group, mostly for older people who just to talk because they're often lonely. AAGH! I hope she wasn't hinting I might want to join. I surely don't, as I have no intention of listening to people who didn't have the initiative to go out and find companions and activities. Mean as it sounds, I'm afraid they tend to be babyish clingers, pathetic and boring in the extreme, so sorry.
One of the maintenance guys came over to explain the logistics of leaving the complex. I know I'm going to have to leave a fair amount of my deposit, but I won't know for sure what needs to be done until the furniture is actually out.
Couldn't find it. I found all my other returns, from 2000 right up to 2014, but the one I needed? Why, no, it was nowhere. Went on the IRS site and took a good twenty minutes filling in everything; finally got to where you can order a transcript and--it wouldn't come up. Said I should disable the ad blocker, I did, and it still wouldn't. Damn!
I went over to Ventura Del Sol with what I had, anyway, and Jim asked me to just list my income with sources. I did--frankly, I was surprised it added up to that much--and took it back. He accepted the $25 fee for the credit check (I know mine is excellent) and I seem to be okay. Patti, the manager came in and said I could have it on the tenth, which means I'll be paying rent on both apartments for ten days. That's not too bad, actually, and I'm okay with it.
By the time I finished at VDS, it was after 11:00, so I zipped over to the Adult Center for lunch. I sat with Neil and four women with whom I have little in common, but it was okay. Receptionist Beverly told me a woman had called asking if she could sign up for the acting class, but skip the first session, as she had a commitment. I told Bev to have her call me.
This little dynamo ("I've been married five times and have seven children") from Iowa, I think, said she wants to start a singles group, mostly for older people who just to talk because they're often lonely. AAGH! I hope she wasn't hinting I might want to join. I surely don't, as I have no intention of listening to people who didn't have the initiative to go out and find companions and activities. Mean as it sounds, I'm afraid they tend to be babyish clingers, pathetic and boring in the extreme, so sorry.
One of the maintenance guys came over to explain the logistics of leaving the complex. I know I'm going to have to leave a fair amount of my deposit, but I won't know for sure what needs to be done until the furniture is actually out.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Ventura Del Sol
Wowee, I guess I'm moving, all right! Walked Kimball, then came to a decision: I decided to pass up Ashwood Gardens. It's not only for financial reasons, but because I'm not crazy about the location (not that it's tacky, just not very convenient), plus they allow dogs, plus I'd probably be paying close to what I do here. True, it's a whopping 300-some square feet bigger, but do I really want a place that much bigger? Actually, I don't think I do.
Anyway, I called Jim, the assistant manager at Ventura Del Sol, yesterday as requested, then went over and saw the two vacant apartments. (The one I saw last week is no longer available.) I liked both, but one is forty-five dollars more than the other. Why? Because it's been upgraded with new carpet, hard flooring extended under the dining area and the bathroom sink (which is separate from the toilet and tub), and it has some new fixtures and paint.
Called El and based on her ideas and that of my friend, Pat, I've decided on VDS and the upgraded place. It's still ninety a month less than what I pay here and one of the major pluses is that the hard floor covering in the kitchen extends to the dining area and the bathroom sink area.
Re the sink: I'm not crazy about the setup, which I guess some hotshot decorator thought of years ago. It's in a kind of alcove before the door to the toilet and tub area. I've seen similar configurations with the toilet alone being separated off (in a "water closet," at the Brits say). I know the idea is that somebody washing his or her hands won't interfere with somebody showering or using the toilet, but I think it's stupid. However, it's not a biggie and I can live with it. Got the application from Jim and will return it to him today. I have to overlap rent, as the VDS one is available in two weeks and Colony Parc lease isn't up until the twentieth.
On the subject of housing, I got an unwelcome letter from Sunrise Bay Homeowners Association, telling me I have to have my house siding cleaned of mildew. This is a common problem in southern Jersey and I know a lot of my neighbors have experienced it. A relative power-washed it for me before I rented the house, but I guess it's back. What irritates me no end is that--the last time, at least--it was on the back where it couldn't be seen, anyway. This time I'll have to hire somebody and I know others have paid two to four hundred smackers.
I was pleased to get an cordial e-mail back from Tish, Pat's niece. She's the one who sent me the infamous certified letter re my sister-in-law's death. I'll write her back.
Anyway, I called Jim, the assistant manager at Ventura Del Sol, yesterday as requested, then went over and saw the two vacant apartments. (The one I saw last week is no longer available.) I liked both, but one is forty-five dollars more than the other. Why? Because it's been upgraded with new carpet, hard flooring extended under the dining area and the bathroom sink (which is separate from the toilet and tub), and it has some new fixtures and paint.
Called El and based on her ideas and that of my friend, Pat, I've decided on VDS and the upgraded place. It's still ninety a month less than what I pay here and one of the major pluses is that the hard floor covering in the kitchen extends to the dining area and the bathroom sink area.
Re the sink: I'm not crazy about the setup, which I guess some hotshot decorator thought of years ago. It's in a kind of alcove before the door to the toilet and tub area. I've seen similar configurations with the toilet alone being separated off (in a "water closet," at the Brits say). I know the idea is that somebody washing his or her hands won't interfere with somebody showering or using the toilet, but I think it's stupid. However, it's not a biggie and I can live with it. Got the application from Jim and will return it to him today. I have to overlap rent, as the VDS one is available in two weeks and Colony Parc lease isn't up until the twentieth.
On the subject of housing, I got an unwelcome letter from Sunrise Bay Homeowners Association, telling me I have to have my house siding cleaned of mildew. This is a common problem in southern Jersey and I know a lot of my neighbors have experienced it. A relative power-washed it for me before I rented the house, but I guess it's back. What irritates me no end is that--the last time, at least--it was on the back where it couldn't be seen, anyway. This time I'll have to hire somebody and I know others have paid two to four hundred smackers.
I was pleased to get an cordial e-mail back from Tish, Pat's niece. She's the one who sent me the infamous certified letter re my sister-in-law's death. I'll write her back.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Fine Day
Walked Kimball. Spent time packing things I haven't used since I've been here (so why do I still have them?) and did some housework. Drove into town and stopped in a few places. The streets and stores were jammed--that always makes me feel festive unless they're fleeing an earthquake--and it was sunny and warm, but pleasantly so and not at all humid.
Called El to see how her first days of school went. She and Greg were at the Kristimundi Center in Ojai, so called me back about 5:00. She invited me for dinner--best invitation I had all day.
Greg had made a delectable Indian dish containing dal (red lentils) with other ingredients just enough curry. Curry is one of my favorite spices, but if it's added with too heavy a hand, it's terrible. This was so good. On the place, he added roasted tomatoes and broccoli, so it was colorful, too.
We had a good talk over dinner. I told them about my apartment dilemma about which I'm still on the fence, and I heard about El's new third grade. After, we watched a few episodes of Twilight Zone, a great novelty for me, as I have only white-bread T.V., without all the fancy accoutrements others do.
Left as it was getting dark--I was dismayed to notice it wasn't 8:00 yet--after a fine day.
Called El to see how her first days of school went. She and Greg were at the Kristimundi Center in Ojai, so called me back about 5:00. She invited me for dinner--best invitation I had all day.
Greg had made a delectable Indian dish containing dal (red lentils) with other ingredients just enough curry. Curry is one of my favorite spices, but if it's added with too heavy a hand, it's terrible. This was so good. On the place, he added roasted tomatoes and broccoli, so it was colorful, too.
We had a good talk over dinner. I told them about my apartment dilemma about which I'm still on the fence, and I heard about El's new third grade. After, we watched a few episodes of Twilight Zone, a great novelty for me, as I have only white-bread T.V., without all the fancy accoutrements others do.
Left as it was getting dark--I was dismayed to notice it wasn't 8:00 yet--after a fine day.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Apartments and Pat
Walked Kimball; slow day otherwise. Called Betty and we talked. Went to WinCo and a few other stores. Spent a fair amount of time on the computer. Went to the library and actually sat reading there for forty-five or so. In truth, there was a whole lot of nuthin'going on.
I had plenty of time to mull over the housing situation. There's no question I'll be glad to go--well, where? There are assets and liabilities with both Ashwood Gardens--not that it's a sure thing anyway, as Elaine said she's going to move to Arizona, but a lot could go wrong--or Ventura Del Sol. VDS is not a sure thing, either (nothing in life is, I guess), but the last word was, there'll be two and possibly three apartments available shortly. Of course, they have to be on the first floor and have one bedroom.
Ashwood: Incredibly, it's three hundred square feet larger than what I have now and much larger than those at at VDS. I like the way the rooms are laid out; it actually has a center hall and fabulous closets and other storage, as well as a large patio and kitchen. I happen to know, having checked so many times, that almost never do any tenants leave; that alone is telling. Negatives: They do allow pets (although I've never seen any there) and the neighborhood isn't ideal for me. I don't mean it's a tacky one, but it's considerably farther from Ellen's and not particularly convenient. All those things are inconsequential, though, compared to the big one: the rent is more than what I pay here. Would I be willing to curtail my activities to meet the heavier financial obligation? I have to think about that.
Ventura Del Sol is situated in a area I like. It's somewhat closer to Ellen's and it's within walking distance of a supermarket shopping center. Also, across from the front entrance and along the side of the complex are orchards--very attractive. Plus--no pets allowed and the topper, of course: The rent is considerably less than what I pay here. It's a dilemma.
I dreamed about Pat last night, maybe because tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of his death. I saw him when he was about thirty, I guess--well-groomed and dressed in a charcoal dress jacket and tie that looked elegant with his salt-and-pepper hair. He was very handsome then.
I had plenty of time to mull over the housing situation. There's no question I'll be glad to go--well, where? There are assets and liabilities with both Ashwood Gardens--not that it's a sure thing anyway, as Elaine said she's going to move to Arizona, but a lot could go wrong--or Ventura Del Sol. VDS is not a sure thing, either (nothing in life is, I guess), but the last word was, there'll be two and possibly three apartments available shortly. Of course, they have to be on the first floor and have one bedroom.
Ashwood: Incredibly, it's three hundred square feet larger than what I have now and much larger than those at at VDS. I like the way the rooms are laid out; it actually has a center hall and fabulous closets and other storage, as well as a large patio and kitchen. I happen to know, having checked so many times, that almost never do any tenants leave; that alone is telling. Negatives: They do allow pets (although I've never seen any there) and the neighborhood isn't ideal for me. I don't mean it's a tacky one, but it's considerably farther from Ellen's and not particularly convenient. All those things are inconsequential, though, compared to the big one: the rent is more than what I pay here. Would I be willing to curtail my activities to meet the heavier financial obligation? I have to think about that.
Ventura Del Sol is situated in a area I like. It's somewhat closer to Ellen's and it's within walking distance of a supermarket shopping center. Also, across from the front entrance and along the side of the complex are orchards--very attractive. Plus--no pets allowed and the topper, of course: The rent is considerably less than what I pay here. It's a dilemma.
I dreamed about Pat last night, maybe because tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of his death. I saw him when he was about thirty, I guess--well-groomed and dressed in a charcoal dress jacket and tie that looked elegant with his salt-and-pepper hair. He was very handsome then.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
T.O.P.S. And The Townehouse
Incredibly, I didn't wake up until 8:15. I thought of skipping T.O.P.S., but decided against it; I did, of course, skip my walk. Was weighed and had gained, as I had known I would, and not an inconsequential amount, either. However, I was there and I think it's better at least to be aware of the damage.
Got home to find an e-mail from Tish, my husband's niece. She was writing, of course, in response to the e-mail I had sent her, telling her about the certified mail snafu. In it, she apologized for not personally notifying me of Regina's death, saying they had only my New Jersey info (and no e-mail; Regina didn't use it).
As I read it, I realized that Tish thought I had bemoaned Regina's indifference to me after Pat died. Not at all--in fact, she and I were in touch reasonably often. I'm not sure where she got that idea.
In any event, I decided that, rather than dash off a careless response, I'd have breakfast first, then reply to her e-mail. As I sat down at the table--by that time, it was after 10:00--there was a knock at my door. Guess who? Yes, the mailman, who handed me the certified letter from Tish that had arrived at the Ventura post office four days before. I opened it and, of course, it was about what she had e-mailed. So I sat down and wrote back. I assured Tish that I had been fond of Regina and that it wasn't her indifference I had noted in the years since Pat died. It occurred to me that I must have recorded Regina's and my encounters (invariably warm and friendly) in my blog, so I went into it and put them in a Word document. This took me an incredibly long time--two hours, in fact--but I was so absorbed by it, I barely noticed.
Anyway, I sent it off, then called Elaine H., whose apartment at Ashwood Gardens I might want. She invited me over and I went. This place is downright palatial compared to mine--and, for that matter, to Ventura Del Sol. It's a one-bedroom, but has a large center hall, a marvelous amount of closets and other storage, huge living room, bedroom, and dining area--. In short, it's a dream that I'd kill to have.
Anyway, she offered me a glass of lemonade and we sat and talked for some time. I suddenly realized it was after 3:30 and the wine and music event at The Townehouse would have started already. Said goodbye and rushed off there. I had called Joe L. to see if he'd be at there, but he said he had to go to "St. Joe's," which I assume if a hospital or rehab, because of a flare-up with his leg problem. However, I saw a few other people I know, had a glass of wine, and enjoyed the music.
Got home to find an e-mail from Tish, my husband's niece. She was writing, of course, in response to the e-mail I had sent her, telling her about the certified mail snafu. In it, she apologized for not personally notifying me of Regina's death, saying they had only my New Jersey info (and no e-mail; Regina didn't use it).
As I read it, I realized that Tish thought I had bemoaned Regina's indifference to me after Pat died. Not at all--in fact, she and I were in touch reasonably often. I'm not sure where she got that idea.
In any event, I decided that, rather than dash off a careless response, I'd have breakfast first, then reply to her e-mail. As I sat down at the table--by that time, it was after 10:00--there was a knock at my door. Guess who? Yes, the mailman, who handed me the certified letter from Tish that had arrived at the Ventura post office four days before. I opened it and, of course, it was about what she had e-mailed. So I sat down and wrote back. I assured Tish that I had been fond of Regina and that it wasn't her indifference I had noted in the years since Pat died. It occurred to me that I must have recorded Regina's and my encounters (invariably warm and friendly) in my blog, so I went into it and put them in a Word document. This took me an incredibly long time--two hours, in fact--but I was so absorbed by it, I barely noticed.
Anyway, I sent it off, then called Elaine H., whose apartment at Ashwood Gardens I might want. She invited me over and I went. This place is downright palatial compared to mine--and, for that matter, to Ventura Del Sol. It's a one-bedroom, but has a large center hall, a marvelous amount of closets and other storage, huge living room, bedroom, and dining area--. In short, it's a dream that I'd kill to have.
Anyway, she offered me a glass of lemonade and we sat and talked for some time. I suddenly realized it was after 3:30 and the wine and music event at The Townehouse would have started already. Said goodbye and rushed off there. I had called Joe L. to see if he'd be at there, but he said he had to go to "St. Joe's," which I assume if a hospital or rehab, because of a flare-up with his leg problem. However, I saw a few other people I know, had a glass of wine, and enjoyed the music.
Friday, August 19, 2016
P.O. And Me
Walked at Kimball. Later, I went to Bonaventure (independent living), as they were having a car show. Saw some neat ones from the thirties, forties, and fifties, all spiffily restored, of course. I thought my acquaintance, Mary, who's the events coordinator, would be there, but someone was filling in for her. She said Mary's husband was very ill, so she's taking a leave of absence. They had a guy singing Elvis songs in the dining room and he was pretty good. Talked to him after and he said he's performed at The Townehouse, also. There was a barbeque and I stayed to have a hot dog and soda, plus a mango smoothie.
Called Elaine, the one I met at Lure on Wednesday; she live at Ashwood and I thought I might look at her place. Left a message. She called me back later, but this time, I wasn't in.
Went to the post office, knowing darn well they hadn't found my certified letter. Asked for Jesse and after a long wait, he came out. He called Cliff, the carrier, right then, thinking he might possibly have accidentally put the thing in outgoing mail, but no. I heard Jesse say, "That's the third one"--that they had lost, that is--gawd! He also noted that Cliff had neglected to put the tracking number on the card. However, he remembered that it was a handwritten envelope. Got home and immediately put a copy of the card (my address concealed) on Facebook with an appeal to anyone who might know who the "T. Molloy" is.
Bingo. My late husband's niece, Amy, commented that the letter was from her sister, "Tish." Via private message, I asked Amy to give me Tish'es e-mail address, she did, and I wrote Tish. Now I'm dying to know what Tish could possibly have written me, considering I haven't seen her for at least ten years and can barely remember her.
I didn't feel like doing anything productive, so took a drive to old Ventura later. Got home and cooked up a nice fresh piece of salmon for dinner. That and broccoli made a good meal.
Called Elaine, the one I met at Lure on Wednesday; she live at Ashwood and I thought I might look at her place. Left a message. She called me back later, but this time, I wasn't in.
Went to the post office, knowing darn well they hadn't found my certified letter. Asked for Jesse and after a long wait, he came out. He called Cliff, the carrier, right then, thinking he might possibly have accidentally put the thing in outgoing mail, but no. I heard Jesse say, "That's the third one"--that they had lost, that is--gawd! He also noted that Cliff had neglected to put the tracking number on the card. However, he remembered that it was a handwritten envelope. Got home and immediately put a copy of the card (my address concealed) on Facebook with an appeal to anyone who might know who the "T. Molloy" is.
Bingo. My late husband's niece, Amy, commented that the letter was from her sister, "Tish." Via private message, I asked Amy to give me Tish'es e-mail address, she did, and I wrote Tish. Now I'm dying to know what Tish could possibly have written me, considering I haven't seen her for at least ten years and can barely remember her.
I didn't feel like doing anything productive, so took a drive to old Ventura later. Got home and cooked up a nice fresh piece of salmon for dinner. That and broccoli made a good meal.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Lost Letter and Lure
Didn't walk because the Council For Seniors was at 9:30. I thought maybe Doris would be there, in which case we'd stay for lunch, but she wasn't. It was a fairly uninteresting program, which featured a teeny-bopper rep from the YMCA touting services for seniors.
She committed the major presentation error of showing slides with various written information on them, then also reading the information. Why in the hell do people do this? It's one thing to add to, or interpret in some way, what's on the screen, but assuming your audience can't read? For the matter, to throw up printed material--all very sanctimonious and dull, of course--in the first place isn't usually a good idea. The fact that she kept continually referred to us as "you guys" didn't help.
Anyway, I did see Hans and it looks as if we've got the acting class blurb down okay. I was also, along with others, asked to be in a picture with Cheryl, the city committee member who always attends these meetings. I like and respect her and will definitely vote for her in November.
Outside in the car, I called the P.O., as instructed. That horses' ass, manager Jesse, told me they still weren't able to find the certified letter--damn!--and said he'd call me when they did. Went home and changed, then did a lot of computer stuff. Went to Smart 'N' Final, which I'm beginning to like better than WinCo (aside from that fatuous 'N,' but I'll overlook that).
At the last BCNN meeting, I had exchanged cards with a woman named Sherry, who sat with us. Called her and we had a long talk. I'm not sure if we have a lot in common, but maybe.
Changed to go to the dinner club dinner at the pricey seafood restaurant in town, Lure. Got there early, natch, but Nancy came soon after. There were only eight of us, but we had a great time. Nancy ordered her usual split of champagne and I followed suit. Ooooh, it was good. I followed her lead with the entree, too--sand dabs, which I had never had before. This is a white fish and excellent; had a beer with dinner. I don't usually have that much booze at once, but I was okay with it, since I was eating.
Met a woman named Elaine who, incredibly enough, said she's moving from Ashwood Apartments, the place I keep thinking I would most like to live. Yes, she has a one-bedroom, first floor, just want I want. I took her number and will call her. She's moving because her husband, who has Alzheimer's, is in a nursing home in Arizona and she's going to move there. I'm not quite clear as to why he's in Arizona, but hope to get to know. I'm not positive I prefer Ashwood over Ventura Del Sol, for several reasons, but I might as well look into it.
By the end of the day, there was no word from the poor excuse for a post office, so presumably my certified letter hasn't been found--damn!
She committed the major presentation error of showing slides with various written information on them, then also reading the information. Why in the hell do people do this? It's one thing to add to, or interpret in some way, what's on the screen, but assuming your audience can't read? For the matter, to throw up printed material--all very sanctimonious and dull, of course--in the first place isn't usually a good idea. The fact that she kept continually referred to us as "you guys" didn't help.
Anyway, I did see Hans and it looks as if we've got the acting class blurb down okay. I was also, along with others, asked to be in a picture with Cheryl, the city committee member who always attends these meetings. I like and respect her and will definitely vote for her in November.
Outside in the car, I called the P.O., as instructed. That horses' ass, manager Jesse, told me they still weren't able to find the certified letter--damn!--and said he'd call me when they did. Went home and changed, then did a lot of computer stuff. Went to Smart 'N' Final, which I'm beginning to like better than WinCo (aside from that fatuous 'N,' but I'll overlook that).
At the last BCNN meeting, I had exchanged cards with a woman named Sherry, who sat with us. Called her and we had a long talk. I'm not sure if we have a lot in common, but maybe.
Changed to go to the dinner club dinner at the pricey seafood restaurant in town, Lure. Got there early, natch, but Nancy came soon after. There were only eight of us, but we had a great time. Nancy ordered her usual split of champagne and I followed suit. Ooooh, it was good. I followed her lead with the entree, too--sand dabs, which I had never had before. This is a white fish and excellent; had a beer with dinner. I don't usually have that much booze at once, but I was okay with it, since I was eating.
Met a woman named Elaine who, incredibly enough, said she's moving from Ashwood Apartments, the place I keep thinking I would most like to live. Yes, she has a one-bedroom, first floor, just want I want. I took her number and will call her. She's moving because her husband, who has Alzheimer's, is in a nursing home in Arizona and she's going to move there. I'm not quite clear as to why he's in Arizona, but hope to get to know. I'm not positive I prefer Ashwood over Ventura Del Sol, for several reasons, but I might as well look into it.
By the end of the day, there was no word from the poor excuse for a post office, so presumably my certified letter hasn't been found--damn!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Frustration, But I'll Live
Damned frustrating day. Actually, it was only part of the day, but that was bad enough.
Walked at Kimball, had breakfast, then set off for the post office to pick up the certified letter about which I had gotten the notice. Showed the employee who seems to stay out front to help customers in line and she asked for my I.D., then took the card and went in the back. I waited. And waited. And waited. She finally came out and said she had to ask the manager, Jesse. He took the card, went in the back and I waited. Happened to see my friend, Joyce, and we chatted, while I--yes, waited.
Jesse finally came out and said he couldn't find it. He said "Cliff," the regular carrier (actually, around here, they're not carriers, they're drivers) was off and a sub was doing the route. He must have it with him--maybe. Jesse advised me to check my mail when it comes and if I didn't get the letter to call him. I checked, I didn't, I called, and blah, blah, blah, I have to call him again today after 10:00 to see if Cliff has it or whatever. What a drag.
Changed the bed and did the laundry thing when I got home. Went to WinCo. Made pasta with olive oil, onions and garlic for dinner. Not too healthy, but I didn't care. After dinner, went to Starbucks to see if there was any money left on my two gift cards. There was--wow, a total of sixty cents! With the eighty cents I won at the casino, that makes a tidy sum.
I did get an e-mail from Hans, in which he again misspelled my name. I corrected him and I'll see him today at the Council for Seniors meeting to discuss the rest of my class stuff.
Walked at Kimball, had breakfast, then set off for the post office to pick up the certified letter about which I had gotten the notice. Showed the employee who seems to stay out front to help customers in line and she asked for my I.D., then took the card and went in the back. I waited. And waited. And waited. She finally came out and said she had to ask the manager, Jesse. He took the card, went in the back and I waited. Happened to see my friend, Joyce, and we chatted, while I--yes, waited.
Jesse finally came out and said he couldn't find it. He said "Cliff," the regular carrier (actually, around here, they're not carriers, they're drivers) was off and a sub was doing the route. He must have it with him--maybe. Jesse advised me to check my mail when it comes and if I didn't get the letter to call him. I checked, I didn't, I called, and blah, blah, blah, I have to call him again today after 10:00 to see if Cliff has it or whatever. What a drag.
Changed the bed and did the laundry thing when I got home. Went to WinCo. Made pasta with olive oil, onions and garlic for dinner. Not too healthy, but I didn't care. After dinner, went to Starbucks to see if there was any money left on my two gift cards. There was--wow, a total of sixty cents! With the eighty cents I won at the casino, that makes a tidy sum.
I did get an e-mail from Hans, in which he again misspelled my name. I corrected him and I'll see him today at the Council for Seniors meeting to discuss the rest of my class stuff.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Busily Busy
On my way to my Kimball walk, I noticed there was a lot of fog. That's unusual for these parts, but it lifted by the time I finished breakfast.
Went over to Ventura Del Sol on pins and needles. I was afraid Jim, the assistant manager, would tell me they had nothing suitable for me available, then I'd be up that proverbial creek without a--but, no! Happily, there are three open and two were (we thought) being vacated yesterday. He told me where one was and I went over just to look at the location. I was on the walk and saw the door was ajar. A young woman looked out and I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Jim said you were moving today and I was interested in the apartment" and she invited me in.
I love the place, but then she told me she wasn't moving after all, as the job in Arizona she was going to had fallen through. Lots more went on, but the upshot was, I went back to the office and said I was definitely interested in her place, but if she doesn't move, one of the other two. Jim said to call him next week, which I will.
Went from there to the post office, where I finally sent off the twenty-seven paperbacks to the prison. Via media rate, it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be, but it was kind of a drag to assemble them, then pack them all in three very large, padded envelopes. No prob, though, and I'm glad I did it.
Got home and the phone rang. It was Jamel, office manager here, saying we had had an 11:00 appointment. Oh, damn, I thought it was at 1:00. I apologized and she said I could come at 1:00, anyway. Did so and discussed my leaving. I have to give notice by this Saturday, which I will.
The office is next to one of the pools and it looked so inviting I went home, put on my suit, and went in. It's not terribly hot here (unlike the east coast, I understand), but warm enough so the water felt great. So did the hot tub after, especially for my knee.
Showered, washed my hair and changed for the widder dinner at 6:00. There were about fifteen of us there and Nancy had saved me a seat. As ever, it was enjoyable although the service was abysmal as ever. There was only one server and there were long waits in between ordering drinks, then dinner, then getting the bill, and so on. I live only ten minutes away and didn't get home until 8:30. However, I had a good time. Got to know Dan, a relative newcomer, who lives in Camarillo. He and Nancy discovered they were born and partially brought up in Denver. Nancy is ten years older, but they had a great time reminiscing about their mutual home town.
Went over to Ventura Del Sol on pins and needles. I was afraid Jim, the assistant manager, would tell me they had nothing suitable for me available, then I'd be up that proverbial creek without a--but, no! Happily, there are three open and two were (we thought) being vacated yesterday. He told me where one was and I went over just to look at the location. I was on the walk and saw the door was ajar. A young woman looked out and I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Jim said you were moving today and I was interested in the apartment" and she invited me in.
I love the place, but then she told me she wasn't moving after all, as the job in Arizona she was going to had fallen through. Lots more went on, but the upshot was, I went back to the office and said I was definitely interested in her place, but if she doesn't move, one of the other two. Jim said to call him next week, which I will.
Went from there to the post office, where I finally sent off the twenty-seven paperbacks to the prison. Via media rate, it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be, but it was kind of a drag to assemble them, then pack them all in three very large, padded envelopes. No prob, though, and I'm glad I did it.
Got home and the phone rang. It was Jamel, office manager here, saying we had had an 11:00 appointment. Oh, damn, I thought it was at 1:00. I apologized and she said I could come at 1:00, anyway. Did so and discussed my leaving. I have to give notice by this Saturday, which I will.
The office is next to one of the pools and it looked so inviting I went home, put on my suit, and went in. It's not terribly hot here (unlike the east coast, I understand), but warm enough so the water felt great. So did the hot tub after, especially for my knee.
Showered, washed my hair and changed for the widder dinner at 6:00. There were about fifteen of us there and Nancy had saved me a seat. As ever, it was enjoyable although the service was abysmal as ever. There was only one server and there were long waits in between ordering drinks, then dinner, then getting the bill, and so on. I live only ten minutes away and didn't get home until 8:30. However, I had a good time. Got to know Dan, a relative newcomer, who lives in Camarillo. He and Nancy discovered they were born and partially brought up in Denver. Nancy is ten years older, but they had a great time reminiscing about their mutual home town.
Monday, August 15, 2016
What I didn't mention about Thille Park yesterday is that when I got there, I saw a number of dogs. Most, of course, were leashed, as is required, but three were not. They were running around together and I wasn't about to walk near them. Yes, yes, they would probably be considered small dogs, but when they get in a pack, I believe they can be aggressive. Therefore, I turned around and walked home. I'm going to stick to Kimball from now on.
Got my walking in anyway as, after my usual Sunday rituals, I drove to the library. Got there about noon and found they don't open on Sunday until 1:00 (I'm pleased they're open on Sunday at all). I then drove to public parking a few blocks away and strolled around in and out of various stores. At a Goodwill, I saw a book I wanted to buy, but realized I had no cash on me. I wasn't sure I could charge $1.95, so I walked the three blocks to a BOA and got money. Walking back, I realized I had probably gotten my mile and a half in, or possibly more.
Got the book, then saw a little lavender crystal egg and bought the that, too. It's so pretty. I didn't need it and I had resolved not to bring anything else in here, but oh, well.
Speaking of books, I'm reading another by Bill Bryson. This one is called Home. It's actually a history or chronicle of how the various rooms in a house involved as they did. Bryson is a wonderful writer; I've been reading his stuff for years, since I found his account of walking the Appalachian Trail. He doesn't stick to one topic; for instance, the last of his I enjoyed was One Summer about the summer of 1927. That was an audio book I listened to in the car. Sounds dull, but it was anything but.
I had put a pork loin in the slow cooker with the mushroom and onion soup sauce and had it at 5:00 for dinner. Yummy, yum and I have enough left for tonight. Went to get more of the Prevacid-like med at Wal-Mart and happened to see a kind of tank top in white. It was inexpensive and I picked that up, too.
Betty called and we chatted. Her son, DIL, and three girls are visiting. I did a fair amount of computer stuff here and there during the day. Turned out to be a pretty good one, aside from the bow-wows in the park.
Got my walking in anyway as, after my usual Sunday rituals, I drove to the library. Got there about noon and found they don't open on Sunday until 1:00 (I'm pleased they're open on Sunday at all). I then drove to public parking a few blocks away and strolled around in and out of various stores. At a Goodwill, I saw a book I wanted to buy, but realized I had no cash on me. I wasn't sure I could charge $1.95, so I walked the three blocks to a BOA and got money. Walking back, I realized I had probably gotten my mile and a half in, or possibly more.
Got the book, then saw a little lavender crystal egg and bought the that, too. It's so pretty. I didn't need it and I had resolved not to bring anything else in here, but oh, well.
Speaking of books, I'm reading another by Bill Bryson. This one is called Home. It's actually a history or chronicle of how the various rooms in a house involved as they did. Bryson is a wonderful writer; I've been reading his stuff for years, since I found his account of walking the Appalachian Trail. He doesn't stick to one topic; for instance, the last of his I enjoyed was One Summer about the summer of 1927. That was an audio book I listened to in the car. Sounds dull, but it was anything but.
I had put a pork loin in the slow cooker with the mushroom and onion soup sauce and had it at 5:00 for dinner. Yummy, yum and I have enough left for tonight. Went to get more of the Prevacid-like med at Wal-Mart and happened to see a kind of tank top in white. It was inexpensive and I picked that up, too.
Betty called and we chatted. Her son, DIL, and three girls are visiting. I did a fair amount of computer stuff here and there during the day. Turned out to be a pretty good one, aside from the bow-wows in the park.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Teacher's Aide
Drove to Kimball, but there were hundreds of soccer players on the fields; clearly, there was some kind of tournament. It was too crowded, so I left and drove to nearby Thille Park and walked that. However, it's probably no more than a quarter to a half-mile around. I'll go back to Kimball today.
Later, Ellen called to ask me to help her with some of her classroom prep work. I was glad to be asked--I so enjoy being with her and am always interested in the work she does. Went over to her place at 1:30, then to school.
Following El's instruction, I added "room 8" to a variety of objects, then we went to the library building and she laminated a number of posters and individual children's name cards. I cut off the overlap--not a minor job--while she duplicated some items. We went back to her classroom and she put up velcro on an achievement "ladder."
It's amazing to me how much work--over and above when they're actually with children--teachers do before and after classroom sessions. What goes on between the time school starts in the morning and lets out in the afternoon is only a small part of it. So is after and before the yearly sessions--people often don't realize this.
We finished up--almost; El took some home--a bit after five, then went to Two Trees Cafe for dinner. Back at her place, El gave me some packing material, then we said goodbye. It was a very pleasant day and I felt good to be of some help to my daughter.
Later, Ellen called to ask me to help her with some of her classroom prep work. I was glad to be asked--I so enjoy being with her and am always interested in the work she does. Went over to her place at 1:30, then to school.
Following El's instruction, I added "room 8" to a variety of objects, then we went to the library building and she laminated a number of posters and individual children's name cards. I cut off the overlap--not a minor job--while she duplicated some items. We went back to her classroom and she put up velcro on an achievement "ladder."
It's amazing to me how much work--over and above when they're actually with children--teachers do before and after classroom sessions. What goes on between the time school starts in the morning and lets out in the afternoon is only a small part of it. So is after and before the yearly sessions--people often don't realize this.
We finished up--almost; El took some home--a bit after five, then went to Two Trees Cafe for dinner. Back at her place, El gave me some packing material, then we said goodbye. It was a very pleasant day and I felt good to be of some help to my daughter.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
TOPS and The Townehouse
Went to T.O.P.S. Stayed the same in the weight department, but that's okay. Somebody brought in a big bag of what I thought were grapefruits, but no, they were pomelos. I was given one, but haven't tried it yet.
Kept my colon doc appointment at 1:00. He told me to keep taking the ome--whatever it is, but to take only one, unless I get cramps again. He also saw no reason for me to continue taking iron, although my primary said I should. I trust him more than I do her, so I'm going to stop.
Went to Wal-Mart for two more large envelopes to send the rest of the books to the prison guy. Also picked up some shrimp, which I had for dinner.
Got to The Townehouse at 3:30 for the wine and music. I looked for Joe, but didn't see him. As it turns out, he was on the other side of the room. I called him when I got home and he said he had saved a seat for me, but left early because he started coughing. Darn, I feel bad about that, but will go next Friday and see him. I'm going to the widder dinner with Donna, his daughter, on Monday.
Doris came and sat with me. I like her a lot, but she talks all through the music program--incessantly--and that really bothers me. It bothered a resident in front of us, too, and he turned around and complained to us. I don't blame him, really.
Gabrielle called to ask if I wanted to go to a Golden Girls event on Monday, but I'm already going to dinner with "Soaring Spirits." (That's the real name of what I call "the widder group," but I think it's sappy.)
Kept my colon doc appointment at 1:00. He told me to keep taking the ome--whatever it is, but to take only one, unless I get cramps again. He also saw no reason for me to continue taking iron, although my primary said I should. I trust him more than I do her, so I'm going to stop.
Went to Wal-Mart for two more large envelopes to send the rest of the books to the prison guy. Also picked up some shrimp, which I had for dinner.
Got to The Townehouse at 3:30 for the wine and music. I looked for Joe, but didn't see him. As it turns out, he was on the other side of the room. I called him when I got home and he said he had saved a seat for me, but left early because he started coughing. Darn, I feel bad about that, but will go next Friday and see him. I'm going to the widder dinner with Donna, his daughter, on Monday.
Doris came and sat with me. I like her a lot, but she talks all through the music program--incessantly--and that really bothers me. It bothered a resident in front of us, too, and he turned around and complained to us. I don't blame him, really.
Gabrielle called to ask if I wanted to go to a Golden Girls event on Monday, but I'm already going to dinner with "Soaring Spirits." (That's the real name of what I call "the widder group," but I think it's sappy.)
Friday, August 12, 2016
Here and There
Walked the walk. Heard back from Hans with a--tentative, I hope--blurb for my course. Not only was my last name misspelled (the usual "a" for the first "o"), but some key words were changed. I wrote back, asking Hans to fix the errors.
Did the wash thing, back and forth, forth and back. Took a dry run to the Boatyard Cafe, where I was to meet some groups for dinner at 5:30. Funny--it's at the harbor and I've been there often at various places, but somehow, didn't see it before. It was easy to get to, though.
Stopped at the office to make an appointment with manager Jamel. I'll see her Monday, as I want to nail down some of my questions about moving. Now what worries me is, there may not be an opening for a one-bed, first floor at Ventura Del Sol. Well, we'll see.
Got a call from Jameson Roher of the prison book thing. The list (of 27 books) I sent him was approved and he gave me the address where to send them. Now to get around to doing it.
Colon doc's office called to see if I could change my appointment of next week to today at 1:00. Actually, yes, and it suits me better.
Contacted Rider and was told to send an e-mail about Joe La Rocca to the communications V.P. Did so and got a message back from her saying the fall issue was already in print, but she was very interested for the winter one.
Tokyo clan Skyped me and the liveliest little guy in the universe entertained his Nana with all kinds of action and chatter. His Dad told me he had put more videos and pictures up and I went there immediately after, watching some with pleasure and "saving" others to see later.
Got to the Boatyard Cafe early (natch) to find a few already there. This is a combination of several groups, but I was there kind of solo--I thought. However, I met some nice people and chatted with a woman named Dorothy, who had been widowed not once, but twice. The organizer, John, was across the table and, I found out later, so were two woman I had seen last summer at a Golden Girls function. In addition, Isabelle, who's in both that group and the widder one, came in.
As I was leaving, a woman at a table near the door stood up and gave me a big hug. At first, I couldn't think who in the world it was, then luckily, I remembered. It was Tami from Golden Girls, at whose beautiful house we had had the "Night in Tuscany" gathering a few months ago.
Busy and productive day, happily.
Did the wash thing, back and forth, forth and back. Took a dry run to the Boatyard Cafe, where I was to meet some groups for dinner at 5:30. Funny--it's at the harbor and I've been there often at various places, but somehow, didn't see it before. It was easy to get to, though.
Stopped at the office to make an appointment with manager Jamel. I'll see her Monday, as I want to nail down some of my questions about moving. Now what worries me is, there may not be an opening for a one-bed, first floor at Ventura Del Sol. Well, we'll see.
Got a call from Jameson Roher of the prison book thing. The list (of 27 books) I sent him was approved and he gave me the address where to send them. Now to get around to doing it.
Colon doc's office called to see if I could change my appointment of next week to today at 1:00. Actually, yes, and it suits me better.
Contacted Rider and was told to send an e-mail about Joe La Rocca to the communications V.P. Did so and got a message back from her saying the fall issue was already in print, but she was very interested for the winter one.
Tokyo clan Skyped me and the liveliest little guy in the universe entertained his Nana with all kinds of action and chatter. His Dad told me he had put more videos and pictures up and I went there immediately after, watching some with pleasure and "saving" others to see later.
Got to the Boatyard Cafe early (natch) to find a few already there. This is a combination of several groups, but I was there kind of solo--I thought. However, I met some nice people and chatted with a woman named Dorothy, who had been widowed not once, but twice. The organizer, John, was across the table and, I found out later, so were two woman I had seen last summer at a Golden Girls function. In addition, Isabelle, who's in both that group and the widder one, came in.
As I was leaving, a woman at a table near the door stood up and gave me a big hug. At first, I couldn't think who in the world it was, then luckily, I remembered. It was Tami from Golden Girls, at whose beautiful house we had had the "Night in Tuscany" gathering a few months ago.
Busy and productive day, happily.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Another interesting day. Walked Kimball, then went to Wal-Mart for large envelopes to send Mike his mail. Showered and washed my hair. Before I got to The Townehouse, I stopped at Ashwood Gardens, just on the bare possibility they might have an apartment coming open. Nope--I wasn't surprised, and will continue to pursue my moving plans shortly.
Got to The Townehouse about fifteen minutes early--our appointment was at 4:00--but Joe LaRocca was already in the lobby waiting for me. He took me to his digs, one of the very nice cottages, with lots of flowers and other foliage at the entrance and in the patios (this is California, after all). It's very, very appealing--in fact, I can see myself living there. He has two beautiful yellow hibiscus trees--not bushes, but trees. He said they were his late wife, Mary's, favorites and he considered them "a sign" that he should move there. Mary died seven years ago.
Joe is a nonstop talker and no shrinking violet when it comes to self-aggrandizement. However, he isn't obnoxious about it and besides, he gave me a glass of chardonnay while we talked and it was nicely convivial. I stayed for about an hour and took a lot of notes.
Wow, what an interesting background he's had. He's 91, graduated from Rider in 1955 when it was still in Trenton and had a long career in electrical contracting, labor relations, and related callings. He showed and gave me so much material, I'm going to have a hard time honing it down to manageable size. Luckily, though, he gave me a copy of a kind of bio--two pages and it will be helpful. Today, I'll call the editor of Rider's alum magazine and see if they want a story on him.
Anyway, once I pull together some semblance of an article, I'll add more about him here.
Got to The Townehouse about fifteen minutes early--our appointment was at 4:00--but Joe LaRocca was already in the lobby waiting for me. He took me to his digs, one of the very nice cottages, with lots of flowers and other foliage at the entrance and in the patios (this is California, after all). It's very, very appealing--in fact, I can see myself living there. He has two beautiful yellow hibiscus trees--not bushes, but trees. He said they were his late wife, Mary's, favorites and he considered them "a sign" that he should move there. Mary died seven years ago.
Joe is a nonstop talker and no shrinking violet when it comes to self-aggrandizement. However, he isn't obnoxious about it and besides, he gave me a glass of chardonnay while we talked and it was nicely convivial. I stayed for about an hour and took a lot of notes.
Wow, what an interesting background he's had. He's 91, graduated from Rider in 1955 when it was still in Trenton and had a long career in electrical contracting, labor relations, and related callings. He showed and gave me so much material, I'm going to have a hard time honing it down to manageable size. Luckily, though, he gave me a copy of a kind of bio--two pages and it will be helpful. Today, I'll call the editor of Rider's alum magazine and see if they want a story on him.
Anyway, once I pull together some semblance of an article, I'll add more about him here.
A fun day, if a little rocky in spots.
I prepared for the "Casino and Vino" bus trip by lightening my purse, as I often do, slipping some cash, a credit card, and my Jersey driver license in an envelope, so I could leave my rather heavy wallet out. Met Carole and her friend, Jill--a very nice person, by the way--at the designated spot behind City Hall. Sat with a new acquaintance named Barbara and enjoyed talking to her. It took about an hour and a half to get to the Chumash Casino--past Solvang--but it was a brand new, comfortable small bus, and while Barbara and I got acquainted, it went very fast.
The snag took place when we got there. The deal was that if you hadn't been here before--of course, I hadn't--you registered, then got $95 via various promotions, to play with. I took out my I.D. and--aagh!--was told if I didn't have a California license to prove I lived in Ventura, I would get only five dollars. Well, after a great deal of screaming and begging and punching the wall--I'm exaggerating--and getting our tour guide and my three friends involved, an employee other than the first one took over. The sturm und drang finally smoothed over, I got credited with the ninety-five bucks.
Actually, I wasn't quite sure how to play the machines. I won eighty cents, but I don't know exactly how. I was taken aback by the number of penny machines, plus I had a pin number that I had put in wrong three times and was told I had to go back to "club" to change it. Hell, I decided I'd just cash in and be that much ahead. However, I found out you can only use the gift money only to play at the casino, so I'll have to go back, I guess.
Anyway, the four of us had a nice lunch, then got on the bus and were driven to a lovely winery very nearby and "tasted" five different wines. I liked all of them, even the reds, but was not about to buy any--the least expensive I saw was over twenty, so didn't. Anyway, the ride home was nice, as the sun had come out, the sky was a glorious blue, and we drove by the ocean, so beautiful it makes your heart ache.
We got back a bit after 6:00 and home a half hour after that. Nice, nice day, and such fun!
I prepared for the "Casino and Vino" bus trip by lightening my purse, as I often do, slipping some cash, a credit card, and my Jersey driver license in an envelope, so I could leave my rather heavy wallet out. Met Carole and her friend, Jill--a very nice person, by the way--at the designated spot behind City Hall. Sat with a new acquaintance named Barbara and enjoyed talking to her. It took about an hour and a half to get to the Chumash Casino--past Solvang--but it was a brand new, comfortable small bus, and while Barbara and I got acquainted, it went very fast.
The snag took place when we got there. The deal was that if you hadn't been here before--of course, I hadn't--you registered, then got $95 via various promotions, to play with. I took out my I.D. and--aagh!--was told if I didn't have a California license to prove I lived in Ventura, I would get only five dollars. Well, after a great deal of screaming and begging and punching the wall--I'm exaggerating--and getting our tour guide and my three friends involved, an employee other than the first one took over. The sturm und drang finally smoothed over, I got credited with the ninety-five bucks.
Actually, I wasn't quite sure how to play the machines. I won eighty cents, but I don't know exactly how. I was taken aback by the number of penny machines, plus I had a pin number that I had put in wrong three times and was told I had to go back to "club" to change it. Hell, I decided I'd just cash in and be that much ahead. However, I found out you can only use the gift money only to play at the casino, so I'll have to go back, I guess.
Anyway, the four of us had a nice lunch, then got on the bus and were driven to a lovely winery very nearby and "tasted" five different wines. I liked all of them, even the reds, but was not about to buy any--the least expensive I saw was over twenty, so didn't. Anyway, the ride home was nice, as the sun had come out, the sky was a glorious blue, and we drove by the ocean, so beautiful it makes your heart ache.
We got back a bit after 6:00 and home a half hour after that. Nice, nice day, and such fun!
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Calls and Casino
Received and placed a number of phone calls, starting about 7:00 am, when my friend, Doris called. (She knows I get up early.) She said she was not going to the "Casino and Vino" bus trip today, as her knee was bad; did I still want to go? Sure, I said and I'll call to say I'm going in your place.
Doris had missed the cutoff for getting reimbursed, so seemingly, was out the forty bucks; the woman I spoke to said I would have to pay, but Doris couldn't get her money back. I courteously asked to speak to the person who made that decision and was put in touch with "Eric." He proved to be a very nice guy and we tossed the question around a bit, I pointing out that the city wouldn't be out any money if they gave Doris hers back. He finally agreed I could take her place, then, reimburse Doris myself. Called her back, then she called me and so on. In between all this, I walked Kimball, and it all turned out okay.
Spent time assembling the documents Hans had sent, then took copies to the Center. Had to drop them off as Hans was at the East End location, but he should get them today. Stayed for the three dollar lunch and sat with Neil, plus two women named Jenny and Jeanette. Neil is a non-stop talker, an awful bore, but pathetic somehow. I liked the two woman--was interested to hear Jeanette is from Redding, England; she's lived here for forty years, though.
Went from there home to change, got other calls, then went to the bank to explain a mixed-up appointment. My car was so-o-o dusty, so I zipped up to 5 Points Auto Wash and now my little bluebird is shiny again.
Must get ready for the bus trip, which leaves from City Hall at 10:00.
Doris had missed the cutoff for getting reimbursed, so seemingly, was out the forty bucks; the woman I spoke to said I would have to pay, but Doris couldn't get her money back. I courteously asked to speak to the person who made that decision and was put in touch with "Eric." He proved to be a very nice guy and we tossed the question around a bit, I pointing out that the city wouldn't be out any money if they gave Doris hers back. He finally agreed I could take her place, then, reimburse Doris myself. Called her back, then she called me and so on. In between all this, I walked Kimball, and it all turned out okay.
Spent time assembling the documents Hans had sent, then took copies to the Center. Had to drop them off as Hans was at the East End location, but he should get them today. Stayed for the three dollar lunch and sat with Neil, plus two women named Jenny and Jeanette. Neil is a non-stop talker, an awful bore, but pathetic somehow. I liked the two woman--was interested to hear Jeanette is from Redding, England; she's lived here for forty years, though.
Went from there home to change, got other calls, then went to the bank to explain a mixed-up appointment. My car was so-o-o dusty, so I zipped up to 5 Points Auto Wash and now my little bluebird is shiny again.
Must get ready for the bus trip, which leaves from City Hall at 10:00.
Monday, August 08, 2016
Walked at Kimball and it was all uphill after that--a generally lousy day. That was mostly because I was unable to send back the completed documents for my acting course to Hans, the director. Tried and tried, in fact, for hours, and it just never worked. I tried filling it out, then saving under a different name and sending it to myself. Each time, the original would show up, just has Hans had sent it to me. I finally decided to just bring him the printed copies today.
In between this frustrating business, I did take a quick drive to the parking lot behind City Hall. That's where the bus takes off from tomorrow and I'll just show up, hoping somebody doesn't. If everybody does, no harm done, I'll go to the library or something.
I also packed a box with serving dishes. I want to spent part of every day, when possible, doing that and getting ready to move. When I moved from Jersey, that was what I did; just chip away at it until it was finished.
In between this frustrating business, I did take a quick drive to the parking lot behind City Hall. That's where the bus takes off from tomorrow and I'll just show up, hoping somebody doesn't. If everybody does, no harm done, I'll go to the library or something.
I also packed a box with serving dishes. I want to spent part of every day, when possible, doing that and getting ready to move. When I moved from Jersey, that was what I did; just chip away at it until it was finished.
Sunday, August 07, 2016
Nancy and Lunch
Met Nancy at the Black Angus at 1:00 and we had a nice, leisurely lunch. I had my fave, a rare burger and a Shocktop beer (next best to Blue Moon) and Nancy had a very yummy looking chicken salad and a split of champagne. That sounds so sophisticated to me: "Kindly bring me a split of champagne, Miss." Someday, I'll order it, too.
We talked and talked, Nancy just back from scattering her husband's ashes and other adventures. Parted after almost two hours; I went to the bank to pick up some dough, pleased to see my new financial arrangement has already kicked in.
Spent what I had gotten at WinCo and had a bit of a row--but courteously--with the deli manager. As many supermarkets do, they had whole cooked chickens that were in a container that read "Rotisserie Chicken." Hmm...I asked if they had a rotisserie and was told, yes, and the chickens are on spits, but it doesn't go around. Well, then--aren't they just roasted chickens? Yes, I was reluctantly told, but the containers came from "above." Presumably, that didn't mean from the Almighty, but from headquarters or something. I said that was false advertising, but I was tired of the whole thing and decided not to pursue it.
Went home to put my stuff away, then sorted out my coupons and discarded the expired. Decided to check Bed & Bath out and look at various. They had a lot of that, but nothing I was going to pay their exorbitant prices for, so I then went to Target. Happened to see a darling upholstered bedroom bench, but it was three hundred bucks, so forget that. When I got home, I looked on line and there are lots of them, many at considerably more reasonable prices. When I move to the new place, I'd like to get one.
We talked and talked, Nancy just back from scattering her husband's ashes and other adventures. Parted after almost two hours; I went to the bank to pick up some dough, pleased to see my new financial arrangement has already kicked in.
Spent what I had gotten at WinCo and had a bit of a row--but courteously--with the deli manager. As many supermarkets do, they had whole cooked chickens that were in a container that read "Rotisserie Chicken." Hmm...I asked if they had a rotisserie and was told, yes, and the chickens are on spits, but it doesn't go around. Well, then--aren't they just roasted chickens? Yes, I was reluctantly told, but the containers came from "above." Presumably, that didn't mean from the Almighty, but from headquarters or something. I said that was false advertising, but I was tired of the whole thing and decided not to pursue it.
Went home to put my stuff away, then sorted out my coupons and discarded the expired. Decided to check Bed & Bath out and look at various. They had a lot of that, but nothing I was going to pay their exorbitant prices for, so I then went to Target. Happened to see a darling upholstered bedroom bench, but it was three hundred bucks, so forget that. When I got home, I looked on line and there are lots of them, many at considerably more reasonable prices. When I move to the new place, I'd like to get one.
Saturday, August 06, 2016
Ran over to T.O.P.S. just to get weighed in. I had gained a fourth of a pound, which I consider insignificant, so shrugged it off. Didn't stay for the meeting because I was waiting to get the call to pick up Ellen (she had had a common medical procedure). That came on schedule just as I was finishing breakfast and I went and got her. As with almost everyplace I have to go in Ventura, this was conveniently near by. My pal, Nancy, called to see if I was free for lunch, but because of the pickup, we instead, made a date for today.
I was pleased to get in the mail, the book Audition, which Pat R. had recommended. My students probably won't be auditioning for anything soon, but it's still very good. Started reading it and found some of it will be useful for the class. Thanks for the tip, Pat!
El is fine--no problem--and we went afterward to the Hill Street Cafe. She was hungry, of course, and got a yummy looking chicken salad on a croissant, but I had eaten a short time before and just had a beer and a few crackers. Took her home and, as I learned later, she immediately crashed into bed and slept for several hours--good.
Did some paperwork--computer work--then went to the library. From there, I drove the few blocks to municipal parking, then strolled around to a few stores. Bought nothing except a small, two-dollar container thing that some of my toiletries (fancy old name!) fit in.
El called in the evening and happily, is over the procedure.
I was pleased to get in the mail, the book Audition, which Pat R. had recommended. My students probably won't be auditioning for anything soon, but it's still very good. Started reading it and found some of it will be useful for the class. Thanks for the tip, Pat!
El is fine--no problem--and we went afterward to the Hill Street Cafe. She was hungry, of course, and got a yummy looking chicken salad on a croissant, but I had eaten a short time before and just had a beer and a few crackers. Took her home and, as I learned later, she immediately crashed into bed and slept for several hours--good.
Did some paperwork--computer work--then went to the library. From there, I drove the few blocks to municipal parking, then strolled around to a few stores. Bought nothing except a small, two-dollar container thing that some of my toiletries (fancy old name!) fit in.
El called in the evening and happily, is over the procedure.
Friday, August 05, 2016
Not Much
Walked Kimball, then stopped at the bank. That was at a few minutes before ten and oddly, BOA wasn't open, although their opening is listed at 9:00. Several people were waiting to get in, which we didn't until a minute after ten. We were told there was a system problem.
I had several transactions to make at BOA and I was there for almost an hour. However--I don't want to go into detail with this--I made some changes that are better for me financially, so I was satisfied. Didn't have breakfast until 11:30, so it really stood in for lunch. After that, I spent hours on the computer, answering various e-mails, fleshing out some of my plans for the acting course, plus filling out the documents Hans from the Adult Center sent me. Those are necessary for the course and include a tax form, an explanation of my course, and a lot of other crapola. Filled them out electronically and will send back today.
Other than all that, in addition to trips to WinCo and Goodwill (just browsing), not a whole heck of a lot went on. I was a little worried I wouldn't sleep because of my relative inactivity, but I did and soundly, too.
I had several transactions to make at BOA and I was there for almost an hour. However--I don't want to go into detail with this--I made some changes that are better for me financially, so I was satisfied. Didn't have breakfast until 11:30, so it really stood in for lunch. After that, I spent hours on the computer, answering various e-mails, fleshing out some of my plans for the acting course, plus filling out the documents Hans from the Adult Center sent me. Those are necessary for the course and include a tax form, an explanation of my course, and a lot of other crapola. Filled them out electronically and will send back today.
Other than all that, in addition to trips to WinCo and Goodwill (just browsing), not a whole heck of a lot went on. I was a little worried I wouldn't sleep because of my relative inactivity, but I did and soundly, too.
Thursday, August 04, 2016
Lots of Goings On
A busy and interesting day. Got to the BCNN breakfast at 9:30 to find Carole, Doris, and Sue already there. They had saved a place for me and a woman named Sherry sat down with us. She seems an interesting person, has a graduate degree from a midwestern university, and we exchanged cards. Maybe we'll get together sometime.
The program had been billed as a talk by Steve, the director of SCAN, whom I've gotten to know and who is the one of the biggest stuffed in the stratosphere. Happily, he reneged at the last minute, we were told, and a rep form "Disaster Dogs" filled in.
Now, as everyone who knows me knows, I'm no animal lover, but this was actually pretty interesting. There's a place in Wheeler Canyon, not far from here, that's dedicated to training dogs to search out people who may be buried in rubble after a disaster of some kind. The talk included a video that showed some teams went to Japan after the devastating tsunami. The firefighters and dogs found several young girls under mountains of concrete, and saved them. They've been used in many disasters here, also, including Hurricane Katrina and the Oklahoma bombing.
After, Carole, Doris, and I went to the Adult Center for the three dollar lunch. Enjoyed it and met several new people. We discovered that the article on my acting class and me was in The Ventura Breeze of yesterday, and I picked up a few copies.
Back at my complex, I parked the car, then took the sweater Jennifer had left to her apartment. She answered the doorbell, took the sweater, then asked me in, but I told her I didn't have time. I'm determined to abort this relationship before it gets harder to extricate myself, especially because when I got home, I found a phone message from Jennifer. In her disjointed fashion, she said she thought she had broken her wrist--what ?--and please call me, sweetie. No, honey, I won't.
Called Ellen and asked if she wanted to go to the pool. Why, yes, she would, and I changed, then went over to her place. We first sat and chatted over yummy Margaritas, then had a lovely swim. When the air got a little cooler, we enjoyed an even lovelier soak in the bubbling spa.
How about dinner, asked El; well, sure, sez I, and we went to the Hill Street Cafe. I had liver and onions--I may be the only person left on the planet who loves them (El turned up her nose)--and a cold beer. (That totalled more alcohol than I usually have in a week.) Anyway, we had a fine time discussing the political circus.
Didn't get home until almost 7:30, did my usual before bed, and slept like a stone.
The program had been billed as a talk by Steve, the director of SCAN, whom I've gotten to know and who is the one of the biggest stuffed in the stratosphere. Happily, he reneged at the last minute, we were told, and a rep form "Disaster Dogs" filled in.
Now, as everyone who knows me knows, I'm no animal lover, but this was actually pretty interesting. There's a place in Wheeler Canyon, not far from here, that's dedicated to training dogs to search out people who may be buried in rubble after a disaster of some kind. The talk included a video that showed some teams went to Japan after the devastating tsunami. The firefighters and dogs found several young girls under mountains of concrete, and saved them. They've been used in many disasters here, also, including Hurricane Katrina and the Oklahoma bombing.
After, Carole, Doris, and I went to the Adult Center for the three dollar lunch. Enjoyed it and met several new people. We discovered that the article on my acting class and me was in The Ventura Breeze of yesterday, and I picked up a few copies.
Back at my complex, I parked the car, then took the sweater Jennifer had left to her apartment. She answered the doorbell, took the sweater, then asked me in, but I told her I didn't have time. I'm determined to abort this relationship before it gets harder to extricate myself, especially because when I got home, I found a phone message from Jennifer. In her disjointed fashion, she said she thought she had broken her wrist--what ?--and please call me, sweetie. No, honey, I won't.
Called Ellen and asked if she wanted to go to the pool. Why, yes, she would, and I changed, then went over to her place. We first sat and chatted over yummy Margaritas, then had a lovely swim. When the air got a little cooler, we enjoyed an even lovelier soak in the bubbling spa.
How about dinner, asked El; well, sure, sez I, and we went to the Hill Street Cafe. I had liver and onions--I may be the only person left on the planet who loves them (El turned up her nose)--and a cold beer. (That totalled more alcohol than I usually have in a week.) Anyway, we had a fine time discussing the political circus.
Didn't get home until almost 7:30, did my usual before bed, and slept like a stone.
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
Laundry and Jennifer
Walked Kimball, then spent more than half the day doing laundry and other mundane, but necessary, work.
After lunch, went out to the store. Came back to do some stuff on the computer, when I heard my name. The woman I had met the other day, Jennifer, had stopped to see me and was talking to my neighbor, Meghan.
I wasn't one hundred percent happy to have Jennifer show up. We don't really have anything in common and she has a somewhat odd manner. She's 48 and lives with her significant other, as it used to be called, in a two-bedroom. She asked if I wanted to see her place and actually, I was interested, so went the short distance over with her.
I had had a two-bedroom, but this is a much nicer one. For one thing, it's laid out differently, so the bedrooms are on opposite sides of the living area. In addition, she has a great view of the fields next to the complex--lots of greenery and open space. Anyway, I stayed for just a few minutes, saying I had an appointment.
Jumped in the shower, then went to Jessica Nails and got my fingernails pretty in pink (actually a kind of mauve, one of my favorite colors). I was mildly irritated when I got one to see that Jennifer had left the sweater she had been carrying on my sofa. I'm going to the BCCC breakfast shortly and will drop it at her door--or something--on the way.
Ellen called and we discussed her upcoming medical procedures; had a long talk. She said I really didn't need to go with her to the one tomorrow, but I'll pick her after the Friday one.
I'm skipping my walk this morning, but will try to make it up later by walking to, and around, Thille Park near here.
After lunch, went out to the store. Came back to do some stuff on the computer, when I heard my name. The woman I had met the other day, Jennifer, had stopped to see me and was talking to my neighbor, Meghan.
I wasn't one hundred percent happy to have Jennifer show up. We don't really have anything in common and she has a somewhat odd manner. She's 48 and lives with her significant other, as it used to be called, in a two-bedroom. She asked if I wanted to see her place and actually, I was interested, so went the short distance over with her.
I had had a two-bedroom, but this is a much nicer one. For one thing, it's laid out differently, so the bedrooms are on opposite sides of the living area. In addition, she has a great view of the fields next to the complex--lots of greenery and open space. Anyway, I stayed for just a few minutes, saying I had an appointment.
Jumped in the shower, then went to Jessica Nails and got my fingernails pretty in pink (actually a kind of mauve, one of my favorite colors). I was mildly irritated when I got one to see that Jennifer had left the sweater she had been carrying on my sofa. I'm going to the BCCC breakfast shortly and will drop it at her door--or something--on the way.
Ellen called and we discussed her upcoming medical procedures; had a long talk. She said I really didn't need to go with her to the one tomorrow, but I'll pick her after the Friday one.
I'm skipping my walk this morning, but will try to make it up later by walking to, and around, Thille Park near here.
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Lunch And The Townehouse
Yesterday made up for pokey Sunday, which is all to the good.
Drove to Kimball and did the walk. I had intended to stop at the bank after, as I needed to transfer some funds, but realized I had forgotten something at home. Drove back and while walking up the path, saw a young(ish; maybe early forties) woman coming toward me. She stopped to say hello, then introduced herself--"Jennifer"--and we started talking. She invited me to stop in some time and I asked if she wanted my card with my contact info on it. Yes, she did, and she stopped in to get it.
Went directly from there to the bank which, as usual, was jammed with a long line and two tellers only. I happened to see the manager and as usual--it's getting to be a habit--complained about that. Dammit, BOA has all the money in the world, so why can't they hire more people? I was surprised and mollified when he agreed with me absolutely, so I simmered down and got the transaction done.
By the time I had breakfast, it was after 10:00 and the widder lunch was at noon. However, I jumped in the shower, then took off for there. I ordered only a Blue Moon and asked the waiter to bring me some crackers or something, which was fine as I was still full.
Now comes the interesting--and for me, exciting--part: Donna is another regular at Soaring Spirits (the official name of the group) and she and I are friendly. We started talking and exchanged where-we-went-to-collage stuff and she heard I had graduated from, and worked at, Rider. "My father went there!" she exclaimed. They lived in New York and her father graduated when Rider was still in Trenton. I asked how old her father is and she said--get this: ninety-one. She asked if I'd like to meet him and yes, indeed, I said--does he live with you? "No," said Donna, "he lives in The Townehouse."
Yoicks! This is where I've been going for the wine and cheese thing every Friday! I told her that and we were both amazed. Anyway, she gave me his name and suggested I contact Anne, the activities director with whom I've been in touch, and ask her to introduce us. It occurred to me I could conduct a kind of interview with Joe and maybe Rider's alumni mag would be interested in a piece on the encounter. I e-mailed Anne and hope to hear back from her soon.
Drove to Kimball and did the walk. I had intended to stop at the bank after, as I needed to transfer some funds, but realized I had forgotten something at home. Drove back and while walking up the path, saw a young(ish; maybe early forties) woman coming toward me. She stopped to say hello, then introduced herself--"Jennifer"--and we started talking. She invited me to stop in some time and I asked if she wanted my card with my contact info on it. Yes, she did, and she stopped in to get it.
Went directly from there to the bank which, as usual, was jammed with a long line and two tellers only. I happened to see the manager and as usual--it's getting to be a habit--complained about that. Dammit, BOA has all the money in the world, so why can't they hire more people? I was surprised and mollified when he agreed with me absolutely, so I simmered down and got the transaction done.
By the time I had breakfast, it was after 10:00 and the widder lunch was at noon. However, I jumped in the shower, then took off for there. I ordered only a Blue Moon and asked the waiter to bring me some crackers or something, which was fine as I was still full.
Now comes the interesting--and for me, exciting--part: Donna is another regular at Soaring Spirits (the official name of the group) and she and I are friendly. We started talking and exchanged where-we-went-to-collage stuff and she heard I had graduated from, and worked at, Rider. "My father went there!" she exclaimed. They lived in New York and her father graduated when Rider was still in Trenton. I asked how old her father is and she said--get this: ninety-one. She asked if I'd like to meet him and yes, indeed, I said--does he live with you? "No," said Donna, "he lives in The Townehouse."
Yoicks! This is where I've been going for the wine and cheese thing every Friday! I told her that and we were both amazed. Anyway, she gave me his name and suggested I contact Anne, the activities director with whom I've been in touch, and ask her to introduce us. It occurred to me I could conduct a kind of interview with Joe and maybe Rider's alumni mag would be interested in a piece on the encounter. I e-mailed Anne and hope to hear back from her soon.
Monday, August 01, 2016
A slow day. To begin with, I had a horrible time sleeping Saturday night. Don't know why, but I woke at 3:00 and just couldn't get back to sleep, except maybe intermittently. Got up at 7:30, groggy, but I didn't want to stay in bed.
After c. and c.,* I manfully--womanfully--drove to Kimball and did the walk. Felt better after and when I got home, turned my attention to financial stuff and cleared that up. Lunch, then did some household chores. Called my friend, Nancy, who's now back from scattering her late husband's ashes in Arizona. Well, that's redundant; if it wasn't her late husband's ashes, she might just have been emptying his pipe. Her children then took her to Disneyland. (Actually, I'd find the first activity more interesting than the second.) We'll get together after her daughter goes back to Seattle, where she lives.
Went to the library for the second day in a row--proof it was a boring day. However, my friend had called when I got back and when we finally connected, we had a wonderful talk. She's still in Jersey and has spent a lot of time with her boy--my handsome grandson--and his two boys. Aside from that, an evening ride to the supermarket, and reading Stephen King's relatively new book, there wasn't much.
Happily, I slept like a stone last night.
*coffee and computer
After c. and c.,* I manfully--womanfully--drove to Kimball and did the walk. Felt better after and when I got home, turned my attention to financial stuff and cleared that up. Lunch, then did some household chores. Called my friend, Nancy, who's now back from scattering her late husband's ashes in Arizona. Well, that's redundant; if it wasn't her late husband's ashes, she might just have been emptying his pipe. Her children then took her to Disneyland. (Actually, I'd find the first activity more interesting than the second.) We'll get together after her daughter goes back to Seattle, where she lives.
Went to the library for the second day in a row--proof it was a boring day. However, my friend had called when I got back and when we finally connected, we had a wonderful talk. She's still in Jersey and has spent a lot of time with her boy--my handsome grandson--and his two boys. Aside from that, an evening ride to the supermarket, and reading Stephen King's relatively new book, there wasn't much.
Happily, I slept like a stone last night.
*coffee and computer
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...