Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crock Pot And The Truth

During our morning walk, Susan and I saw Libby B. outside.  I called over, "how you doing?" before I reallied she had lost a lot of weight--and some hair.  We stopped to talk and she cheerfully told us she was starting on a new round of chemo soon. 
Ouch.  I hadn't seen her for some time and had no idea she had cancer.  We chatted for a few minutes, wished her luck, and went on our way.  Made a note to call her in a week or so to see if I can help. 
Later, put on my housewife hat and did some cooking.  Put chicken legs in the crock pot, along with cut-up carrots, Brussels sprouts, and celery; forgot to add onions.  Had it for dinner and it was yummy.
Went back to SOCH thrift in Manahawkin, as I'm having second thoughts about wearing a bed jacket when I come down from upstairs as Gay Wellington.  Maybe it should be a bathrobe or maybe I shouldn't change at all.  Will consult Tonya.  Actually took a nap on the couch after lunch.  That happens seldom and when it does, I sometimes wake up feeling groggy, but yesterday, I seemed to have needed it and was refreshed.
Got a day-ahead Skype call from Ellen, who's involved in a hard-fought run for the assembly.  No, she's not running; she's volunteering for a candidate and has spent a lot of time and effort in getting Julia Brownlee elected.  She'll join others in the audience at a debate with her and her republican opponent, which will, she said, be on C-Span.  Hope I can get to see it.  While I was "on" with Ellen, her sister called.  Called her back and we had a good talk.
WIDER:  "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free":

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...