Friday, September 14, 2012


In the morning, I cut up carrots, put them in the small slow cooker with o.j. and cinnamon, then made myself a salad to have ready for lunch.  Thought I'd pick up a few items in Manahawkin, but on the way impulsively decided to continue on to Long Beach Island. 
Why?  Because Aline, Susan, and I are going to Steel Magnolias at Surflight Theater on LBI next Wednesday and lunching first.  I wanted to make a dry run  and check out some restaurants.  I'm glad I did; although I've been there several times, I had forgotten Surflight was so far down on the island.  I found it with no trouble, though, and stopped at three likely restaurants to be sure they'd be open (this is a resort area).  Got their take-out menus.
Now I never cared much for LBI.  It's a barrier island, only eighteen miles long, and very narrow.  At some places, you can view the ocean, then turn your head and see the bay.  Having been born and brought up in Ventnor on Absecon Island, a substantial year-round community, LBI seems somewhat--well, trivial, inconsequential, lightweight, or something.  It's filled with houses, most of them built in the last fifty years or so, plus the ubiquitous stores and eating places that spring up at all resorts, I suppose. The causeway bridge is the only way to get off if you don't have a boat and that makes me nervous as hell.  In the warmer months, the place is so jammed with vacationers and summer people it's annoyingly hard to get around.  Yesterday, there were still a fair number of people there--Autumn is usually a glorious time of year at the shore--but it wasn't so crowded as to be uncomfortable.    
I've been at the northern end of the island many times--it includes Barnegat Lighthouse, some beaches and docks, and too many commercial establishments.  It certainly isn't very impressive compared to Longport. 
I was never interested enough in the place to see the southern end, but having no pressing plans yesterday, decided to drive there and get a glimpse. 
I couldn't see much after I parked, as there are high dunes you have to walk over.  Luckily, stairs are provided.  Not expecting much, I parked and walked up and over to view the beach and ocean scene.    
Good grief, it's beautiful!  Yesterday was brilliantly sunny and the water rolled gently in under an almost cloudless sky.  The area includes a kind of overlook, as well as a broad expanse of sand curving down from it.  It looked a bit hazardous to cross, but many had and you could see them set up on the beach.  I stayed for just a few minutes, but will certainly come back again.  Lovely, lovely, lovely, and soothing to the soul.  I'll certainly return to LBI, which I now consider a gem of an island.
On the way home, stopped at The Pretzel Factory to get information on prices and so on.  Got a brochure for Cynthia, who will handle concessions for You Can't.         

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...