Thursday, September 27, 2012

Surflight And Fred

Yesterday?  Neat and complete. 
As soon as the car wash opened, I took my li'l darlin' over and got her a bath.  (I do this at least once every three years--don't want to bring down the tone of the neighborhood.)  Home, I breakfasted, then dressed for our excursion.  Picked up Aline and Susan, then Jeanne, and we were off to the Surflight theatre on LBI.
Had lunch at Buckalew's, sat and talked in the car for a time, then strolled the short distance to Surflight.  For a Wednesday afternoon and without buses, it wasn't a bad audience; place was about two-thirds full, I'd say.
Steel Magnolias was great.  Members of the cast--six women--are all equity and they were good.  I was especially impressed by the one who played Ouser ("Wee-zer"), who showed what a great part like that can be in the hands of a professional.  It was odd, but wonderfully enjoyable, to hear and see my old part of Clariee performed by someone else.  Although I was aware of Shelby's fate, I still cried during act three, of course.  I thought our Kathy D. actually did a better job of the role than the actress I saw yesterday. 
After, Jeanne and I chatted with some of the staff.  She knows them, as she has appeared with Our Gang Players at that theatre.  We then saw the actors who played Clariee and Ouser and extended our appreciation of their performances. 
Dropped the three off after making a date with Aline to visit thrift shops today to pick up additions to our play outfits.  Of course, we'll lunch along the way, too.
Stopped at Acme and picked up a tray of sushi for dinner.  I was surprised to see that some were labelled "raw" and some "cooked."  I don't think they use cooked fish in the dish in Japan; will have to ask P.  I guess they have to cater to leery American tastes here.  I chose the raw and it was good.
Got home and found three messages:  Lillian M. called to say the Red Hats group would attend our show on Friday night, instead of Sunday because our Women's Club is having an exercise person talk that day.  Damn!   This could cut down on attendance for some others, too.  Well, can't be help.
Flo C., the seamstress, called back and we decided she'd hem my jeans before I pick up Aline.  Naomi P. called about the fact that my walking partner and neighbor, Susan, who's a realtor, took some potential buyers through.  I called her back and we had a long talk.
SEMI-WIDER:  This isn't anti-military, but old Fred is at the top of his form in this "you don't need all that crap" rant:


iloveac said...

Meant to post this on yesterday's entry.
I would love to see your upcoming performance.
You may have just a few lines, but I have a feeling you'll steal the show. I can see you now on the couch with intermittent outbursts. What fun! Enjoy it all. Once I'm back living in NJ I will be able to see you at LETCO.

Mimi said...

Thanks so much for your kind words, Pat. Will love having you at one of my shows (and you can stay over at my place, too.) Actually, it is a pretty funny part--I sing, incredibly enough, in a drunken haze, sort of.

iloveac said...

Can someone video your part....any digital camera should work. I'd love to see you in the role. Thanks for the invite. It's most appreciated. /p

Mimi said...

Usually, Bob, our director's husband, does it and he proabably will this time, too. However, when there are so many in the cast--we have 20, I think, only the actors with the major 3 or 4 parts are given the videos. I'd like to see it myself, but don't know if I'll be able to. BTW, when Bob video taped Night Must Fall, he accidentally--or carelessly--left out my big dramatic scene where I get out of my wheelchair and walk. What a disappointment! I found it hard to be civil to him for a time after that.


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...