Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Play And A Movie

Aside from an Acme excursion (big whoops, as the kids used to say), I spent practically the whole day completing and re-typing my play for the Playwrights & Players meeting. 
Called Aline to suggest we make a day of it today and she enthusiastically agreed. I'll pick her up at 10:00 and we'll drive down to Ventnor for brunch (where? Dunno.), then I'll show her around my old haunts.  She loves the ocean, so I'll take her to the boardwalk, too. After that, we'll go to the meeting, then dinner at Betty's.
After I finished the play and copied it (love my printer), I searched out and found on YouTube, Truly, Madly, Deeply, a wonderful British film made in 1991.  Always loved it and I was able to watch the whole thing.  It's a five-hanky movie, no question, and you can be sure I had my box of tissues on hand.  The plot: Boyfriend comes back from the dead, girl's ecstatic, but after a time, realizes, and so does he, that a liaison between living and dead can't be on this earth.  Sound like Ghost?  It does, but only in regard to the major theme of loved one back from the dead.  Aside from that, it's immeasurably wiser, more intelligent, and more poignant.

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Ellen called in the morning just to chat and we had a good talk. The roofers were back at her place today, even though it was raining a bit....