Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lunch And Pool

Talked to Betty early.  She was working on Jimmie Leeds Road and asked if I could meet for lunch.  Sure thing.  We went to Italian Cuisine, one of both of our favorites. This restaurant has good $6.99 lunch specials, which include salad, entree, and "fountain drink," as they put it.  I guess that's just to rid you of the notion you can get a beer included in the price.  I, however, had  a decadent pepper, onion, and sausage sandwich, along with a Yuingling (I'm too lazy to look up the spelling!) 
We had a good talk then parted, me to go to Santori's for tomatoes, feta, Brussels sprouts, and other stuff.  Got home and recorded my dialogue--rather, the cues that lead up to mine--as we're supposed to be off book now. 
Decided to top off the day at the pool. There were only four other people there--the lifeguards leave after Labor Day--but the water was heavenly.  I just stayed in for a half hour or so, then left as storm clouds gathered.  By the time I got out of the shower, it was pouring.
Aline called to say rehearsal for us was postponed from last night.  The  school would let us in only until 8:00 and director Tonya want to concentrate on Erin and Neil's parts.  I assume she wants to get the blocking over with.  Rehearsal for us is on for tonight and Friday evening, too.  
WIDER:  Here's a remarkable happening.  Oh, no, not our assassin-in-chief refusing a straight answer--that's as common as killing civilians--I mean the rare instance of a reporter actually trying to report:

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

Thanks for the link. The comments following are mostly pretty encouraging, too.


Ellen called in the morning just to chat and we had a good talk. The roofers were back at her place today, even though it was raining a bit....