Monday, September 10, 2012

Literary Busyness

Finally galvanized myself and got a fair amount done.  First things first, though: I yielded to my stomach priorities when I saw poultry on sale at Shop Rite.  Got a large cut-up chicken and a package of drumsticks.  Put former in slow cooker with onions and  what I call "veggie juice."  I freeze the water in which I cook vegetables for just such use.  Why?  Because I understand a lot of the vitamins and minerals leach out into the water.
Sat down and wrote articles about our upcoming play for The Breeze and the Cranberry Creek papers, as well as the "Neighborly News" for this issue.  Wrote all that up, which took most of the day.
E-mailed Tonya and she asked to use my pieces, as--bad news--Tara B. won't be doing publicity after all.  Spent some time transferring the program picture and will add info to post around town.
Told Jeanne S., who's doing props, that we could again use my father's ancient typewriter he used in college (c. 1920), plus I'll show her the kitten I picked up in California.  She wrote me back and asked if I'd like to see Steel Magnolias, which Surflight is doing (equity) this month.  Think I'll accept and maybe ask Aline. 
Now I just have to get Aline's and my picture taken in costume for the Breeze article and write up something on my November 1 reprise on the Dionne Quintuplets.
Enjoyed my weekly Skype call from daughter Ellen, whose birthday is tomorrow.  September eleventh was and remains a red-letter day for me!

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