Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday And A Video Star

After putzing around (my husband's lofty expression) with this and that in the morning, I got my cart and took off for Smart 'n' Final. It was pretty hot, but I didn't rush. I bought some nice tilapia fillets,  along with broccoli and romaine. Instead of walking or taking the bus directly home, I caught the 10 the opposite way and rode to Saticoy.  I stayed on until it turned around and got off at my Hill Street stop.
Why do I do things like this once in a while? Just to fill the time, which is a pretty dreary indication of what life seems to have become. Do I read? Oh, yes, always while I eat and before I go to sleep. Do I watch t.v.? Only between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. I talk on the phone, do housework, and take care of finances, sure; but it's still slow during certain periods. Of course, I do quite a bit of food prep, since most of what I eat is fresh and in the vegetable kingdom. When I got home from the supermarket, I chopped my lettuce, made my salad, and seasoned the tilapia. Saved out one fillet for dinner (it was delish) and froze the others. I now have that, salmon, and Ahi tuna steaks in the freezer, all ready to thaw,cook and eat. I also have a fair amount of fresh vegetables in the fridge.
I'm looking forward to meeting Jim at Starbucks for lunch today, so that's at least a step out of the ho-hum routine.
After lunch, I took off for the mall and Target. A friend on Facebook had mentioned he had gotten a triple package of Clorox Wipes at Target--the last one, he said, and I can believe it. Of course--hmm...he lives in Jersey, but I thought maybe...
No. Of course, they didn't have them or anything else I wanted, so I just left. I stopped at the Hallmark Card Shop near Von's before I went home and got little Mr. K. a cute birthday card.
While idly looking at YouTube last evening, I was delighted to find Ellen's video welcome to her new third-class. School starts today--on-line, of course--and I fervently hope all goes well for her and the thousands of other teachers across the country.

I think she skillfully worked in a some information for the children, such as the distance between Ojai and Santa Paula (that's where her school is and the students live)  and growing from seed. Of course, the kitties were a wonderful touch, too.


iloveac said...

Very nice. Ellen has a soothing voice and that will help the students be comfortable asking questions. They'll love seeing her home and especially the kitties.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. I'm proud of her, of course.


In the morning, I walked to the Dollar Tree next to Smart 'n' Final Supermarket and got some minor household supplies. Once home, I ...