Saturday, August 01, 2020


Chilly Willy (William McQuire)  finally called (at 5:30 last evening) and said he'd go to the house this morning and get the AC running, then install the new system on Tuesday! Yay! I immediately called Eileen to tell her and all is well.  Called El and told  her the same: ALL. IS. WELL !!!!
Changed my bed before going to T.O.P.S. Of course, that just means going to the middle of the complex and waiting for the others. I was sure I had gained, but as it turned, I lost a smidgen: .07 according to the T.O.P.S scale, which puts me at 130.2, as opposed to mine scale's129.6. (AAGH--talk about obsessive!)
Had breakfast, then did a load of wash and remade the bed. It's always satisfying to me to put them in the washer, the dryer, then fold and put them away. I guess it would be less so if I had to slosh them in a stream.
I called my dear friend, Marilyn, to whom I haven't spoken for several years. I looked it up here and it's been five years. What I wrote then perfectly describes her, I think:

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Lunch With a Dear and Long-Time Friend

It was delightful to see Marilyn again, although pretty hairy getting there, as it was raining heavily on the way.  I still haven't gotten my windshield wipers fixed and I had to keep running them manually. However, I got there in plenty of time, a bit more than an hour.
We met at Mastoris, a restaurant in Bordentown well-known for its good food and huge portions.  Marilyn looks wonderful, with a new, shorter haircut, and she was nicely turned out in a dark paisley outfit. We both had a shrimp salad plate, much too much for one sitting, and a fine time catching up with each other.
To me, Marilyn--whom I've known almost since I started at Rider forty years ago--is a combination friend, sister, and daughter (she's in her late fifties). She suffered a terrible tragedy when her long-time fiancee died suddenly at 62 a few years ago.  She always seemed to me the epitome of sweet-natured goodness, so absolutely without guile or pretense that you have to love her.  At the same time, she's intelligent, uncritical of others, and a warm and caring person. She's a pianist and choir director, a graduate of Westminster Choir College before it was bought by Rider, and the supervisor of a good-sized department of information systems for the state of New Jersey.
We had a leisurely and much-enjoyed visit, then I drove home in what was now more sleet than rain, but without incident.
We talked for almost an hour. Marilyn is a few years older than my older son, so much younger than I am. I always liked her so much and I still do.
Earlier, I had gotten a text from my tenant in response to mine telling her I had again contacted Willy. She wrote back, saying it had gotten cooler and that now "I'm not as 'bitchy' ha!" I assured her she wasn't bitchy, just hot.
Another good thing was that I finally got the patio put back in shape. Moved back some of what I had had to shift, swept, and generally neatened up. It looks pretty good, but I want to get rid of some more pots and things.
After lunch, I walked to The Market for lettuce and other produce, then to Wal-Mart. I wanted to see if they had filing cabinets and they had exactly one. It happened to be what I want, although in black and I prefer white, but I wrote down the number and will look on-line. Actually, I found one on-line at Office Max and ordered it. I'll pay, then be reimbursed by management here. Took the bus home, but still got in about three miles, which is okay.
For dinner, I stir-fried Ellen's purple peppers, onions, mushrooms, and the red beans I had made. Boy, it was a good meal and I have some left for tonight.
More of the good: I received my new DVD of Fracture in the mail and I'll see it soon.

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 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...