I extended my morning walk, going the uphill route. Changed my bed and did the sheets and other whites in bleach at the laundry place. Ran into Suzanne as I was taking my clothes and we chatted for a bit. She wanted to show me pictures of San Luis Obispo, where she had spent the weekend with some other sisters, but was on her way to work, so said we'd catch up later. Sent an e-mail to Diane, asking if she was game to meet for Happy Hour, although Nancy and Carolyn had decided to skip, as they didn't want to drive on Halloween. She accepted and I told her to pick a spot.
Hopped on a bus to get to the 99 Cent store and bought a few items. Home for lunch, then to town. Betty called while I was on the bus, asking again for me to come to Santa Barbara to see her apartment. Yes, I want to, but the lease doesn't start until November 2, anyway. Returned Chris Hedges' America, The Farewell Tour to the library, then headed down to The Promenade and the Pacific Ocean.
Boy, was it rough. I had never seen the waves so high and every time they crashed down, I could hear a deep, rolling noise, exactly the way thunder sounds when it's nearby. That was made by the rocks that line part of the beach, rolling around under the water. Some of them are pretty heavy, too.
Home and rang Suzanne's door, but she was just out of the shower and had to go back to St. John's because one of the Sisters, who has Alzheimer's, had been omitted. We'll catch up later.
*Ha! I don't think I've ever seen this in real life, but it comes up fairly often in crossword puzzles. It means a hodgepodge, a mix of this and that.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Walked in the morning, but cut it a bit short. Had breakfast, then got back on-line to take the practice tests. Changed and ate just a few mouthfuls of turkey, then went out to wait for the van. My appointment was at 1:15, but the "envelope" the van person gave me was 11:59 to 12:15 and darned if it didn't get here at the earliest.
That meant I was 45 minutes early for my appointment, but I really didn't care. The DMV office is near a shopping center with restaurants and I thought I might have lunch there after (as it turned out, I decided not to).
I was given an eye test and the written test first (I was surprised the latter was on paper, not on-line), then the "hearing" took place. It was just me and Mr. Chacon in his office--but it was under oath and was recorded. There's no point in going through it; suffice it to say, I passed and Mr. C. made an appointment for me to take the road test on November 13 in Ventura.
I was out of there before 2:00 and called Access to be taken home. However, I was told I couldn't be picked up until between 3:00 and 3:30, so I called to cancel when I found out there was a bus stop nearby. Got on a the 22 bus and--surprise!--it stopped at St. John's. Impulsively, I decided to go in and say hello to Suzanne.
Surprise again--she wasn't working yesterday, which I was told when I finally found her office. No prob, I just took the next bus (no. 22) out, which went to East Ventura, then boarded another (no. 10) that goes down Telegraph. Had a light salad, then prepared to go to town, although it was after 4:00 by that time.
Biggest (and best) surprise of all, as I was nearing the bus stop, a car stopped and it was Ellen! She was going to Target, so I hopped in, and went with her. We shopped, said goodbye, then I went home and relaxed.
Walked in the morning, but cut it a bit short. Had breakfast, then got back on-line to take the practice tests. Changed and ate just a few mouthfuls of turkey, then went out to wait for the van. My appointment was at 1:15, but the "envelope" the van person gave me was 11:59 to 12:15 and darned if it didn't get here at the earliest.
That meant I was 45 minutes early for my appointment, but I really didn't care. The DMV office is near a shopping center with restaurants and I thought I might have lunch there after (as it turned out, I decided not to).
I was given an eye test and the written test first (I was surprised the latter was on paper, not on-line), then the "hearing" took place. It was just me and Mr. Chacon in his office--but it was under oath and was recorded. There's no point in going through it; suffice it to say, I passed and Mr. C. made an appointment for me to take the road test on November 13 in Ventura.
I was out of there before 2:00 and called Access to be taken home. However, I was told I couldn't be picked up until between 3:00 and 3:30, so I called to cancel when I found out there was a bus stop nearby. Got on a the 22 bus and--surprise!--it stopped at St. John's. Impulsively, I decided to go in and say hello to Suzanne.
Surprise again--she wasn't working yesterday, which I was told when I finally found her office. No prob, I just took the next bus (no. 22) out, which went to East Ventura, then boarded another (no. 10) that goes down Telegraph. Had a light salad, then prepared to go to town, although it was after 4:00 by that time.
Biggest (and best) surprise of all, as I was nearing the bus stop, a car stopped and it was Ellen! She was going to Target, so I hopped in, and went with her. We shopped, said goodbye, then I went home and relaxed.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Sunday And Studying
I extended my morning walk by a bit, which was a good thing, as I didn't get much in later. Did my usual Sunday activities, then took dark clothes to the laundry place; I'll do the white with bleach tomorrow.
Spent most of the rest of the day studying the friggin' DMV book and taking the freaking practice tests on line. I have no confidence at all that I'm going to pass this thing.
Called GoAccess (yes, that's what they call it) to arrange to be picked up and driven to Oxnard. The idiot there kept telling me there was no DMV on Solar Drive. "I have a letter in front of me telling me the address," I yelled, and spelled it for her--twice. She finally found it, but--AAGH!
About 3:00, I had had enough of the DMV book (I don't see how people can stay inside all day) and went out to get the bus for town. It happened that one going in the opposite direction came, so I got on that instead. Rode to East Ventura, then just stayed on to go back to town.
By the time I got there, it was already 4:30, but I really didn't care. Hopped the next bus home, picked up some bags and went over to Von's for a few items. I was pleased that El called just before dinner and we had a good talk, mostly about her resuming third grade tomorrow and what she and Greg did during their Santa Barbara getaway.
Spent most of the rest of the day studying the friggin' DMV book and taking the freaking practice tests on line. I have no confidence at all that I'm going to pass this thing.
Called GoAccess (yes, that's what they call it) to arrange to be picked up and driven to Oxnard. The idiot there kept telling me there was no DMV on Solar Drive. "I have a letter in front of me telling me the address," I yelled, and spelled it for her--twice. She finally found it, but--AAGH!
About 3:00, I had had enough of the DMV book (I don't see how people can stay inside all day) and went out to get the bus for town. It happened that one going in the opposite direction came, so I got on that instead. Rode to East Ventura, then just stayed on to go back to town.
By the time I got there, it was already 4:30, but I really didn't care. Hopped the next bus home, picked up some bags and went over to Von's for a few items. I was pleased that El called just before dinner and we had a good talk, mostly about her resuming third grade tomorrow and what she and Greg did during their Santa Barbara getaway.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Museum With Diane
I'm getting downright decadent: I skipped the morning walk to shower and wash my hair to get ready for the museum breakfast at 9:00. The Access van came way early, just after 8:00 and it takes only twenty minutes or so to get there. However, it was again a beautiful day and I just sat on a bench in front of the mission to wait for Diane.
She arrived soon and we went in. Had a yummy pancake breakfast donated by the Elks, then looked at the exhibits. I was surprised that Diane had never been there and she greatly enjoyed it. We had our picture taken in something like the setup for the famous Brown Derby in L.A., gone there many years.
While we were walking back on Main, we got into a discussion--well, more like an argument--about quantum physics and the supernatural. Yes, I'm a materialist (read "realist") through and through, so I confess I get annoyed at this new agey type of goofiness. I like Diane, but in truth, she seems not to grasp the difference between opinion and fact. The height of Mount Everest is a fact, whether chocolate or vanilla ice cream is better is an opinion. Because Diane has lived in Mexico (she is not Latino), she seems to think her opinion about Mexican immigrants who come here is sound. It isn't, nor is it unsound--it's just her opinion.
Anyway, we got over that and I walked her to her street, then hopped the bus for home. Changed and set off with my trusty cart, boarded a bus for Telephone Road, got another to get to WinCo, and bought about all the groceries I could handle.
Betty called while I was on the bus home to ask if I could come see her new apartment when her daughter and son-in-law were away from November twelfth to the fifteenth. But I'm leaving for Jersey shortly after, so that's out. Possibly, I could come earlier, but we'll see.
Home, I put the things from WinCo away, then walked over to Von's for bleach and cottage cheese. For the first time, I used an electronic coupon; I had it transferred from my e-mail to my phone, which I showed the cashier--that worked out well.
Called Bill Galway to get his charge for some work he did around my house--$130, which is reasonable--and chatted with him about Jersey weather and so on. Now today, I must concentrate on prep for the DMV test, which is tomorrow--AAGH!
She arrived soon and we went in. Had a yummy pancake breakfast donated by the Elks, then looked at the exhibits. I was surprised that Diane had never been there and she greatly enjoyed it. We had our picture taken in something like the setup for the famous Brown Derby in L.A., gone there many years.
While we were walking back on Main, we got into a discussion--well, more like an argument--about quantum physics and the supernatural. Yes, I'm a materialist (read "realist") through and through, so I confess I get annoyed at this new agey type of goofiness. I like Diane, but in truth, she seems not to grasp the difference between opinion and fact. The height of Mount Everest is a fact, whether chocolate or vanilla ice cream is better is an opinion. Because Diane has lived in Mexico (she is not Latino), she seems to think her opinion about Mexican immigrants who come here is sound. It isn't, nor is it unsound--it's just her opinion.
Anyway, we got over that and I walked her to her street, then hopped the bus for home. Changed and set off with my trusty cart, boarded a bus for Telephone Road, got another to get to WinCo, and bought about all the groceries I could handle.
Betty called while I was on the bus home to ask if I could come see her new apartment when her daughter and son-in-law were away from November twelfth to the fifteenth. But I'm leaving for Jersey shortly after, so that's out. Possibly, I could come earlier, but we'll see.
Home, I put the things from WinCo away, then walked over to Von's for bleach and cottage cheese. For the first time, I used an electronic coupon; I had it transferred from my e-mail to my phone, which I showed the cashier--that worked out well.
Called Bill Galway to get his charge for some work he did around my house--$130, which is reasonable--and chatted with him about Jersey weather and so on. Now today, I must concentrate on prep for the DMV test, which is tomorrow--AAGH!
Saturday, October 27, 2018
"A Star Is Born"
Walked in the morning, then Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. Weight was up a bit, but less than a pound, to 129.1, so I was okay with that. Didn't get breakfast until 10:00 and left shortly after for town. Got off at the library and walked to the p.o to mail Halloween cards to my great-grandsons. Okay, one is 16, but I like to send them cards, anyway. I took with me some cut fruit. I ate that in the park for lunch, then then met Nancy at the Midtown for A Star Is Born.
Hey, we both loved it; I thought Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were superb. Went after to Casa Bella for Happy Hour, and talked ant talked and talked. We covered mostly politics and the state of the world today, but also our Catholic pasts and free-thinking presents. We don't agree on a lot of things, but that doesn't keep up from enjoyable discussion.
Ellen had called during the movie, and I called her back when I was on the bus home. They had a nice time in Santa Barbara, and are expecting a visit from their friends from Germany. I didn't get home until after 7:00, so full dark, but safe and sound, anyway.
Hey, we both loved it; I thought Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were superb. Went after to Casa Bella for Happy Hour, and talked ant talked and talked. We covered mostly politics and the state of the world today, but also our Catholic pasts and free-thinking presents. We don't agree on a lot of things, but that doesn't keep up from enjoyable discussion.
Ellen had called during the movie, and I called her back when I was on the bus home. They had a nice time in Santa Barbara, and are expecting a visit from their friends from Germany. I didn't get home until after 7:00, so full dark, but safe and sound, anyway.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Doctor And Stella
The Access van picked me up and got me to the doctor's office for my appointment at 9:00. This took an annoyingly long time, but once I saw Dr. J. (who, presumably, will assure the DMV I'm not certifiable), got a vision test and a flu shot, I was outta there. Decided not to bother waiting for the bus, but walked to Telephone Road, then to Victoria, a little more than two miles. Got the bus home, and finally had breakfast at almost noon.
Stella called to see if we could meet and I told her I'd see her about 3:00 at Surfers' Point. Got there around 2:30 and was hungry, so stopped for a bite at the Aloha. Met Stella after that and we strolled along The Promenade, then the bike path for maybe two miles. By that time, it was almost 5:00 and Stella suggested we stop for dinner. I wasn't hungry, but we went to the Blue Agave and I had a Margarita, while she had a salad and a "mule" (a drink with ginger beer and tequila, served in a silver mug).
When we left, Stella noticed the old house next door to the Blue Agave, which has been turned into a bar. I was always curious about it, but never had the nerve to go in; however, Stella, whom I thought was somewhat shy and retiring, walked right in and I followed. We talked to a guy decorating with "cobwebs" and actually explored the whole place, including the upstairs. Interesting.
By the time we parted, it was after 6:00 and by the time I got home, it was 7:00 and full dark. Aside from the doctor visit, it was an enjoyable day and I definitely got plenty of walking in.
Stella called to see if we could meet and I told her I'd see her about 3:00 at Surfers' Point. Got there around 2:30 and was hungry, so stopped for a bite at the Aloha. Met Stella after that and we strolled along The Promenade, then the bike path for maybe two miles. By that time, it was almost 5:00 and Stella suggested we stop for dinner. I wasn't hungry, but we went to the Blue Agave and I had a Margarita, while she had a salad and a "mule" (a drink with ginger beer and tequila, served in a silver mug).
When we left, Stella noticed the old house next door to the Blue Agave, which has been turned into a bar. I was always curious about it, but never had the nerve to go in; however, Stella, whom I thought was somewhat shy and retiring, walked right in and I followed. We talked to a guy decorating with "cobwebs" and actually explored the whole place, including the upstairs. Interesting.
By the time we parted, it was after 6:00 and by the time I got home, it was 7:00 and full dark. Aside from the doctor visit, it was an enjoyable day and I definitely got plenty of walking in.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Happy Hour and Dudley House
Walked my morning mile, had breakfast, then set off to Jessica Nails for a manicure. Because I knew I wouldn't get my afternoon walk in, I walked there. It's 1.7 miles, which is okay, although probably not as long as my usual.
Stopped in a store for fruit, then hopped the bus back. Showered, washed my hair, and dressed for first, Happy Hour, then the covered dish at Dudley House. I was pleased when Shari called to tell me Bob Dudley will be there. He's the great-grandson of Frank Dudley, who was Caroline Dudley's brother-in-law and Caroline is the one I impersonate.
Called Access and put in a request to be picked up today for my trip to the doctor at 11:00. Later, though, Primary Medical called asking me to switch to 9:00, as they had a cancellation. Said okay and changed my arrangements. Told them I'll just take the bus back.
Got to Rumfish a bit early, but Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn came soon after and we had a great time, as always. We decided to skip next Wednesday, as it's Halloween, but I'll see Nance for A Star Is Born tomorrow and Diane on Saturday for breakfast at the museum. We parted about 5:30 and I took the bus to Ashwood Avenue, then walked the rest of the way to Dudley House.
By the time I got there, there were lots of people there already. I chatted with several I know, and sat with Bob Dudley himself. He has a ranch up in the hills and is a pretty nice guy. During the very short and casual "business meeting," Shari (chair or prez, not sure which) announced that Bob will soon be ninety years old--wow! She also mentioned my stint at the country fair, plus the fact I had been instrumental in having CC's church group come for a tour.
Connie K. came and sat next to me. She invited me to join a group having to do with impersonating historic figures, plus gave me a brochure on the origin of Thanksgiving. Both looks like fun and I'm interested.
The program was great fun: Two women dressed in authentic Victorian clothing, did a skit (grande dame and her maid), which entailed showing and describing all the layers of undergarments.
There were some peanut butter cups left over and I didn't want to take them home. Happily, Diana had brought fresh cut fruit and we exchanged them. She took me home an by the time we got there, it was 9:30, but it had been a fun day, so I was fun with that.
Stopped in a store for fruit, then hopped the bus back. Showered, washed my hair, and dressed for first, Happy Hour, then the covered dish at Dudley House. I was pleased when Shari called to tell me Bob Dudley will be there. He's the great-grandson of Frank Dudley, who was Caroline Dudley's brother-in-law and Caroline is the one I impersonate.
Called Access and put in a request to be picked up today for my trip to the doctor at 11:00. Later, though, Primary Medical called asking me to switch to 9:00, as they had a cancellation. Said okay and changed my arrangements. Told them I'll just take the bus back.
Got to Rumfish a bit early, but Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn came soon after and we had a great time, as always. We decided to skip next Wednesday, as it's Halloween, but I'll see Nance for A Star Is Born tomorrow and Diane on Saturday for breakfast at the museum. We parted about 5:30 and I took the bus to Ashwood Avenue, then walked the rest of the way to Dudley House.
By the time I got there, there were lots of people there already. I chatted with several I know, and sat with Bob Dudley himself. He has a ranch up in the hills and is a pretty nice guy. During the very short and casual "business meeting," Shari (chair or prez, not sure which) announced that Bob will soon be ninety years old--wow! She also mentioned my stint at the country fair, plus the fact I had been instrumental in having CC's church group come for a tour.
Connie K. came and sat next to me. She invited me to join a group having to do with impersonating historic figures, plus gave me a brochure on the origin of Thanksgiving. Both looks like fun and I'm interested.
The program was great fun: Two women dressed in authentic Victorian clothing, did a skit (grande dame and her maid), which entailed showing and describing all the layers of undergarments.
There were some peanut butter cups left over and I didn't want to take them home. Happily, Diana had brought fresh cut fruit and we exchanged them. She took me home an by the time we got there, it was 9:30, but it had been a fun day, so I was fun with that.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Here And There
For the first time in an age, I didn't take my morning walk. Put in a load of wash, then went over to Von's with my trusty little cart to pick up a few things. This was during the 45 minutes it took for the clothes to dry.
The Access van came about 10:00, driven by Anthony, a nice young man--in his thirties, I'd say--who, I found out later, is married and has a two-year-old named Elizabeth. Nobody else was in the van when he arrived, but we then went to The Townehouse (I used to go to their wine and music Fridays back in the day) and picked up Ralph, who had an ophthalmologist appointment at Miramar (I go there, too). Dropped him off, then I was driven to Primary Medical.
The truth is, I didn't need to go there yesterday; my appointment is tomorrow with Dr. Jennings, re the DMV crap. I just wanted to see how I liked the Access van--I did--and for three bucks, it was a bargain. Until Ralph gave Anthony a five and told him to keep the change, I didn't realize you could tip. I gave Anthony two when I got out.
I made a show of going into the office until Anthony drove away, then took the bus home. I was surprised to be called an hour or so later by another driver who, for some reason, thought I wanted to be picked up. I told her no, not realizing they think if you go somewhere, you must want to be taken home.
After lunch, I went to town for the usual. Called Shari about the covered dish at Dudley House tonight, to see if anybody could take me home. I'll meet my pals at the Rumfish for Happy Hour at 4:00, then take the bus to Dudley. I just don't want to be waiting for a bus in the dark. Shari said Diana lives near me; she contacted her, Diana called me, and it's all arranged.
That left only the problem of what I could bring for the covered dish, but I solved that by going to Trader Joe's at the mall (where all the buses stop). Looked around and finally bought a container of miniature peanut butter cups. I'm going to put them in a small basket, with a one of my little skeltons holding fancy label telling what they are.
Nancy and I confirmed our movie date (A Star Is Born) for Friday and Diane accepted my invitation to accompany me to the museum's pancake breakfast and tour on Saturday. It's free for members (that's me!) and one guest.
The Access van came about 10:00, driven by Anthony, a nice young man--in his thirties, I'd say--who, I found out later, is married and has a two-year-old named Elizabeth. Nobody else was in the van when he arrived, but we then went to The Townehouse (I used to go to their wine and music Fridays back in the day) and picked up Ralph, who had an ophthalmologist appointment at Miramar (I go there, too). Dropped him off, then I was driven to Primary Medical.
The truth is, I didn't need to go there yesterday; my appointment is tomorrow with Dr. Jennings, re the DMV crap. I just wanted to see how I liked the Access van--I did--and for three bucks, it was a bargain. Until Ralph gave Anthony a five and told him to keep the change, I didn't realize you could tip. I gave Anthony two when I got out.
I made a show of going into the office until Anthony drove away, then took the bus home. I was surprised to be called an hour or so later by another driver who, for some reason, thought I wanted to be picked up. I told her no, not realizing they think if you go somewhere, you must want to be taken home.
After lunch, I went to town for the usual. Called Shari about the covered dish at Dudley House tonight, to see if anybody could take me home. I'll meet my pals at the Rumfish for Happy Hour at 4:00, then take the bus to Dudley. I just don't want to be waiting for a bus in the dark. Shari said Diana lives near me; she contacted her, Diana called me, and it's all arranged.
That left only the problem of what I could bring for the covered dish, but I solved that by going to Trader Joe's at the mall (where all the buses stop). Looked around and finally bought a container of miniature peanut butter cups. I'm going to put them in a small basket, with a one of my little skeltons holding fancy label telling what they are.
Nancy and I confirmed our movie date (A Star Is Born) for Friday and Diane accepted my invitation to accompany me to the museum's pancake breakfast and tour on Saturday. It's free for members (that's me!) and one guest.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Ordinary Day
An ordinary day, but that's fine by me.
Walked in the morning. After breakfast, went over to Von's for apples and a few other things. Cored, seasoned, and baked the apples. Cut up Romaine for my salad.
Called El and we chatted. I told her I didn't know how I'd get to the doctor's on Thursday (she and Greg will be in Santa Barbara) and she suggested Access, a van service for those over 65. I called them and was delighted they'll take me.
Betty called twice, saying she had lost part of something she bought on Sunday. I have no idea if she really even had it, bought it, or lost it.
Went to town after and walked The Promenade, then as usual, back to Main. I got off to go to a store I like and met a woman at the bus stop. "Pat" lives in Ojai, does drive, but prefers to take the bus to get around when she can. We sat together and chatted. I gave her my card and suggested she get in touch.
Home, dinner, and that was my day.
Walked in the morning. After breakfast, went over to Von's for apples and a few other things. Cored, seasoned, and baked the apples. Cut up Romaine for my salad.
Called El and we chatted. I told her I didn't know how I'd get to the doctor's on Thursday (she and Greg will be in Santa Barbara) and she suggested Access, a van service for those over 65. I called them and was delighted they'll take me.
Betty called twice, saying she had lost part of something she bought on Sunday. I have no idea if she really even had it, bought it, or lost it.
Went to town after and walked The Promenade, then as usual, back to Main. I got off to go to a store I like and met a woman at the bus stop. "Pat" lives in Ojai, does drive, but prefers to take the bus to get around when she can. We sat together and chatted. I gave her my card and suggested she get in touch.
Home, dinner, and that was my day.
Walked, then did the usual Sunday crossword and so on.
Betty's son-in-law, Dana, and her grandson, Finn, dropped her off about 10:30 and we chatted for a bit, then left for the bus stop.
I was heartened by the fact that Betty seemed to have no trouble walking there (about a block and a half away) and we got on the bus with no problem. I had us get off at the Mission, then we went to several stores. Betty bought a blouse and purse, I a light robe to take on my trip.
After, I took her down to the Blue Agave, thinking we'd eat on the patio, but that was filled by a private party, so we sat down inside. However, in the bar area adjacent, there were lots of extremely noisy people and I wasn't about to try to enjoy lunch in such an atmosphere. I suggested we leave, Betty agreed, and I took her back to Main and the Paradise Pantry.
This was crowded, too, but we were seated immediately on a banquette and fell into conversation with two women at the adjacent table. In fact, we more or less had lunch with them. They had been best friends since childhood, but Gina lives now in Seattle and was visiting Becky, who lives here in Ventura. When I mentioned that my sons live in Tokyo and Singapore, I was surprised to hear that Becky has been there several times, on missionary work for her church.
We four talked and talked, and stayed for more than an hour. They insisted on paying for our lunch, no matter how much we protested, and they did. After, as Betty and I were at the bus stop, I got a phone call. It was our two new friends, calling from their car to say they wanted to drive us home. We accepted, they did, and I gave Becky my card, with thanks.
Home about 3:30 and we visited. Dana and Finn came back about 5:30 and took Betty back to Santa Barbara.
Betty's son-in-law, Dana, and her grandson, Finn, dropped her off about 10:30 and we chatted for a bit, then left for the bus stop.
I was heartened by the fact that Betty seemed to have no trouble walking there (about a block and a half away) and we got on the bus with no problem. I had us get off at the Mission, then we went to several stores. Betty bought a blouse and purse, I a light robe to take on my trip.
After, I took her down to the Blue Agave, thinking we'd eat on the patio, but that was filled by a private party, so we sat down inside. However, in the bar area adjacent, there were lots of extremely noisy people and I wasn't about to try to enjoy lunch in such an atmosphere. I suggested we leave, Betty agreed, and I took her back to Main and the Paradise Pantry.
This was crowded, too, but we were seated immediately on a banquette and fell into conversation with two women at the adjacent table. In fact, we more or less had lunch with them. They had been best friends since childhood, but Gina lives now in Seattle and was visiting Becky, who lives here in Ventura. When I mentioned that my sons live in Tokyo and Singapore, I was surprised to hear that Becky has been there several times, on missionary work for her church.
We four talked and talked, and stayed for more than an hour. They insisted on paying for our lunch, no matter how much we protested, and they did. After, as Betty and I were at the bus stop, I got a phone call. It was our two new friends, calling from their car to say they wanted to drive us home. We accepted, they did, and I gave Becky my card, with thanks.
Home about 3:30 and we visited. Dana and Finn came back about 5:30 and took Betty back to Santa Barbara.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Nice day. Suzanne called me at 6:00 am. Anyone else might be outraged at that, but she knows my alarm goes off at 5:15 and in another fifteen, I'm having my coffee at this laptop. She asked if I wanted to go to the harbor where the fishermen bring their wares on weekends. Naturally I did, and at 8:00, off we went.
It was an absolutely gorgeous morning. The Santa Ana winds, which had been blowing so strongly for several days, had cleared off all the mistiness and the sun shone so brightly on the mountains, they just stood out against the blue, blue sky.
We inspected the fish, shrimp, crabs, and clams, all of which had been pulled from the sea just a few hours before. I was taken aback to see that many were still moving--also, that buyers were expected to clean and gut them. We agreed we didn't want to do that, so went to another fish place, which had both fresh and frozen fish, all cleaned and filleted. I wanted swordfish, but they had none frozen and the other was $24 dollars a pound, which I wouldn't pay. Instead, Suzanne and I both got sea bass--just beautiful and plenty enough for three meals.
After, we took a long walk along the water, then stopped for coffee and a light breakfast. I was pleased they had "heavy" bread and cottage cheese, so I had what I eat every day at home sans the half orange. We sat on the patio overlooking the water and talked and talked, about what proposals are on Ventura's ballot and political and state-of-the-world topics.
I'm often with people who, although I like them a lot and they are certainly no dummies, don't seem to be interested in bigger questions. They're either convinced Trump is the devil incarnate and the democrats are morally superior to others, or the exact opposite. Suzanne has a good mind and is articulate; she's never dogmatic or insinuates that her opinion is the right one. She simply observes, comments, and doesn't necessarily pass judgement. I told her about Chris Hedges' new book,which I'm reading and she wants to borrow it after I return it to the library.* Anyway, we had a good discussion; came to no conclusions, but both expressed our enjoyment of the morning.
After lunch, I went as usual to town; still a gorgeous day at the ocean. As I was on the bus going home, I was charmed to receive a private message from my darling great-grandson. He was writing an essay and asked an English usage question concerning semi-colons. Of course, I responded and loved doing it.
I haven't heard back from Betty as to when she's coming this morning, but assume she'll get to it. If not, I'll just see her when I see her.
It was an absolutely gorgeous morning. The Santa Ana winds, which had been blowing so strongly for several days, had cleared off all the mistiness and the sun shone so brightly on the mountains, they just stood out against the blue, blue sky.
We inspected the fish, shrimp, crabs, and clams, all of which had been pulled from the sea just a few hours before. I was taken aback to see that many were still moving--also, that buyers were expected to clean and gut them. We agreed we didn't want to do that, so went to another fish place, which had both fresh and frozen fish, all cleaned and filleted. I wanted swordfish, but they had none frozen and the other was $24 dollars a pound, which I wouldn't pay. Instead, Suzanne and I both got sea bass--just beautiful and plenty enough for three meals.
After, we took a long walk along the water, then stopped for coffee and a light breakfast. I was pleased they had "heavy" bread and cottage cheese, so I had what I eat every day at home sans the half orange. We sat on the patio overlooking the water and talked and talked, about what proposals are on Ventura's ballot and political and state-of-the-world topics.
I'm often with people who, although I like them a lot and they are certainly no dummies, don't seem to be interested in bigger questions. They're either convinced Trump is the devil incarnate and the democrats are morally superior to others, or the exact opposite. Suzanne has a good mind and is articulate; she's never dogmatic or insinuates that her opinion is the right one. She simply observes, comments, and doesn't necessarily pass judgement. I told her about Chris Hedges' new book,which I'm reading and she wants to borrow it after I return it to the library.* Anyway, we had a good discussion; came to no conclusions, but both expressed our enjoyment of the morning.
After lunch, I went as usual to town; still a gorgeous day at the ocean. As I was on the bus going home, I was charmed to receive a private message from my darling great-grandson. He was writing an essay and asked an English usage question concerning semi-colons. Of course, I responded and loved doing it.
I haven't heard back from Betty as to when she's coming this morning, but assume she'll get to it. If not, I'll just see her when I see her.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
T.O.P.S. And Town
Walked the morning mile, then changed and Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. She was sighing over turning 70, which I said I'd love to be (and my friend, Marge, would love to be 81; she's ten years older than I am). I was satisfied with weighing in at 128.5, up a tad (.02) from last week, which I calculate to be about three ounces, so no prob.
Home, breakfast, and I cut up tomatoes and onions, added oil, vinegar, garlic, and basil, then popped it in the oven for 45 or so. I like to use this in my daily salads, instead of raw. Went to Von's for lettuce and a few other things and had lunch.
Betty called to see if it was all right for her son-in-law to drop her off in the morning tomorrow on his way to visit his mother, then pick her up in the evening. Sure, that would be fine and I hope Betty will be okay walking to the bus stops, so we can lunch in town.
Happy day, I got my AirBnB reservation. I'll be staying in Freehold, near to Jackson, and it seems just right for me. All I have to do now is get my hotel room in L.A.
After lunch, I went to town. Stopped at the post office, then went down to The Promenade, and up to Main and the library. At that point, Stella called, saying she was on The P., so I said I'd meet her at the Aloha. Did so and we had a drink (she, vodka and cranberry juice, I, my usual beer) and appetizers. We actually had a good time, especially in view of the ocean and the festive Friday people here and there.
It was already dusk when we said goodbye and I didn't get home until after 7:00 and full dark, but that was okay.
Home, breakfast, and I cut up tomatoes and onions, added oil, vinegar, garlic, and basil, then popped it in the oven for 45 or so. I like to use this in my daily salads, instead of raw. Went to Von's for lettuce and a few other things and had lunch.
Betty called to see if it was all right for her son-in-law to drop her off in the morning tomorrow on his way to visit his mother, then pick her up in the evening. Sure, that would be fine and I hope Betty will be okay walking to the bus stops, so we can lunch in town.
Happy day, I got my AirBnB reservation. I'll be staying in Freehold, near to Jackson, and it seems just right for me. All I have to do now is get my hotel room in L.A.
After lunch, I went to town. Stopped at the post office, then went down to The Promenade, and up to Main and the library. At that point, Stella called, saying she was on The P., so I said I'd meet her at the Aloha. Did so and we had a drink (she, vodka and cranberry juice, I, my usual beer) and appetizers. We actually had a good time, especially in view of the ocean and the festive Friday people here and there.
It was already dusk when we said goodbye and I didn't get home until after 7:00 and full dark, but that was okay.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Trip And Toastmasters
Took a short morning walk--maybe a mile--then spent several hours finishing up the pictures to illustrate my Halloween verse. I used a combination of getting pics off the Internet and my own (truly dismal) art work. Actually, they wouldn't look too bad if I was presenting to a Kindergarten class. In between, I did a load of wash, so now I'm caught up.
Finally got my plane ticket east--happily, non-stop--but it leaves L.A. at 7:15 am, so I'll have to stay over. I don't mind that--in fact, I think it will be fun to stay in a hotel, so will contact Expedia again today. I just have to figure out how to get to L.A., then to the hotel. Possibly, I can take the shuttle from here; if not, I can take the train, but then have to figure how to get from there to the hotel. Maybe I'll call nephew Steve--we'll see. I have somebody looking at an AirBnB for my stay; I hope it pans out.
Had lunch, took a bus to Walmart, then walked to the 99-Cent Store for a few items. Home, I jumped in the shower and changed to prepare for Toastmasters. John picked me up and we got there a little early That didn't really matter, because, incredibly, besides us, there were only three others there! This is a small group, with maybe fifteen members, but even so, that was unusual. (And wouldn't you know, the area director, Danielle, was there for her annual visit.) Noreen had refreshments and as ever, she went all out: She brought plates, napkins, glasses and a tablecloth, all with Halloween motifs; a vegetable and dip tray; pumpkin eggnog; apple cider; and two dozen heavily decorated doughnuts. Geez, it would have been over the top for thirty people, let alone seven. I had the veggies and a small glass of eggnog, sans rum, I'm sorry to say.
My little Halloween illustrated verse went over big. It turned out to be the only talk, as Cherie, who was to do the other one listed, came in to say her bridge had broken, and she couldn't articulate well, then left. John was Toastmaster and showed his usual persona: absolutely convinced that every word out of his mouth was golden and that he was a great speaker and that we were all interested in everything he had to say. Danielle and I participated in Table Topics (she, the owner of a wild west show, I, an applicant for the position of lion tamer), which was fun.
Home about 8:30.
Finally got my plane ticket east--happily, non-stop--but it leaves L.A. at 7:15 am, so I'll have to stay over. I don't mind that--in fact, I think it will be fun to stay in a hotel, so will contact Expedia again today. I just have to figure out how to get to L.A., then to the hotel. Possibly, I can take the shuttle from here; if not, I can take the train, but then have to figure how to get from there to the hotel. Maybe I'll call nephew Steve--we'll see. I have somebody looking at an AirBnB for my stay; I hope it pans out.
Had lunch, took a bus to Walmart, then walked to the 99-Cent Store for a few items. Home, I jumped in the shower and changed to prepare for Toastmasters. John picked me up and we got there a little early That didn't really matter, because, incredibly, besides us, there were only three others there! This is a small group, with maybe fifteen members, but even so, that was unusual. (And wouldn't you know, the area director, Danielle, was there for her annual visit.) Noreen had refreshments and as ever, she went all out: She brought plates, napkins, glasses and a tablecloth, all with Halloween motifs; a vegetable and dip tray; pumpkin eggnog; apple cider; and two dozen heavily decorated doughnuts. Geez, it would have been over the top for thirty people, let alone seven. I had the veggies and a small glass of eggnog, sans rum, I'm sorry to say.
My little Halloween illustrated verse went over big. It turned out to be the only talk, as Cherie, who was to do the other one listed, came in to say her bridge had broken, and she couldn't articulate well, then left. John was Toastmaster and showed his usual persona: absolutely convinced that every word out of his mouth was golden and that he was a great speaker and that we were all interested in everything he had to say. Danielle and I participated in Table Topics (she, the owner of a wild west show, I, an applicant for the position of lion tamer), which was fun.
Home about 8:30.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Cole Porter And Grapes & Hops
Walked, worked on the illustrations for "A Halloween Story," and generally occupied myself until after lunch, when I left for town.
It was a gorgeous day on The Promenade--sunny, hardly a cloud in the sky, and with the beautiful Pacific rolling in. I thought of that great Cole Porter song:
It's the wrong time, and the wrong place
Though your face is charming, it's the wrong face
It's not his face, but such a charming face
That it's all right with me.It's not my ocean, but it's a lovely ocean, and it's all right with me.
It was a gorgeous day on The Promenade--sunny, hardly a cloud in the sky, and with the beautiful Pacific rolling in. I thought of that great Cole Porter song:
It's the wrong time, and the wrong place
Though your face is charming, it's the wrong face
It's not his face, but such a charming face
That it's all right with me.It's not my ocean, but it's a lovely ocean, and it's all right with me.
Got to Grapes & Hops early and sat on the patio waiting for my pals. They came shortly and we adjourned to a table and ordered our individual drinks and caprese paninis. They were good, if nothing special, but we had our usual fun time. Carolyn's birthday was on Tuesday and we laughed over the fact she had turned 57--younger than two of my children.
Nancy suggested we meet at Rumfish next time and we all agreed. However, when I got home, I realized I have the Dudley House covered dish at 6:30 that day, and I'm not sure I can make both. I'll mull it over.
Didn't get home until almost 7:00, when it was almost full dark.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Nice Enough
A nice enough day. Walked, then felt sleepy after breakfast and lay down for about an hour. I actually fell asleep and dreamed of my old friend, Elaine. She's been gone now for 14 years. and I can barely remember the young mother who met her when we moved into the house in Ewing--can it really have been 62 years ago?
Dr. J.'s office called to say they could "fit me in" on Thursday, the 25th, which is, of course, three days after my DMV appointment when I need to bring the doctor's input. Called to switch and they'll get back to me. I'm seriously considering asking for my records and switching to another doctor/medical practice.
Caught the bus--two of them, actually--for WinCo, taking along my handy little cart. Got the things I need, got home, lunched, then took off for town. On the way, Betty called. She had had a visit with a neurologist on Monday and will have a CAT test of her brain today.
It got up to 85 by the time I got to town and I skipped The Promenade and just walked Main (one side of the street is shady). Got Chris Hedges' new book, America, The Farewell Tour, out. Started reading it and it's depressing as hell, because it's too damn true. The empire is collapsing rapidly, I'm afraid, and I fear the future.
Dr. J.'s office called to say they could "fit me in" on Thursday, the 25th, which is, of course, three days after my DMV appointment when I need to bring the doctor's input. Called to switch and they'll get back to me. I'm seriously considering asking for my records and switching to another doctor/medical practice.
Caught the bus--two of them, actually--for WinCo, taking along my handy little cart. Got the things I need, got home, lunched, then took off for town. On the way, Betty called. She had had a visit with a neurologist on Monday and will have a CAT test of her brain today.
It got up to 85 by the time I got to town and I skipped The Promenade and just walked Main (one side of the street is shady). Got Chris Hedges' new book, America, The Farewell Tour, out. Started reading it and it's depressing as hell, because it's too damn true. The empire is collapsing rapidly, I'm afraid, and I fear the future.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Crazy and Cauliflower
Walked early, then stripped the bed and did a white wash. Walked to the post office for stamps to send Eileen, my tenant, the water bill. I always tell the p.o. people I don't want military ones and wouldn't you know, that's all they had. Decided to go to the main office in town, since I'd be nearby.
Had lunch and did my other usuals on an ordinary day...
Except for my encounter with one of the crazy people who roam the streets here--and I guess, in southern California as a whole or maybe the entire globe, I don't know. I walked the two blocks to where I get the bus and saw this guy on a bench, cussing out somebody--or somebodies--who weren't there. He caught sight of me and started yelling at me to give him back his money. At this point, the bus came around the corner and I tried to flag it down, but the driver thought I was motioning him away, and sped up. A very nice guy stopped, seeing my distress (I didn't want to be left on the street with the nut) and said he'd take me to the next stop, which he did and that's where I got on the bus. As soon as I did, I called 911 and told the dispatcher about the guy; she said some officers would come out. I know what will happen. The man will be brought to the station, kept overnight, and then released unless, maybe, he shows he'll harm others or himself. This is supposed to be a civilized country, but this is what happens to the mentally ill. What a travesty.
Went to the library, then the p.o., then The Promanade, but I walked only a mile or so because I wanted to get home, shower, and dress for the monthly Soaring Spirits dinner. Did so, and left for the Stone Fire Grille. I took a bus for the first segment, walked the rest.
There were eleven of us, including Ray, who teaches at Buena High School and one of whose students is Vera's son. Nancy and Carolyn B. came in later and I was pleased that they were happy to have our Happy Hour at Grapes and Hops tomorrow. Pam was there for the first time in months; this is the one I tried to fix up with my nephew, Wes, except he hasn't gotten to California yet, and we shared laughs over that. I still think they'd make a good match. I got roasted cauliflower (delicious), one of their signature appetizers and an ice cold Chef Peak beer (even more so).
Gayle took me home after a very enjoyable evening.
Had lunch and did my other usuals on an ordinary day...
Except for my encounter with one of the crazy people who roam the streets here--and I guess, in southern California as a whole or maybe the entire globe, I don't know. I walked the two blocks to where I get the bus and saw this guy on a bench, cussing out somebody--or somebodies--who weren't there. He caught sight of me and started yelling at me to give him back his money. At this point, the bus came around the corner and I tried to flag it down, but the driver thought I was motioning him away, and sped up. A very nice guy stopped, seeing my distress (I didn't want to be left on the street with the nut) and said he'd take me to the next stop, which he did and that's where I got on the bus. As soon as I did, I called 911 and told the dispatcher about the guy; she said some officers would come out. I know what will happen. The man will be brought to the station, kept overnight, and then released unless, maybe, he shows he'll harm others or himself. This is supposed to be a civilized country, but this is what happens to the mentally ill. What a travesty.
Went to the library, then the p.o., then The Promanade, but I walked only a mile or so because I wanted to get home, shower, and dress for the monthly Soaring Spirits dinner. Did so, and left for the Stone Fire Grille. I took a bus for the first segment, walked the rest.
There were eleven of us, including Ray, who teaches at Buena High School and one of whose students is Vera's son. Nancy and Carolyn B. came in later and I was pleased that they were happy to have our Happy Hour at Grapes and Hops tomorrow. Pam was there for the first time in months; this is the one I tried to fix up with my nephew, Wes, except he hasn't gotten to California yet, and we shared laughs over that. I still think they'd make a good match. I got roasted cauliflower (delicious), one of their signature appetizers and an ice cold Chef Peak beer (even more so).
Gayle took me home after a very enjoyable evening.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Walked the new walk, which is getting to be the old walk, then did my usual Sunday morning thing. I left for town early, about 10:30, got off at the library, walked to The Promanade, then back to Main. The movie at the museum wasn't until 1:00, so I had plenty of time to stroll here and there. At noon, I decided to have a bite, so visited a honky-tonk bar for a beer and potato chips; that stood in for lunch.
Got to the museum and saw Denise, who is program director, and whom I know, and we chatted. Unbelievably, the room was set up with about 100 chairs and there were only three other people in the audience. The drinks and snacks table was fully stocked. and I bought a Chardonnay and finished off my potato chips with it. The movie, Chef, was a tie-in with the museum's "At The Table" exhibit, about various table settings and foods. I still haven't seen it, but maybe can drop in today (now that I'm a museum member, I get in free).
Boy, it was a lousy movie. It meandered all over the place, with pathos and bathos and Daddy Chef and Little Boy Helper and so on and so forth--a terrible bore and the only reason I stayed through the whole deadly thing is because I didn't want to hurt Denise's feelings. Dustin Hoffman was in it and I was amazed he'd accept such a tiny part. He played the restaurant owner and was in only the first few scenes and it was a nothing part, anyway. I wonder how much he was paid for it--maybe he paid them.
After, I went to the library to pick up a book I thought I had on reserve, but annoyingly, it wasn't there. Must ask about it today. Stella called while I was waiting for the bus to see if I could meet her at The Promanade and walk. By that time, it was after 4:00, so I begged off.
Got to the museum and saw Denise, who is program director, and whom I know, and we chatted. Unbelievably, the room was set up with about 100 chairs and there were only three other people in the audience. The drinks and snacks table was fully stocked. and I bought a Chardonnay and finished off my potato chips with it. The movie, Chef, was a tie-in with the museum's "At The Table" exhibit, about various table settings and foods. I still haven't seen it, but maybe can drop in today (now that I'm a museum member, I get in free).
Boy, it was a lousy movie. It meandered all over the place, with pathos and bathos and Daddy Chef and Little Boy Helper and so on and so forth--a terrible bore and the only reason I stayed through the whole deadly thing is because I didn't want to hurt Denise's feelings. Dustin Hoffman was in it and I was amazed he'd accept such a tiny part. He played the restaurant owner and was in only the first few scenes and it was a nothing part, anyway. I wonder how much he was paid for it--maybe he paid them.
After, I went to the library to pick up a book I thought I had on reserve, but annoyingly, it wasn't there. Must ask about it today. Stella called while I was waiting for the bus to see if I could meet her at The Promanade and walk. By that time, it was after 4:00, so I begged off.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Terrific Fun Day
Did the neighborhood walk, had breakfast, and changed before Carolyn, Betty, and Claire picked me up at noon. Off we went to Ojai, first to Ellen's to pick her up, then to The Farmer and the Cook for lunch.
The F. and the C., which is vegetarian, isn't my favorite place for a variety of reasons: It's always jammed (with the well-off former flower children, now middle-aged, who live in Ojai); it's pricey; and it's one of those places where you have to stand in line to order. We sat on the patio, with its rickety, mis-matched furniture (I swear, they do that on purpose, to show solidarity with the poor or something), and it took an age for Carolyn and Claire to get their burritos. However, I had a delicious salad, which included an excellent seasoned tofu and we all enjoyed our meals, so I'm now revising my opinion on The F. and The C.
We picked up Steve, Robyn, and Dex, who were staying at a friends' house not far away. Boy, we all loved the house, which up high and has incredible views. Then it was off to Carolyn's friends' house, James and his wife, which is only a short walk (but we drove, in deference to Betty's inability/refusal to walk more than a few yards) from Ellen's for the first stop on the Ojai Art Tour. His stuff is okay, I guess, but abstract and I'm sick of the genre. We chatted for a bit, and James recommended another artist, a sculptor named Ted Gall.
We went there and what a place! This guy isn't just some amateur; he has a huge estate up in the hills, with a museum quality exhibit building, as well as statuary outside. We all loved his work, especially the smaller pieces that open up and reveal tiny figures. The big figures were spectacular, too--If only I had an idle $65,000, I would have bought one.
Steve, Robyn, Dex, Betty, and Claire went back to the friends' place, while Carolyn, El, and I toured a third place--a couple's, he painting "wheels," she shiny squares, both very abstract, and pretty damn boring, we three agreed.
We dropped El off so she could get her clothes out of the dryer and do some other chores, then went back to join the others. Had wine and good talk, El joining in an hour or so. We sat and chatted and, somehow, started talking about Shirley Temple. At that point, Steve put on a old"Biography" segment about her on the T.V. and we watched much of it. That sounds boring, but it wasn't--it was a lot of fun.
El and I went out to get salad fixings and ice cream to accompany Robyn's delicious (made-from-scratch, of course) chili. We got back to see some of our companions playing a game called "Brokus." El played the next time and it looked like so much fun, I'm going to buy one and bring it to Jersey, so we can play there.
Dinner, then more good talk and discussion on everything under the sun. El and I finally left at 8:00 or so, she drove me home, and--even though I didn't get as much exercise in as usual, I slept like a log and didn't get up until after 6:00.
It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in months.
The F. and the C., which is vegetarian, isn't my favorite place for a variety of reasons: It's always jammed (with the well-off former flower children, now middle-aged, who live in Ojai); it's pricey; and it's one of those places where you have to stand in line to order. We sat on the patio, with its rickety, mis-matched furniture (I swear, they do that on purpose, to show solidarity with the poor or something), and it took an age for Carolyn and Claire to get their burritos. However, I had a delicious salad, which included an excellent seasoned tofu and we all enjoyed our meals, so I'm now revising my opinion on The F. and The C.
We picked up Steve, Robyn, and Dex, who were staying at a friends' house not far away. Boy, we all loved the house, which up high and has incredible views. Then it was off to Carolyn's friends' house, James and his wife, which is only a short walk (but we drove, in deference to Betty's inability/refusal to walk more than a few yards) from Ellen's for the first stop on the Ojai Art Tour. His stuff is okay, I guess, but abstract and I'm sick of the genre. We chatted for a bit, and James recommended another artist, a sculptor named Ted Gall.
We went there and what a place! This guy isn't just some amateur; he has a huge estate up in the hills, with a museum quality exhibit building, as well as statuary outside. We all loved his work, especially the smaller pieces that open up and reveal tiny figures. The big figures were spectacular, too--If only I had an idle $65,000, I would have bought one.
Steve, Robyn, Dex, Betty, and Claire went back to the friends' place, while Carolyn, El, and I toured a third place--a couple's, he painting "wheels," she shiny squares, both very abstract, and pretty damn boring, we three agreed.
We dropped El off so she could get her clothes out of the dryer and do some other chores, then went back to join the others. Had wine and good talk, El joining in an hour or so. We sat and chatted and, somehow, started talking about Shirley Temple. At that point, Steve put on a old"Biography" segment about her on the T.V. and we watched much of it. That sounds boring, but it wasn't--it was a lot of fun.
El and I went out to get salad fixings and ice cream to accompany Robyn's delicious (made-from-scratch, of course) chili. We got back to see some of our companions playing a game called "Brokus." El played the next time and it looked like so much fun, I'm going to buy one and bring it to Jersey, so we can play there.
Dinner, then more good talk and discussion on everything under the sun. El and I finally left at 8:00 or so, she drove me home, and--even though I didn't get as much exercise in as usual, I slept like a log and didn't get up until after 6:00.
It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in months.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Well, I've sure been getting my exercise. Walked the uphill one, then Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. I weighed in at 128.3, up a fraction from last week, but fine by me. As usual, didn't get home until after 10:00, so had breakfast two and a half hours later than usual.
I opened the DMV thing and it was a five-page medical report for my doctor fill out. I had told the idiots at Primary Medical I was going to bring it in when I got it, so I prepared to do so. Suzanne was just leaving (for lunch with friends) as I was, said she was going my way, so offered to drop me. Sure thing, and I got in. However, I didn't realize she was going right past the place and she let me off at Telephone and Johnson Avenues, which meant I had an almost two mile walk. That was okay, though, and I got there with no problem.
The problem arose when I was told Dr. Jennings wasn't in until Monday and "I don't know if she does this," to quote the office manager. They'll call me, she said, and at this point, I'm actually considering switching doctors.
I was able to get a bus to Victoria Avenue, then another to Telegraph Road. Had lunch, then took my little cart and got yet another bus back to Victoria, and one more to Office Depot and, across the street, Winco. I got the things I wanted, then reversed the bus process, of course. This entailed considerable walking, as every excursion does if you don't have a car. It occurred to me that it's very liberating realize I can, indeed, walk to many places I may not have thought I could.
A sick joke: I got my new license plates in the mail. I guess I'm not going to break my neck trying to find somebody to put them on.
I opened the DMV thing and it was a five-page medical report for my doctor fill out. I had told the idiots at Primary Medical I was going to bring it in when I got it, so I prepared to do so. Suzanne was just leaving (for lunch with friends) as I was, said she was going my way, so offered to drop me. Sure thing, and I got in. However, I didn't realize she was going right past the place and she let me off at Telephone and Johnson Avenues, which meant I had an almost two mile walk. That was okay, though, and I got there with no problem.
The problem arose when I was told Dr. Jennings wasn't in until Monday and "I don't know if she does this," to quote the office manager. They'll call me, she said, and at this point, I'm actually considering switching doctors.
I was able to get a bus to Victoria Avenue, then another to Telegraph Road. Had lunch, then took my little cart and got yet another bus back to Victoria, and one more to Office Depot and, across the street, Winco. I got the things I wanted, then reversed the bus process, of course. This entailed considerable walking, as every excursion does if you don't have a car. It occurred to me that it's very liberating realize I can, indeed, walk to many places I may not have thought I could.
A sick joke: I got my new license plates in the mail. I guess I'm not going to break my neck trying to find somebody to put them on.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Around And About
Did the uphill mile and some, had breakfast, then signed a document for the DMV. I was about to mail it off when I noticed somebody from AAA was supposed to sign, too, but they hadn't. I decided to walk to the office on Victoria Avenue and ask them about it. Looked it up later and saw that it's 1.6 miles, a robust, but not exhausting walk. Got there and after talking to several people, an official named Carlotta took it, gave me a copy, and said she'd follow up. Went from there to Ralph's for blackberries and raspberries, then to another store for grapes; took the bus home.
After lunch, bused to town and did something I've been wanting to: became a member of the museum. Forty bucks, but I get into exhibits free and they even gave me a tee shirt. On the way home, brother Jim called. He had sent me our father's diary, but to my old address. Luckily, it was sent back, I gave him the new one, and will get it soon.
Just as I walked into the apartment complex, niece Carolyn called to see if I wanted to go to Ojai with her and Betty to an "Art Walk." One of her friends is an artist who lives only a block from Ellen and his paintings are on the tour. Carolyn had already called Ellen, who's on board, and of course, so am I. Incidentally, Betty moves into her new apartment on November 1, a big step we're all happy about.
For some reason, I had difficulty sleeping last night. Got up for the usual twice and kept taking a long time falling back. This seem to happen every few months; not sure why.
After lunch, bused to town and did something I've been wanting to: became a member of the museum. Forty bucks, but I get into exhibits free and they even gave me a tee shirt. On the way home, brother Jim called. He had sent me our father's diary, but to my old address. Luckily, it was sent back, I gave him the new one, and will get it soon.
Just as I walked into the apartment complex, niece Carolyn called to see if I wanted to go to Ojai with her and Betty to an "Art Walk." One of her friends is an artist who lives only a block from Ellen and his paintings are on the tour. Carolyn had already called Ellen, who's on board, and of course, so am I. Incidentally, Betty moves into her new apartment on November 1, a big step we're all happy about.
For some reason, I had difficulty sleeping last night. Got up for the usual twice and kept taking a long time falling back. This seem to happen every few months; not sure why.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Hair And Happy Hour
the new usual, breakfasted, then caught the bus for Telephone Road
and Fantastic Sam's. There were three people ahead of me and only two
hairdressers, but I didn't have anything scheduled until Happy Hour
at 4:00, so that was okay.
operator was "Sunshine." Well, obviously, that's a
nickname, but it's the only one she uses. She's a chubby 55-year-old
who has worked there for 32 years, is a native Californian, has a
daughter who's getting her masters at UCLA, a son who's in
construction, and she and and her husband have sex six times a
I made that last part up. Yes, Sunshine is a non-stop talker, but
she's pleasant and cheerful and knows her way around a pair of
scissors. I had her darken 'way down, almost to the brunette I used
to be (but it will lighten, I know) and cut about three inches off.
Looks pretty good and, compared to Mary at Penney's, Sunshine is
nicer to be around and--bingo!--the process cost me twenty dollars
less than at Penney's.
had lunch, then left for town. Did the library to promenade thing,
stopped at the museum to ask about a program they're having on Sunday
to which I might go, then walked around the corner to the Blue Agave.
I staked out a table on the patio and waited for the other three.
came in soon after, then Carolyn and Nancy, and we had our weekly
good time. Lots of talk and laughs, ranging over a multitude of
topics, including our late husbands' burials--or rather, non-burials,
as both Nancy's and Carolyn's were cremated and scattered. (Diane was
not widowed, but is divorced). We stayed more than an hour, then said
goodbye until next week.
thought I'd go to the library, which is open until 7:00, so walked
down Main with Diane. We went past The Grapes and Hops, stopped to
ask if they had Happy Hour, they do, and we agreed on the spot to
suggest that for next time.
went across to her place and by that time, it was dusk. Decided not
to go to the library, after all, and caught a bus home. I didn't get
in until after 7:00, but that was okay.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Pretty routine day. I cut my morning walk short--maybe a mile--as I was on the laptop longer than usual. Besides, I walked to the post office after breakfast to mail off some Halloween gifts to my little grandson. Did a load of wash, which all that entails, then actually galvanized myself to clean out several "paper" drawers. My bedside tables, desk, and living room table all have drawers and they all had various things in them I was saving. I threw away lots and that felt good.
After lunch, I went out to take the bus to town and found some pretty autumn leaves in an envelope at my door from Suzanne. She left a note saying she thought I might like them for my decorations. I did and scattered them on the coffee table with the other fall things.
Took the bus to town,, did the library to Promenade to Surfers Point, back to the library thing--about two miles. I read for an hour or so, then took out two books in which I'm interested. When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell to thank her for the leaves and was amazed that they're not artificial, but actual leaves from an actual tree in the courtyard. We sat and chatted for a bit, then I left and made my dinner of white fish, fresh spinach, sauted mushrooms, and half an acorn squash.
After lunch, I went out to take the bus to town and found some pretty autumn leaves in an envelope at my door from Suzanne. She left a note saying she thought I might like them for my decorations. I did and scattered them on the coffee table with the other fall things.
Took the bus to town,, did the library to Promenade to Surfers Point, back to the library thing--about two miles. I read for an hour or so, then took out two books in which I'm interested. When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell to thank her for the leaves and was amazed that they're not artificial, but actual leaves from an actual tree in the courtyard. We sat and chatted for a bit, then I left and made my dinner of white fish, fresh spinach, sauted mushrooms, and half an acorn squash.
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
Here And There
Walked the new normal--about one and a half, partially uphill. That's a challenge, but I always feel pleased when I do it. After breakfast, I left a message for my T.O.P.S. friend, Lora, who's a travel agent, to ask her to find me a flight to Jersey in November. Did this and that, then made up my lunch salad and ate earlier than usual.
As I was leaving to get the bus for town, Florida brother Larry called. He said our bro, Frank, had told him he wanted to attend the Florida family's annual Christmas gathering at (ugh!) Disney World. Now Frank hasn't been answering the phone, his message box is full, and he didn't respond to e-mail. Larry even sent him a regular letter, but that didn't elicit any response, either. I told Larry I couldn't imagine Frank could travel to Florida alone and advised him to contact one of Frank's children. Boy, was that depressing
Stella had called me several times and I thought I should get back to her, so while on the bus to town. She hadn't had lunch and I agreed to meet her at Aloha; she had a sandwich and I had a beer. After, we walked down to Surfer's Point, then the bike path, and back up to Main.
To be perfectly honest, I can take only so much of Stella. She tends to prattle on and on and her voice is very hard to hear at The Promenade with waves rolling in, and on the bustling avenues, too. The question is, do I really want to hear her?
Lora called back while we were walking to say she was on her way to Vegas, but will be back tomorrow and will look up reservations. I had a suggestion from someone else to try an Air BnB for accommodations. I looked up some and was pleased to find several in the area where I'm going that look good. This is new to me and opens up a whole new world, so I'll definitely pursue it.
As I was leaving to get the bus for town, Florida brother Larry called. He said our bro, Frank, had told him he wanted to attend the Florida family's annual Christmas gathering at (ugh!) Disney World. Now Frank hasn't been answering the phone, his message box is full, and he didn't respond to e-mail. Larry even sent him a regular letter, but that didn't elicit any response, either. I told Larry I couldn't imagine Frank could travel to Florida alone and advised him to contact one of Frank's children. Boy, was that depressing
Stella had called me several times and I thought I should get back to her, so while on the bus to town. She hadn't had lunch and I agreed to meet her at Aloha; she had a sandwich and I had a beer. After, we walked down to Surfer's Point, then the bike path, and back up to Main.
To be perfectly honest, I can take only so much of Stella. She tends to prattle on and on and her voice is very hard to hear at The Promenade with waves rolling in, and on the bustling avenues, too. The question is, do I really want to hear her?
Lora called back while we were walking to say she was on her way to Vegas, but will be back tomorrow and will look up reservations. I had a suggestion from someone else to try an Air BnB for accommodations. I looked up some and was pleased to find several in the area where I'm going that look good. This is new to me and opens up a whole new world, so I'll definitely pursue it.
Sunday, October 07, 2018
Fun Day
What a good, fun day! Reverted back to my usual get-up time of 5:15, had my coffee, did my laptop thing, then walked the neighborhood for maybe a bit more than a mile. Home for breakfast and the crossword, then a few minor chores.
Ellen got here about 12:30 and Suzanne came in with her. I showed them the silly "talking tree head" I needed like a hole in the cranium, plus my light-up Halloween pillow, not to mention the girl scarecrow on my door and the big pumpkin next to it. Suzanne had put a little pumpkin out, plus an autumn saying on the door and we laughed about having a seasonal competition. She came to chat with El and me for a bit and we discussed the new DMV "I.D." As of 2020, people will have to have to board a plane. Ominous, if you ask me, but El thinks I should get that, which will serve as a driver license, too. We'll see.
She and I went off the lunch and it was so good to be with her. Couldn't decide where, as we knew the better places would be jammed, so went to poky old Marie Callendar's. Actually, it wasn't bad (although the service was, as always, lousy), and we had a good time talking. After, we went to The Avenue, where El bought a pair of jeans and an attractive jacket, then she took me to WinCo and I was able to lay in the supplies I badly needed.
She also--happy day!--quickly fixed my printer so it would copy full pages instead of 4" by 6." It was annoyingly un-obvious, as you have to press "okay" to get rid of what you don't want. Something like that, which makes no sense, anyway.
I'm planning out my day (mentally) and want to get my hair cut and colored, plus go to the P.O., plus go through a few more papers to see what I can throw out. Hope I can get a lot of that done.
Ellen got here about 12:30 and Suzanne came in with her. I showed them the silly "talking tree head" I needed like a hole in the cranium, plus my light-up Halloween pillow, not to mention the girl scarecrow on my door and the big pumpkin next to it. Suzanne had put a little pumpkin out, plus an autumn saying on the door and we laughed about having a seasonal competition. She came to chat with El and me for a bit and we discussed the new DMV "I.D." As of 2020, people will have to have to board a plane. Ominous, if you ask me, but El thinks I should get that, which will serve as a driver license, too. We'll see.
She and I went off the lunch and it was so good to be with her. Couldn't decide where, as we knew the better places would be jammed, so went to poky old Marie Callendar's. Actually, it wasn't bad (although the service was, as always, lousy), and we had a good time talking. After, we went to The Avenue, where El bought a pair of jeans and an attractive jacket, then she took me to WinCo and I was able to lay in the supplies I badly needed.
She also--happy day!--quickly fixed my printer so it would copy full pages instead of 4" by 6." It was annoyingly un-obvious, as you have to press "okay" to get rid of what you don't want. Something like that, which makes no sense, anyway.
I'm planning out my day (mentally) and want to get my hair cut and colored, plus go to the P.O., plus go through a few more papers to see what I can throw out. Hope I can get a lot of that done.
Getting Used to Being Carless
Took a good, long walk around the neighborhood--uphill, too--and felt more chipper when I got back. Breakfast, then I plunged into the paper work chores I've left slide.
Damn, I had a lot accumulated! No only did I have realms from AAA and the DMV, but all kinds of other documents. Besides that, the stuff from my totaled car still filled one corner of my bedroom. I did finally get them in some kind of order and into the trunk of the new car.
The woman from the election board called to ask if I was still planning to work there. Actually, I had been vacillating about it. Yes, I like new and different activities, and certainly didn't mind the start time of 6:00 am, but being there until 9:00 and possibly later didn't appeal to me. Also, I still wouldn't be able to drive on October 18, which is when my three-hour orientation was scheduled, so-o-o--I told her I was going to withdraw and she could call the next person on the list.
Called Ellen and told her about the suspension. Luckily, she's off on the 22nd and can drive me to Oxnard. We made a lunch date for today and she'll take me grocery shopping after.
Stella called to see if I was walking. She wanted to meet me, but frankly, I don't want to be tied down to going a particular time with a particular person--too confining. I like Stella okay, but we had little in common, and she seems pretty clingy. I told her I didn't think I was going yesterday.
However, I did. Went to town after lunch, walked The Promenade, then down to the avenue. Bought a large (artificial) pumpkin and an adorable, almost life-sized little scarecrow girl. Hung her on my door, added the pumpkin on the side, and it looks very autumn-y.
Damn, I had a lot accumulated! No only did I have realms from AAA and the DMV, but all kinds of other documents. Besides that, the stuff from my totaled car still filled one corner of my bedroom. I did finally get them in some kind of order and into the trunk of the new car.
The woman from the election board called to ask if I was still planning to work there. Actually, I had been vacillating about it. Yes, I like new and different activities, and certainly didn't mind the start time of 6:00 am, but being there until 9:00 and possibly later didn't appeal to me. Also, I still wouldn't be able to drive on October 18, which is when my three-hour orientation was scheduled, so-o-o--I told her I was going to withdraw and she could call the next person on the list.
Called Ellen and told her about the suspension. Luckily, she's off on the 22nd and can drive me to Oxnard. We made a lunch date for today and she'll take me grocery shopping after.
Stella called to see if I was walking. She wanted to meet me, but frankly, I don't want to be tied down to going a particular time with a particular person--too confining. I like Stella okay, but we had little in common, and she seems pretty clingy. I told her I didn't think I was going yesterday.
However, I did. Went to town after lunch, walked The Promenade, then down to the avenue. Bought a large (artificial) pumpkin and an adorable, almost life-sized little scarecrow girl. Hung her on my door, added the pumpkin on the side, and it looks very autumn-y.
Saturday, October 06, 2018
Well, I've had better days. I had received several document-type communications on Thursday, including one for my daughter-in-law regarding her father's estate. (Let's hope the SOB left her plenty.) There was one from Motor Vehicle--hmm, what's this? I opened it and AAGH--! It was a notice that my license has been suspended!
I was frantic and couldn't understand it. I thought it was because I hadn't reported the accident--but AAA did and so did the cops--I have both their cards. Of course, I couldn't get to Kimball, (but I did walk the neighborhood while I decided what to do next). It was T.O.P.S. day, too, and ordinarily, I just would have walked or even skipped it--I know I've been maintaining well--but the complication was that I had signed on to do the program and had spent hours and energy on the game. I didn't want to hold it over, so I called Becky, who doesn't live too far away, and she agreed to pick me up.
Well, Becky is considerably older than I am and got all confused about what gate to come in. That was finally resolved, but we were late for the meeting. (One ray of sunshine in a dreary day was that I lost a bit--to 127.9, so I'm fine with that.)
Anyway, everybody loved the game. My Soaring Spirits, Happy Hour friend, Carolyn B. came and I think she'll join. Cheryl took me home instead of Becky and that was okay. Once there, I gobbled a piece of toast with cottage cheese and a few swallows of coffee, then left for the bus.
Got off at the library and walked to the post office, as I had to send via international express. Added Paula's document to a shirt Mike ordered from Hawaii. It's a nice-looking shirt--salmon, with South Seas type figures, but I couldn't believe the price on it. I certainly haven't spent that much on my wardrobe the whole year. I assume he bought it for their upcoming island-hopping vacation. Postage was eighty-three bucks and change, but Mike will reimburse me.
Sent it off, then walked to the Sandbox Coffeehouse and met my new friend, Diane. I fell stepping up on the outdoor deck, and scraped my elbow, but nothing else. We had a sandwich and drinks and good talk. Diane gave me a book: Groucho Marx'es letters (we're both fans) which she said was "extra." So nice of her. We then both took the bus away from town, she got off at the college, as she's registering for a course, and I rode to Telephone Road, then waited for the bus to Market street, where the DMV is.
Long wait, but not as bad as usual, and I was told I had to set up a hearing in Oxnard. Called the DMV there and got it for October 22. Was told I have to get my doctor to certify I'm physically able to drive and the woman said they'd send a form, but I could get a jump on it by getting it first.
Oh, really? Called Primary Medical and after interminable delays, dropped calls, and misunderstandings, was told no, Dr. Jennings doesn't do that, I'll be referred to DMV doctors. What? That isn't what DMV told me. In the middle of all this, Stella called to ask about Soaring Spirits and I was in no mood to chat, so I more or less said I couldn't talk then. Rode the bus home in a somber mood.
I didn't set the alarm for this morning and didn't get up until 7:15. However, I'm not going to let all this car stuff get me down. I'll take this opportunity to stay in for a change, and get some hanging chores done.
I was frantic and couldn't understand it. I thought it was because I hadn't reported the accident--but AAA did and so did the cops--I have both their cards. Of course, I couldn't get to Kimball, (but I did walk the neighborhood while I decided what to do next). It was T.O.P.S. day, too, and ordinarily, I just would have walked or even skipped it--I know I've been maintaining well--but the complication was that I had signed on to do the program and had spent hours and energy on the game. I didn't want to hold it over, so I called Becky, who doesn't live too far away, and she agreed to pick me up.
Well, Becky is considerably older than I am and got all confused about what gate to come in. That was finally resolved, but we were late for the meeting. (One ray of sunshine in a dreary day was that I lost a bit--to 127.9, so I'm fine with that.)
Anyway, everybody loved the game. My Soaring Spirits, Happy Hour friend, Carolyn B. came and I think she'll join. Cheryl took me home instead of Becky and that was okay. Once there, I gobbled a piece of toast with cottage cheese and a few swallows of coffee, then left for the bus.
Got off at the library and walked to the post office, as I had to send via international express. Added Paula's document to a shirt Mike ordered from Hawaii. It's a nice-looking shirt--salmon, with South Seas type figures, but I couldn't believe the price on it. I certainly haven't spent that much on my wardrobe the whole year. I assume he bought it for their upcoming island-hopping vacation. Postage was eighty-three bucks and change, but Mike will reimburse me.
Sent it off, then walked to the Sandbox Coffeehouse and met my new friend, Diane. I fell stepping up on the outdoor deck, and scraped my elbow, but nothing else. We had a sandwich and drinks and good talk. Diane gave me a book: Groucho Marx'es letters (we're both fans) which she said was "extra." So nice of her. We then both took the bus away from town, she got off at the college, as she's registering for a course, and I rode to Telephone Road, then waited for the bus to Market street, where the DMV is.
Long wait, but not as bad as usual, and I was told I had to set up a hearing in Oxnard. Called the DMV there and got it for October 22. Was told I have to get my doctor to certify I'm physically able to drive and the woman said they'd send a form, but I could get a jump on it by getting it first.
Oh, really? Called Primary Medical and after interminable delays, dropped calls, and misunderstandings, was told no, Dr. Jennings doesn't do that, I'll be referred to DMV doctors. What? That isn't what DMV told me. In the middle of all this, Stella called to ask about Soaring Spirits and I was in no mood to chat, so I more or less said I couldn't talk then. Rode the bus home in a somber mood.
I didn't set the alarm for this morning and didn't get up until 7:15. However, I'm not going to let all this car stuff get me down. I'll take this opportunity to stay in for a change, and get some hanging chores done.
Friday, October 05, 2018
Here And There
Kimball, breakfast, WinCo--the usual.
I went over to Hertz about 10 for Laurie to install Blue Tooth. However, we discovered my car doesn't have it. I understand I can get some kind of apparatus to hook it up, which I may or may not do. I'd like to have it, I guess, but am not that enamored. Besides, I think my accident was partly because I was distracted--it was dark, I was tired--so maybe it's best not to have it.
Caught the bus after lunch, got off at my usual, and walked to The Promenade. It was somewhat overcast and cool, but the surfers were still out, and there were a few strollers. How I enjoy walking by the beach and the magnificent Pacific; it's not my ocean, but it's a lovely ocean, and it's all right with me.*
Walked back up to Main and the library, where I stayed reading for a time. I took out Glass House, an account of the demise of the Anchor Hocking business and the ruination of the small town of Lancaster, Ohio, where it was located. I haven't gotten far into it, but the cover mentions "the 1 percent economy," presumably that the wealthy got wealthy by stepping over the bodies of the company and the town.
Called Nancy and we had a good talk. She didn't come to Happy Hour on Wednesday because of an indelicate condition--no, she's not pregnant--but is improving. Got an e-mail from Stella, asking if I was going to be walking The Promenade. I didn't read it until after I got home, so was able to tell her I already had. Hmm...I'm just as happy not to have a companion when I walk, so I can meander here and there and change any plans whenever I wish. I finally finished the game and will take it in a few hours to T.O.P.S. Hope our members enjoy it.
*I always liked that song: "It's not her face, but it's a lovely face, and it's all right with me..."
I went over to Hertz about 10 for Laurie to install Blue Tooth. However, we discovered my car doesn't have it. I understand I can get some kind of apparatus to hook it up, which I may or may not do. I'd like to have it, I guess, but am not that enamored. Besides, I think my accident was partly because I was distracted--it was dark, I was tired--so maybe it's best not to have it.
Caught the bus after lunch, got off at my usual, and walked to The Promenade. It was somewhat overcast and cool, but the surfers were still out, and there were a few strollers. How I enjoy walking by the beach and the magnificent Pacific; it's not my ocean, but it's a lovely ocean, and it's all right with me.*
Walked back up to Main and the library, where I stayed reading for a time. I took out Glass House, an account of the demise of the Anchor Hocking business and the ruination of the small town of Lancaster, Ohio, where it was located. I haven't gotten far into it, but the cover mentions "the 1 percent economy," presumably that the wealthy got wealthy by stepping over the bodies of the company and the town.
Called Nancy and we had a good talk. She didn't come to Happy Hour on Wednesday because of an indelicate condition--no, she's not pregnant--but is improving. Got an e-mail from Stella, asking if I was going to be walking The Promenade. I didn't read it until after I got home, so was able to tell her I already had. Hmm...I'm just as happy not to have a companion when I walk, so I can meander here and there and change any plans whenever I wish. I finally finished the game and will take it in a few hours to T.O.P.S. Hope our members enjoy it.
*I always liked that song: "It's not her face, but it's a lovely face, and it's all right with me..."
Thursday, October 04, 2018
Walked Kimball, then was out mostly all day.
Showered and dressed, then began the long, laborious process of Dudley docent dressing. (I don't know how women in the Victorian/Edwardian eras ever functioned, considering the weight and intricacies of their clothing.)
Finally managed and got to Dudley House in plenty of time for the special eleven o'clock tour for the Ventura Garden Club. As she had before, Sheri split the group into two. She thought there would be more attendees coming later, so gave Milenda (or Merada or Marauder or whatever her name was) the first ten, which left only four in my group. However, that worked out fine; it was actually more relaxed and fun with a smaller group.*
After we docents posed for pictures and chatted a bit with each other, I rushed home to rid myself of outfit. Had lunch, did this and that, then took off for the bus A remarkable phenomena of nature was occurring as I walked out the door: Little liquid droplets fell on my head. Yes, it was raining, but this was California rain, so more like a mist interspersed with half-hearted drips. Nevertheless, I went back and got my umbrella (foolish of me, as I was then stuck with carrying it the rest of the day).
Got off at the library and walked to the post office at Santa Clara Street to mail to Betty my diet regimen, which she had requested. Back up on Main, I stopped at BOA to deposit a check from the insurance company (I'm not sure why they sent it, but I wasn't about to question such largress.) Having some time before I met Carolyn, I stopped into a thrift store to browse and saw a large head of a monster that talks and the eyes light up. Since I needed it desperately, I bought it, but then was burdened with carrying it, plus my umbrella, so that necessitated buying a sequined bag that says "Jerusalem" on it. Problem solved.
Met Carolyn at 4:00 (Diane was out of town and Nancy wasn't feeling well) at Casa Bella and we had a good time over our soda (C.) and Chief's Peak (R.). Carolyn is very reticent in a group, even our little Happy Hour quartet, but one-on-one, she's more out-going and we had a good talk. (It occurred to me that she's the same age as my older son, but that doesn't seem to have any significance to either of us.)
I had registered to attend a presentation on Opioid addiction at the museum at 5:30 and invited Carolyn to go. She accepted and we listened to a panel of doctors from Community Medical discuss this modern problem. I don't know anyone who suffers from this and knew little about it, so it interested me, just on an information basis.
The program wasn't over until 7:30 and by that time, it was dark. Carolyn insisted on driving me home--I had no problem with taking the bus--so I allowed her to do so. (I keep forgetting that other people don't consider that time late night and may even stay up after 9:00).
Today, I just have to top off the T.O.P.S. game, plus go to Hertz to have Blue Tooth installed in the car.
*It was no fun at all to have the tour interrupted by the unpleasant buzz on all our cell phones at 11:15. This was from Big Broth--uh, our government--and reminded me of air raid practice during WWII, as well as Nazi tactics. Oh, I forgot, it was to "keep us safe," as the oblivious parrot after getting their info straight from the bullshitters.
Showered and dressed, then began the long, laborious process of Dudley docent dressing. (I don't know how women in the Victorian/Edwardian eras ever functioned, considering the weight and intricacies of their clothing.)
Finally managed and got to Dudley House in plenty of time for the special eleven o'clock tour for the Ventura Garden Club. As she had before, Sheri split the group into two. She thought there would be more attendees coming later, so gave Milenda (or Merada or Marauder or whatever her name was) the first ten, which left only four in my group. However, that worked out fine; it was actually more relaxed and fun with a smaller group.*
After we docents posed for pictures and chatted a bit with each other, I rushed home to rid myself of outfit. Had lunch, did this and that, then took off for the bus A remarkable phenomena of nature was occurring as I walked out the door: Little liquid droplets fell on my head. Yes, it was raining, but this was California rain, so more like a mist interspersed with half-hearted drips. Nevertheless, I went back and got my umbrella (foolish of me, as I was then stuck with carrying it the rest of the day).
Got off at the library and walked to the post office at Santa Clara Street to mail to Betty my diet regimen, which she had requested. Back up on Main, I stopped at BOA to deposit a check from the insurance company (I'm not sure why they sent it, but I wasn't about to question such largress.) Having some time before I met Carolyn, I stopped into a thrift store to browse and saw a large head of a monster that talks and the eyes light up. Since I needed it desperately, I bought it, but then was burdened with carrying it, plus my umbrella, so that necessitated buying a sequined bag that says "Jerusalem" on it. Problem solved.
Met Carolyn at 4:00 (Diane was out of town and Nancy wasn't feeling well) at Casa Bella and we had a good time over our soda (C.) and Chief's Peak (R.). Carolyn is very reticent in a group, even our little Happy Hour quartet, but one-on-one, she's more out-going and we had a good talk. (It occurred to me that she's the same age as my older son, but that doesn't seem to have any significance to either of us.)
I had registered to attend a presentation on Opioid addiction at the museum at 5:30 and invited Carolyn to go. She accepted and we listened to a panel of doctors from Community Medical discuss this modern problem. I don't know anyone who suffers from this and knew little about it, so it interested me, just on an information basis.
The program wasn't over until 7:30 and by that time, it was dark. Carolyn insisted on driving me home--I had no problem with taking the bus--so I allowed her to do so. (I keep forgetting that other people don't consider that time late night and may even stay up after 9:00).
Today, I just have to top off the T.O.P.S. game, plus go to Hertz to have Blue Tooth installed in the car.
*It was no fun at all to have the tour interrupted by the unpleasant buzz on all our cell phones at 11:15. This was from Big Broth--uh, our government--and reminded me of air raid practice during WWII, as well as Nazi tactics. Oh, I forgot, it was to "keep us safe," as the oblivious parrot after getting their info straight from the bullshitters.
Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Chores and Errands
After Kimball and breakfast, I plunged into the chores I wanted to get done. Stripped the bed and re-made, did two loads of wash (one bleach, one not), and finally, at long last, finished the game for T.O.P.S. except for gluing together.
That took until lunch, after which I hopped a bus, thinking I'd go into town as usual, and do my walk. However, I stayed on after it got to Pacific View Mall (where all the buses go to discharge, leave off, and transfer) and when it started up again, it went in the opposite direction.
I could easily have gotten off and walked back to a town bus, but I had no particular reason, so I stayed on and again went to Oxnard. It stopped at a shopping center, I got off and strolled around for a while, then boarded the next bus back to Ventura.
Got off near my place, picked up my car, and drove to a 99 Cent store (all the items aren't 99 cents; most are 1, 2, 3 dollars and 99 cents, and up). Got what I wanted to add to the game, plus a few other items.
I received an e-mail message from the Ventura city clerk, asking if I'd like to apply for the library advisory commission again. I had done it last year and had been interviewed (I'm sure they have to interview anyone who applies) but I didn't take it very seriously and wasn't chosen. Now I'm not sure if I really want to be on this committee. I'll think about it.
Betty called to tell me that the apartment she'll probably move into, was available. She and Carolyn were going to see it and I asked her to let me know how it went.
That took until lunch, after which I hopped a bus, thinking I'd go into town as usual, and do my walk. However, I stayed on after it got to Pacific View Mall (where all the buses go to discharge, leave off, and transfer) and when it started up again, it went in the opposite direction.
I could easily have gotten off and walked back to a town bus, but I had no particular reason, so I stayed on and again went to Oxnard. It stopped at a shopping center, I got off and strolled around for a while, then boarded the next bus back to Ventura.
Got off near my place, picked up my car, and drove to a 99 Cent store (all the items aren't 99 cents; most are 1, 2, 3 dollars and 99 cents, and up). Got what I wanted to add to the game, plus a few other items.
I received an e-mail message from the Ventura city clerk, asking if I'd like to apply for the library advisory commission again. I had done it last year and had been interviewed (I'm sure they have to interview anyone who applies) but I didn't take it very seriously and wasn't chosen. Now I'm not sure if I really want to be on this committee. I'll think about it.
Betty called to tell me that the apartment she'll probably move into, was available. She and Carolyn were going to see it and I asked her to let me know how it went.
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
Another full day. After walking Kimball and breakfast, I fooled around some more with the T.O.P.S. game--it's coming together, I hope. Changed and went out for the widder group lunch at Stone Fire Grill.
As promised, I met Stella outside; she had brought someone else: Needa, also in Diane's meditation group, but that was fine. I took them in and introduced them. Needa and Gayle are similar types and bonded instantly. I sat Stella next to Nancy and they compared notes as neighbors in Oak View.
Since I had driven over, I had only water with a mediocre Greek salad and bread sticks. There was, as ever, some good talk. When we were leaving, Stella asked if I wanted to walk just around the neighborhood and I agreed. However, she had sandals on and had forgotten other shoes, so asked if she could meet me in town. Well, okay, but I'd be leaving the car home and taking the bus, so I wouldn't be there until about 3:00. Fine by her, and we met on The Promenade.
Stella kept repeating how she "couldn't walk much," but by the time we parted, we had gone at least four miles. We met at the Aloha, walked to the pier, walked the length of that, then to Surfer's Point, the bike path up to Main, and back to the Crown Plaza. I didn't push her; she kept insisting she wanted to walk. She does tend to stroll and I walk briskly, so I had to slow down a bit, but it was okay.
By the time we got back to The Promenade, it was close to 5:00 and we stopped at the seaside Crown Plaza patio for appetizers (I had a Modello, Mexican beer, Stella coffee). Said goodbye, I walked back to Main and caught a bus. Didn't get home until after 7:00, when it was close to full dark, but I had enjoyed the day.
Nothing scheduled for today and now I must catch up with all the myriad chores I've been putting off.
As promised, I met Stella outside; she had brought someone else: Needa, also in Diane's meditation group, but that was fine. I took them in and introduced them. Needa and Gayle are similar types and bonded instantly. I sat Stella next to Nancy and they compared notes as neighbors in Oak View.
Since I had driven over, I had only water with a mediocre Greek salad and bread sticks. There was, as ever, some good talk. When we were leaving, Stella asked if I wanted to walk just around the neighborhood and I agreed. However, she had sandals on and had forgotten other shoes, so asked if she could meet me in town. Well, okay, but I'd be leaving the car home and taking the bus, so I wouldn't be there until about 3:00. Fine by her, and we met on The Promenade.
Stella kept repeating how she "couldn't walk much," but by the time we parted, we had gone at least four miles. We met at the Aloha, walked to the pier, walked the length of that, then to Surfer's Point, the bike path up to Main, and back to the Crown Plaza. I didn't push her; she kept insisting she wanted to walk. She does tend to stroll and I walk briskly, so I had to slow down a bit, but it was okay.
By the time we got back to The Promenade, it was close to 5:00 and we stopped at the seaside Crown Plaza patio for appetizers (I had a Modello, Mexican beer, Stella coffee). Said goodbye, I walked back to Main and caught a bus. Didn't get home until after 7:00, when it was close to full dark, but I had enjoyed the day.
Nothing scheduled for today and now I must catch up with all the myriad chores I've been putting off.
Monday, October 01, 2018
Interesting Day
An interesting and fun day. After Kimball and my usual Sunday morning activities, I worked on the game I'm making for T.O.P.S. Suzanne got back from church at 11:00 and we took off for St. John's Medical Center in Oxnard.
This place is so beautiful, it almost makes me want to get sick so I can be admitted. We went specifically to see the labyrinth--which is formed by low hedges--but there's so much else that's so lovely, I didn't even pay much attention to it. The "Healing Garden," in particular, is just stunning. It winds around almost the whole outside of the hospital. Below are some pics, one with Suzanne.* Not only are there beautiful vistas everywhere you look, but soft classical music is piped in, too.
Suzanne treated me to lunch--hospital food, but not bad--after we toured inside and out for about two hours, stopping at her office and being greeted by several of her colleagues. We drove home, said goodbye, then I immediately took the bus for town. Strolled The Promenade, then back up to Main Street and the library.
While I was dipping into Christopher Lawford's oddly boring memoir, my brother, Jim, called. I was delighted to hear from him and, at 92, he's in pretty good shape. It was his wife, Therese'es, 88th birthday. He asked if I wanted what he called our Dad's "diary" from 1945 and wow, yes, of course, I do! He said he'd send it and we had a good talk.
Crossed Main to the bus stop about 5:00 and a youngish blonde woman and I struck up a conversation. We sat together on the bus and I had an enjoyable conversation. I was especially interested in the fact she was wearing a peace sign necklace. Asked her about it and found she's a pacifist, also--very exciting to hear. In our long conversation, I found that her name is Diane, she's 49, unattached, and is thinking about going back to college. I encouraged her to do so and told her I had gotten my B.S. when I was 54. She had to take another bus to get home and when she left, on impulse, I gave her my card.
After dinner, Diane sent me a text saying how much she like meeting me. I wrote back ditto and we went back and forth; the upshot was, we decided to meet at The Sandbox Coffeehouse on Friday for lunch. I like having a variety of friends of different ages and--maybe--outlooks, so I'm looking forward to knowing her better.
This place is so beautiful, it almost makes me want to get sick so I can be admitted. We went specifically to see the labyrinth--which is formed by low hedges--but there's so much else that's so lovely, I didn't even pay much attention to it. The "Healing Garden," in particular, is just stunning. It winds around almost the whole outside of the hospital. Below are some pics, one with Suzanne.* Not only are there beautiful vistas everywhere you look, but soft classical music is piped in, too.
Suzanne treated me to lunch--hospital food, but not bad--after we toured inside and out for about two hours, stopping at her office and being greeted by several of her colleagues. We drove home, said goodbye, then I immediately took the bus for town. Strolled The Promenade, then back up to Main Street and the library.
While I was dipping into Christopher Lawford's oddly boring memoir, my brother, Jim, called. I was delighted to hear from him and, at 92, he's in pretty good shape. It was his wife, Therese'es, 88th birthday. He asked if I wanted what he called our Dad's "diary" from 1945 and wow, yes, of course, I do! He said he'd send it and we had a good talk.
Crossed Main to the bus stop about 5:00 and a youngish blonde woman and I struck up a conversation. We sat together on the bus and I had an enjoyable conversation. I was especially interested in the fact she was wearing a peace sign necklace. Asked her about it and found she's a pacifist, also--very exciting to hear. In our long conversation, I found that her name is Diane, she's 49, unattached, and is thinking about going back to college. I encouraged her to do so and told her I had gotten my B.S. when I was 54. She had to take another bus to get home and when she left, on impulse, I gave her my card.
After dinner, Diane sent me a text saying how much she like meeting me. I wrote back ditto and we went back and forth; the upshot was, we decided to meet at The Sandbox Coffeehouse on Friday for lunch. I like having a variety of friends of different ages and--maybe--outlooks, so I'm looking forward to knowing her better.
*She sure as hell doesn't look like the Mercy nuns I remember!
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
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