Saturday, May 01, 2021


 Another active day. Taking my cart and a bag of dirty clothes, I walked to the bus stop and got the 9:23. It was still incredibly hot, but much cooler in Ventura--very pleasant, in fact. Got in about 11:00, just as Suzanne was coming back from the laundry place. We sat outside and chatted for a bit. Unfortunately, she's been having trouble with pain in her leg when she walks and had been to to the doctor earlier. She has had fibro neuralgia for years, but this seems not to be related. She'll get an MRI soon.

I put in a load of wash, then put myself in. Okay, I didn't join in the sloshing and spinning, but I showered and washed my hair. While the clothes were drying, I walked over to Von's for heads of romaine and green leaf lettuce. Made my lunch salad with the former and packed the latter in the cooker to take to Ojai. Before I left, I put in cottage cheese and a seasoned chicken thigh from the freezer. With trepidation (would they melt on the way?), I added some sugar-free popsicles, which I like to have  in the evening after my pretzels and peanuts.

Ellen called. They were at the French Press, a coffee place Greg likes. She said Greg goes back to the doctor on Monday and they'd probably come home after that. I said I'd stay over then, too, so we can visit for awhile. 

Left  my place about 2:30 and got to Ojai at 4:00. I missed the Ojai "trolley" (really just a little, partly open, bus) and wasn't about to wait 35 minutes for the next one. So I walked again and by the time I got to El's, it was as if I had never showered. Oh, well, maybe I'll be brave and use one of hers today.

Called Jim and we talked, then made a date for lunch today--I'm treating for his birthday. That was two days ago, but somebody else took him to lunch then. We decided on Jasmine Thail and he'll pick me up at the transit center.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...