Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Michael's, The Black Angus, And Betty

 A pretty active day. I headed to Michael's craft store after breakfast for items for Lolly's card. Walked to Telephone Avenue, meaning to bus from there, but bus didn't come, so I walked the rest of the way, three miles in all. Got what I wanted and bused home.

At 1:30, I was just finishing lunch when Stella called, asking if I wanted to go to lunch. Uh--how about an early dinner, instead? Okay and we agreed to meet at the Black Angus at 4:30--very early for me, but I figured I'd improvise and I did.

Stella wanted to eat there because when we had lunch together last time, I had a big hamburger and her "doctor" told her she has to eat meat three times a day for a week. He's a naturopathic something or other--enough said. He's going to examine her urine to find out why she has allergies--or something. Anyway, I had a beer and a small bowl of mac and cheese, Stella a hamburger, half of which she took home.

We parted and I stopped at The Dollar Tree to see if they had any of the sugar-free candy I like once in a while. They didn't, but no biggie. Took the 11 to the transit center and the 6 home, but there was quite a lull in between and I didn't get in until 7:15. I haven't been out that late in an age! Of course, it was still light out and I didn't mind.     

Called Betty and finally reached her. I texted niece Carolyn to see when I could visit and I'll go on Thursday. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...