Saturday, May 08, 2021

T.O.P.S. And Tibet

Weight report--129.4. Curiously, there was no change from two weeks ago at home, and a .06 loss at T.O.P.S., but that has no real significance. What does is that Lennie announced that, starting next week, we can again meet at Trinity Lutheran inside. Now, should I continue with this or not? It's a dilemma. For me, there seem to be too many negatives. Bobbi said she'd call me during the week and I suspect she'll offer to pick me up and take me home. I guess I'll go next time and make a decision after. Maybe I'll simply go once a month...dunno.

I left for the bus at 10:45 and met Stella outside the library at noon. We walked around the block--uphill part of the way, which was strenuous--then on Main. We stopped in a few shops, then went the mile or so to The Himalayan for Tibetan food. We both had curried lamb, which was very good--it's been decades since I had lamb and, only very occasionally do I eat any red meat. But I enjoyed it, along with the Hoppy Poppy local beer. 

After our meal and conversation, we walked back to the library where Stella had parked and said goodbye. I then went in and greatly enjoyed browsing the new books--browsing! In the library! What a long-lost pleasure that was. There was a limited selection, though--the special shelves included only  relatively new books,* but still, it felt good. I didn't borrow any, however, having practically a whole library at home I haven't read yet.

On the way home, I got a voice mail from Gail, saying she was right outside my apartment complex, but assumed I was "gadding about" (damn straight and glad of it). Called her back and she said she wanted to give me a purple sweatshirt she bought that's too big for her. Okay, she'll call me on Monday or Tuesday.

When I got home, I found a nice Mother's Day gift from Mike:

Ellen called after dinner and we had a long talk. I'll see her tomorrow on Mother's Day, of course. At my suggestion, the plan, subject to change, is for us to meet there and maybe eat at her place.

 *And "relatively" is the operative word here; I saw M. O.'s several-years-old Becoming in the group. 



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