Sunday, May 30, 2021


 I walked to The Market after lunch, just for a few staples. Home, and tidied up a bit. Jim came at his usual 1:00 and we had our usual all-over-the-globe conversation. I was interested to hear he knew about Lotusland, in Santa Barbara. He's an opera buff and the woman whose garden it was, was a soprano. That sounds like an interesting story I want to look into.

Jim stayed until 3:45, then I walked him out. Neighbor Vickie called to tell me she'll go into the hospital on Tuesday, June 1, for a lumpectomy (as an outpatient). As soon as she's able, I want to have her, Mary, and Suzanne over for lunch.

I called Bobbi twice to ask how her procedure (a heart thing, during which they thread a wire or something up through her leg to the heart--AAGH!), but voicemail was on. 

Ellen called to ask if I wanted to go to to Wal-Mart, then lunch. Hey, is the pope...does a bear...? Yes, indeed, and I'll see her at 11:00. Happy day, school will be over for the semester in less than two weeks.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...