Wednesday, May 05, 2021


Ellen and I had a leisurely breakfast together, then packed the car and set off for Ventura. We stopped first at my place, so we could put away the trunk-full of what I had taken to her house. Then it was off to Wal-Mart, as we both needed quite a bit after sojourning in places away from home.  I got broccoli, rice cakes, and a few other things and El bought whole bunch of paper goods, as well as two kinds of kitty litter, and much more.

We then unloaded my things at my place, visited for a bit, and said goodbye. I made my big salad lunch, then scanned with my phone the rent check my tenant had sent from the bank. It seemed to work, but when I went into my account, it hadn't been added. I wanted to got some walking in, anyway, so I took my cart and went to the bank, where I found it would take until midnight to post. The bank's near the market, so I went there, too, for tomatoes, onions, carrots, and rice cakes. Today, I'll get some food prep done. 

I sent the Zoom virtual Happy Hour link to Nancy and Carolyn, and we chatted for  the forty free minutes they allow. Nothing new with either one of them. Had tilapia for dinner, showered and washed my hair, and started watching the DVD of Deepwater Horizon. It's a disaster movie about an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana. So far, it's semi-interesting, but I think Mark Wahlberg and everybody else drowns in the end.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...