Saturday, May 22, 2021


I was 129.4 at home, for a gain of .02, but at T.O.P.S., I was 130.1, same as last week. Ho-hum. 

The meeting itself was somewhat different; the six regulars were there, but we were joined by a T.O.P.S. "advocate," who wants to try to rev up our chapter. Actually, I'd just as soon it sank anyway, once Lolly's gone.  Anyway, I don't think I want to continue, but--well, maybe. This "advocate" is pretty clearly unpaid. She said she was going to talk to people--or something--about getting more members. She also wanted somebody to volunteer to be the "web person" This is really the simplest of the simple, such a receiving newsletters on email and giving them to the leader. I restrained myself from volunteering.

I told the group I'd make the arrangements for us to take Lolly out for a goodbye luncheon. I called her, we settled on next Wednesday and I suggested the Aloha, which she likes. I then emailed the gang aside from Sharon, who has no computer and whom I called.

Aside from that, I did some food prep: got my roasted tomato/onion done and prepared an enormous cauliflower I had bought at The Market. Nothing much else went on, except another round on the phone with BOA and Vanguard. I think that mess is settling, anyway. Went over to Von's for a few things. 

I spent some time making up a little verse for Lolly; I'll make it into a card and have everyone sign it at the luncheon.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...