Saturday, May 29, 2021

T.O.P.S. And So On

Before T.O.P.S. I went into the Ventura Library site to request two books--they had neither. Okay, maybe it was too much to expect they'd have On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Non-Fiction, but The Smart Set: George Jean Nathan and H.L. Mencken? What could explain the absence of the history of a definitive magazine in a definitive era? Jim and I agreed early on that Ventura is provincial and yes, indeed, that proves it. (Of course, that very statement also proves what pompous, pretentious parvenu we are--HA!)

I wasn't happy with my weigh-ins; at home, I was up .06 to 130 and at T.O.P.S., up .09 to 131. Of course, it's not a disaster, but the latter is out of my zone of 125 to 130, and I don't like that direction. Will work on that.

I'd also like to work on a big fat gag for Sharon. Besides her, only Lolly, Lennie, and I attended. We weighed in and that was the sum total of anything having to do with the reason we gather every @#%&$% week. Sharon held forth--this is no lie--for more than thirty minutes on events in her background, such as her parents' divorce 47 years ago. Leader Lolly, true to form, just let her spout on. I had accepted Sharon's offer to drive me home (I bused and walked there), but when Lennie said she had to leave for a meeting down my way, I went with her. I think Lolly's last meeting is next week and after she leaves, I'm outta there, too.

After breakfast, which I didn't get until 10:30, I did some work on the laptop, seasoned a tilapia cutlet, and planted the pretty can't-remember-its-name that Ellen gave me for Mothers' Day. Did some more dead-heading of the daisies, too. Must plant the hydrangea soon. 

Had lunch, then hopped a bus to town and bought a nice wicker container and two more DVDs at the thrift store. Home, I walked over to Von's, as I was entitled to a free package of four strawberry shortcake popsicles. I promptly gave them to Patrick H., who had told me he knows neighbors building who'd enjoy them. 

My tenant emailed me that she had sent the rent electronically via Zelle and did I get it? Not yet, but maybe there's a delay. These money transfers may be more damn trouble than they're worth.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...