Sunday, Sunday, what a bum day. Well, that doesn't rhyme, but I don't care.
Actually, it wasn't so bad, although the crossword sucked. I finished that, cleaned up a bit, then took my little cart and walked over the footbridge to the park. Walking there, I got a welcome phone call and plans are afoot--well, I won't say more just now.
I left off two books and borrowed three from the little lending library, then bused to WinCo. Got spinach, butternut squash, fajitas, and--oh, joy!--two containers of disinfecting wipes. They're not from Clorox, they're WinCo's own brand, but I don't care if they were manufactured in the hottest part of Hades--I got them, finally, and what a joy! I took the bus back to Victoria, but walked from there, so all-in-all, I got in about four miles, maybe more.
Betty called to tell me what a great time she and her family had at Carolyn's on Saturday. I thought to myself, "I wonder if she knows how lucky she is." I'm so thankful to have my younger daughter so close, but I rarely see my other children. Then I was ashamed, because I remembered Betty will never see one of her children again.
I'm in the middle of the book, Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend, and the premise is fine, the story interesting (young man goes blind at nineteen, thanks to an incompetent ophthalmologist, but excels in life anyway), yet I find it a little draggy. Of course, the guy is not an actual writer, so I'll give him a pass. Here's a short video of Dr. Greenberg's best friend, Art Garfunkel, talking about the campaign to stop blindness (scroll down):
Greenberg is on the board of Johns Hopkins' Wilmer Eye Institute and is a friend of my nephew, Patrick. Patrick was recently wooed away by the Cleveland Clinic to it chair of otolar--whatever (head and neck surgery).
After lunch and about 3:30, I was at loose ends again, so I watched more of the Godfather III--yes, n the daytime--maybe one of the most god-awful movies ever. Yet I watched it! Dummy.
My arm continues to itch, although the cold patch helps a lot. If it isn't better soon, I'll call the doctor.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Being A Third-Grader
A busy day and, for me, and enjoyable one. I got to Ellen's about 12:30 and was shown her classroom-at-home. It has turned out very nicely, with colorful pictures and cutouts on the walls, a large desk, and an easel with whiteboard.
Oh, the kitties like it, too. They jump on the desk, play with whatever they can find that's loose, and get behind the blinds to look outside. They're going to have be be banished to another room while El's teaching.
We had lunch first, then turned to the technical stuff. El had me use a Chrome Book, which is what the children have, and she directed from her laptop. I think we were able to solve some problems, but the use of Google Classroom isn't that simple and you'd think it would be. This Corona-dominated era necessitates so many unforeseen problems and extra work, and we haven't seen the bulk of it yet. I can't even imagine what might come up when young students start actual classes.
Anyway, by the time we finished, it was about 3:30, and we sat outside with Coke, beer, and nibbles. El gave me some of her homegrown peppers and tomatoes (of several varieties), and I'll enjoy them for days. My darling daughter walked me part of the way to the bus stop, then I continued on. I had to wait only a few minutes and got back to the transit center about 6:15. I did have to wait another twenty or so for the number 10, so didn't get home until almost 7:00, but that was okay.
Note: I have an annoying problem on my left forearm: an area that itches terribly and that now seems somewhat swollen and red. It's possible I was bitten by something, but I don't see any entry hold, although there's a bump under the skin. El recommended putting an ice pack on it when I got home. I did and it has helped considerably. I'll continue to do so, but if it isn't better by tomorrow, I'll call the doctor.
Oh, the kitties like it, too. They jump on the desk, play with whatever they can find that's loose, and get behind the blinds to look outside. They're going to have be be banished to another room while El's teaching.
We had lunch first, then turned to the technical stuff. El had me use a Chrome Book, which is what the children have, and she directed from her laptop. I think we were able to solve some problems, but the use of Google Classroom isn't that simple and you'd think it would be. This Corona-dominated era necessitates so many unforeseen problems and extra work, and we haven't seen the bulk of it yet. I can't even imagine what might come up when young students start actual classes.
Anyway, by the time we finished, it was about 3:30, and we sat outside with Coke, beer, and nibbles. El gave me some of her homegrown peppers and tomatoes (of several varieties), and I'll enjoy them for days. My darling daughter walked me part of the way to the bus stop, then I continued on. I had to wait only a few minutes and got back to the transit center about 6:15. I did have to wait another twenty or so for the number 10, so didn't get home until almost 7:00, but that was okay.
Note: I have an annoying problem on my left forearm: an area that itches terribly and that now seems somewhat swollen and red. It's possible I was bitten by something, but I don't see any entry hold, although there's a bump under the skin. El recommended putting an ice pack on it when I got home. I did and it has helped considerably. I'll continue to do so, but if it isn't better by tomorrow, I'll call the doctor.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Downtown, Dye, And DVDs
I weighed in via T.O.P.S. at 130.2; at home, at 129.6. That means I lost either 1.3 or 1.2 pounds. (Mimi, do NOT obsess over the difference--it's an ounce, fer cryin' out loud!)
Had breakfast, then took off for the Market. I got romaine, grapes, olive oil, and a few other things. Debated whether to bus back, but I walked instead, so was pleased to get three miles in by noon.
I was just finishing lunch when Ellen called. Would I be able to go over there today to help with the technical teaching problems? Ho-ho--I wasn't being asked as somebody computer-savvy, but to more or less impersonate an eight-year-old, so El could figure out how to best get the lessons across. The fact is, the teachers got almost no training for the on-line situation and it's deplorable. However, I'm certainly as dense in that area as a third-grader, so I'll be glad to help.
Went to town and as the bus neared Chestnut Street, somebody aboard pointed out a kind of red smoke over the hills. We saw a plane, too, then some wispy brown haze and knew there was a fire there. I got off in a few minutes and called El to ask if she saw anything. She didn't and she was outside, so I figured it had been handled. Saw this, the plan and the dye, on a friend's Facebook page later:
Had breakfast, then took off for the Market. I got romaine, grapes, olive oil, and a few other things. Debated whether to bus back, but I walked instead, so was pleased to get three miles in by noon.
I was just finishing lunch when Ellen called. Would I be able to go over there today to help with the technical teaching problems? Ho-ho--I wasn't being asked as somebody computer-savvy, but to more or less impersonate an eight-year-old, so El could figure out how to best get the lessons across. The fact is, the teachers got almost no training for the on-line situation and it's deplorable. However, I'm certainly as dense in that area as a third-grader, so I'll be glad to help.
Went to town and as the bus neared Chestnut Street, somebody aboard pointed out a kind of red smoke over the hills. We saw a plane, too, then some wispy brown haze and knew there was a fire there. I got off in a few minutes and called El to ask if she saw anything. She didn't and she was outside, so I figured it had been handled. Saw this, the plan and the dye, on a friend's Facebook page later:
I stopped at some thrift stores and bought three more DVDs: Big, Garden State, and a three-disk set of James Dean in Giant, Rebel Without A Cause, and East of Eden.
Got home about 5:00 after stopping at Von's for two pounds of raw (frozen) shrimp, which was on sale at a good price. I put a load of wash in because I'm hoping my new jeans will shrink a little. It's annoying that the large was just a bit snug for my tastes, but the extra-large is a little big. However, they didn't shrink, so I'll just wear them that way.
Made a turkey stir-fry for dinner, then finished watching Godfather II, then put in Godfather III. As I recall, it's a real dud and I may just skip it and go to Coppola and cast discussing the trilogy.
Friday, August 28, 2020
The P.O., Starbucks, And Friendship Center
I walked to the post office to mail my little grandson's birthday card. Let's hope it gets there by the time he turns seven on September 9. Considering how long it took the lanyard to get from there to get here--five months--it may not.
Niece Carolyn called and we talked about Betty and her companion, Mary, coming here next week. That would be nice and she'll get back to me. Betty then happened to call; she asked me, "Are you going to Friendship Center in Montecito today?" What? Who? I had no idea what she was talking about and neither did she. I told her I was on my way to lunch and would call her later.
Met Jim at Starbucks at 1:00 for what was supposed to be lunch. I had looked up the menu on-line and decided on the least caloric sandwich, mozzarella and tomato. It was bad enough--390 calories--but the others were in the four to six-hundreds. However, they didn't have it, anyway. In fact, they had very little. I finally settled on an egg and something else--was it bacon or ham?--on a tiny little biscuit-type thing. We didn't have to wait for it because, of course, it had already been put together, probably in 1990. The egg was a kind of a jelly-fied blob, the sliver of meat--or whatever it was--the consistency of leather and the whole thing was utterly tasteless. Why anybody would choose to eat there is beyond me.
However, had an enjoyable time, since we sat outside in the shade and had one of our far-ranging discussions, zeroing in mostly on the meaning of human existence. We decided on what it is, but we aren't going to tell anybody else. (NOT!)
I called Betty back and we chatted. Happily, she said her knee is a lot better than it had been. As for the Friendship Center thing, it seems Carolyn had taken her to there to see "a show." There was dancing and they stayed in the car, that's all I could make out.
Niece Carolyn called and we talked about Betty and her companion, Mary, coming here next week. That would be nice and she'll get back to me. Betty then happened to call; she asked me, "Are you going to Friendship Center in Montecito today?" What? Who? I had no idea what she was talking about and neither did she. I told her I was on my way to lunch and would call her later.
Met Jim at Starbucks at 1:00 for what was supposed to be lunch. I had looked up the menu on-line and decided on the least caloric sandwich, mozzarella and tomato. It was bad enough--390 calories--but the others were in the four to six-hundreds. However, they didn't have it, anyway. In fact, they had very little. I finally settled on an egg and something else--was it bacon or ham?--on a tiny little biscuit-type thing. We didn't have to wait for it because, of course, it had already been put together, probably in 1990. The egg was a kind of a jelly-fied blob, the sliver of meat--or whatever it was--the consistency of leather and the whole thing was utterly tasteless. Why anybody would choose to eat there is beyond me.
However, had an enjoyable time, since we sat outside in the shade and had one of our far-ranging discussions, zeroing in mostly on the meaning of human existence. We decided on what it is, but we aren't going to tell anybody else. (NOT!)
I called Betty back and we chatted. Happily, she said her knee is a lot better than it had been. As for the Friendship Center thing, it seems Carolyn had taken her to there to see "a show." There was dancing and they stayed in the car, that's all I could make out.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Wednesday And A Video Star
After putzing around (my husband's lofty expression) with this and that in the morning, I got my cart and took off for Smart 'n' Final. It was pretty hot, but I didn't rush. I bought some nice tilapia fillets, along with broccoli and romaine. Instead of walking or taking the bus directly home, I caught the 10 the opposite way and rode to Saticoy. I stayed on until it turned around and got off at my Hill Street stop.
Why do I do things like this once in a while? Just to fill the time, which is a pretty dreary indication of what life seems to have become. Do I read? Oh, yes, always while I eat and before I go to sleep. Do I watch t.v.? Only between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. I talk on the phone, do housework, and take care of finances, sure; but it's still slow during certain periods. Of course, I do quite a bit of food prep, since most of what I eat is fresh and in the vegetable kingdom. When I got home from the supermarket, I chopped my lettuce, made my salad, and seasoned the tilapia. Saved out one fillet for dinner (it was delish) and froze the others. I now have that, salmon, and Ahi tuna steaks in the freezer, all ready to thaw,cook and eat. I also have a fair amount of fresh vegetables in the fridge.
I'm looking forward to meeting Jim at Starbucks for lunch today, so that's at least a step out of the ho-hum routine.
After lunch, I took off for the mall and Target. A friend on Facebook had mentioned he had gotten a triple package of Clorox Wipes at Target--the last one, he said, and I can believe it. Of course--hmm...he lives in Jersey, but I thought maybe...
No. Of course, they didn't have them or anything else I wanted, so I just left. I stopped at the Hallmark Card Shop near Von's before I went home and got little Mr. K. a cute birthday card.
While idly looking at YouTube last evening, I was delighted to find Ellen's video welcome to her new third-class. School starts today--on-line, of course--and I fervently hope all goes well for her and the thousands of other teachers across the country.
I think she skillfully worked in a some information for the children, such as the distance between Ojai and Santa Paula (that's where her school is and the students live) and growing from seed. Of course, the kitties were a wonderful touch, too.
Why do I do things like this once in a while? Just to fill the time, which is a pretty dreary indication of what life seems to have become. Do I read? Oh, yes, always while I eat and before I go to sleep. Do I watch t.v.? Only between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. I talk on the phone, do housework, and take care of finances, sure; but it's still slow during certain periods. Of course, I do quite a bit of food prep, since most of what I eat is fresh and in the vegetable kingdom. When I got home from the supermarket, I chopped my lettuce, made my salad, and seasoned the tilapia. Saved out one fillet for dinner (it was delish) and froze the others. I now have that, salmon, and Ahi tuna steaks in the freezer, all ready to thaw,cook and eat. I also have a fair amount of fresh vegetables in the fridge.
I'm looking forward to meeting Jim at Starbucks for lunch today, so that's at least a step out of the ho-hum routine.
After lunch, I took off for the mall and Target. A friend on Facebook had mentioned he had gotten a triple package of Clorox Wipes at Target--the last one, he said, and I can believe it. Of course--hmm...he lives in Jersey, but I thought maybe...
No. Of course, they didn't have them or anything else I wanted, so I just left. I stopped at the Hallmark Card Shop near Von's before I went home and got little Mr. K. a cute birthday card.
While idly looking at YouTube last evening, I was delighted to find Ellen's video welcome to her new third-class. School starts today--on-line, of course--and I fervently hope all goes well for her and the thousands of other teachers across the country.
I think she skillfully worked in a some information for the children, such as the distance between Ojai and Santa Paula (that's where her school is and the students live) and growing from seed. Of course, the kitties were a wonderful touch, too.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Birthday And A Wedding
I had asked his Dad what my little grandson might like for his seventh birthday next month. The answer was an aquarium, which tickled me, since I remember when Patrick had them. He even provided the info on Amazon Japan and, after some difficulties, I was able to order it.
I tried on the jeans (actually, "jeggings") I had gotten at Wal-Mart and I could wear them, but they were a little too snug. I walked back to Wal-Mart to exchange for the next size. Stopped at the Market for lettuce and tomatoes and bused back.
I was surprised to find a box from Amazon at my door, as I didn't remember ordering anything that hadn't come. Took it in, opened it, and found the book, Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. Now this was a puzzle: I had requested the book from the library, so why--? Then I found this oddly phrased note inside:
I found the disc of two large formal pictures of my Dad when he was at Villanova. One is his debating team, the other the track team. I have the originals on my wall and had told my nephew Jim (my Dad's namesake) I had had a disc made of them and would let him borrow it if I could find it. I did and mailed it yesterday.
I tried on the jeans (actually, "jeggings") I had gotten at Wal-Mart and I could wear them, but they were a little too snug. I walked back to Wal-Mart to exchange for the next size. Stopped at the Market for lettuce and tomatoes and bused back.
I was surprised to find a box from Amazon at my door, as I didn't remember ordering anything that hadn't come. Took it in, opened it, and found the book, Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. Now this was a puzzle: I had requested the book from the library, so why--? Then I found this oddly phrased note inside:
I just couldn't figure this out. The upshot was that I bused to town after lunch and went straight to the library, bringing the notice. When I asked about it, I was told why, yes, the library does this now with newer books, if they aren't in their catalog. They send it--brand new--to the requester, and when it's returned, register it as a library book.
This is mind-boggling. There isn't even any actual return date. And there isn't anything that certifies this book actually belongs to the library. In fact, it doesn't, not until I bring it there. Wow, Miss Veronica Cary at the Ventnor City Library must be spinning in her... Never mind.
Another good happening: Almost two years ago, in September, 2018, my nephew, Jim Byrne, brought his dad, my brother, Frank, here. Jim saw the two large pictures of my father at Villanova, and asked to to borrow the disk I had them on. Now from my blog at the time:
(For some strange reason, I can never seem to get my font size back to normal after I copy an earlier blog entry. Also, why is this now in bold? Dunno and I just ain't got the smarts to figure it out.)
I never heard back from Jim, but a few months ago, his brother, Patrick, asked to borrow it. I told him Jim hadn't returned it, Patrick said he'd call him, but he never got back to me, either. (It's not as if Patrick has nothing else to do--he just accepted the job as chair of the otolarenology* department at the Cleveland Clinic.) Didn't hear back from him, either. Anyway, long story still long: Jim finally responded to my email and said he has the disk. That's fine, I don't need it right now, but I'm wondering if he knew I wanted it back eventually.
I called another Jim--my friend--to thank him for directing me to the ARC thrift store, so I could have my donations picked up. We chatted and he suggested we have lunch at Starbucks tomorrow. Sure thing and it's on my calendar.
Suzanne got back late yesterday and invited me in to see pictures of her nieces' wedding. Very picturesque--at a cornfield in Idaho--and I was glad to see her. This is the one where her brother, a mail-order minister--officiated. Boy, has R.C. changed since I was a girl.
* I'm too lazy to look it up and the techie boobs at SpellCheck think it's "nanotechnology" or something.
I never heard back from Jim, but a few months ago, his brother, Patrick, asked to borrow it. I told him Jim hadn't returned it, Patrick said he'd call him, but he never got back to me, either. (It's not as if Patrick has nothing else to do--he just accepted the job as chair of the otolarenology* department at the Cleveland Clinic.) Didn't hear back from him, either. Anyway, long story still long: Jim finally responded to my email and said he has the disk. That's fine, I don't need it right now, but I'm wondering if he knew I wanted it back eventually.
I called another Jim--my friend--to thank him for directing me to the ARC thrift store, so I could have my donations picked up. We chatted and he suggested we have lunch at Starbucks tomorrow. Sure thing and it's on my calendar.
Suzanne got back late yesterday and invited me in to see pictures of her nieces' wedding. Very picturesque--at a cornfield in Idaho--and I was glad to see her. This is the one where her brother, a mail-order minister--officiated. Boy, has R.C. changed since I was a girl.
* I'm too lazy to look it up and the techie boobs at SpellCheck think it's "nanotechnology" or something.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I stripped the bed and put the sheets and the few other things in the washer, which now seems to be my Monday morning routine.
Got a call from ARC at 8:00 to tell me the truck for my donations would be here in a half hour. Good. I managed to drag the large container to the front, then went back for my cart (I wasn't donating that, just the things I conveyed in it).
The guy was late, as he couldn't find the place. (Considering it takes up a full block and the name and address are prominently displayed, that's puzzling, but oh, well.) I had to call twice to try to guide him here via the phone person, and I got annoyed because he wasn't here until 9:00.
But good grief! Did I have some urgent appointment, some pressing need, some overwhelmingly important duty? I complain about not having enough to do, yet I get grouchy if some poor working stiff is a little late. I should be ashamed and I am.
Anyway, here's what I donated and what a relief to finally get it out of my bedroom:
Got a call from ARC at 8:00 to tell me the truck for my donations would be here in a half hour. Good. I managed to drag the large container to the front, then went back for my cart (I wasn't donating that, just the things I conveyed in it).
The guy was late, as he couldn't find the place. (Considering it takes up a full block and the name and address are prominently displayed, that's puzzling, but oh, well.) I had to call twice to try to guide him here via the phone person, and I got annoyed because he wasn't here until 9:00.
But good grief! Did I have some urgent appointment, some pressing need, some overwhelmingly important duty? I complain about not having enough to do, yet I get grouchy if some poor working stiff is a little late. I should be ashamed and I am.
Anyway, here's what I donated and what a relief to finally get it out of my bedroom:
(I asked for, and got, a tax receipt and will provide Michelle with it when the time comes.) Went over to Von's for cottage cheese and, incredibly, they had only small tubs. It's s mystery to me why different things suddenly become scarce. I can understand Clorox Wipes, but cottage cheese? I did buy a pound and a half of fresh crimini mushrooms, which I love seasoned and roasted in the oven.
After lunch, I walked to Wal-Mart and, of all places, found cottage cheese there. I also bought some nice (frozen) ahi tuna steaks, and a pair of jeans.
Went outside to the patio to dead-head the daisies, water the plants with Miracle-Gro added, and otherwise, tidy up a bit. I also picked the few cherry tomatoes off Suzanne's plants. She should--I think--be coming back soon, but I don't remember when.
Finished watching the hi-jinks of the murderous Corleone gang and will start disc two this evening. Two observations: 1.) The reconfiguration was excellent, the picture quality sharp and the colors perfect. 2.)Watching it again confirmed my belief that Diane Keaton must have slept her way into the movie. Her acting style is so blah--lazy, limp, and lackadaisical--that she should have been bumped off instead of Tessio.
Monday, August 24, 2020
The usual Sunday: a little drab, a little dreary, but not too bad. I completed the crossword puzzle, which was enjoyable. Made new ice cubes. Went over to Von's for romaine, tangerines, and some medium cans of ale for whenever I can entice somebody over for lunch.
By the time all that was done, it was only 10:30! I did talk on the phone with someone I care for, which was the high point of the day. I toyed with the idea of the pool, but nah. That left me with time on my hands until lunch, so I did something radical. Daring. Absolutely shocking. Unprecedented in my life. It was daytime, but--I turned on the television and watched another segment of The Godfather!!!
It was just jumpin' and jivin'. Of course, there weren't actually crowds, just lots of people eating and having a good time in the outdoors. Very festive and I enjoyed it. While I was looking at a sort of blouse-jacket (black and white and I bought it), Betty called with her usual disjointed, constantly repeated chatter, but that was okay.
I strolled here and there, then caught the 16 to the mall and was gratified to have it turn into the 10, which stops right at my apartment complex.
Here's the envelope from son Patrick that took five months to get here and what I can only assume is an Easter bug from that precious little boy of his:
By the time all that was done, it was only 10:30! I did talk on the phone with someone I care for, which was the high point of the day. I toyed with the idea of the pool, but nah. That left me with time on my hands until lunch, so I did something radical. Daring. Absolutely shocking. Unprecedented in my life. It was daytime, but--I turned on the television and watched another segment of The Godfather!!!
I'm surprised the world is still turning.
However, after Michael knocked off the two guys in the Italian restaurant, it was lunchtime (1:00), so I ate, cleaned up, decided on salmon for dinner, and took off for town.It was just jumpin' and jivin'. Of course, there weren't actually crowds, just lots of people eating and having a good time in the outdoors. Very festive and I enjoyed it. While I was looking at a sort of blouse-jacket (black and white and I bought it), Betty called with her usual disjointed, constantly repeated chatter, but that was okay.
I strolled here and there, then caught the 16 to the mall and was gratified to have it turn into the 10, which stops right at my apartment complex.
Here's the envelope from son Patrick that took five months to get here and what I can only assume is an Easter bug from that precious little boy of his:
I purposely obliterated the names and addresses because I put it on Facebook.
Watched more of Godfather until Sonny got his at the tollbooth and Michael and Kay reconnected. Turned in and slept well.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
My Day And March Mail
Did a load of wash in the morning before taking off for the library. I picked up The Talented Mr. Ripley (the volume includes the two other "Ripley" books), then walked to the Market for a few things. I had intended to bus home, but started walking and did that, instead. I probably got in more than three, about which I was pleased.
I was even more pleased after lunch, when I ran into Scott, from the office, who asked if I had my new gate remote with me. Sure, and he asked me to click open the front gate. I did, and happy day, I'm now able to access that one, besides the two closest to me. Now when I walk back from the bus, I don't have to go around.
Betty's erstwhile (well, maybe she's not so erstwhile, but will be soon), Helen C., called me. She said Betty had called her Friday and she "doesn't want her to call me all the time." What? It seems Betty prattled on about the Miseracordia graduate list--she's told me about it several times, too--and I guess Helen thought it was an imposition. R.N. though she is, Helen doesn't seem to understand what dementia means. I advised Helen to simply tell Betty she's busy if she calls again, but frankly, when I hung up, I was angry. Dammit, couldn't she talk to Betty for five minutes, and just be patient? Apparently not.
After lunch, I was at loose ends, so I just hopped on the Oxnard bus, rode there, then back on the 6. Betty called while I was traveling and it was difficult to hear her, so I told her I'd call when I got home, which I did. I poured myself a small raspberry sangria, opened a bag of pretzels, and sat outside in the shade to talk.
Last evening, I started on The Godfather saga. The Don had been shot and left for dead when I turned in, Fredo sitting on the curb crying. Michael, whatya gonna do now?
Incredibly, I found at my door just now, an envelope from son in Japan. It contained a lanyard for my phone, which I had mentioned I wanted. It was sent on March 31, 2020--oh, just about five months ago. (I took a picture of it, but for some reason, can't get it to "send" to email.)
I was even more pleased after lunch, when I ran into Scott, from the office, who asked if I had my new gate remote with me. Sure, and he asked me to click open the front gate. I did, and happy day, I'm now able to access that one, besides the two closest to me. Now when I walk back from the bus, I don't have to go around.
Betty's erstwhile (well, maybe she's not so erstwhile, but will be soon), Helen C., called me. She said Betty had called her Friday and she "doesn't want her to call me all the time." What? It seems Betty prattled on about the Miseracordia graduate list--she's told me about it several times, too--and I guess Helen thought it was an imposition. R.N. though she is, Helen doesn't seem to understand what dementia means. I advised Helen to simply tell Betty she's busy if she calls again, but frankly, when I hung up, I was angry. Dammit, couldn't she talk to Betty for five minutes, and just be patient? Apparently not.
After lunch, I was at loose ends, so I just hopped on the Oxnard bus, rode there, then back on the 6. Betty called while I was traveling and it was difficult to hear her, so I told her I'd call when I got home, which I did. I poured myself a small raspberry sangria, opened a bag of pretzels, and sat outside in the shade to talk.
Last evening, I started on The Godfather saga. The Don had been shot and left for dead when I turned in, Fredo sitting on the curb crying. Michael, whatya gonna do now?
Incredibly, I found at my door just now, an envelope from son in Japan. It contained a lanyard for my phone, which I had mentioned I wanted. It was sent on March 31, 2020--oh, just about five months ago. (I took a picture of it, but for some reason, can't get it to "send" to email.)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My Weight And A Wonder
Got out to T.O.P.S. at the usual 8:30 and had to tell the gang the bad news: The access gates had been open, not to allow workmen to enter, but because there was problem with them. It's been repaired, we residents got new clickers, so they'll no longer be open. That's unfortunate for those who have difficulty walking, although it actually isn't a long way from where they now have to park.
Anyway, I weighed 130.8 at home and 131.5 outside, a gain of .02 from both--or each. I'm not even sure how many ounces that is, but I'm not particularly worried about it.
Had breakfast, then did some food prep: cut several pounds of mushrooms, seasoned and roasted them; cooked a bag of fresh spinach to have ready for dinner; softened a big spaghetti squash in the microwave enough to halve and cook it, then stored it in the fridge.
Checking my email, I saw one from the library that The Talented Mr. Ripley (the book, not the DVD) had come in and was at the Hill Street branch. I planned to walk there when Ellen called to say she was on her way to school and did I want to have lunch? Absolutely, and she was here in ten minutes. I made a sandwich, packed up my can of Foster Ale and my mug, and met her out in the middle. (Yes, I'm a planner, but she takes precedence over whatever.)
I was interested to hear about her efforts to organize her home classroom; it sounds as if it's shaping up nicely. We sat, ate, and talked, then she left to pick up what she needed at school and I set off for the library branch.
I guess I should have checked ahead because it's closed on Fridays. Oh, well, I'm still only halfway through Shadow Of A Doubt, a courtroom drama (murder, natch). It's just a thriller, but pretty absorbing, so I can wait for Patricia Highsmith. Went from the library down to Victoria, caught the 21 to the transit center and the 6 home from there.
I was pleased to get a video call from Mike, in Singapore. He was actually in his car, driving over to pick up Vivian at her track practice. We chatted, he parked, Vivian got in, and--the wonders of modern science--we three saw and chatted together, though we were more than eighty-five miles apart.
Fifty-two years a wife, eleven years a widow; Pat died on August 22, 2009. Here we are, with first-born, when we were young and healthy:
Anyway, I weighed 130.8 at home and 131.5 outside, a gain of .02 from both--or each. I'm not even sure how many ounces that is, but I'm not particularly worried about it.
Had breakfast, then did some food prep: cut several pounds of mushrooms, seasoned and roasted them; cooked a bag of fresh spinach to have ready for dinner; softened a big spaghetti squash in the microwave enough to halve and cook it, then stored it in the fridge.
Checking my email, I saw one from the library that The Talented Mr. Ripley (the book, not the DVD) had come in and was at the Hill Street branch. I planned to walk there when Ellen called to say she was on her way to school and did I want to have lunch? Absolutely, and she was here in ten minutes. I made a sandwich, packed up my can of Foster Ale and my mug, and met her out in the middle. (Yes, I'm a planner, but she takes precedence over whatever.)
I was interested to hear about her efforts to organize her home classroom; it sounds as if it's shaping up nicely. We sat, ate, and talked, then she left to pick up what she needed at school and I set off for the library branch.
I guess I should have checked ahead because it's closed on Fridays. Oh, well, I'm still only halfway through Shadow Of A Doubt, a courtroom drama (murder, natch). It's just a thriller, but pretty absorbing, so I can wait for Patricia Highsmith. Went from the library down to Victoria, caught the 21 to the transit center and the 6 home from there.
I was pleased to get a video call from Mike, in Singapore. He was actually in his car, driving over to pick up Vivian at her track practice. We chatted, he parked, Vivian got in, and--the wonders of modern science--we three saw and chatted together, though we were more than eighty-five miles apart.
Fifty-two years a wife, eleven years a widow; Pat died on August 22, 2009. Here we are, with first-born, when we were young and healthy:
Friday, August 21, 2020
This And That
Using the Bona method, I dust-mopped, then wet-mopped the hard floors and washed and dried the throw rugs on them. Suzanne texted me that she was leaving (for her niece's wedding in Iowa) at 11:00 and to help myself to the tomatoes in her garden. Sure will.
I planned to go to WinCo and started there after the floor chore, intending to walk most of the way. However, when I stepped outside, I immediately scuttled that plan. It must have been at least eighty and the breeze had died down. I may be foolhardy at times, but I'm not stupid; walking more a mile and a half in that heat would have been. Took a bus to Telephone Road and another to WinCo.
I got my chicken fajitas, along with spaghetti squash, spinach, and a few cans of kidney beans, then hopped two more buses to get home. Betty called while I was in transit. She had just gotten the cataract off her second eye and said it went well.
While I was having lunch, I got a long-awaited call from William, of Chilly Willy, saying the condenser had finally come in and he'll install the new AC at my house today. Okay, good, and I hope that's the end of the big-ticket items I have to deal with, at least for now.
I called the office to reserve 3:00 o'clock for the pool, changed, and went over then. There I had a pleasant surprise: I met a young man (Daniel) who lives here and his mother (Sharon), whose house is nearby. We started talking and exchanged backgrounds and so on. Daniel is studying for the CPA exam and lives with his girlfriend (Angie), who's Latina. Sharon mentioned a boyfriend, so I assume she's either divorced or widowed (or maybe she's a swinger). It was very enjoyable to meet and chat with them and I hope to see them again.
I planned to go to WinCo and started there after the floor chore, intending to walk most of the way. However, when I stepped outside, I immediately scuttled that plan. It must have been at least eighty and the breeze had died down. I may be foolhardy at times, but I'm not stupid; walking more a mile and a half in that heat would have been. Took a bus to Telephone Road and another to WinCo.
I got my chicken fajitas, along with spaghetti squash, spinach, and a few cans of kidney beans, then hopped two more buses to get home. Betty called while I was in transit. She had just gotten the cataract off her second eye and said it went well.
While I was having lunch, I got a long-awaited call from William, of Chilly Willy, saying the condenser had finally come in and he'll install the new AC at my house today. Okay, good, and I hope that's the end of the big-ticket items I have to deal with, at least for now.
I called the office to reserve 3:00 o'clock for the pool, changed, and went over then. There I had a pleasant surprise: I met a young man (Daniel) who lives here and his mother (Sharon), whose house is nearby. We started talking and exchanged backgrounds and so on. Daniel is studying for the CPA exam and lives with his girlfriend (Angie), who's Latina. Sharon mentioned a boyfriend, so I assume she's either divorced or widowed (or maybe she's a swinger). It was very enjoyable to meet and chat with them and I hope to see them again.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
As planned, I met Gail at 9:00 and we went across the foot bridge. We had a pleasant time talking and when we reached the park, I was prepared to continue on, but was surprised that Gail asked if we could go back because it was so hot. I immediately agreed and we turned around.
Gail is fifteen years younger than I am, but extremely fair. She slathers herself with sunscreen, as she should, but I'm mystified that she doesn't wear a hat. I always do when it's sunny, not just for my skin, but to protect my eyes; even with sunglasses.
In any event, Gail herself asked if I'd like her to pick me up the next time, so we can go to another place, presumably with more shade. Sure, I said, and if you like, we could also have lunch in town--all restaurants with sittings in the street, of course. We'll see how that works out. Before she left, Gail gave me a big avocado--there's a tree on her street and the fruit is just falling off it. I'll wait until it ripens, then have a feast.
I got home and started on food prep: cut and chopped several onions and prepared Brussel sprouts for dinner. As much as possible, I like to have my food--mainly veggies--ready to cook when it's time for dinner. I regularly have vegan dinners and I want a good volume, as well as a source of protein, often beans.
I was delighted when Ellen called to say she had to go to her school and would pick up a sandwich for lunch, and meet me here. I had eaten already, but got myself a beer and some pretzels and met her in the middle. We sat outside and talked over her upcoming school year. While we chatted, manager Bianca came out and gave me the Visa card for the filing cabinet refund.
El left and I prepared to go over to Von's. At that point, my brother, Larry, called from Miami. He and two of his daughters, Elaine and Nancy, were walking in the park and the four of us chatted for a good 45 minutes. Larry put us on speaker for a time, which was a little hard to hear, since they were outside, but we managed. As we talked, it occurred to me again how lucky I am to belong to this big family of ours.
I called Jim in the evening and we had a long talk. His semester--all on-line, of course--started on Monday with his intro to logic class. I was surprised and pleased when he suggested we meet for lunch one day next week and use the Starbucks gift card I gave him. Sounds good to me.
Gail is fifteen years younger than I am, but extremely fair. She slathers herself with sunscreen, as she should, but I'm mystified that she doesn't wear a hat. I always do when it's sunny, not just for my skin, but to protect my eyes; even with sunglasses.
In any event, Gail herself asked if I'd like her to pick me up the next time, so we can go to another place, presumably with more shade. Sure, I said, and if you like, we could also have lunch in town--all restaurants with sittings in the street, of course. We'll see how that works out. Before she left, Gail gave me a big avocado--there's a tree on her street and the fruit is just falling off it. I'll wait until it ripens, then have a feast.
I got home and started on food prep: cut and chopped several onions and prepared Brussel sprouts for dinner. As much as possible, I like to have my food--mainly veggies--ready to cook when it's time for dinner. I regularly have vegan dinners and I want a good volume, as well as a source of protein, often beans.
I was delighted when Ellen called to say she had to go to her school and would pick up a sandwich for lunch, and meet me here. I had eaten already, but got myself a beer and some pretzels and met her in the middle. We sat outside and talked over her upcoming school year. While we chatted, manager Bianca came out and gave me the Visa card for the filing cabinet refund.
El left and I prepared to go over to Von's. At that point, my brother, Larry, called from Miami. He and two of his daughters, Elaine and Nancy, were walking in the park and the four of us chatted for a good 45 minutes. Larry put us on speaker for a time, which was a little hard to hear, since they were outside, but we managed. As we talked, it occurred to me again how lucky I am to belong to this big family of ours.
I called Jim in the evening and we had a long talk. His semester--all on-line, of course--started on Monday with his intro to logic class. I was surprised and pleased when he suggested we meet for lunch one day next week and use the Starbucks gift card I gave him. Sounds good to me.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Planner
I admit I'm a creature of habit. Part of that's due to my weight-loss (and maintenance) regimen and part is, I guess, just a desire to have some kind of control over life. Added to that is the dislike of having nothing to do...
So-o-o, I tend to make plans for following days. Yester, I decided I would go to the Market and Wal-Mart in the morning and into town after lunch, and I did so. Leaving at 9:00 to beat the heat, I picked up veggies and household items here and there.
Did some food prep, also planned: scrubbed and trimmed the carrots I had bought, added some quartered tangerines, and put them in the slow cooker. Divided grapes into several bowls, so I don't eat too many at once. Cut in half, seeded, and partially cooked an acorn squash.
During this, Gail called to ask if I wanted to meet for a walk this morning. I did and I'll see her at in a few hours. We''ll go over the foot bridge to the park.
Sharon called to tell me about her latest woes. She's had her legs wrapped for edema, will have her second cataract operation, plus extensive dental work. She wanted to tell me she wouldn't be attending T.O.P.S. until September. I feel so sorry for her; she's grossly overweight and has been since I've know her--about four years.
Had lunch at my usual 1:00, read for a bit then left for town. I had intended to buy the War of The Worlds DVD (remake, with Tom Cruise) and did so, as well as The Devil Wore Prada, which I just happened to see. I also bought some new pillow cases and two mugs. Bused home and after I dropped my purchases off, I went over to Von's for blueberries, which were on sale, and romaine.
I started this blog entry, then Ellen called and we had another long and satisfying talk. Her room setup for starting virtual school next week is going well, and that was good to hear.
So-o-o, I tend to make plans for following days. Yester, I decided I would go to the Market and Wal-Mart in the morning and into town after lunch, and I did so. Leaving at 9:00 to beat the heat, I picked up veggies and household items here and there.
Did some food prep, also planned: scrubbed and trimmed the carrots I had bought, added some quartered tangerines, and put them in the slow cooker. Divided grapes into several bowls, so I don't eat too many at once. Cut in half, seeded, and partially cooked an acorn squash.
During this, Gail called to ask if I wanted to meet for a walk this morning. I did and I'll see her at in a few hours. We''ll go over the foot bridge to the park.
Sharon called to tell me about her latest woes. She's had her legs wrapped for edema, will have her second cataract operation, plus extensive dental work. She wanted to tell me she wouldn't be attending T.O.P.S. until September. I feel so sorry for her; she's grossly overweight and has been since I've know her--about four years.
Had lunch at my usual 1:00, read for a bit then left for town. I had intended to buy the War of The Worlds DVD (remake, with Tom Cruise) and did so, as well as The Devil Wore Prada, which I just happened to see. I also bought some new pillow cases and two mugs. Bused home and after I dropped my purchases off, I went over to Von's for blueberries, which were on sale, and romaine.
I started this blog entry, then Ellen called and we had another long and satisfying talk. Her room setup for starting virtual school next week is going well, and that was good to hear.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
The Wash And The Pool
I slept well and got up at 6:30, my preferred time. Changed the bed and put in a bleach load before breakfast, so all was washed, dried, and put away by 10:00.
After breakfast, I emailed management to ask when I can expect the reimbursement for the filing cabinet. Darned if I wasn't called right back and told a Visa card for $110.00 would be dropped off today...
WOW! But it cost only $103.43, which means they're over-paying me by $6.57!!! I must correct this grave injustice to these fine people right awa.... Ha.
Anyway, I can't mention SO-FI Ventura without complaining, so I'll say this: How is it, since I submitted the receipt weeks ago, but they just get around to the reimbursement the day I asked about it? Makes me think I never would have received it if I hadn't prodded them.
And so it goes... (As Kurt Vonnegut used to write a lot.)
Walked to Smart 'N' Final in the morning for romaine, T. paper, and cocktail sauce. There and back is about three miles, and I was glad to get that in before it got very hot.
Actually, it didn't get that hot, it was just perfect: warm, sunny summer weather with a light breeze. After lunch, that prompted me to go to the pool, so I called for a "reservation." Jenny said 3:00 was fine, after the periodic cleaning, so I went then. At first, I was all by my lonesome, but shortly a young man and his little three-year-old came in. I always enjoy having children around, and after a half hour or so, a young couple and their two babies joined us. Chris, a neighbor whom I've met, was also there--gosh, that was the most crowded I've ever seen it--a real mob of eight people.
Anyway, the water was heavenly and so was the hot tub. I went in both, but only once. I then called several people, including Nancy (I told her I was at the pool, so had to call her), Gail, and Carolyn B. Had nice chats with all, then called Betty, who "had to go get my mail because it comes at 4:00." When I suggested it would still be there at 4:30 (or next week, for that matter), she didn't seem to understand. She did call me later to say she had gotten no mail and to read me the Friendship Center's agenda for the day.
I stayed at the pool only a bit more than an hour, then went home to shower and wash my hair. I got a message that Ellen had set me up for a Zoom meeting, but I'm not quite sure how to get in it. I'll call her today.
After breakfast, I emailed management to ask when I can expect the reimbursement for the filing cabinet. Darned if I wasn't called right back and told a Visa card for $110.00 would be dropped off today...
WOW! But it cost only $103.43, which means they're over-paying me by $6.57!!! I must correct this grave injustice to these fine people right awa.... Ha.
Anyway, I can't mention SO-FI Ventura without complaining, so I'll say this: How is it, since I submitted the receipt weeks ago, but they just get around to the reimbursement the day I asked about it? Makes me think I never would have received it if I hadn't prodded them.
And so it goes... (As Kurt Vonnegut used to write a lot.)
Walked to Smart 'N' Final in the morning for romaine, T. paper, and cocktail sauce. There and back is about three miles, and I was glad to get that in before it got very hot.
Actually, it didn't get that hot, it was just perfect: warm, sunny summer weather with a light breeze. After lunch, that prompted me to go to the pool, so I called for a "reservation." Jenny said 3:00 was fine, after the periodic cleaning, so I went then. At first, I was all by my lonesome, but shortly a young man and his little three-year-old came in. I always enjoy having children around, and after a half hour or so, a young couple and their two babies joined us. Chris, a neighbor whom I've met, was also there--gosh, that was the most crowded I've ever seen it--a real mob of eight people.
Anyway, the water was heavenly and so was the hot tub. I went in both, but only once. I then called several people, including Nancy (I told her I was at the pool, so had to call her), Gail, and Carolyn B. Had nice chats with all, then called Betty, who "had to go get my mail because it comes at 4:00." When I suggested it would still be there at 4:30 (or next week, for that matter), she didn't seem to understand. She did call me later to say she had gotten no mail and to read me the Friendship Center's agenda for the day.
I stayed at the pool only a bit more than an hour, then went home to shower and wash my hair. I got a message that Ellen had set me up for a Zoom meeting, but I'm not quite sure how to get in it. I'll call her today.
Monday, August 17, 2020
It wasn't a bad Sunday, as Sundays go. Although I hadn't slept well, I felt pretty good. Early on, I realized I had no lettuce for lunch, so went over to Von's for that, plus other goodies, such as Brussels sprouts. I also bought bogus "Crab Supreme," which is actually made of Alaska pollock and Pacific whiting fish. However, it's a good source of protein and I like it, so why not?
I finally got around to transferring info to my new "Forgot Your Password?" book. This is the third one I've had (it's from CG Publishing and I send away for it) and it's very handy.
Did some other paperwork, including depositing a eighty-dollar check (I had overpaid and it was a refund) via my phone! This just boggles my mind and I'm so proud of myself. It was actually very easy, as BOA guided me through every step of the way. You just take a picture of the check, back and front, then follow the instructions on your phone. After, I immediately checked on-line to be sure it was in my account and, yes, it was, although it couldn't be use until today, of course.
After lunch, I decided to just ride to Oxnard on the bus and that's what I did. I've bused there often, but this time, I didn't get off at The Collection, but rode the full way to the Oxnard Transit Center. There, I disembarked and got the 6 back to Ventura. Very enjoyable, actually.
Called Ellen and found she and Greg had successfully moved things around. Happily, I slept until 6:30 this morning and seem to be over my minor insomnia.
I finally got around to transferring info to my new "Forgot Your Password?" book. This is the third one I've had (it's from CG Publishing and I send away for it) and it's very handy.
Did some other paperwork, including depositing a eighty-dollar check (I had overpaid and it was a refund) via my phone! This just boggles my mind and I'm so proud of myself. It was actually very easy, as BOA guided me through every step of the way. You just take a picture of the check, back and front, then follow the instructions on your phone. After, I immediately checked on-line to be sure it was in my account and, yes, it was, although it couldn't be use until today, of course.
After lunch, I decided to just ride to Oxnard on the bus and that's what I did. I've bused there often, but this time, I didn't get off at The Collection, but rode the full way to the Oxnard Transit Center. There, I disembarked and got the 6 back to Ventura. Very enjoyable, actually.
Called Ellen and found she and Greg had successfully moved things around. Happily, I slept until 6:30 this morning and seem to be over my minor insomnia.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Around And About
Put a color wash in early, then left for Ralph's (supermarket). They had Ken's and Kraft salad dressing on sale and, since I always like to have a good supply, I bought five. Also got a nice big acorn squash and "cauliflower pretzels." (I was intrigued with the idea.)
Walked there and halfway back, then bused, so got in about two and a half. Home, I put the clothes in the dryer--my own dryer in my own place and I'm still tickled every time I use it--and had lunch. Dried same--the clothes, not lunch--and toyed with the idea of going to the pool again, but nah--two days in a row would be too much, so I took off for town.
Wow, the joint was jumpin'! There were native Americans dancing:
Walked there and halfway back, then bused, so got in about two and a half. Home, I put the clothes in the dryer--my own dryer in my own place and I'm still tickled every time I use it--and had lunch. Dried same--the clothes, not lunch--and toyed with the idea of going to the pool again, but nah--two days in a row would be too much, so I took off for town.
Wow, the joint was jumpin'! There were native Americans dancing:
...and a Father Sierra demonstration in front of City Hall:
...presumably protesting the removal of his statue.
Besides those colorful events, the restaurants (with dining in the street, of course) were filled with people, which was so good to see.
Then there was this, but not in Ventura, in Ojai, which I saw when I was there Friday:
Dear me, I hope precious little Pollyanna will be found soon!
Anyway, it was a pretty good day--hot as hell, but my apartment is actually comfortable. I'm lucky not to be in the end unit, which Suzanne is. True, her place is warmer in the winter, but I'd just as soon have it this way.
I called Stella, who was boiling (105) over there in Oakview. I suggested me meet for lunch in town one of these days. She's very hesitant and I didn't want to press her, but mentioned we could also bring our own lunches and just go the the park or wherever. She likes that idea and I hope we can do it.
Ellen called before dinner and we had a long, good talk. She'll be starting school in the coming week and things are shaping up for that.
(Groan-n-n. I didn't get up until 7:00 today, as I was awake half the night. Not sure why, but I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. I guess this is one of my periodic restless periods--maybe I'll take a nap today.)
Saturday, August 15, 2020
The Pool and Jude Law
We met here for T.O.P.S., as usual. I lost a whopping .06 of a pound, for a weigh-in of 131.3. It's weird that my scale at home said I gained a pound, but no biggie. We didn't have an actual meeting, but chatted for fifteen or so, sitting around the table in the middle area, which was enjoyable.
Home for a late breakfast, then I left for the market at 10:30. It was pretty warm, but not unbearably hot and, after getting my goodies (spinach, tomatoes, blueberries, etc.), I caught a bus home. I had a message from the doctor's office, cancelling my September 10 (routine) appointment and asking me to make another. I haven't yet caught up with them.
Before lunch, I cut up my bought tomatoes (as opposed to Ellen's luscious home-grown, which I usually eat out of hand), added the chopped onions and peppers I had stored in the freezer, stirred in olive oil, vinegar, garlic, and seasonings, and popped them in the oven. I now have enough for a week or so of lunch salads.
Betty called--twice--and we talked about Bingo on Zoom she likes so much, plus other offerings of the Friendship Center. She has told me about it more than once before.
I decided to do something radical and called the office to reserve a pool visit at 3:00. Had lunch, did a few household chores, then got my bathing suit and other swim stuff, and headed out.
I was the only one in the pool for the first twenty minutes or so and it occurred to me if I suddenly started to drown or something, I'd--well, go down the drain. However, another resident, a young guy I don't know, came in and we coexisted.
It was very warm--about 80 which, for here, is unusual, so the water felt good. Once I got out, though,, I sat there bored until I called first somebody, then my friend, Nancy. She and I talked for quite some time, critiquing movies, mostly. It's a concern that Nance has been getting short of breath. She does have chronic anemia, but her hemoglobin has been okay lately, so it may not be that. Anyway, her son wants her to see the doc and I hope she does.
I left the pool after about an hour, although the you're "allowed" to stay a half more. Showered and washed my hair--the cut actually looks better--dressed, and walked over to Von's for this and that. Made myself a nice turkey stir-fry, adding Ellen's peppers to the other things, and it was yummy.
I watched the rest of The Talented Mr. Ripley last night and, happily, it didn't freeze or have other issues. I looked it up and was amazed to see it was made twenty years ago. Also, interviews with the stars were added; I had forgotten Jude Law is actually English. He was spot-on in Ripley, not only in his portrayal of a spoiled rich kid, but in his American accent (in contrast to that of Russel Crowe's in A Beautiful Mind).
Home for a late breakfast, then I left for the market at 10:30. It was pretty warm, but not unbearably hot and, after getting my goodies (spinach, tomatoes, blueberries, etc.), I caught a bus home. I had a message from the doctor's office, cancelling my September 10 (routine) appointment and asking me to make another. I haven't yet caught up with them.
Before lunch, I cut up my bought tomatoes (as opposed to Ellen's luscious home-grown, which I usually eat out of hand), added the chopped onions and peppers I had stored in the freezer, stirred in olive oil, vinegar, garlic, and seasonings, and popped them in the oven. I now have enough for a week or so of lunch salads.
Betty called--twice--and we talked about Bingo on Zoom she likes so much, plus other offerings of the Friendship Center. She has told me about it more than once before.
I decided to do something radical and called the office to reserve a pool visit at 3:00. Had lunch, did a few household chores, then got my bathing suit and other swim stuff, and headed out.
I was the only one in the pool for the first twenty minutes or so and it occurred to me if I suddenly started to drown or something, I'd--well, go down the drain. However, another resident, a young guy I don't know, came in and we coexisted.
It was very warm--about 80 which, for here, is unusual, so the water felt good. Once I got out, though,, I sat there bored until I called first somebody, then my friend, Nancy. She and I talked for quite some time, critiquing movies, mostly. It's a concern that Nance has been getting short of breath. She does have chronic anemia, but her hemoglobin has been okay lately, so it may not be that. Anyway, her son wants her to see the doc and I hope she does.
I left the pool after about an hour, although the you're "allowed" to stay a half more. Showered and washed my hair--the cut actually looks better--dressed, and walked over to Von's for this and that. Made myself a nice turkey stir-fry, adding Ellen's peppers to the other things, and it was yummy.
I watched the rest of The Talented Mr. Ripley last night and, happily, it didn't freeze or have other issues. I looked it up and was amazed to see it was made twenty years ago. Also, interviews with the stars were added; I had forgotten Jude Law is actually English. He was spot-on in Ripley, not only in his portrayal of a spoiled rich kid, but in his American accent (in contrast to that of Russel Crowe's in A Beautiful Mind).
Friday, August 14, 2020
At Ellen's
I got to Ojai at noon and walked the mile and a half to Ellen's. At that point, it wasn't terribly hot and there was a gentle breeze.
I had bought little toys with feathers on them for Gwennie and Cessie and we had a hilarious time laughing at their antics. I've never seen cats--and these are only four months old--as active. They constantly run, leap, and jump, batting around whatever small objects come their way and play-fight each other, too. One (I can't tell them apart) jumped right up on the table while we were having lunch and was annoyed when I shooed her down.
Ellen had a nice tray of appetizers from the day before when Greg and Roz were there. It included wedges of pita bread, hummus, and thinly sliced cucumbers, beside very small olives that were wonderfully tasty. We then had Bistro MD meals, along with iced tea (El) and two beers (guess?).
But the real treat was conversation with my daughter. We talked and talked and talked about all kinds of topics, which I love to do. Besides that, El showed me a new device that channels songs from her phone--can't remember what it's called, but I asked for "Shenandoah." She first had Bruce Springsteen, that poor excuse for an entertainer, sing it, then Harve P-- (can't remember his name), who was pretty good, then Pete Seeger, who was very good. I also requested some by the Ink Spots and--my favorites--The Platters. When they sing "Only You" it's just the best there is:
I accepted El's offer to drive me to the bus stop, as it was 90 degrees out by that time, and I got home just before six. I rang Suzanne's bell to give her hairdresser Cindy's phone number. We stood and talked for a half hour, catching up on our personal news. I then had dinner--or "dinner," consisting solely of the wonderful tomatoes fresh-picked from Ellen's garden.
As I told her, it was my most enjoyable day since June, when I was at her place last.
I had bought little toys with feathers on them for Gwennie and Cessie and we had a hilarious time laughing at their antics. I've never seen cats--and these are only four months old--as active. They constantly run, leap, and jump, batting around whatever small objects come their way and play-fight each other, too. One (I can't tell them apart) jumped right up on the table while we were having lunch and was annoyed when I shooed her down.
Ellen had a nice tray of appetizers from the day before when Greg and Roz were there. It included wedges of pita bread, hummus, and thinly sliced cucumbers, beside very small olives that were wonderfully tasty. We then had Bistro MD meals, along with iced tea (El) and two beers (guess?).
But the real treat was conversation with my daughter. We talked and talked and talked about all kinds of topics, which I love to do. Besides that, El showed me a new device that channels songs from her phone--can't remember what it's called, but I asked for "Shenandoah." She first had Bruce Springsteen, that poor excuse for an entertainer, sing it, then Harve P-- (can't remember his name), who was pretty good, then Pete Seeger, who was very good. I also requested some by the Ink Spots and--my favorites--The Platters. When they sing "Only You" it's just the best there is:
I accepted El's offer to drive me to the bus stop, as it was 90 degrees out by that time, and I got home just before six. I rang Suzanne's bell to give her hairdresser Cindy's phone number. We stood and talked for a half hour, catching up on our personal news. I then had dinner--or "dinner," consisting solely of the wonderful tomatoes fresh-picked from Ellen's garden.
As I told her, it was my most enjoyable day since June, when I was at her place last.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Cindy, The Hairdresser, and Mr. Ripley
Busy day. After breakfast, I took my cart to the Market for produce, then to Wal-Mart to get my money back for the keys that didn't work. One of these days, I'll take it to the actual key place near WinCo. Walked there and part of the way back, so got in about three miles; bused the rest of the way.
I tidied up in preparation for Cindy, the hairdresser and had lunch a bit early because she was due at 2:00 and I wanted to shower and wash my hair. Did so, then got a phone call from Cindy to say she was running late and had to "stretch out my back" (I have no idea) and would be here at 2:30. She finally arrived close to 3:00 and I escorted her to my place.
Cindy, I learned, has been divorced twice and has a 26-year-old daughter who's been living in sin with her boyfriend for many years. (She didn't actually use those words, but they were hanging in the air. Cindy is horrified they're not married.) Her son, who's 21, is in an even more deplorable situation. He has renounced Christianity, put his immoral soul in peril, and joined a cult--Scientology, in fact and now lives in the commune in Florida. Has she gone to visit him there? Certainly not, he's lost to her. Cindy herself attends two of the many tiny congregations in Ventura--a missionary church and the Blessed Something-Or-Other, both staunchly fundamentalist, of course.
Anyway, she cut my hair, after which I took her next door to Suzanne's. I swept up, then barely glancing in the mirror first, rushed out to the bus and went to the library in town. I had requested The Talented Mr. Ripley DVD and it was in, so I got it.
Both Betty and Ellen had called just as Cindy was starting to cut. I called them back, first Betty, who had a somewhat jumbled up account of her doctor's visit (about her knee, which had been bothering her.) Called El, who suggested I come over to her place today rather than over the weekend because the temperature was supposed to be ninety and above then, at least in Ojai; on Sunday, the forecast says it will be 105 there. Sure, I'll go today, and I'll arrive there at noon for lunch. As I was riding home, Suzanne texted me about how much she liked the way Cindy did her hair and thanked me for finding her. I have a theory about hairdressers. I think they often are very good at cutting certain types of hair and maybe not so good at others. Suzanne has lovely wavy hair that I'd kill for and yours truly has fine, straight as a ruler hair that used to be thick, but is now thinning a fair amount. I think Cindy did a lousy job on mine and I'm very sorry I didn't just leave it as it was. I think it also may be a case of you get what you pay for: It cost me fifty-four dollars at Club Salon, but the hairdresser shaped it beautifully, curving it inward just at my ears. Cindy charged twenty bucks and I think it looks chopped off by an amateur.
Oh, well, I guess it will grow. And last night, I watched an hour of Matt Damon, and Jude Law interacting with Gwyneth, so how can I complain?
I tidied up in preparation for Cindy, the hairdresser and had lunch a bit early because she was due at 2:00 and I wanted to shower and wash my hair. Did so, then got a phone call from Cindy to say she was running late and had to "stretch out my back" (I have no idea) and would be here at 2:30. She finally arrived close to 3:00 and I escorted her to my place.
Cindy, I learned, has been divorced twice and has a 26-year-old daughter who's been living in sin with her boyfriend for many years. (She didn't actually use those words, but they were hanging in the air. Cindy is horrified they're not married.) Her son, who's 21, is in an even more deplorable situation. He has renounced Christianity, put his immoral soul in peril, and joined a cult--Scientology, in fact and now lives in the commune in Florida. Has she gone to visit him there? Certainly not, he's lost to her. Cindy herself attends two of the many tiny congregations in Ventura--a missionary church and the Blessed Something-Or-Other, both staunchly fundamentalist, of course.
Anyway, she cut my hair, after which I took her next door to Suzanne's. I swept up, then barely glancing in the mirror first, rushed out to the bus and went to the library in town. I had requested The Talented Mr. Ripley DVD and it was in, so I got it.
Both Betty and Ellen had called just as Cindy was starting to cut. I called them back, first Betty, who had a somewhat jumbled up account of her doctor's visit (about her knee, which had been bothering her.) Called El, who suggested I come over to her place today rather than over the weekend because the temperature was supposed to be ninety and above then, at least in Ojai; on Sunday, the forecast says it will be 105 there. Sure, I'll go today, and I'll arrive there at noon for lunch. As I was riding home, Suzanne texted me about how much she liked the way Cindy did her hair and thanked me for finding her. I have a theory about hairdressers. I think they often are very good at cutting certain types of hair and maybe not so good at others. Suzanne has lovely wavy hair that I'd kill for and yours truly has fine, straight as a ruler hair that used to be thick, but is now thinning a fair amount. I think Cindy did a lousy job on mine and I'm very sorry I didn't just leave it as it was. I think it also may be a case of you get what you pay for: It cost me fifty-four dollars at Club Salon, but the hairdresser shaped it beautifully, curving it inward just at my ears. Cindy charged twenty bucks and I think it looks chopped off by an amateur.
Oh, well, I guess it will grow. And last night, I watched an hour of Matt Damon, and Jude Law interacting with Gwyneth, so how can I complain?
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Marlon Brando, Slavery, And My Darling Daughter
Went to Von's for lettuce, broccoli, and stuff. After that, D.D. Ellen called that she'd be over. We discussed whether she should get me a new DVD at Wal-Mart, but it looks as if the last DVD I watched, The Reader, ran fine all the way through, so I told her to hold off. I told her how I was looking forward to seeing The Godfather, as I had bought the DVD collection. It was secondhand from a thrift store, but in a jacket and wrapped in cellophane. It contains all three movies, plus extras--I thought, and I hadn't yet unwrapped it. But when I did--oh, no!--I saw that that the first and best Marlon Brando one wasn't there. I immediately got on the laptop and ordered it.
Walked over the foot bridge to the Hill Street branch of the library and picked up Stephen King's If It Bleeds, which I think I requested months ago, and finally got. I won't start it yet, though, because I'm still in the slave chronicles:
This is an enthralling true account of the experiences of the author's experience. Very even-handed, it doesn't portray all whites as evil and all blacks as angelic. What pervades throughout is the simple fact that people in the south--and elsewhere, also--accepted as normal and natural the slavery of some people by others. But maybe that shouldn't surprise anyone, considering how many today swallow--even applaud--the idea of killing strangers on command.
El came over about 3:00, bringing me a bonanza of tomatoes, large sweet peppers, and tiny ones. She also gave me a certificate for up to $10 worth of ice from Smart 'n' Final. We laughed over the fact she was given three of them as some sort of teachers' bonanza. I'll ask Suzanne if she knows anyone who can use it.
El and I sat out front for an hour or so, talking away. Politics was one topic; it's amazing how many people I know who consider Trump the devil incarnate. While we talked, Andy from upstairs came with his little pup, Abby. Geez, even I think she's a cute little doggie. Later, Leah, from the other apartment upstairs came home and we enjoyed chatting with her for a few minutes. She said her mother is working on her doctorate; she may be visiting here for Christmas and I hope to meet her then.
I was delighted when Ellen invited me over for Friday or Saturday. I don't care which and she'll call me. She and Greg had gotten their COVID tests results back and neither have it, so now she's okay to have me come for lunch--YAY!
I started watching the DVD One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next. I've seen it before and read the book years ago, but for some reason, I lost interest after a half-hour. It seems dated; guess I'm used to less stylized stuff now.
Walked over the foot bridge to the Hill Street branch of the library and picked up Stephen King's If It Bleeds, which I think I requested months ago, and finally got. I won't start it yet, though, because I'm still in the slave chronicles:
This is an enthralling true account of the experiences of the author's experience. Very even-handed, it doesn't portray all whites as evil and all blacks as angelic. What pervades throughout is the simple fact that people in the south--and elsewhere, also--accepted as normal and natural the slavery of some people by others. But maybe that shouldn't surprise anyone, considering how many today swallow--even applaud--the idea of killing strangers on command.
El came over about 3:00, bringing me a bonanza of tomatoes, large sweet peppers, and tiny ones. She also gave me a certificate for up to $10 worth of ice from Smart 'n' Final. We laughed over the fact she was given three of them as some sort of teachers' bonanza. I'll ask Suzanne if she knows anyone who can use it.
El and I sat out front for an hour or so, talking away. Politics was one topic; it's amazing how many people I know who consider Trump the devil incarnate. While we talked, Andy from upstairs came with his little pup, Abby. Geez, even I think she's a cute little doggie. Later, Leah, from the other apartment upstairs came home and we enjoyed chatting with her for a few minutes. She said her mother is working on her doctorate; she may be visiting here for Christmas and I hope to meet her then.
I was delighted when Ellen invited me over for Friday or Saturday. I don't care which and she'll call me. She and Greg had gotten their COVID tests results back and neither have it, so now she's okay to have me come for lunch--YAY!
I started watching the DVD One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next. I've seen it before and read the book years ago, but for some reason, I lost interest after a half-hour. It seems dated; guess I'm used to less stylized stuff now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
By 10:00 am, I had had breakfast, changed the bed, re-made it, done a wash with sheets and whites, and was at a loss for what else to do. I decided to run the entirety of As Good As It Gets, since it had "frozen," as others had, bout three-quarters of the way in. That makes me think it may be the player itself at fault. I did spend time dusting them after I looked up what could be the problem. Unfortunately, it seems to me that if more than one are freezing, it may be the player.
El emailed me, asking if I was available for her to stop over about 3:30 today. Yes, indeedy, and I was glad to get that message. After that, I just fooled around on the laptop until I met Jim out front at 1:00.
We sat in what has become "our table" and as, ever, talked and talked and talked about a variety of subjects. I gave Jim an article I had printed out that went into philosophy, plus an article on the chaotic unemployment office. I also gave him a Starbucks gift card I had been given for my birthday three years ago. I never used it--I don't eat what they stock--and it still has the original twenty-five dollars on it, so I thought he could use it. He was very appreciative.
While we were there, my former neighbor, Frank D., called and thank Zeus, gave me a new password to get into my old Comcast account. As soon as I got home, I accessed it, sent some of the folder information to my new account, and breathed a sigh of relief.
I went over to Vons for a few things, but that's all the walking I got in. I hope to make up for it today.
El emailed me, asking if I was available for her to stop over about 3:30 today. Yes, indeedy, and I was glad to get that message. After that, I just fooled around on the laptop until I met Jim out front at 1:00.
We sat in what has become "our table" and as, ever, talked and talked and talked about a variety of subjects. I gave Jim an article I had printed out that went into philosophy, plus an article on the chaotic unemployment office. I also gave him a Starbucks gift card I had been given for my birthday three years ago. I never used it--I don't eat what they stock--and it still has the original twenty-five dollars on it, so I thought he could use it. He was very appreciative.
While we were there, my former neighbor, Frank D., called and thank Zeus, gave me a new password to get into my old Comcast account. As soon as I got home, I accessed it, sent some of the folder information to my new account, and breathed a sigh of relief.
I went over to Vons for a few things, but that's all the walking I got in. I hope to make up for it today.
Monday, August 10, 2020
The usual, then I did some housework. When I spoke to Ellen on Saturday, she said she was thoroughly cleaning her kitchen. That inspired me to scour the stainless steel double sink and clean the coffee maker. (Every once in a while, I add a cup a vinegar to ten or so cups of water in the carafe, and turn it on. Then I run it through two or three plain water "flushes.") Virtuous me--I also cleaned the bathroom sink and its surrounds.
About 11:00, I packed my trusty cart with some books I had finished and VHS I can't use and walked to the little library in the park. I picked up three more books I couldn't resist and now I have five or six I haven't even started--I'm an addict!
After lunch, I bused to town and got three more DVDs from various thrift stores. Boy, Main Street was filled with people--so festive and lively on that beautiful day, I loved to be there and would have loved even more lunch or Happy Hour with friends, but so far, no go.
Betty called while I was in town and later, when I got home. I talked to her both times--I'll never ignore my dear twin--and was sorry to hear her knee is still bothering her. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and I hope she can get some relief.
On my way home, I stopped at Von's and got two cans of Forster (Australian) ale, of which I'm getting fond. I'll bring one to lunch with Jim today and save the other for later--I hope when El gets here.
About 11:00, I packed my trusty cart with some books I had finished and VHS I can't use and walked to the little library in the park. I picked up three more books I couldn't resist and now I have five or six I haven't even started--I'm an addict!
After lunch, I bused to town and got three more DVDs from various thrift stores. Boy, Main Street was filled with people--so festive and lively on that beautiful day, I loved to be there and would have loved even more lunch or Happy Hour with friends, but so far, no go.
Betty called while I was in town and later, when I got home. I talked to her both times--I'll never ignore my dear twin--and was sorry to hear her knee is still bothering her. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and I hope she can get some relief.
On my way home, I stopped at Von's and got two cans of Forster (Australian) ale, of which I'm getting fond. I'll bring one to lunch with Jim today and save the other for later--I hope when El gets here.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
The Door And The Non-DVD
Finally, the painters came to finish the front door by painting the strip on the knob side. I had to keep it open for forty-five minutes while it dried, but that was no problem; Suzanne and I sat out front and talked.
Rather, she talked, I listened. She's been under the gun with conducting diabetes classes on Zoom and having to do all the clerical work (registration of participants and so on) herself, because the manager and the support person are too busy with the food bank run by St. John's. She must have apologized four times for "venting," but she said she knows I was in HR and just wanted to talk about the situation. If she had asked for my advice, I would have told her to start making noise about it--insist to her manager and the VP that she needs help. But she didn't ask and I know that ain't gonna happen. She's a Sister of Mercy, this is her calling, and presumably, she's going to offer it up. However, she said it helped her to talk about it and she thanked me.
Went to the Market, then Wal-Mart, where I had my front door key duplicated--in fact, I got two of them. I wanted to give one to Ellen and maybe one to Suzanne, if she'll accept it. It occurred to me that El lives 35 minutes away and in case of an emergency, somebody closer should have one.
However, the whole thing is mute because neither one of them work. It could be that when the locks were changed when the place was sold, it was arranged that the key couldn't be duplicated. I'll ask about that.
While I'll was in Wal-Mart, David W. called. He's one of those in our tiny anti-utilities bill group. He said he'd like to come over and give me the ten bucks--his share of the thirty-five I spent for the attorney. He did so and I trust James will, too. I'm not sure if I'll try to pursue this further or not.
Called Ellen and we talked. She has to come to Ventura in the next few days and will come here for a visit.
Picked up the mail and got my new referral for the dermatologist--now I'm supposed to got to Oxnard! So annoying--could it be there are no skin doctors in Ventura? Don't tell me, let me guess: There are, but the insurance companies come first, never, never the patient. I don't know whether to refuse this one, too, or just have the Access van take me.
Another annoyance: I had ordered The Talented Mr. Ripley from an Amazon company, got it, and found that it's a VHS, not a DVD. I could return it, but it cost only thirty-two cents with tax, BUT postage was $3,99, which they don't reimburse. Also, it would cost me that much in return postage, so I'd be out by almost eight bucks. I was probably my fault, anyway, so I'll just chalk it up to experience.
Damn, at this point, I think I've got more experience than I need.
Rather, she talked, I listened. She's been under the gun with conducting diabetes classes on Zoom and having to do all the clerical work (registration of participants and so on) herself, because the manager and the support person are too busy with the food bank run by St. John's. She must have apologized four times for "venting," but she said she knows I was in HR and just wanted to talk about the situation. If she had asked for my advice, I would have told her to start making noise about it--insist to her manager and the VP that she needs help. But she didn't ask and I know that ain't gonna happen. She's a Sister of Mercy, this is her calling, and presumably, she's going to offer it up. However, she said it helped her to talk about it and she thanked me.
Went to the Market, then Wal-Mart, where I had my front door key duplicated--in fact, I got two of them. I wanted to give one to Ellen and maybe one to Suzanne, if she'll accept it. It occurred to me that El lives 35 minutes away and in case of an emergency, somebody closer should have one.
However, the whole thing is mute because neither one of them work. It could be that when the locks were changed when the place was sold, it was arranged that the key couldn't be duplicated. I'll ask about that.
While I'll was in Wal-Mart, David W. called. He's one of those in our tiny anti-utilities bill group. He said he'd like to come over and give me the ten bucks--his share of the thirty-five I spent for the attorney. He did so and I trust James will, too. I'm not sure if I'll try to pursue this further or not.
Called Ellen and we talked. She has to come to Ventura in the next few days and will come here for a visit.
Picked up the mail and got my new referral for the dermatologist--now I'm supposed to got to Oxnard! So annoying--could it be there are no skin doctors in Ventura? Don't tell me, let me guess: There are, but the insurance companies come first, never, never the patient. I don't know whether to refuse this one, too, or just have the Access van take me.
Another annoyance: I had ordered The Talented Mr. Ripley from an Amazon company, got it, and found that it's a VHS, not a DVD. I could return it, but it cost only thirty-two cents with tax, BUT postage was $3,99, which they don't reimburse. Also, it would cost me that much in return postage, so I'd be out by almost eight bucks. I was probably my fault, anyway, so I'll just chalk it up to experience.
Damn, at this point, I think I've got more experience than I need.
Saturday, August 08, 2020
The group was here for T.O.P.S. I knew I had gained and will have to keep an eye on myself. I weighed in at 131.9, so am up 1.7. The usual suspects were there and I asked if anyone knew a hairdresser still working and got the name and number of someone named Cindy from Lenore. I called her last evening and left a message to see if she can do Suzanne's and my hair.
A so-so day otherwise. I spent virtually the whole morning changing my email address on various entities. I had to call Target because it's impossibly to navigate its web site--the worse I've ever encountered. I also--finally--emailed Frank D. to ask him to end my account (which is really his, but if anybody thinks I understand that, he has another think coming) with Comcast.
I called ARC to see if they pick up donations and they do, but the first day they have is August 24. You have to be ready between 7 am and 5:00, but they'll call a half-hour ahead. Now I have to figure out how to get my big container out to the entrance.
After going over to Von's for salmon, I divided, seasoned, and froze it, then seasoned and roasted a pound and a half of mushrooms. Also trimmed and cut my cauliflower and put it with a little broth in the slow cooker.
Betty called and we talked a bit. She said Mary liked me a lot (I like her) and some day, maybe Betty and she can drive here for lunch. Sounds good to me!
After lunch, I bused to the mall just to get out. Bought Parmesan cheese at Target and bused back. When I came in, I glanced at the (wall, analog) clock, I thought it said 5:30, so prepared dinner and sat down to eat it at my usual 6:00. But, I then noticed it was actually 5:00, an hour early, but what the hell, I ate then anyway and the world is still turning.
A so-so day otherwise. I spent virtually the whole morning changing my email address on various entities. I had to call Target because it's impossibly to navigate its web site--the worse I've ever encountered. I also--finally--emailed Frank D. to ask him to end my account (which is really his, but if anybody thinks I understand that, he has another think coming) with Comcast.
I called ARC to see if they pick up donations and they do, but the first day they have is August 24. You have to be ready between 7 am and 5:00, but they'll call a half-hour ahead. Now I have to figure out how to get my big container out to the entrance.
After going over to Von's for salmon, I divided, seasoned, and froze it, then seasoned and roasted a pound and a half of mushrooms. Also trimmed and cut my cauliflower and put it with a little broth in the slow cooker.
Betty called and we talked a bit. She said Mary liked me a lot (I like her) and some day, maybe Betty and she can drive here for lunch. Sounds good to me!
After lunch, I bused to the mall just to get out. Bought Parmesan cheese at Target and bused back. When I came in, I glanced at the (wall, analog) clock, I thought it said 5:30, so prepared dinner and sat down to eat it at my usual 6:00. But, I then noticed it was actually 5:00, an hour early, but what the hell, I ate then anyway and the world is still turning.
Friday, August 07, 2020
I phoned my cousin, Marifran, in Ohio, whom I used to call my "Cincinnati Sis." We're Facebook friends, but haven't talked for years. Because she has asthma and managed cancer, she hasn't gone out for six months. She does have a husband and her daughter lives nearby. We had a good chat, but aren't necessarily on the same wave length when it comes to beliefs--or lack thereof. Marifran runs a site call "soulful solutions" and is very much into spiritualism and so on, which I respect, but don't share. Anyway, it was good to talk to her.
Went to The Market about 11:30, intending to walk home in time for lunch at 1:00. That didn't happen because the crossings, where you press the signal to get to the other side, seemed all to be under construction. Therefore, I walked a good mile out of my way, then took a bus to the transit center, and another home.
Lunched at 2:00, then tackled the Comcast problem. So frustrating, but I finally got an actual person by pretending I wanted to sign up for new service, then having that person transfer me. It seems I have to get in touch with Frank D. and have him authorize getting my info to me because he actually owns the account. Think I'll send him an email about it because I'm nervous about calling him. I've caused him enough trouble.
I called Jim and we had a good chat. I wanted to ask him which thrift store would pick up items. I have a big container and a lot of other stuff I want to donate, so he told me. We also made a date for lunch (here, the usual) for Monday and I'm looking forward to that, of course.
Called El and ditto with the chat. We'll get together sometime this week.
That old saying, "no news is good news" is spot-on for me. I haven't heard from my tenant, Eileen, about the AC, so I'm hoping things are bearable until the condenser comes in.
Went to The Market about 11:30, intending to walk home in time for lunch at 1:00. That didn't happen because the crossings, where you press the signal to get to the other side, seemed all to be under construction. Therefore, I walked a good mile out of my way, then took a bus to the transit center, and another home.
Lunched at 2:00, then tackled the Comcast problem. So frustrating, but I finally got an actual person by pretending I wanted to sign up for new service, then having that person transfer me. It seems I have to get in touch with Frank D. and have him authorize getting my info to me because he actually owns the account. Think I'll send him an email about it because I'm nervous about calling him. I've caused him enough trouble.
I called Jim and we had a good chat. I wanted to ask him which thrift store would pick up items. I have a big container and a lot of other stuff I want to donate, so he told me. We also made a date for lunch (here, the usual) for Monday and I'm looking forward to that, of course.
Called El and ditto with the chat. We'll get together sometime this week.
That old saying, "no news is good news" is spot-on for me. I haven't heard from my tenant, Eileen, about the AC, so I'm hoping things are bearable until the condenser comes in.
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Santa Barbara
Boy, it was a lo-o-on-g day. I got to Betty's at the usual 11:30 after the usual three bus trips, starting out at 9:00 am. Carolyn was there, but had to leave shortly. Steve, Robyn, and Dexter were coming and wanted to go the the beach. I'll see them another time, as Carolyn was picking Betty up at 5:00 and I didn't want to stay that late.
Mary--Carolyn's friend, who acts a companion to Betty--came at noon and I handed out the turkey breast sandwiches I had made, plus the little cup of grapes. We had a good time talking--I like Mary a lot--then played Sorry! and Chutes & Ladders. After more chatting, I walked Betty down to get her mail, we said goodbye to Mary, and Betty and I parted.
Got home about quarter of six and boy, was I beat. I don't know why, in particular, the day should have tired me so much, but it did. I actually hadn't slept well the night before and awoke at 5:00, so I guess that was why.
The emotional exhaustion is also wearing, of course. Betty seemed much worse to me yesterday. Her memory loss and confusion is accelerating and I'm not sure how much longer she can live alone. I don't feeling like writing more about this.
On the plus side, I just got up when the alarm rang at 7:00 and slept well, so I feel good.
Mary--Carolyn's friend, who acts a companion to Betty--came at noon and I handed out the turkey breast sandwiches I had made, plus the little cup of grapes. We had a good time talking--I like Mary a lot--then played Sorry! and Chutes & Ladders. After more chatting, I walked Betty down to get her mail, we said goodbye to Mary, and Betty and I parted.
Got home about quarter of six and boy, was I beat. I don't know why, in particular, the day should have tired me so much, but it did. I actually hadn't slept well the night before and awoke at 5:00, so I guess that was why.
The emotional exhaustion is also wearing, of course. Betty seemed much worse to me yesterday. Her memory loss and confusion is accelerating and I'm not sure how much longer she can live alone. I don't feeling like writing more about this.
On the plus side, I just got up when the alarm rang at 7:00 and slept well, so I feel good.
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Oh, Joy!
My filing cabinet was delivered yesterday! I had gotten an email to the effect it would be, but I didn't believe that for a minute (Oh, ye of little faith...I'm a skeptic, all right). But it did indeed come and was left at my door.
I had gone over to Von's for provisions for the sandwiches I'm bringing to Santa Barbara today and when I got back, there it was. At first, I didn't think I could get it in by myself, but I managed. Then it took me a lot of time and labor to open the box and get it out, but I did. I pondered how I could get it in the bedroom without scratching the hard floors and I came up for a solution: I spread a furry-type throw in front of it, laid it gently down, and kind of slid/pulled it. In the bedroom, I was able to "walk it" next to the bureau where I decided to put it.*
This is a half-size model, which is what I wanted, so there are only two drawers for file folders. Of course, true to the axiom that crapola expands to fit whatever space you have, I found that it's perfectly adequate, even though my old, full-sized one held twice as much. That's because I had kept much too much paper. For instance, every year, Groendyke insurance sends me a huge volume of papers, outlining what's covered. Of course, I needed to keep that--but not every one since 2016! Add to all that DMV and AAA stuff--since I no longer have a car, out it went. (I now had a lot of paper to toss and I hadn't brought my shredder from Jersey, but see later.)
I took a short break from my sorting, filing, and discarding and rode the 21 to the transit center, then rode back on the 6, just to get out for a bit. There were only four people on the 6, one a boy, maybe 15 or 16, who sat across from me. He suddenly threw his arms up in the air and uttered a guttural sound. Twice more during the ride, he yelled something else. The other two people looked angrily around at him, but I just asked him if he had Tourette's. He said yes and thanked me. I was glad I hadn't stared at him, poor kid.
Called Ellen to ask if she has a shredder. She doesn't, but she suggested I get four bags, cut up the papers into fours, and deposit them in the bags. Good idea, after I first black out any with my name or other personal info.*
Now I want to get my donations to Goodwill or somewhere, then my room will be spiffy!
*I find it satisfying to solve these minor items on my own. Life can be unnecessarily frustrating if we persuade ourselves we can't do something or we need help, or it can't be done, or whatever. Sometimes, sure, but when you live alone, you get used to creative problem-solving--and it feels good.
I had gone over to Von's for provisions for the sandwiches I'm bringing to Santa Barbara today and when I got back, there it was. At first, I didn't think I could get it in by myself, but I managed. Then it took me a lot of time and labor to open the box and get it out, but I did. I pondered how I could get it in the bedroom without scratching the hard floors and I came up for a solution: I spread a furry-type throw in front of it, laid it gently down, and kind of slid/pulled it. In the bedroom, I was able to "walk it" next to the bureau where I decided to put it.*
This is a half-size model, which is what I wanted, so there are only two drawers for file folders. Of course, true to the axiom that crapola expands to fit whatever space you have, I found that it's perfectly adequate, even though my old, full-sized one held twice as much. That's because I had kept much too much paper. For instance, every year, Groendyke insurance sends me a huge volume of papers, outlining what's covered. Of course, I needed to keep that--but not every one since 2016! Add to all that DMV and AAA stuff--since I no longer have a car, out it went. (I now had a lot of paper to toss and I hadn't brought my shredder from Jersey, but see later.)
I took a short break from my sorting, filing, and discarding and rode the 21 to the transit center, then rode back on the 6, just to get out for a bit. There were only four people on the 6, one a boy, maybe 15 or 16, who sat across from me. He suddenly threw his arms up in the air and uttered a guttural sound. Twice more during the ride, he yelled something else. The other two people looked angrily around at him, but I just asked him if he had Tourette's. He said yes and thanked me. I was glad I hadn't stared at him, poor kid.
Called Ellen to ask if she has a shredder. She doesn't, but she suggested I get four bags, cut up the papers into fours, and deposit them in the bags. Good idea, after I first black out any with my name or other personal info.*
Now I want to get my donations to Goodwill or somewhere, then my room will be spiffy!
*I find it satisfying to solve these minor items on my own. Life can be unnecessarily frustrating if we persuade ourselves we can't do something or we need help, or it can't be done, or whatever. Sometimes, sure, but when you live alone, you get used to creative problem-solving--and it feels good.
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
The seesaw continues: I got an early call from William to convey the news that condensers are on back order and he's looking at next week before it comes and the AC is fixed. That was a downer, but he also said he had gone to the house on Saturday and put the whatever-it-is in. Why Eileen didn't tell me that is beyond me, but dammit, I'm sick of this whole thing.
The upper--the good part--is that Will said he'd stop at the house and explain this to Eileen, also tell her not to put the temp down too low. Great, I'm tired of dealing with it, anyway.
I called the doctor's office to tell the designated person I wasn't going to the dermatologist in Camerillo. I was all prepared to go into hysterics about it, but she acquiesced immediately and said I'd get a new letter to that effect. Fine--but if I die of the creeping crud in the meantime, it's their fault.
Took my trusty cart and walked to the market for lettuce, carrots, and mushrooms, then saw a nice red kitchen mat and bought that. I now have a surplus of mats, but I'll sort them out, use some, and donate the others.
Betty called three times to ask when I was coming to Santa Barbara. Even during one of the conversations, she asked twice if I was coming "today." No, Wednesday, but I doubt if she will remember that, either.
Ellen called and we had a long talk. It's always a treat to talk to either of my daughters. The sons? Meh. I don't really mean that, but let's face it, girls are girls and I am one. I am in touch with my boys, of course, but it's a different relationship.
Incidentally, I've gotten communications from my older son lately, nagging about the Comcast debacle. I'll have to deal with soon, I guess.
After lunch, I took a bus to the mall/transit center, then just took the 6 out to the end of Ventura Avenue and back. Before he turned around, the driver ask if I was getting off. "No," I said, "I'm just along for the ride." That was fine by him and I enjoyed the ride.
The upper--the good part--is that Will said he'd stop at the house and explain this to Eileen, also tell her not to put the temp down too low. Great, I'm tired of dealing with it, anyway.
I called the doctor's office to tell the designated person I wasn't going to the dermatologist in Camerillo. I was all prepared to go into hysterics about it, but she acquiesced immediately and said I'd get a new letter to that effect. Fine--but if I die of the creeping crud in the meantime, it's their fault.
Took my trusty cart and walked to the market for lettuce, carrots, and mushrooms, then saw a nice red kitchen mat and bought that. I now have a surplus of mats, but I'll sort them out, use some, and donate the others.
Betty called three times to ask when I was coming to Santa Barbara. Even during one of the conversations, she asked twice if I was coming "today." No, Wednesday, but I doubt if she will remember that, either.
Ellen called and we had a long talk. It's always a treat to talk to either of my daughters. The sons? Meh. I don't really mean that, but let's face it, girls are girls and I am one. I am in touch with my boys, of course, but it's a different relationship.
Incidentally, I've gotten communications from my older son lately, nagging about the Comcast debacle. I'll have to deal with soon, I guess.
After lunch, I took a bus to the mall/transit center, then just took the 6 out to the end of Ventura Avenue and back. Before he turned around, the driver ask if I was getting off. "No," I said, "I'm just along for the ride." That was fine by him and I enjoyed the ride.
Monday, August 03, 2020
I'm Up, I'm Down, I'm All Around
I forgot to put this on yesterday's post, so will add it here:
It's my dear great-grandson, Tristan, who entered teenhood (teendom?) yesterday. He's such a neat kid and I miss him, his brother, and his dad so much.
But back to my mundane life: Did some food prep (hard-boiled eggs, prepared spinach, chopped onions, sliced a banana, and froze the latter two) in the morning. Called niece Carolyn to see what day will be good to visit Betty. I said I'd like to meet her gameswoman* and we decided on Wednesday. There were all kinds of back-and-forth phone calls--Betty thought I was bringing somebody--but finally, it was settled.
After lunch, I took the 6, then the 16 to town, got off at Sanjon Street, and started walking the Promenade. For a change, I took the opposite direction from usual and went about a mile that way. There were lots of runners, walkers, bikers, skate boarders of every age, and it was a beautiful day. I looked down at the beach, which was jammed with happy people, and the lifeguards were on. I walked back to the Crown Plaza, up to Thompson Street, and back to the bus stop toward the transit center.
I no sooner boarded than I got a text from my tenant: house hot. I immediately texted back, then called Chilly Willy. Of course, I had to leave a message. Going back and forth with Eileen, I'm not sure if he came or not. He wouldn't have to come in to service the old system, so maybe he put the stuff in and it just dripped out or something. To top it off, when I repeated to Eileen that he'd put in the new system on Tuesday, she said a tropical storm was expected then. At this point, I'm sick of the whole damn thing and I'll just have to wait to hear from him.
Down in the dumps, I called Ellen after dinner. I felt better after talking with her.
*This is a woman companion, Mary, who plays games with Betty.
Sunday, August 02, 2020
The thought crossed my mind that there could be some kind of cosmic reward for enduring all the travail I have over the past few days. (Whattaya nuts, Mimi? You had a few little setbacks, not like death and dismemberment!)
Okay. But now I think fortune is smiling on me, to make up for the previous crapola. For openers, of course, Chilly Willy called, Eileen is placated, and I talked to Marilyn. Then, yesterday, just as I was starting out for Smart 'n' Final, I got a call from my friend, Jim, asking if I wanted to meet for lunch. (That means here, with each bringing our own, as before, of course.) Yes, yes, of course, and I was pleased he had taken the initiative.
I then walked to S 'n' F for lettuce and peanuts, after which I walked to the park and halfway around it to the Little Library via a way I don't usually take. There, I dropped off two DVDs and picked up two James Pattersons. From there, I walked home over the path and the footbridge. I calculated I did at least five miles, if not a bit more, so that was good.
Even gooder is the fact that, as I crossed the overpath above Route 26, I looked down and saw a ten dollar bill. Because of the virus danger, I left it there, of course--NOT!
Met Jim at 1:00 and we sat at what's getting to be our usual table. Ate our sandwiches and I drank my beer as we talked and talked and talked over our full range of topics. We actually stay until 5:30 on a gorgeous, sunny but mild, day. We finally said goodbye, he left, and I strolled home.
The only annoying happening is that I got a mail referral from my doctor to see a dermatologist. Why annoying? Because this guy's in Camarillo, which is more than 16 miles away. I guess that means I'll succumb to these skin crusts because I'm not trekking to Camarillo. Will call doc's office tomorrow.
Suzanne and I sat out front chatting for a half or so before dinner, after which, I watched an hour of of Fracture.
Okay. But now I think fortune is smiling on me, to make up for the previous crapola. For openers, of course, Chilly Willy called, Eileen is placated, and I talked to Marilyn. Then, yesterday, just as I was starting out for Smart 'n' Final, I got a call from my friend, Jim, asking if I wanted to meet for lunch. (That means here, with each bringing our own, as before, of course.) Yes, yes, of course, and I was pleased he had taken the initiative.
I then walked to S 'n' F for lettuce and peanuts, after which I walked to the park and halfway around it to the Little Library via a way I don't usually take. There, I dropped off two DVDs and picked up two James Pattersons. From there, I walked home over the path and the footbridge. I calculated I did at least five miles, if not a bit more, so that was good.
Even gooder is the fact that, as I crossed the overpath above Route 26, I looked down and saw a ten dollar bill. Because of the virus danger, I left it there, of course--NOT!
Met Jim at 1:00 and we sat at what's getting to be our usual table. Ate our sandwiches and I drank my beer as we talked and talked and talked over our full range of topics. We actually stay until 5:30 on a gorgeous, sunny but mild, day. We finally said goodbye, he left, and I strolled home.
The only annoying happening is that I got a mail referral from my doctor to see a dermatologist. Why annoying? Because this guy's in Camarillo, which is more than 16 miles away. I guess that means I'll succumb to these skin crusts because I'm not trekking to Camarillo. Will call doc's office tomorrow.
Suzanne and I sat out front chatting for a half or so before dinner, after which, I watched an hour of of Fracture.
Saturday, August 01, 2020
Chilly Willy (William McQuire) finally called (at 5:30 last evening) and said he'd go to the house this morning and get the AC running, then install the new system on Tuesday! Yay! I immediately called Eileen to tell her and all is well. Called El and told her the same: ALL. IS. WELL !!!!
I called my dear friend, Marilyn, to whom I haven't spoken for several years. I looked it up here and it's been five years. What I wrote then perfectly describes her, I think:
We talked for almost an hour. Marilyn is a few years older than my older son, so much younger than I am. I always liked her so much and I still do.
Earlier, I had gotten a text from my tenant in response to mine telling her I had again contacted Willy. She wrote back, saying it had gotten cooler and that now "I'm not as 'bitchy' ha!" I assured her she wasn't bitchy, just hot.
Another good thing was that I finally got the patio put back in shape. Moved back some of what I had had to shift, swept, and generally neatened up. It looks pretty good, but I want to get rid of some more pots and things.
After lunch, I walked to The Market for lettuce and other produce, then to Wal-Mart. I wanted to see if they had filing cabinets and they had exactly one. It happened to be what I want, although in black and I prefer white, but I wrote down the number and will look on-line. Actually, I found one on-line at Office Max and ordered it. I'll pay, then be reimbursed by management here. Took the bus home, but still got in about three miles, which is okay.
For dinner, I stir-fried Ellen's purple peppers, onions, mushrooms, and the red beans I had made. Boy, it was a good meal and I have some left for tonight.
More of the good: I received my new DVD of Fracture in the mail and I'll see it soon.
Chilly Willy (William McQuire) finally called (at 5:30 last evening) and said he'd go to the house this morning and get the AC running, then install the new system on Tuesday! Yay! I immediately called Eileen to tell her and all is well. Called El and told her the same: ALL. IS. WELL !!!!
Changed my bed before going to T.O.P.S. Of course, that just means going to the middle of the complex and waiting for the others. I was sure I had gained, but as it turned, I lost a smidgen: .07 according to the T.O.P.S scale, which puts me at 130.2, as opposed to mine scale's129.6. (AAGH--talk about obsessive!)
Had breakfast, then did a load of wash and remade the bed. It's always satisfying to me to put them in the washer, the dryer, then fold and put them away. I guess it would be less so if I had to slosh them in a stream.I called my dear friend, Marilyn, to whom I haven't spoken for several years. I looked it up here and it's been five years. What I wrote then perfectly describes her, I think:
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Lunch With a Dear and Long-Time Friend
It was delightful to see Marilyn again, although pretty hairy getting there, as it was raining heavily on the way. I still haven't gotten my windshield wipers fixed and I had to keep running them manually. However, I got there in plenty of time, a bit more than an hour.
We met at Mastoris, a restaurant in Bordentown well-known for its good food and huge portions. Marilyn looks wonderful, with a new, shorter haircut, and she was nicely turned out in a dark paisley outfit. We both had a shrimp salad plate, much too much for one sitting, and a fine time catching up with each other.
To me, Marilyn--whom I've known almost since I started at Rider forty years ago--is a combination friend, sister, and daughter (she's in her late fifties). She suffered a terrible tragedy when her long-time fiancee died suddenly at 62 a few years ago. She always seemed to me the epitome of sweet-natured goodness, so absolutely without guile or pretense that you have to love her. At the same time, she's intelligent, uncritical of others, and a warm and caring person. She's a pianist and choir director, a graduate of Westminster Choir College before it was bought by Rider, and the supervisor of a good-sized department of information systems for the state of New Jersey.
We had a leisurely and much-enjoyed visit, then I drove home in what was now more sleet than rain, but without incident.
We met at Mastoris, a restaurant in Bordentown well-known for its good food and huge portions. Marilyn looks wonderful, with a new, shorter haircut, and she was nicely turned out in a dark paisley outfit. We both had a shrimp salad plate, much too much for one sitting, and a fine time catching up with each other.
To me, Marilyn--whom I've known almost since I started at Rider forty years ago--is a combination friend, sister, and daughter (she's in her late fifties). She suffered a terrible tragedy when her long-time fiancee died suddenly at 62 a few years ago. She always seemed to me the epitome of sweet-natured goodness, so absolutely without guile or pretense that you have to love her. At the same time, she's intelligent, uncritical of others, and a warm and caring person. She's a pianist and choir director, a graduate of Westminster Choir College before it was bought by Rider, and the supervisor of a good-sized department of information systems for the state of New Jersey.
We had a leisurely and much-enjoyed visit, then I drove home in what was now more sleet than rain, but without incident.
Earlier, I had gotten a text from my tenant in response to mine telling her I had again contacted Willy. She wrote back, saying it had gotten cooler and that now "I'm not as 'bitchy' ha!" I assured her she wasn't bitchy, just hot.
Another good thing was that I finally got the patio put back in shape. Moved back some of what I had had to shift, swept, and generally neatened up. It looks pretty good, but I want to get rid of some more pots and things.
After lunch, I walked to The Market for lettuce and other produce, then to Wal-Mart. I wanted to see if they had filing cabinets and they had exactly one. It happened to be what I want, although in black and I prefer white, but I wrote down the number and will look on-line. Actually, I found one on-line at Office Max and ordered it. I'll pay, then be reimbursed by management here. Took the bus home, but still got in about three miles, which is okay.
For dinner, I stir-fried Ellen's purple peppers, onions, mushrooms, and the red beans I had made. Boy, it was a good meal and I have some left for tonight.
More of the good: I received my new DVD of Fracture in the mail and I'll see it soon.
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...