Thursday, October 19, 2017

VCS And The Gestapo

Walked the walk, showered, breakfasted, then went to Ventura Council for Seniors meeting. I was pleased to see Steve and Chuck there; I know them from the Senior Center in the West end.
It was a pretty good meeting. One of the speakers was a woman from Foodshare; her talk was mildly interesting and, of course, there was the usual old and new business. The latter included medical marijuana; delivery to homes is now permissible. Chair Suze M. has taken it for pain. Only in her middle sixties, she's had cancer for several years and this is a second recurrence. She told me wryly she's getting tired of it.
Jerry, a guy who is now retired, but had been in the police department and is a kind of reach-out rep, spoke informally about stolen cars, a thriving industry in Ventura, it seems. I raised a question about the "Nextdoor" program--an community e-mail program used by the P.D. and others (I've included info on my Acting for Amateurs class). Now and again, most recently a few days ago, the P.D. sends a message asking people in a certain area if they can "verify" that someone (they list the name and address) has moved to a particular address nearby. The first few times I got this, I ignored it, but the last time, I sent back a reply to the effect I'm not in the Gestapo, so why should I? Jerry had never heard of this and asked me to forward the message to him, which I did later. As ever, Cheryl H., the only councilperson who ever comes to our meetings, was there. I think highly of her and chatted with her after.
Home, I put in a wash. While it was drying, I went out for frozen fruit. Fresh blueberries are completely gone--you can't even buy high-priced ones--so these are a good substitute, as the frozen ones contain no sugar or other additives, just fruit. Went to town for the usual after lunch.
Got an e-mail from Fern, saying my talk,"My Road to Stardom" (she named it, I didn't) at the Toastmasters meeting tonight should last five to seven minutes. What? What talk? What title? I didn't realize I was going to talk, but no prob; it should be fun. Then I'd get evaluated on how I did and they're pretty stringent.
Received the e-mail message from Ken, the president, by way of Fern, requesting the meeting place here. I forwarded it to Manager Bianca, who, presumably will send it to higher ups and they'll decide.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...