Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I started writing the Christmas At Delaney's show, just stringing a story line together to incorporate a number of Christmas songs.  Went to Acme and got a package of chicken legs, which I baked.  Had one for an early dinner and saved others. 
Went to rehearsal, which was the usual shambles.  Denise wasn't there (she's off with Joey to a Scottish festival in New Hampshire) and neither was Sondra.  That meant others had to step in and read their lines and Rachel was her usual indecisive and thoroughly incompetent self --it was pretty messy, to say the least.
I told Rachel I wouldn't be at rehearsal on Friday--I'll be damned if I'll take the 60-mile round trip drive down two days in a row--at which she had a fit, as Denise will still be away.  I left with Bernice and Louise, who told me Doris had left in a snit and said she wasn't going back.  Why, oh why, did I even agree do to do this?
Left just at 7:00, as I had said I would, but it was still getting dark when I drove home.  Just past New Gretna, a cop pulled me over, flashing lights and all.  He gave me a warning because I have one headlight out.  Actually, I'm glad, as I didn't know it.
As I was saying goodbye to Susan after our walk yesterday, I got something in my eye.  I thought I could take care of it, and tried and tried, but it's still there.  I'm going to Atlanticare as soon as they open at 7:00.     


Ellen said...

That's too bad about your day. Speaking of eyes, remember when you were here and I thought I'd left part of my torn contact in my eye? Well, it hurt (off and on) for over a month, but I was too busy to make an appointment with the eye doctor. Finally, on Sept. 12th, I felt something in the corner of my eye, rubbed it, and the torn piece of contact finally came out!

Mimi said...

It's incredible it was in your eye that long! I hope you don't have any ill effects from it. Mine seems okay this morning, but I'm not absolutely sure.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...