Saturday, March 17, 2007

Warning: This is a long one!
It rained like crazy yesterday, so Susan and I went to the clubhouse and did the 3-mile walk. Later, I went to the supermarket and was buffeted by icy rain--I guess that's sleet--plus extreme cold and wind.
Marge still sick, so we couldn't go to lunch and the peace vigil was cancelled because of the weather. Just as well, as we were snug and cozy at home with the lovely pot of narcissus Susan had given me brightening up the kitchen. The cleaners came and got the place spiffy.
Alison called last night and we had a good talk. For the first time she can remember, their Friday evening hike (9 to 12 miles through the pine barrens) was cancelled (I think she and Mike cancelled it themselves) because the roads were so icy. They would have hiked, but the problem was driving to the woods. She and Mike are going to New Mexico for 9 days in June, where they'll visit Mike's son, Rob, and also do a lot of hiking and nature exploring (judging from pictures when they were there before, Rob lives in a beautiful area). They're running tomorrow in Freehold--a ten-miler.
A note for you nurses out there: Alison is ecstatic with a medication her gastrointestinal doctor newly prescribed for her IBS. She's had this for years, and was unable to eat a whole array of foods (including bread, potatoes, and most vegetables) without immediately suffering with pain and very uncomfortable bowel problems. Now, she says, she can eat anything. The doctor said her problem could have been a chronic inflammation of the colon (the colon!) and this relieves it. Anyway, she said she wants to take it for the rest of her life she's so much better. Happy day! More good news is that Joel got a new job that pays better and covers more medical insurance than the old one--double happy day! Jen's feeling well and they should find out the baby's gender on the 21st.
Okay, here's why this post is long: another contest, only this isn't English lit, but business. Which of these questions are ILLEGAL to ask during an interview? Respond by listing the numbers of the illegal ones--no fair googling!
1. You list a P.O. box on your resume, but where do you actually live?
2. I see you're pregnant--when are you due?
3. Do you see any long-term absences in the future?
4. How many days did you miss from work in the past year?
5. Do you have relatives who work here? Who are they? What about any relatives who work for our competitor, the ABC Company?
6. If you're hired, how do you want to be addressed: Miss, Mrs., or Ms.?
7. I see on your resume that you speak French. That's wonderful; how did you acquire that ability?
8. We need someone who's very outgoing in this position. To what clubs or organizations do you belong?
9. Have you ever been arrested?
10. What year did you graduate from high school?
Okay, fellows and girls, do yer ver-r-r-y best. Remember, no looking these up or you'll be kept after for detention.
P.S. I gave my class a test which included these questions and more, totalling 26. I might add some of the others to a later blog entry.


Dee's Blog said...

This is just an uneducated guess but I would say none of the above

Dee's Blog said...

This is just an uneducated guess but I would say none of the above

EBJ said...

I say ALL of them are Illegal.

Mimi said...

Well, it was easy to grade your answers: You're both wrong. Some questions are legal, some illegal. I got a kick out of the fact that you had completely opposing opinions.
Hmm...wonder why I haven't heard from the famous Pat McH.R.--hope to soon, as I'll reveal the answers in tomorrow's entry.

iloveac said...

I think they all might be illegal with the exception of "Have you ever been arrested?"...but then that's none of their business unless you asked Have you ever been convicted? You can ask about conviction, right?

iloveac said...

Oh, you also can't ask when did I graduate from high school....age discrimination. So, I'd say only the one about yr of graduation is illegal.

Sorry I'm so late getting here...been drinking Irish Whiskey all day. NOT, but wish I was.

Mimi said...

When we went to Susan and Walter's for the early St. P.'s Day party, they did serve Irish whiskey. Listen, God has a special place in Paradise for the one who invented it. Coffee, whipped cream, and booze--could anything be more sublime?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mom,

I think these are illegal:

Am I right?

Love, Ellen


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...