Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yay-y-y! I dealt with more junk from the garage yesterday! Actually went through and sorted three large containers, packed the rejects, and took to the thrift store, then rearranged what was left. That left me with six empty plastic containers and--notice how my sneaky mind works?--I thought I should keep them in case I ever need them to pack away other things. No, no, no, Rosemary! The whole idea is to resolve not to "pack things away" where they take up space and moulder like John Brown's body for 85 years. Okay, the next time I'm going to donate the containers, too.
Dropped off the scholarship check ($500) at the high school (Pinelands Regional); I'm chair of the committee for the Women's Club, so am glad to have finished that assignment. I'm always afraid I'm going to forget to do something like that, or that I'll hand it in too late, or something--indicative of my basic insecurity, I guess.
Had a nice chat with Betty, the constant lunch-goer of the left coast. This must be genetic--we both love to meet people for lunch. That reminds me that Barb H. is back and we must arrange to take Susan out for her birthday; not today, though, as I have to take Pat to Philly for the audiologist appointment.
Note: In case readers don't recheck the comments: see yesterday's from Robyn for the end of the flamingo story--it's priceless!

1 comment:

Dee's Blog said...

I'd love to get down in the cellar and clean out things we never use. Heloise use to say, if you haven't used it in a year you probably won't" I agree with her but my Husband is a packrat and saves everything. We have no garage and our cellar is heated so no chance of mold.


I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...