Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Well, I gained a quarter pound. Not too bad, but certainly not good, as I seem to be going in the wrong direction. (Hey, Mimi, you're supposed to be losing!) That brings me to 188.6--very depressing. I MUST get back on track to lose that 20 pounds by London. This cold doesn't help, as I still feel dragged out and sick. I guess normal people don't want to eat when they're sick, but wouldn't you know, I do. Being so miserable makes me want to do anything to feel better. Hmmm...what a lot of whining I'm indulging in--buck up, Mimi!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Later on Monday: As it turned out, I did go to exercise. Leslie, Ellen, and Cookie were there and I'm glad I went. After I got home though, and had breakfast, I felt really sick and coughed a lot. Called Jen regretfully to say I had better not come up--afraid of infecting little Joel. Slept some and just sat and read must of the day. I got new biographys from the library yesterday--one of Martha Washington and one of Frank Sinatra--quite a couple, huh? I feel better now, although not completely up to par. For lunch had a hard-boiled egg and (turkey) bacon sandwich with FF mayo, followed by a few pretzels. Not sure what we'll have for dinner--all I know is I don't feel like making it.
Tomorrow, spaghetti dinner with friends at Creevey's, same place I'm having Pat's birthday party.
Tomorrow, spaghetti dinner with friends at Creevey's, same place I'm having Pat's birthday party.
Haven't decided whether or not to skip 8 am exercise or not--wouldn't you know, this cold is still hanging on, now making itself evident with a deep, lingering cough.
Went a little off the beam yesterday: Had turkey bacon (never again) and potato cakes last night. Gave Pat fried eggs with it, and I had toast with butter--not a good WW choice. Later, feeling lousy as I did, I had a bowl of ice cream after wine and pretzels.
So shoot me, I'm sick! Maybe we shouldn't go up today to take Jen and Joely to lunch after all. I don't want to infect them with my cold, but maybe after this long, I'm not contagious--dunno.
Went a little off the beam yesterday: Had turkey bacon (never again) and potato cakes last night. Gave Pat fried eggs with it, and I had toast with butter--not a good WW choice. Later, feeling lousy as I did, I had a bowl of ice cream after wine and pretzels.
So shoot me, I'm sick! Maybe we shouldn't go up today to take Jen and Joely to lunch after all. I don't want to infect them with my cold, but maybe after this long, I'm not contagious--dunno.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
After a shower, felt much better yesterday. I even went to the supermarket and got a few essentials. Had half a spaghetti squash and half an acorn squash for lunch. The big news--hey, this is my life--is that I cleaned the oven. I'm talking about a self-cleaning oven, of course, and it needed it badly; we moved in 2 1/2 years ago and this is the first time it's been cleaned. It took 4 hours and 20 minutes and smelled vile. Luckily, it was a balmy day, so we turned off the heat and opened doors and windows to ventilate. It cleaned up nicely and I promptly contributed to dirtying it again by baking chicken leg quarters in it. I flavored them with lemon/pepper seasoning and they were very good. Added the leftover diced tomatoes for Pat and mashed potatoes for both of us. Later, had wine and pretzels, then the fat-free whipped topping from the freezer. I have no sense at all of whether I'll have lost any weight this week; have the rest of today and tomorrow before I get weighed Tuesday morning.
Woke up still with some bad cold symptoms but, I think, am getting better. Tomorrow, we're going up to take Jen and Joely to lunch.
Woke up still with some bad cold symptoms but, I think, am getting better. Tomorrow, we're going up to take Jen and Joely to lunch.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
STILL feel really, really lousy. However, I did indeed make the breaded pork chops and baked apples for dinner last night, along with baked potatoes and diced tomatoes, and it was delicious. After I had my wine and pretzels, I ate the rest of the light whipped topping I had in the freezer. I'm not too proud of that, but I needed some kind of comfort food to make me feel better. (Did it? Not really.) For lunch I had had a hard-boiled egg sandwich with FF mayo, and a bowl of dump soup. No problem there.
Have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. I feel so bad maybe I'll just have soup and sandwiches, although that's probably just as much trouble to make as a regular dinner meal.
When will this rotten cold go away????
Have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. I feel so bad maybe I'll just have soup and sandwiches, although that's probably just as much trouble to make as a regular dinner meal.
When will this rotten cold go away????
Friday, January 27, 2006
Still have the damn cold that's been hanging on for several days. Yesterday, I just made fat-free hot dogs and baked beans in the crockpot--they were good. Finished up the Irish Creme after dinner and had a little "lite" whipped topping, but let it go at that. I just breaded pork chops to have in the freezer, but kept out two for tonight. Think I'll make baked apples to go with them.
Had a hard-boiled egg sandwich and dump soup for lunch, followed by a few pretzels. Guess I'm indulging myself because I feel so dragged out. Am hoarse and dragged out.
Had a hard-boiled egg sandwich and dump soup for lunch, followed by a few pretzels. Guess I'm indulging myself because I feel so dragged out. Am hoarse and dragged out.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I skipped an entry yesterday, for the first time, I guess. On Tuesday, had very pleasant lunch with Helen (small Caesar and decaf), moderate dinner, and was okay at night. Yesterday, exercise at 8 am, Drama Club at 1:30, dinner out at 5:30, then Actor's Workshop at 7--whew! Only two couples went to dinner last night; the others all had commitments. I had spaghetti and meatballs and brought home half of the pasta, but ate the two meatballs. Had two glasses of white wine, but nothing when I got home after the Workshop. Today, still have a heavy cold, so declined when Leslie stopped for me to go to exercise. Got "Death of a Salesman" on tape and spent the day lounging and watching it. Had a few pretzel, but will now have dump soup for lunch, although it's almost 3. Put hot dogs and beans in the crockpot for dinner--I'll have the fat-free ones.
Glory be! I have nothing scheduled until dinner at Creevey's on Tuesday night (with our Wednesday night dinner gang). This is a spaghetti dinner that benefits the 4th of July fireworks display in Tuckerton.
Next month is, of course, a busy one, what with Pat's birthday party and brother Jim's big one in Virginia, which I plan to attend.
Glory be! I have nothing scheduled until dinner at Creevey's on Tuesday night (with our Wednesday night dinner gang). This is a spaghetti dinner that benefits the 4th of July fireworks display in Tuckerton.
Next month is, of course, a busy one, what with Pat's birthday party and brother Jim's big one in Virginia, which I plan to attend.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A quick weight-note before I rush off to meet former Rider colleague Helen for lunch: Just got back from WW (I just got weighed and left); I gained a half-pound. Not so bad considering my social life, I guess. Yesterday, at lunch with Marge, I had a Caesar salad with grilled chicken, ate half, and had the other half for dinner. Will order sensibly for lunch today and aside from the usual dinner out tomorrow night, have nothing scheduled until the 31st. I'm okay with this, knew I'd probably gain, plus am interested in the new diet pill, Xenical. More later.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Oh-h-h, I spoke too soon yesterday about feeling better. Got up this morning with the cold worse. Must go for a mammogram and dex-scan today, then lunch with Marge, so better perk up. I took some Tylenol and hope that helps.
Gave Pat a leftover chicken leg quarter, peas, and half a baked potato last night, and I had a WW frozen dinner: chicken and veggies for only 4 points. plus the other half of the potato. The frozen dinner was surprisingly good; I've had others that were tasteless and not worth eating. Had a glass of wine and pretzels later, resisting the temptation to overindulge.
Of course, I go to WW tomorrow and must get weighed. Don't think I've lost and will be happy if I just didn't gain. Sigh... It's a constant struggle.
Gave Pat a leftover chicken leg quarter, peas, and half a baked potato last night, and I had a WW frozen dinner: chicken and veggies for only 4 points. plus the other half of the potato. The frozen dinner was surprisingly good; I've had others that were tasteless and not worth eating. Had a glass of wine and pretzels later, resisting the temptation to overindulge.
Of course, I go to WW tomorrow and must get weighed. Don't think I've lost and will be happy if I just didn't gain. Sigh... It's a constant struggle.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I must be more careful about clarifying. I meant to say I lay on the couch all day yesterday, not today when, as I mentioned, I feel much better. Today, I ran a few errands, had butternut squash and broccoli for lunch, and just now put a zucchini casserole in the oven. Here's how I make it: I wash and slice (don't pare) two medium zucchinis and put in in a casserole, adding five or six sliced plum tomatoes, a medium onion sliced thin, and sliced mushrooms. I sprinkle with Italian seasoning (and this time, I put in some lemon/pepper spices, too), then cook in the microwave for about 5 minutes. It's delicious and has no points.
I'm still draggin' with a cold and sore throat, but feel better than I did yesterday. All day, I lay on the couch and watched T.V. I saw "Disclosure" with Michael Douglas, Demi Moore, and Donald Sutherland and "Indecent Proposal" with Woody Harrelson, Demi again, and Robert Redford. LOVED both of them, although they're both (I think) at least 10 years old and maybe older--well, maybe that's why I like them. Unfortunately--must get around to this--I also gobbled everything that wasn't nailed down--the bad stuff, that is. Skipped lunch in favor of pretzels, amaretto cake, ice cream, Irish creme, and you name it, I ate it. I did, however, have salad later. Oh me, oh my, just have to get back on track today.
Will say this in my favor: Susan, who usually stops for me for our morning walk, has company, so I went by myself. Before, I would just automatically skip it if she and Leslie weren't available. Glad it dawned on me--boi-n-ng!--I don't have to have somebody else to walk with.
Will say this in my favor: Susan, who usually stops for me for our morning walk, has company, so I went by myself. Before, I would just automatically skip it if she and Leslie weren't available. Glad it dawned on me--boi-n-ng!--I don't have to have somebody else to walk with.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Very nice dinner last night with Vivian and Anita; I did cranberry chicken and here's the easy, easy recipe: combine one can of whole berry cranberry sauce, one cup (8 oz. or one bottle) French dressing, and two envelopes dry onion soup mix. Put on pieces of chicken (I happened to use two leg quarters and some drumsticks) and bake in pre-heated 350 oven for about an hour. Delicious. Vivian brought an incredible apple cake/pie with chocolate from the bakery in Manahawkin and we generally had a good time.
I over-indulged, I'm afraid, having some of the apple fabulous dessert (I served others, too), but can't concentrate on that--I don't feel well. I started with a sore throat yesterday, now have a cold and am dragging. Luckily, this weekend is free. Monday, I go for my mammogram and dex-scan (bone mass test), then will meet Marge for lunch. Tuesday, I drive up to Lawrenceville to pick Helen up for lunch, and Wednesday's our regular dinner out--yep, it's starting up again.
Incidentally, the guy never showed up at Cheevey's yesterday. When I got there for our appointment, I was told he had called and had "car trouble." I'm getting annoyed, as he didn't return my call the first time (when I called again: "Oh, you were on my list to call..."). Yeah, uh-huh.
At the library, I bought a cookbook I just read straight through. It's very entertaining and is called "The Bitten Word."
I over-indulged, I'm afraid, having some of the apple fabulous dessert (I served others, too), but can't concentrate on that--I don't feel well. I started with a sore throat yesterday, now have a cold and am dragging. Luckily, this weekend is free. Monday, I go for my mammogram and dex-scan (bone mass test), then will meet Marge for lunch. Tuesday, I drive up to Lawrenceville to pick Helen up for lunch, and Wednesday's our regular dinner out--yep, it's starting up again.
Incidentally, the guy never showed up at Cheevey's yesterday. When I got there for our appointment, I was told he had called and had "car trouble." I'm getting annoyed, as he didn't return my call the first time (when I called again: "Oh, you were on my list to call..."). Yeah, uh-huh.
At the library, I bought a cookbook I just read straight through. It's very entertaining and is called "The Bitten Word."
Friday, January 20, 2006
In the food and errands department, did just what I recorded yesterday. In the evening, drank my wine, ate the few pretzels left (I love the "extra dark" kind)...um, um, but then ate the rest of the cookies Leslie brought me last week. I'm mad at myself this morning and as ever, am puzzled over why I can't seem to keep myself from sweets at night. During the day, I'm indifferent to them, but I have this terrific drive to indulge after dinner. Okay, back on the program, Rosemary.
At Santori's, I bought tomatoes, zucchini, onions, bananas, and feta cheese. When Vivian (and possibly, Anita) come for dinner tonight, I'll serve chicken some way or other, a zucchini casserole, some kind of potatoes, and salad. May add fruit salad and will put out the delectable chocolate-covered pretzels Donna brought on Monday.
Meeting with the guy from Cheevey's at Atlantis this morning about possibly having Pat's birthday lunch there instead of at home. May be easier, depending on how many guests come. More on this later.
At Santori's, I bought tomatoes, zucchini, onions, bananas, and feta cheese. When Vivian (and possibly, Anita) come for dinner tonight, I'll serve chicken some way or other, a zucchini casserole, some kind of potatoes, and salad. May add fruit salad and will put out the delectable chocolate-covered pretzels Donna brought on Monday.
Meeting with the guy from Cheevey's at Atlantis this morning about possibly having Pat's birthday lunch there instead of at home. May be easier, depending on how many guests come. More on this later.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Busy, but good, day yesterday. Susan stopped for me about 7:30 am and we walked; returned just seconds before sheets of rain came down, but it cleared up in a few hours. Had broccoli at noon, a shower, then went to Drama Club at 1:30. Got home about 4:00 and ate a salad. At dinner with friends, ordered a half chicken, baked potato, and peas and carrots, plus a glass of white wine. I ate only about half, if that, and took the rest of the chicken home for dinner tonight. Went from the restaurant to a new "Actor's Workshop" I've joined and got home after 9. Then had wine, pretzels, and yogurt dessert, all permissible, so I'm okay with my intake yesterday. In between, I microwaved a big butternut squash (I've been going squash-crazy the last few weeks--could I be addicted?) so I'll have it ready for snacks.
This is the only day all week I have free, so will go to produce store in Galloway, do some housework, run some errands, and prepare for Vivian's and Anita's visit for dinner tomorrow. Feeling calm, contented, and in control of my eating.
This is the only day all week I have free, so will go to produce store in Galloway, do some housework, run some errands, and prepare for Vivian's and Anita's visit for dinner tomorrow. Feeling calm, contented, and in control of my eating.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Well, wonders never cease in Little Egg Harbor! Incredibly, I LOST 1.6 at weigh-in yesterday--a miracle! That brings me to 187.8. My resolve, made two weeks ago, to lose 20 by June still holds; I have 17 pounds to go. It's hard to calculate just what I've lost so far, considering that I've lost, gained, joined, quit, gone back, etc., like a yo-yo, but I'm following what's in my current membership book and figuring about 15 down all together.
Yesterday's entry is pretty confusing. I meant to refer to quitting Weight Watchers, not opting out of the trip to A.C. I went--with friends Barbara H., Barbara D., and Leslie--and had a wonderful time. The ice show was great, we got $15 back, then enjoyed a sumptuous buffet. Did I eat sensibly? I did! Bouyed up by the weight loss I didn't expect, I had lots of shrimp, small portions of fried rice, stuffed flounder, and salmon, plus king crab legs. I hadn't had time for lunch, so was hungry which means I really appreciated the food. You may ask, what about the dessert table? Glad you did: I SKIPPED IT! I simply went back to the appetizers, got some mixed fruit (melon and grapes, no sugar) and an additional pile of shrimp. I ate that while my companions had their sweet goodies and didn't miss a thing. Happy day and happy weigh!
Today is, of course, Wednesday dinner out, but I'm just fine with that. Will check in tomorrow to report my choices.
Yesterday's entry is pretty confusing. I meant to refer to quitting Weight Watchers, not opting out of the trip to A.C. I went--with friends Barbara H., Barbara D., and Leslie--and had a wonderful time. The ice show was great, we got $15 back, then enjoyed a sumptuous buffet. Did I eat sensibly? I did! Bouyed up by the weight loss I didn't expect, I had lots of shrimp, small portions of fried rice, stuffed flounder, and salmon, plus king crab legs. I hadn't had time for lunch, so was hungry which means I really appreciated the food. You may ask, what about the dessert table? Glad you did: I SKIPPED IT! I simply went back to the appetizers, got some mixed fruit (melon and grapes, no sugar) and an additional pile of shrimp. I ate that while my companions had their sweet goodies and didn't miss a thing. Happy day and happy weigh!
Today is, of course, Wednesday dinner out, but I'm just fine with that. Will check in tomorrow to report my choices.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Enjoyed having Pat's niece, Donna, and our daughter, Alison, over for dinner last night. I served ("oven-fried") pork chops, baked potatoes, peas, salad, and fruit salad, along with the amaretto cake and Irish cream left over from dominos group. Over-indulged to an upsetting extent and must now face the music at WW today. I know I've gained; the only question is "how much?". Today, I go with friend Barbara to the ice show at one of the casinos and that includes a buffet lunch--groan! I'm tempted to skip it, but I know that reaction leads quickly to dropping my resolve altogether, and that way lies complete weight-loss failure. I'll go, but with a heavy heart--not to mention, rump.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Woke up to snow, snow, beautiful snow today. Feel warm and snug inside, and will get some long-overdue housework done.
Well, I'm reluctant to report yesterday's doings. Fine all day, but at potluck dinner at Leslie's church, I went overboard, scarfing up a huge variety of fatty (and delicious) casseroles, plus several desserts. Enjoyed L.'s talk, and the barbershop quartet entertainment that followed, but have "day after" regrets, of course.
Will now have regular breakfast and plunge into snowy day duties.
Well, I'm reluctant to report yesterday's doings. Fine all day, but at potluck dinner at Leslie's church, I went overboard, scarfing up a huge variety of fatty (and delicious) casseroles, plus several desserts. Enjoyed L.'s talk, and the barbershop quartet entertainment that followed, but have "day after" regrets, of course.
Will now have regular breakfast and plunge into snowy day duties.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Had a wonderful time hosting our domino club last night. Our friends didn't leave until after 11, though, and I, being compulsive, had to clean up and wash everything (I used the good china and silver which can't go in the dishwasher) before bed, so I didn't turn in until after midnight. I STILL woke up at 6:20, but think I'll go back in for a morning nap.
Well, from my prospective, it wasn't too bad--but not too good, either. I pretty much stuck to the gingered fruit compote, although that's hardly a WW food, being laced with sugary syrup. Also, I had two (very small) glasses of the Irish cream I made myself (exactly like Bailey's), containing whiskey, eggs, and heavy cream. I had some small pieces of the Amaretto cake, but didn't touch the apple crisp. As seems to happen with me, after I over-sugar myself, I get up the next day feeling empty, and am tempted to eat a large breakfast. Think I'll have an egg.
What's coming up, food-wise? Well, tonight we'll hear friend Leslie speak on her Mississippi experiences helping flood victims and attend a potluck supper at her church. Think I'll contribute the rest of the fruit compote for that. Pat's niece, Donna, and our daughter Alison are coming for dinner on Monday. On Tuesday, several of us are going to the ice show at one of the A.C. casinos, and that includes lunch. Wednesday we have our regular dinner out, and on Friday, my WS friends Vivian and Anita are coming for dinner.
Talk about your constant struggle--!
Well, from my prospective, it wasn't too bad--but not too good, either. I pretty much stuck to the gingered fruit compote, although that's hardly a WW food, being laced with sugary syrup. Also, I had two (very small) glasses of the Irish cream I made myself (exactly like Bailey's), containing whiskey, eggs, and heavy cream. I had some small pieces of the Amaretto cake, but didn't touch the apple crisp. As seems to happen with me, after I over-sugar myself, I get up the next day feeling empty, and am tempted to eat a large breakfast. Think I'll have an egg.
What's coming up, food-wise? Well, tonight we'll hear friend Leslie speak on her Mississippi experiences helping flood victims and attend a potluck supper at her church. Think I'll contribute the rest of the fruit compote for that. Pat's niece, Donna, and our daughter Alison are coming for dinner on Monday. On Tuesday, several of us are going to the ice show at one of the A.C. casinos, and that includes lunch. Wednesday we have our regular dinner out, and on Friday, my WS friends Vivian and Anita are coming for dinner.
Talk about your constant struggle--!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Greatly enjoyed lunch with friend Marilyn yesterday at Katmandu, a trendy restaurant on the waterfront in Trenton. Had some interesting experiences after, but this is a weight blog, so I'll skip the chronicle of my adventures in Mercer County.
When I was in Hawaii in July, I had tuna tarter, which was absolutely delish. It was an ever-so-tender and fresh slab of tuna, just seared on the outside and essentially raw otherwise. Yesterday, when I saw "Ahi Tuna Tarter" at Katmandu, I was delighted and ordered it. I was taken aback, though, to have it served in a martini glass--I hadn't realized I was ordering off the appetizer section and this was about an ounce (if that) of tiny pieces of raw, marinated tuna with a teaspoon of greens on top.
BUT--! I decided not to order anything else, ate it, and it was enough. I also had a glass of chardonney and coffee with half-and-half, so points and calories probably added up to a reasonable lunch, although the content certainly wasn't WW.
I didn't get home until after five, let Pat fend for himself for dinner, and had half a large spaghetti squash, plus the rest of the oil/garlic pasta I took home from dinner the night before. Did eat some pretzels and a glass of cream sherry after, plus a bowl of the yogurt dessert with FF topping but, all in all, I think I did all right for the day.
Incidentally, I was pleased when several of the old friends and colleagues I saw yesterday remarked on how well I looked. With my yo-yo weight loss (and gain!) in the years since I retired, I don't even remember what I weighed a few years ago, but I think there's an overall improvement.
Yes, yes, I'm facing yet another challenge tonight: We're hosting our dominos club (four other couples for dessert and playing dominos) and I'm serving gingered fruit compote, apple crisp, and Amaretto cake with milk chocolate sauce and whipped cream. In addition, I'll make "Molloy's Irish Cream," which is just like Bailey's, but homemade. I plan to stick to the compote and won't have too much of that--wish me luck!
When I was in Hawaii in July, I had tuna tarter, which was absolutely delish. It was an ever-so-tender and fresh slab of tuna, just seared on the outside and essentially raw otherwise. Yesterday, when I saw "Ahi Tuna Tarter" at Katmandu, I was delighted and ordered it. I was taken aback, though, to have it served in a martini glass--I hadn't realized I was ordering off the appetizer section and this was about an ounce (if that) of tiny pieces of raw, marinated tuna with a teaspoon of greens on top.
BUT--! I decided not to order anything else, ate it, and it was enough. I also had a glass of chardonney and coffee with half-and-half, so points and calories probably added up to a reasonable lunch, although the content certainly wasn't WW.
I didn't get home until after five, let Pat fend for himself for dinner, and had half a large spaghetti squash, plus the rest of the oil/garlic pasta I took home from dinner the night before. Did eat some pretzels and a glass of cream sherry after, plus a bowl of the yogurt dessert with FF topping but, all in all, I think I did all right for the day.
Incidentally, I was pleased when several of the old friends and colleagues I saw yesterday remarked on how well I looked. With my yo-yo weight loss (and gain!) in the years since I retired, I don't even remember what I weighed a few years ago, but I think there's an overall improvement.
Yes, yes, I'm facing yet another challenge tonight: We're hosting our dominos club (four other couples for dessert and playing dominos) and I'm serving gingered fruit compote, apple crisp, and Amaretto cake with milk chocolate sauce and whipped cream. In addition, I'll make "Molloy's Irish Cream," which is just like Bailey's, but homemade. I plan to stick to the compote and won't have too much of that--wish me luck!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Did I say I'd order wisely at our Wednesday night dinner out? Hmm...amend that to "I'll kick up my heels." Confession: I succumbed to the oil and garlic pasta, plus bread dipped in oil, plus rice pudding--yoicks! What's more, I went home and had pretzels and ice cream. Yep, completely fell off the WW band wagon. Today, I meet Marilyn for lunch and am RESOLVED to order a salad and nothing more!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Oh, joy! Good news all around yesterday. First, I went to the doctor and she discussed the results of my blood tests. Blood sugar (112) needs to be watched, but my cholesterol is under 200--198, to be exact! First time in years it's been that low, so I was very pleased. Doctor did say I must continue to lose weight and exercise and I will, I will.
Had time to get to WW after all, a little late, and was weighed after the meeting. I lost 1 1/2 pounds! Happy day! Yes, I'm on my way to 20 pounds off by London! It's a little annoying that Cristine recorded my new weight on the WW card she keeps, but forgot to do it in my book. I THINK--but things have gotten so confused, I'm not sure--that I'm barely back into the 180's, I think 189 point something. Next week will get it clarified.
Had salmon for dinner, then cracked open a bottle of cream sherry. Shouldn't have, but I did, treat myself with two glasses, plus pretzels. What's funny is that "wine" is listed in the WW book as a certain number of points, but they don't distinguish among wines. Seems to me that a light Rhine or Chardonney would be less than say, the cream sherry, which is sweet.
Tonight, our regular Wednesday dinner out. Not sure where we'll go, but I'll order wisely.
Had time to get to WW after all, a little late, and was weighed after the meeting. I lost 1 1/2 pounds! Happy day! Yes, I'm on my way to 20 pounds off by London! It's a little annoying that Cristine recorded my new weight on the WW card she keeps, but forgot to do it in my book. I THINK--but things have gotten so confused, I'm not sure--that I'm barely back into the 180's, I think 189 point something. Next week will get it clarified.
Had salmon for dinner, then cracked open a bottle of cream sherry. Shouldn't have, but I did, treat myself with two glasses, plus pretzels. What's funny is that "wine" is listed in the WW book as a certain number of points, but they don't distinguish among wines. Seems to me that a light Rhine or Chardonney would be less than say, the cream sherry, which is sweet.
Tonight, our regular Wednesday dinner out. Not sure where we'll go, but I'll order wisely.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Why did I EVER mention the marshmallows?!? Yes, I had scads of them last night after I had put acknowledgement of them in my brain. Otherwise, I just had two sausages with WW bread for dinner (7 points), but pretzels I should have skipped later.
I'm giggling as I write this! Fer cryin' out loud, NO WONDER I can't seem to lose weight! But hey, I'll get to a meeting tonight or tomorrow and see if I'm at least teetering on the edge of following the program--or some weight-loss program, anyway.
Incidentally, there's an interesting series in the NY Times (I read it on-line every day) about the incredibly rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes in New York, and the whole country. That's another reason to lose weight and I know I'm close to having high sugar. I don't want to fall into that disease, which can be so terrible.
I'm giggling as I write this! Fer cryin' out loud, NO WONDER I can't seem to lose weight! But hey, I'll get to a meeting tonight or tomorrow and see if I'm at least teetering on the edge of following the program--or some weight-loss program, anyway.
Incidentally, there's an interesting series in the NY Times (I read it on-line every day) about the incredibly rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes in New York, and the whole country. That's another reason to lose weight and I know I'm close to having high sugar. I don't want to fall into that disease, which can be so terrible.
Monday, January 09, 2006
I'm just furious with myself! Not because I over-indulged last night--I did, but not too drastically--but because I made a (routine) doctor's appointment for tomorrow, so will miss the WW meeting yet again. Aagh! It's too late to change the appointment, as I made it in November--how could I have done that? Well, I'll check the web site and go to Manahawkin to weigh in, either today or tomorrow.
Made meatballs of buffalo meat yesterday, browned them, then put in the crockpot with the spaghetti sauce. I gave Pat regular spaghetti, but I had whole wheat. It wasn't bad, although there isn't much difference in calories. Spaghetti is very high in points--16 with sauce and two meatballs--no wonder I like it so much. The heartening news is that Pat ate the meatballs without comment. Not sure if he knew they were made of buffalo or not.
Later, after popcorn and wine, I had more pretzels than I should have, plus the Jello/yogurt mix and FF topping. I seem to just find it impossible to control my nightime eating. Guess I should be glad I at least skip the ice cream that's always in the freezer, plus the marshmallows left over from Christmas, plus...plus...plus...
Guess I rationize like crazy.
Made meatballs of buffalo meat yesterday, browned them, then put in the crockpot with the spaghetti sauce. I gave Pat regular spaghetti, but I had whole wheat. It wasn't bad, although there isn't much difference in calories. Spaghetti is very high in points--16 with sauce and two meatballs--no wonder I like it so much. The heartening news is that Pat ate the meatballs without comment. Not sure if he knew they were made of buffalo or not.
Later, after popcorn and wine, I had more pretzels than I should have, plus the Jello/yogurt mix and FF topping. I seem to just find it impossible to control my nightime eating. Guess I should be glad I at least skip the ice cream that's always in the freezer, plus the marshmallows left over from Christmas, plus...plus...plus...
Guess I rationize like crazy.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Well, yesterday I fell down. Had a piece of pizza and a deli sandwich, plus two pieces of ice cream cake. What can I say, it was my grandson's birthday. Got home and had my wine, plus pretzels. Was tempted by the ice cream in the freezer, but had the Jello/yogurt dessert with topping, which is pretty innocent. Back to the right stuff today.
Exercise: At the clubhouse with friends, I exercise to Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" (the three-mile walk) three days a week at 8 am. On the other days, Susan and I often walk about a mile in the morning, but this is somewhat sporatic. I firmly believe that exercise is essential for everybody, especially women over--well, "of a certain age," as the 19th century novelists used to write. Now this is regardless of weight. I recall seeing a T.V. news segment affirming that those who exercise regularly, even if overweight, are in better health and live longer than thin people who are sedentary.
It's amazing how many women I know in their 50's and 60's who virtually never exercise. They may think they're excused because they're retired or because their muscles get sore after the first few sessions (duh!), or because they're just delicate flowers or something.
But! The idea that weight can be controlled through exercise while you eat all you want is just a pipe dream. Unless you do hard physical exercise 5 hours a day or something, that almost never works. It's still a question of calories in versus calories out, and it's just too difficult to expend enough energy to offset that slab of steak or piece of cheesecake you ate yesterday.
On that topic, I get crazed when I hear people (invariably female) parrot the old idiocy about "losing inches, not pounds." After a certain point, how is it possible to do that? Is the fat just compacted into a smaller and smaller body? Then what? Can you continue carrying 250 pounds on a 5' 4" frame, but look svelte because you're losing "inches"? Never understood that.
Tirade over--have a good day! I resolve to do the same, although I'm attending a Women's Club reorganization meeting and believe they'll have a dessert table. Don't think it's a problem; I'll have a sensible lunch first and I'm usually not tempted by sweets during the day.
Exercise: At the clubhouse with friends, I exercise to Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" (the three-mile walk) three days a week at 8 am. On the other days, Susan and I often walk about a mile in the morning, but this is somewhat sporatic. I firmly believe that exercise is essential for everybody, especially women over--well, "of a certain age," as the 19th century novelists used to write. Now this is regardless of weight. I recall seeing a T.V. news segment affirming that those who exercise regularly, even if overweight, are in better health and live longer than thin people who are sedentary.
It's amazing how many women I know in their 50's and 60's who virtually never exercise. They may think they're excused because they're retired or because their muscles get sore after the first few sessions (duh!), or because they're just delicate flowers or something.
But! The idea that weight can be controlled through exercise while you eat all you want is just a pipe dream. Unless you do hard physical exercise 5 hours a day or something, that almost never works. It's still a question of calories in versus calories out, and it's just too difficult to expend enough energy to offset that slab of steak or piece of cheesecake you ate yesterday.
On that topic, I get crazed when I hear people (invariably female) parrot the old idiocy about "losing inches, not pounds." After a certain point, how is it possible to do that? Is the fat just compacted into a smaller and smaller body? Then what? Can you continue carrying 250 pounds on a 5' 4" frame, but look svelte because you're losing "inches"? Never understood that.
Tirade over--have a good day! I resolve to do the same, although I'm attending a Women's Club reorganization meeting and believe they'll have a dessert table. Don't think it's a problem; I'll have a sensible lunch first and I'm usually not tempted by sweets during the day.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Good day yesterday. I finally got the Christmas decorations put away, and Pat broke up the cardboard boxes we discarded, so the garage looks better. Then went to Boscov's, and down to Ventnor for a quick look. Didn't get home until after 4:00 and hadn't had lunch, so I had half an acorn squash and broccoli. For dinner, had oven-baked chicken leg quarters with lemon/pepper seasoning , baked potato (used the sour cream--yummy!), and gave Pat corn, although I didn't have any. Boy, did that taste good! As the French say, "Appetite is the best sauce." Well, that's a paraphrase, but there's no doubt food tastes best when you're really hungry.
Hmmm...that's the ironic and discouraging thing about dieting: Sometimes, you get really, really famished and food tastes so marvelous you want to eat and eat. When you're not dieting, you often overeat, so you're never really hungry, and you never get that great feeling of being wonderfully satisfied and full. You keep trying to enjoy eating when you're already sated, and it doesn't work. Not a very profound observation, but something to muse about.
Evening was good. Just had my popcorn and one glass of wine. Also had the Jello/yogurt treat with FF topping--very good and very allowed.
Today, we go up for Joel's birthday. Will report back.
P.S. Must remember to mention exercise--will do soon.
Hmmm...that's the ironic and discouraging thing about dieting: Sometimes, you get really, really famished and food tastes so marvelous you want to eat and eat. When you're not dieting, you often overeat, so you're never really hungry, and you never get that great feeling of being wonderfully satisfied and full. You keep trying to enjoy eating when you're already sated, and it doesn't work. Not a very profound observation, but something to muse about.
Evening was good. Just had my popcorn and one glass of wine. Also had the Jello/yogurt treat with FF topping--very good and very allowed.
Today, we go up for Joel's birthday. Will report back.
P.S. Must remember to mention exercise--will do soon.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Lovely lunch with Susan yesterday. However, we didn't get to Panini Bay, but went to the Tuckerton Grille instead. (A digression: I think there's a conspiracy afoot to keep me from EVER eating at Panini Bay. We wanted to take brother Larry there for dinner a few months after we moved here, but it was a Monday and they were closed. I later went with someone to have lunch--well, it was Tuesday, and closed. Another day, Rosemarie and I tried for breakfast, but even though it was 9 am and they serve breakfast, it was closed, I have no idea why. Yesterday, Susan and I drove up, happily prepared to "eat on the water," which I love, and we found the damn place closed for vacation! Is somebody doing this on purpose? Paranoia is setting in...)
I had Caesar salad with chicken and we both had a glass of Chardonney. Susan insisted on treating me and I made her promise I could do the same for her birthday in March. We talked and talked--so much that I finished only about half the salad, which was fine by me.
Rest of day was good, if not perfect, on the food front. I made fat-free hot dogs and baked beans in the crockpot for dinner. They were excellent and only 1 point each. Pat didn't comment that they "tasted different," so I'm hoping I can get away with always serving them. I had sugar-free Jello and yogurt later, topped with FF whipped topping. I did deviate a bit: After my wine and popcorn, had some pretzels, but not many. Okay, okay (wish I hadn't promised myself I'd be honest in this blog), I did have an extra glass of wine which, with the one at lunch, made three. WW allows only four for a whole week, meaning I went off pretty much, so shoot me.
What's looming? Dinner for grandson Joel's 24th birthday tomorrow, at Joel and Jen's. I'll be moderate (Jen mentioned pizza), but I'm not promising anything in the cake department...
I had Caesar salad with chicken and we both had a glass of Chardonney. Susan insisted on treating me and I made her promise I could do the same for her birthday in March. We talked and talked--so much that I finished only about half the salad, which was fine by me.
Rest of day was good, if not perfect, on the food front. I made fat-free hot dogs and baked beans in the crockpot for dinner. They were excellent and only 1 point each. Pat didn't comment that they "tasted different," so I'm hoping I can get away with always serving them. I had sugar-free Jello and yogurt later, topped with FF whipped topping. I did deviate a bit: After my wine and popcorn, had some pretzels, but not many. Okay, okay (wish I hadn't promised myself I'd be honest in this blog), I did have an extra glass of wine which, with the one at lunch, made three. WW allows only four for a whole week, meaning I went off pretty much, so shoot me.
What's looming? Dinner for grandson Joel's 24th birthday tomorrow, at Joel and Jen's. I'll be moderate (Jen mentioned pizza), but I'm not promising anything in the cake department...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
It occurred to me that overweight people--well, make that this overweight person--just gravitates to food items. For instance, I like to read cookbooks. I can happily sit and go over recipes whether I'm interested in making them or not. I have "food and recipes" in my "favorites" folder, and often look up dishes just on the mere possibility I may make them someday. I like books about food. Right now, I'm reading "Emperors of Chocolate," a history of the long and tumultuous relationship between Hershey and Mars. Hey, injesting the virtual way doesn't pile on the pounds as actually consuming does, so no harm done.
Yesterday? Great. After exercise, I spent most of the day taking the Christmas decorations down and, for one thing, was so busy I had only a half acorn squash and a big helping of broccoli for lunch. I made chicken, peas, and baked potatoes for dinner. My half of the potato I adorned with buttery spray and FF sour cream (thanks, Betty) and it was delicious. Had one small glass of wine and popcorn later, so I'm feeling good.
Today, yet another challenge: Am going to lunch at Panini Bay with friend Susan. I resolve to either order a low-point meal or take half home for another day. Now--aha! I'm happy to say I had first written "I hope to...," which suggests there's a possibility I won't, but notice I changed that to reflect my absolute determination--I don't just "hope to," I definitely will!--to follow the program and lose those twenty pounds by June!
Yesterday? Great. After exercise, I spent most of the day taking the Christmas decorations down and, for one thing, was so busy I had only a half acorn squash and a big helping of broccoli for lunch. I made chicken, peas, and baked potatoes for dinner. My half of the potato I adorned with buttery spray and FF sour cream (thanks, Betty) and it was delicious. Had one small glass of wine and popcorn later, so I'm feeling good.
Today, yet another challenge: Am going to lunch at Panini Bay with friend Susan. I resolve to either order a low-point meal or take half home for another day. Now--aha! I'm happy to say I had first written "I hope to...," which suggests there's a possibility I won't, but notice I changed that to reflect my absolute determination--I don't just "hope to," I definitely will!--to follow the program and lose those twenty pounds by June!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Good day yesterday: a portabello mushroom and rice dish at Sea Oaks--very good and very okay for WW. Took friend home, ran up to Manahawkin for lots of errands, then met Alison at 4:15 for "King Kong" (don't waste your money). In the icy rain we endured all day, we then repaired to "Makoto" (can't spell it), the Japanese restaurant and I had a delightful meal of a variety of sushi (Alison had shrimp teriyaki). It's a little hard to figure out the points, although sushi is listed, but I calculate it was about 12 or 13. I did not have my wine when I got home, as it was almost 9 o'clock and I was ready for bed, so I certainly didn't go over my 24 points.
We've decided to skip our usual Wednesday night dinner out this time, as so much continues to go on in the social whirl. Now added is a birthday dinner for grandson Joel (his 24th) on Saturday, and yes, lunch with Susan tomorrow is still on. Friday lunch with Marge isn't firmed up yet, but I'm okay with ordering right when we go out--for some reason, it seems much easier at lunch than dinner.
Today, which I made a rare free day when it comes to going out, we'll de-decorate the tree (or is the opposite of decorate "corate"?) and put away the other Christmas things. Thanks to sister Betty's suggestion, I bought fat-free sour cream and whipped topping, so I'll make some things with them. Also bought fat-free hot dogs--not sure how they taste, but I'll try sneaking them into Pat with a crockpot meal of dogs and beans tonight.
I can feel those "20 pounds by London" just sliding off!
We've decided to skip our usual Wednesday night dinner out this time, as so much continues to go on in the social whirl. Now added is a birthday dinner for grandson Joel (his 24th) on Saturday, and yes, lunch with Susan tomorrow is still on. Friday lunch with Marge isn't firmed up yet, but I'm okay with ordering right when we go out--for some reason, it seems much easier at lunch than dinner.
Today, which I made a rare free day when it comes to going out, we'll de-decorate the tree (or is the opposite of decorate "corate"?) and put away the other Christmas things. Thanks to sister Betty's suggestion, I bought fat-free sour cream and whipped topping, so I'll make some things with them. Also bought fat-free hot dogs--not sure how they taste, but I'll try sneaking them into Pat with a crockpot meal of dogs and beans tonight.
I can feel those "20 pounds by London" just sliding off!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Okay, here's the bad news: I gained 3.6 pounds. It's discouraging, but understandable (just reading my last many blogs will fill anybody in). This means I'm back in the 190's (190.8), so my immediate goal--for next weigh-in time--is to get in the 180's again. That's certainly doable and I will do it.
Cristine conducted a good meeting again. She distributed sheets with -------'s New Year Resolution on them and asked for what we'd fill in. It was supposed to be specific, so I said, "To lose 20 pounds by June, when I go to London." I wrote that down and I'M DETERMINED TO REACH THAT GOAL!
As for London, hugs and kisses to son, Mike, who's springing for the trip. Wife Paula went to boarding school there and her h.s. reunion is in June, so they're going and invited me to meet them there. This means they won't come to the U.S. in July, but they are planning to come for next Christmas--yay!
Now I must get dressed, as I'm picking up neighbor Anne Mary for lunch at Seaoaks. I'll THEN meet Alison at 4:00 in Manahawkin for "King Kong" and dinner.
That's okay, I can do it and I will do it.
Cristine conducted a good meeting again. She distributed sheets with -------'s New Year Resolution on them and asked for what we'd fill in. It was supposed to be specific, so I said, "To lose 20 pounds by June, when I go to London." I wrote that down and I'M DETERMINED TO REACH THAT GOAL!
As for London, hugs and kisses to son, Mike, who's springing for the trip. Wife Paula went to boarding school there and her h.s. reunion is in June, so they're going and invited me to meet them there. This means they won't come to the U.S. in July, but they are planning to come for next Christmas--yay!
Now I must get dressed, as I'm picking up neighbor Anne Mary for lunch at Seaoaks. I'll THEN meet Alison at 4:00 in Manahawkin for "King Kong" and dinner.
That's okay, I can do it and I will do it.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Food, food, glorious food!!
Had a perfectly delightful New Year's Progressive Dinner yesterday. Threw caution to the winds and chowed down with a vengeance! (Why do I keep resorting to cliches in this blog?) At Susan and Walters, appetizers included artichoke dip, hotdogs in "blankets," potato skins with sour cream, and delectable bread sticks wrapped with bacon, the dipped in Parmesan cheese. Barbara and Ray then hosted the entrees: stuffed shells, a chicken, cheese, and broccoli dish, roast beef, and more. I, virtuous Rosemary, brought salad--but also banana bread. After the huge meal, we then staggered to Leslie and Dennis' for sumptuous desserts: candy, cookies, cake, trifle, etc., etc., etc. It was GREAT, but even better than the food was our enjoyment is being with our Sweetwater Drive friends. We talked about the elaborate recipes we used to follow in the '60's and '70's and, on the spot, decided to plan a '70's get together and serve all those dishes, such as fondue. We'll have a ball!
Must go, as Frank (who just fixed my e-mail) and Barbara are coming to lunch. Tomorrow, I take Anne Mary to lunch at Seaoaks, Wednesday is our regular dinner out, Thursday Susan and I are planning to go to Panini Bay for lunch, Friday Marge and I have a tentative date. Saturday is Joel's birthday--and I still have dinner and movie with Alison to plan!
Do you believe I have to weigh in at WW tomorrow? Well, who's counting? (I know--I SHOULD be!)
Had a perfectly delightful New Year's Progressive Dinner yesterday. Threw caution to the winds and chowed down with a vengeance! (Why do I keep resorting to cliches in this blog?) At Susan and Walters, appetizers included artichoke dip, hotdogs in "blankets," potato skins with sour cream, and delectable bread sticks wrapped with bacon, the dipped in Parmesan cheese. Barbara and Ray then hosted the entrees: stuffed shells, a chicken, cheese, and broccoli dish, roast beef, and more. I, virtuous Rosemary, brought salad--but also banana bread. After the huge meal, we then staggered to Leslie and Dennis' for sumptuous desserts: candy, cookies, cake, trifle, etc., etc., etc. It was GREAT, but even better than the food was our enjoyment is being with our Sweetwater Drive friends. We talked about the elaborate recipes we used to follow in the '60's and '70's and, on the spot, decided to plan a '70's get together and serve all those dishes, such as fondue. We'll have a ball!
Must go, as Frank (who just fixed my e-mail) and Barbara are coming to lunch. Tomorrow, I take Anne Mary to lunch at Seaoaks, Wednesday is our regular dinner out, Thursday Susan and I are planning to go to Panini Bay for lunch, Friday Marge and I have a tentative date. Saturday is Joel's birthday--and I still have dinner and movie with Alison to plan!
Do you believe I have to weigh in at WW tomorrow? Well, who's counting? (I know--I SHOULD be!)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy, happy 2006 to all who read this! (All two of you.) Brave talk yesterday, somewhat crestfallen (but philosophical) today:
In a nod to my German heritage, I decided to have pork and saurkraut for New Year's Eve dinner (it's usually served on New Year's Day, I think, but who's checking?). I put a nice pork roast in the crockpot, along with onions, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. It simmered all day and the aroma was divine, but it occured to me it was a lot (about a pound and a half) for two people, so I invited good neighbors and friends, Walter and Susan, over for dinner. I added peas, saurkraut, the banana bread left over from Christmas, and the red velvet cake I had frozen from Alison's birthday dinner in November. Walter brought a nice white wine, but I decided to continue the German theme and serve Rhine, which the three of us enjoyed (Pat doesn't drink wine).
Well, we had a delightful time and the pork was superb. Alas, I also indulged in the cake a bit too heartily, and TODAY is the progressive dinner, but Monday, it's back on track, come what may.
Musing over what to do this summer--hmm...guess I'll go to London. (More on this later.)
In a nod to my German heritage, I decided to have pork and saurkraut for New Year's Eve dinner (it's usually served on New Year's Day, I think, but who's checking?). I put a nice pork roast in the crockpot, along with onions, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. It simmered all day and the aroma was divine, but it occured to me it was a lot (about a pound and a half) for two people, so I invited good neighbors and friends, Walter and Susan, over for dinner. I added peas, saurkraut, the banana bread left over from Christmas, and the red velvet cake I had frozen from Alison's birthday dinner in November. Walter brought a nice white wine, but I decided to continue the German theme and serve Rhine, which the three of us enjoyed (Pat doesn't drink wine).
Well, we had a delightful time and the pork was superb. Alas, I also indulged in the cake a bit too heartily, and TODAY is the progressive dinner, but Monday, it's back on track, come what may.
Musing over what to do this summer--hmm...guess I'll go to London. (More on this later.)
Happy, happy 2006 to all who read this! (All two of you.) Brave talk yesterday, somewhat crestfallen (but philosophical) today:
In a nod to my German heritage, I decided to have pork and saurkraut for New Year's Eve dinner (it's usually served on New Year's Day, I think, but who's checking?). I put a nice pork roast in the crockpot, along with onions, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. It simmered all day and the aroma was divine, but it occured to me it was a lot (about a pound and a half) for two people, so I invited good neighbors and friends, Walter and Susan, over for dinner. I added peas, saurkraut, the banana bread left over from Christmas, and the red velvet cake I had frozen from Alison's birthday dinner in November. Walter brought a nice white wine, but I decided to continue the German theme and serve Rhine, which the three of us enjoyed (Pat doesn't drink wine).
Well, we had a delightful time and the pork was superb. Alas, I also indulged in the cake a bit too heartily, and TODAY is the progressive dinner, but Monday, it's back on track, come what may.
Musing over what to do this summer--hmm...guess I'll go to London. (More on this later.)
In a nod to my German heritage, I decided to have pork and saurkraut for New Year's Eve dinner (it's usually served on New Year's Day, I think, but who's checking?). I put a nice pork roast in the crockpot, along with onions, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. It simmered all day and the aroma was divine, but it occured to me it was a lot (about a pound and a half) for two people, so I invited good neighbors and friends, Walter and Susan, over for dinner. I added peas, saurkraut, the banana bread left over from Christmas, and the red velvet cake I had frozen from Alison's birthday dinner in November. Walter brought a nice white wine, but I decided to continue the German theme and serve Rhine, which the three of us enjoyed (Pat doesn't drink wine).
Well, we had a delightful time and the pork was superb. Alas, I also indulged in the cake a bit too heartily, and TODAY is the progressive dinner, but Monday, it's back on track, come what may.
Musing over what to do this summer--hmm...guess I'll go to London. (More on this later.)
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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...

A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
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