Monday, January 31, 2022


 A good day, though Sunday. Did I get done all the chores I had listed previously? No, not all, but I'm satisfied. I did, indeed, clear out a lot of "stuff"--in the kitchen, for one. I have a tendency to save things, such as plastic cottage cheese containers with lids. They're useful, being easy to store and freeze things in, but I didn't need seventeen thousand of them. Anyway, I now eat oatmeal for breakfast, so don't get the containers. I kept out one, and jettisoned the rest, along with a bunch of others that had held everything from fish to vegetables. That made space in the cabinets, which I'll fill with my wonderful little casseroles. I also used the Shark and the Dirt Devil on the hard floors and carpet, respectively, then took both to the patio to empty. 

As planned, I bused to the library after lunch. It still isn't open for browsing, damn it: You have to go up to the second floor via the parking lot, then ring for somebody. It turned out that the Kellermans are still in transit from another branch. However, they had some new books displayed outside, including one called Tangled Up In Blue: Policing The American City, which I borrowed. It's a non-fiction by a former Washington D.C. police officer; looks interesting.

Called Ellen just to chat, then made myself a yummy dinner of salmon, potatoes, broccoli, and spaghetti squash. The veggies I had prepared before and stowed in the freezer. To top it off, I slept well--that's the best news of all. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...