Saturday, January 15, 2022

T.O.P.S., Olivia, And Hair

 At home, I weighed in at 126.8 for a loss of 1.2 pounds, but at the meeting, the scale read 125.7, a loss of .09. Incredibly, that made me the biggest loser for the week and netted me the prize of--gasp! One dollar! I don't know who suggested the idiocy of each member chipping in a quarter, the total being awarded to the biggest loser, but we've been doing for a while. Why only a dollar? Because our group has dwindled from the fifteen or twenty who used to attend every week to just the five of us (Sharon was out and will be again next week). 

Anyhoo, I did the program, such as it was. In truth, I had spent little time on it, but a least it was a little more imaginative than most. I introduced nutrition and diet essays from MedPage, an Internet newsletter for physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and written by the same.  (I can subscribe, but am not permitted to comment because I'm not in the profession.) A lot of it is beyond me, but I'm interested in the nutrition and Alzheimer's articles, for obvious reasons. I brought some items to the meeting, "the best diets," not only for weight loss, but for maladies like high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, the Mediterranean, heavy on fruits and vegetables, light on red meat, was adjudged the best in many categories. That happens to be more or less the regimen I follow.

Home at 10:00 and was about to have breakfast when Olivia called. She asked if I'd come down to her apartment to look and see if it was clean enough for the inspection, coming on the twentieth. I went up (she's on the second floor) and I didn't have to fudge when I saw the place. It's hard to believe anybody ever lived there, it was so perfectly, spotlessly clean. The countertops, cabinets, walls, carpets, baseboards were immaculate. There was no furniture and I knew Olivia's tenure there didn't end until the twentieth, so I was puzzled. It turns out she was staying at her sister's, so she doesn't get anything dirty. Poor Olivia is so sure the apartment owners have it in for her, she's afraid to stay there. So she'll been paying the rent for almost a month without even living here. 

I then spent an hour or more scanning the deed to my house and sending it to Richard Mazzei, the R.E. attorney in Jersey, along with a letter of explanation. After lunch, I walked to Smart 'N' Final in wonderful sunshine and was glad to get the three miles in. Got tilapia, salad dressing, and five pounds of red potatoes. 

In the evening, I started the process of renewing my passport. Completed the on-line application and will examine carefully before I send. I also have to submit a photo and I'm concerned about that because I no longer color my hair. All other personal information is the same, except the brown to gray thing. I'll have to find info on that. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...