Saturday, January 22, 2022


Just four of us at T.O.P.S., but it was an okay session. I brought eight lemons from the freezer (I have many more) and Lennie took them home. I told them about my lunch with Noreen at the Black Bear and all agreed it didn't sound very promising. Jim called while I was at the meeting; I called him back when I got home and yes, invited him for lunch today. 

As for the weight: At home, I weighed 125.4 with a loss of 1.4; at T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 126.4, for a gain of .07. I can't figure that out, but I suspect there was some confusion with the calculations. It's okay by me, though, as what I call my "comfort zone" is 125 to 130. As long as I'm within those boundaries, I'm fine with my weight.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:00. After that, I cored and cut ten apples, quartered a big orange, added cinnamon and put all in the slow cooker. Suzanne came over and bought me a bag of beautiful tangerines, home grown by a colleague. I have one with breakfast every morning, and can't wait to try one of these this morning.

Bused to town after and bought Shirley Temple's auto-biography. I think I read it years ago, but I like show biz memoirs, so thought I'd enjoy it. Home at 4:15 and I made up a recipe from Heloise called "Italian chicken." It's pretty quick and easy: chicken parts (I used the leg quarters I had bought on Thursday), plus Italian dressing, with cut potatoes and onions on top. You pop them in the oven for an hour and hey, the chicken came out delicious. I had one for dinner and it was very good, about as tender and flavorful as I've ever had it. The potatoes and onions were okay, but not necessary. Next time, I'll just do the chicken.

On the sleep front: I awoke at 4:15 (bad), but went back and didn't actually get up for day until 6:00 (good, although a half-hour early than my preferred wake-up time). I'll see if I can get a walk in this morning.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...