Monday, January 03, 2022

Sunday And Sleep

Finally got a newspaper and enjoyed spending time on the crossword, although it wasn't one of my better crossword days. Finished and cleaned up a bit, then walked over to Von's for chicken breast and other essentials. 

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we had a good lunch/talk session. I've noticed recently that he has seemed down recently--probably because his two classes this semester will be cancelled. There are only two signed up for one of them, four for the other. This trend, I believe, is prevailing all over the country. Maybe the COVID thing is combining with the idea that there's no need to study psyche or whatever for four years in order to have a productive career. Anyway, we had a good visit. He had pinot noir and I, beer with lunch, then we moved over to sit on the sofa and both indulged in small glasses of port. Jim didn't leave until 4:30, after which I cleaned up, then took a nap for almost two hours. Woke up feeling fine. 

On that topic: I've developed the nighttime sleep pattern of bed at the usual time (between 9 and 10), reading a chapter or two (I'm now into Kellerman's The Conspiracy Club), easily falling asleep, then waking to feel as if I've had a full night. However, when I look at my phone, I find it's only a few hours later--often, 1:00 or 2:00 am.  When that used to happen, I'd feel wide awake and get progressively more agitated with whatever my current worry or phobia was, then be unable to go back to sleep for an hour or more. Now, I lie there comfortably for a few minutes, then drift back to sleep.  I'm not sure why this agreeable development--well, developed--but I'm happy with it. 

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