Monday, January 17, 2022


Just tidied up a bit after breakfast with the Sunday crossword. I was annoyed with this one, as a  lot of the clues seemed obscure--or maybe my brain is getting foggy. Anyway, I finished only about three quarters of it. I put the artificial tree I had acquired on the patio and it looked okay, but decided to try it in other places, too. Tidied up a bit and prepared ham and Swiss cheese sandwiches on the small rolls I had bought. I made six of them, figuring if any were left over, I'll save them for lunch today.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we chatted for a bit, then had lunch. As it turned out, I had two of the sandwiches and he three; I wrapped the last one for lunch today. Served cheddar chips and peanuts as sides. I had taken my homemade applesauce out of the freezer the day before, warmed it in the microwave and gave Jim that for dessert. He asked if I had any whipped cream left and yes, I did, so he put that on the applesauce. It's just amazing how much he eats, considering he's alarmingly thin. We had our usual good talk at the table and on the couch after. Jim left at 4:15 or so and I walked him out.

Moved the big tree into a corner of the dining area, but I'm not sure if I'll keep it there or not. Called Noreen after dinner and we caught up with each other's lives. Also made a date for lunch on Wednesday at the new Black Bear restaurant, its grand opening tomorrow at the harbor:

AAGH! I woke up a 1:15 and couldn't get back. It's now 4:09 and what am I doing at the laptop? Thought I'll see if this would do the trick, but so far, it's not working. Later: Went back about 5:00 and slept until the alarm went off at 6:30. I'm pretty sure the insomnia is a result of not getting my walk(s) in, as it seems to happen mostly on those days. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...