Sunday, January 02, 2022

Saturday, 2022

I hardly stepped foot outside the door on the first day of 2022, but that was okay. I started putting away the Christmas decorations about 10 am and, aside from lunch, didn't sit down again until 3:30. I am SO glad I thought to donate a lot before I put it all up. There's plenty left, but happily, it all fits fine in the high cupboards in the hall. 

Not content with that, I also cleared out and arranged some of the full-wall closet in the bedroom. I had had a lot shoved in that that either didn't belong together or that I don't need at all. It felt good to go through it and get it into better shape.

I got some of the patio cleaned up, also, and saw Suzanne outside doing the same. We chatted for a bit and I gave her two more of Ellen's wonderful lemons. I still had about a dozen big ones, so put them in the freezer for later. I left a little note re the new year on Suzanne's and Vickie's doors and Vickie called me. We had a nice chat; she said she had been watching the Rose Bowl (she's a big football fan) and I said my husband was crazy about the Eagles. She asked if I watched and I said I had had enough of that when he was alive. I was amused when she said she and Mary were going to mass shortly and added "I guess you wouldn't want to go with us." I said, "No, Vickie, I had enough of that when I was younger," and we laughed.  

Called Jim after dinner, wished him the usual, and we chatted. His classes will--or were going to--start a week from tomorrow, but he now doubts if he'll have them. It seems there are only four signed up for one and two for the other. That's ominous news for him. I invited him for lunch today, so I guess we'll discuss it further. Knowing Jim, "discuss" doesn't mean what it does for most people, of course. I dread to think of what his childhood must have been like. 

The big news and the best news is that my Ventura County Star was on my doorstep when I got up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...