Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Cleaning Up And Squash

I was determined to at least start at going through closets and cabinets and selecting donation items. Did that for several hours in the kitchen, then in the bedroom. I even cleared out a few things from the patio--planters and so. There's a lot more both out there and inside, and I'll keep working on it.

Walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. Still on my squash binge, I picked  up a spaghetti squash and one called Kabocha, which looked interesting:

I finally found the dish rack and drainer I like, and bought that, too. Bused home, but still got in a bit more than two miles. Speaking of two, I didn't get home until then, so had a late lunch.  I did a bit more cleaning up, then prepared my Kabocha squash in the microwave:

I left it to cool, then lay down for a nap. I set the alarm for an hour and that's how long I slept. Felt good when I got up. 

The carpet cleaners are supposed to come today and I have no idea how much of the furniture I need to move into the kitchen and hall. I'm certainly not doing the heavier pieces. Left a message for the office staff; I think they were off for MLK day, but I'll get to them this morning.

I had half of the Kabocha for dinner and it was very good: reminiscent of butternut squash, but with a creamier texture.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...