Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil"

Above: the "bird girl" statue in Savannah Cemetery that was on the cover of the book. 

Changed the sheets and did a white wash, then finally tackled the pile of filing I had to do. Also, went through one bureau and took out things to donate. I still have a bit more to do, but will soon ask Julie to take me to Goodwill.

Bused to town after lunch. It was pretty empty--it was cool and weekends tend to draw crowds, not Mondays. I did buy some placemats and picked up two more DVDs. Speaking of...

I'm watching Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and greatly enjoying it. Why? Read on: The book was published in 1994, twenty-eight years ago, and it's about a famous murder. I loved it because it came out right after I had been to Savannah. I was visiting Mike and Paula, who moved there while Paula got her masters at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Boy, is that a neat place! You could tour the house where the murder took place, and we did. We also went to the well-known cemetery where the statue on the cover is on a grave. I'm still interested and think the movie is good--love seeing Savannah again.

The two DNA kits that Mike ordered arrived. He instructed me to keep one ("Health and Traits") and send the other, but not until a third shipment comes. I know that somebody--I thought it was him, but he says not--sent me a DNA kit before, but I can't seem to find it on my blog. Could I have gotten it myself? Maybe. I can't find it mentioned on this blog, which is odd; I could swear I had seen it written here. Will keep looking.

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