Saturday, January 01, 2022


It stopped raining! And the sun shone and the sky was blue and it was ten degrees warmer than before! That lifted my spirits so much. 

Wrapped Joel's gift and walked to the post office. Good grief, there was a long line; I can't imagine why, unless people needed to have things postmarked 2021, instead of--gulp! 2022, which it is today. Luckily, I was able to use the self-service machine and got it stamped and sent off myself. I also sent out more than thirty little somethings, including to those who read this blog and they'll arrive shortly. 

I talked back and forth with Sharon R., our T.O.P.S. Sunshine person (she sends birthday cards), in order to get another person's address. Sharon has an incredibly horrible phone, which inflicts on the users static, distortions, dropped calls, and so on. I've known her almost as long as I've lived in California (she was in both my acting classes) and that's always been the case. I can't fathom why she and her family put up with that. 

Happy to use my little cart again, I walked to The Market after lunch for various staples. Bused part of the way home, so only got about two in, but that's okay. Ellen called just to say hello and we talked. I told her I was getting a lot more comfortable with the new phone--thanks mainly to her. She goes back to school on Monday. 

I Facetimed Mike and family, who left to go back to Singapore a few hours later. They're staying on what once was Charlie Chaplin's house. All four tested negative for you-know-what.

I forgot to mention yesterday that the rag, The Ventura Star--rather their "parent company," USA Today (the evil stepmother)--sent out yet another notice that they were combining the Friday and Saturday papers in to one, to be delivered either tomorrow. How they can get away with this, I don't know.

Note: I had a riotous new year's eve: Stayed up until TEN O'CLOCK with Don Corleone, Michael, and Fredo, until Sonny got his at the toll booth. Slept well after that. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...