Friday, January 14, 2022

In Trust We Trust--Or Something

Well, my living trust is--alive, you might say, but all finished? Nope. 

Mike Williams, my attorney here, called me at 8:15, less than two hours before my signing appointment--to say there was a snafu with the deed. What? I had had that revised when I was in Jersey in November to reflect the fact that I'm sole owner. Yes, but it also has to include the caveat that my property in Jersey is included in the trust, which isn't in it. I'm annoyed with Mike that he didn't let me know this before less than two hours before I was to be in his office to complete the process, but I didn't want to start over. I went at 10:00, the notary came, and it was executed, I gave Mike a check and the notary one, too, of course.  

As soon as I got home, I called the Ocean County Clerk's office to be told I had to have yet a new deed which includes the house. I asked the woman I spoke to if she could suggest an attorney--she did, Richard Mazzei, of Beachwood. I called him, and we can do this by e-mail (I've already started scanning the deed), and I fervently hope the damn thing doesn't have too many more complications. Of course, he ain't going pro bono--I'll send him a check, too. 

Bused to town after lunch and enjoyed strolling down Main, although it was a bit chilly. I bought a sweater and browsed here and there. Called Ellen after lunch and we chatted. She's still tired and under a lot of stress what with absenteeism of both teachers and children, but was glad to see the end of the work week (I remember that feeling.)

As if the trust wasn't enough, fate handed me this deal, too (it's all about me, of course). The Ventura Star is dropping its Saturday edition in March, presumably without dropping its monthly charge. How they can get away with this is beyond me, but they already, as I've recorded here, omitted two Saturday editions previously, so who knows?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...