Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tuesday And Some Ominous Signs

Mindful of the endocrinology appointment I need to schedule soon, I skipped putting sweetener in my  coffee and walked over to Quest at Von's at 7:00 for a blood test. I was taken aback to see a sign on the door saying Quest was closed until the thirteenth. Well, it's not urgent; I'll go back then.

Suzanne stopped over about 9:00 after texting me about the QAnon person who died of COVID in Camarillo. Now her supporters are charging murder and, I guess, her detractors will think she got what she deserved. It's all hogwash to me, but Suzanne, for some reason, is interested. 

After that, I walked to The Market for the rice cakes I like. They've been out out of them for several weeks, and still had none. I then went to Wal-Mart for copy paper, a three-way plug, and file tabs. I got the first two, but to my surprise, they had no tabs. In fact, I've noticed that they've been generally poorly stocked  for some time.  

Bused home, had lunch, then took the 6 to the transit center and the 11 to the Cricket store. I asked the person there to transfer the pictures from the Cricket I've had for years to my new Apple I-11. He did, in about three minutes. (Unfortunately, after initially locating them, I can't seem to pull them up smoothly now. I know there's some trick to it and I'll keep trying.)

A Bed, Bath, & Beyond is a few stores down from Cricket, so I went there to look for a new dish rack, preferably with a drainer attached. They had exactly one drainer--one--and as far as I could see, no racks that would fit it. In fact, their shelves were very sparsely stocked. 

Okay, Target is right across the shopping center, so I'll look for the drainer and rack there. They had--wait for it--NONE. There were no racks or drainers on the shelves. Could it be that some diabolical fiend is buying up all the kitchen stuff to drive people crazy? At least, there would be no problem with getting the tabs I need. But there was: They didn't have any, either. 

But all wasn't lost. Office Max (also known as Office Depot) is right across the street, and I knew I could get them there. Walked over confidentially--and saw a sign on the locked door: "Closed 1/11/22. Will reopen 1/13/22."*

Got home at 4:00 and started assembling items to take to the trust lawyer tomorrow: will, house, deed, Real I.D., and lots of other paperwork. Must remember to bring my checkbook, too, as this will total about a thou.   

Son Mike Facetimed me about 7 pm and we ranged over a lot of I-Phone stuff. I got to see Vivian (wearing an SC tee-shirt) and Violet, who was filling in the courses she wanted for next year. Mike told me I should use Facetime or Messenger, rather than texting, but I'm still not sure why. 

Damn, I slept poorly last night. Julie is picking me up for the farmers market at 10:00; I may take a nap after that.  

*It may be tempting to believe all the life changes brought about by COVID are waning and soon, we'll be back to--if not as we were, at least some kind of normalcy. Now I think it won't be soon, if ever. Even more ominous than the above, were the notices by Ventura Transit on the bus app on my phone: Several routes were suspended "due to staffing problems" and would be until further notices. Luckily for me, they aren't on my regular routes, but I feel sorry for those who have to go to work or school by bus. I noticed also that several small shops I used to see on my rounds are permanently closed. Ominous, indeed. 

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