Monday, January 10, 2022


Stripped the bed, washed, dried, and re-made in between the Sunday rituals. The crossword was pretty good, although I didn't get two. Debated whether to go over to Von's for lunchmeat or just hard-boil some eggs. The hell with it, I did the latter. Cleaned up a bit, made sandwiches, and prepared for lunch with Jim. 

He came, as usual at 12:30. We also had our usual: sandwiches with wine and dessert for him, the same with beer for me. I also put out what was left of the crystal pickles and honey roasted peanuts for snacks. After we ate, we sat on the couch and had a long conversation, centering on COVID, the books we were reading, and--a constant bone of contention--the Jesuits. Jim stayed until after 4:00, then dropped me off at the mall, as I requested. I returned something at Target, got another, and picked up some Nut-Thins.

Unfortunately, for the first time in a while, I didn't sleep well. Woke at 3:00 and didn't drop off again for at least an hour, then got up at 5:00. I'm pretty sure it's because I didn't take a real walk. Don't know if I will today, either, as Julie and I are going to lunch in Oxnard. 

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