Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Getting Things Done

Busy, busy day, and I got a lot accomplished. I had lists of things I wanted to do and somehow managed to pull off most of them and--well, "semi-do" the rest. 

First, I tackled the OTC benefit from my Blue Shield medical insurance. This gives subscribers ninety dollars per quarter of over the counter meds and stuff. However, I kept having big problems with the web site, called a few times, and they said they were having trouble with it, so try again later. I did and it still didn't work. This went on over several months and I just got tired of trying. In truth, I don't use anywhere near $360 a year of OTC stuff. (My two Rx drugs are already covered in full.) After a long session with one rep who couldn't help, I finally got another. She couldn't get me into the site, either, so I just decided I'd do it by phone, which is allowed. I did and managed to get the whole amount, mostly because of a particular item of which I ordered three. Anyway, I got that done. 

Also: called the Grey Law attorney to make an appointment to sew up the trust thing. He was on a recording and I asked to be called back. I was dismayed to hear his firm is moving to Camarillo in February; I want to get this done before then.

Also: Walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart and--remarkably for me, got everything on my long list, including lithium batteries for my scale. At Wal-Mart, I got an adapter for the charger on my new phone--I thought. But when I got it home and opened it, I could see it didn't fit at all--damn! However, it felt so good to walk the three plus miles, I wasn't too upset. Anyway, Julie called while I was in town, so see later. 

Also: Stopped at the bank (BOA, with which I have a love/hate relationship--mostly hate) to pick up check registers. I had gotten from Theresa, my accountant, her usual instructional printouts re taxes, with places for everything on seven pagers. She's so savvy and thorough that every year I'm reminded how lucky I am to have found her. As for the registers, I write very few checks now--most of my operations are either through automatic payments or credit cards--but want to keep track by way of the year anyway, of course. 

After lunch, I bused to town and did another mile or two. While I was there, Julie called to ask if I wanted to go to the farmers' market tomorrow. Sure thing and she'll pick me up at 9:30. She also said she'd take me to Wal-Mart to exchange the useless charger; I hope they have the right one. Plus, she insisted she wanted to take me to my eye appointment at 1:45, too. Okay, I'll let her this time.

I still have a few other things on my list, but I'll chip away at them and I'm feeling highly accomplished at this point. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...